Friday, August 31, 1017. THE DAILY KKW8 MISERABLE FRO?,. i PROGRAMME OF SPORTS FOR LABOR DAY 10:30 a. m. Waterfront. STOMACIf TROUBLE oar Setting Contest (Llpselt Cunningham Co.), 1st prize 135.00; 2nd prize $15.00; 3rd Fell Wrclclied llnlil He Started prize $10.00. To Take "Frost-a-lhres" Acropolli Hill, 1 p, m. Ml CiuMruia fir., Mowtbbau fluiiningr Uroad Jump, lit (II. 8. Tor two rear. I u tuleeraWe Wallace) $5.00; 2nd (Munro sufferer from Khtumalitm iut Stomatk llroi.) $2.50. Tivh!t. I had frequent Wir V, Iluiinirig Uroad Jump (closed), anl when I took food, frit wretched lit ((lira Cigar Store) $5.00; and aleepv I suffered from Khea 2nd (Htewarl A Mobter) $2.50. isatiim drra.Jfullr, wilti pln In taf Uk ntl Joints,and my UunU swollen, Putting Hie Bitot, 1st (Herman's A frli a 1 aWlted Trult-allrea"and Cigar Store box cigars; 2nd ft m the outwt, titer did me good. (V. W. Wrathall) $2.50. rlt' &nl tor, if til t vaigtUig one Mile Walk, lit, (Acme Im Give each of Your t 7 acJ I can truthfulljr ay that annnnnn'aVjflS Bni i-'iaitH I porters; $7.50; 2nd, (Lynch uit a-Uvea" is tlio only nMsIicino llros.) 4Vt. sack of flour. Children War louis LAHIIIk. a n . telpeJme'. ' SMBannnnlK Obstacle llaco, 1st (J. A. Kirk. r a box, for$1.50, trial six. 23c. ff nBBBSannnnaBnnnnnnBB' 1 palrielw $5.00; 2nd (Hmilh & LI A 'I dealer or lent repaid by I'rult Mallett) $2.50. Savings Certificate. 1 ii'rj, Ottawa. 10 Vd laah, let (Ilrjant Co, COAL NOTICES Ltd.) $5.00; 2nd (Fuller& Mc- TET them feel that they are Canada's Mcfklii; ttf-lb. sack of flour, . lta it.... .-....!. M MalafcMWmMBSlWI CriONM 1 u. m.. iMrc ci.a a DHTMCT 01 COAIT, Hnjr . loo Yards Dash (closed) 1st, definite share in the stern struggle v.k aoUce Uil I. Hurt McLeea. Intend Hhowjmir at the Wcaihaime I (I'arkin &. Ward $5.00; 2nd, the certain vidory and the free and glorious future. to apply f" ! 10 proapecl fur roal lad litr-leui on the fouowior ocribel (Uulger &. Denike; $2.50. Encourage them to save and buy Certificates rrt, l a pott pUnted COAL NOTICES UM laocuon oaxneBcior ol um wur ana um The trip u- Tclkwa will ahow Boxing Match In Barrels, lit, themselves! You'll be developing their patriotism, rldtr iidtr mVi. x Uoee""H"wet,ld or um chini uiu IISTkllT or COAST, lusta I. you .f the finest accnerv in (Daily News) one year aub. their thrift and their business sense for Canedien War Wr.touts ttuinn tbeoc eatt it Tike Bouce ibtl.Nonnea Mctaa intend British Columbia. 208. 2nd, (The Empire) one year Savings Certificates offer absolute security and excellent JaLiaj I chalua to Um point I Wljr for licence to proapecl for coal sub. interest return. More important still, you will be TJSntaU coouiaint 111 icrt; f' lirnw on the follow id r detcrlbed uwYm a McLeea a Ne. 1. eltun.I "f"0' ' .P pleated 1 Mile Flat Hace (handicap) 1st, guaranteeing their future, for every dollar HUM KMU CI UM UklUiaMl rL-V,i MkMu HIT. mi itta. lent to Lanada helps win the war. of l McLutn Aa. t claim. Umt alwul (O.D. Tile) $10.00; 2nd (Geo. rmiip tbcny. Arret wm and a half mitet norm of Um trtttr per nrtr. tt4 uirra nuwa writ or um cdr Frizzell) $5.00. For each $21.50, $43 or $86 lent C.-TWI T Of COAIT, Bear I, ntrr, toaa ! Ctuliu; uor outa Jockey Horse Fight, lat (Prince now, the Government issues a Certificate, w cimiim: una tu etuini ubm .l. ,.... th.I I. Hurh McLean Intend wrw mw uuu w um puiai ti comrjMiica- Hupert Groceryj $5.00; 2nd, payable in three years, for $25, $50 or are r;r licence m pnpeet for eueiinieni. coniainiar acre, m be known (Muasallem Groceryj 1 sack $100. This means that interest is added acd w-' leant so U follow in t 0cruo I n. acittrt ne. I cujov .4. noMDUif at a pt pita id l uca Ma Mr find. itlT. spuds. at over 5 per annum. Certificates may UMAJ MtiXAJV, SALE OF GOVERNMENT LOTS 100 Yards Dash (fiihermen be purchased at any Bank or Money only) Tjiiu u aoru td of um Lmu tr i-wup i. c t, ctttitr, AroL P-art ClamaaU, Qaaan Chartolta laUnl. Order Post Office. Mtt ric- uxoca noru uuu 1st, (I. Burns & Co., $5.00; ut I ctuioj. UMnca aovia ai WiiiucT or co air. tuan i. taaiM ikrata ti ta ritaiat lo Um poiai TUi 2nd, (S. Muioallein AS-lb. For the sake of Canada and BOUcallul LMarnun McLean inuad aoni;E i year bmbr nm thai, actinr an-dr ,4 inmurr t'i coauuuar 4t acrat. U ttl' for a Uaaca to preaprcl for coal sack of flour. children, save and inveft in War Savings u. U kaci a il mcuu i ja. I uau laitracUoa rrom tae twpatr Miniitor HVirvMum oa Ika fbliasur dcafntMd atr flia. KIT. mm. af taadi. I UI on tte lllb dr of arptaca-twr. 220 Yards Daih, 1st (Fulton Cash Certificates. tiriMPciDa ai a oust duuimi HbOII McULAA, AaL aiul mm bir aula tul of um noriliaeil HIT. at it e'rtork ta tba rorrayoa. Market $5.00; 2nd, (Smith & tr rtuup LMjr. curuar of M. McLcao'a Ma. t claim; uwoca tl fori Ortmnii, tU br pabue tucuon Mallet; value $2.50. The National Service Board of Canada, urui ! cbaloi; UMsca caal ia caaiaai tha axj of I be abort towaalto twlonrtor MltaJCT OF COAIT, luaaa I. UMBca autiua it tbiiai: it act men it 50 Yards DatU (married ladies to I be crown. Tba apart pHca for obtca rltaiiu la Um OTTAWA. 7tU HMo Uat t, Uath McLaaa. tatcod point of coauutBcvtiMnl, eoa- 27 i !.; la prt-pwt fr i ft'?!0 'if'tl u IM IMI tl a. MC- Uw lot will tw offered I If I per lot for lit, (Brackmaa-Ker Co Ltd.; iiat laald lot tod lit per lot for corner tot. $5.00; 2nd, (Stewart St Mobley at a puai puoMd HIT. Term: eta bait raib and tMlaoea m aoa 12.50. auHMA mi mm acaia or um aoaiawtii coroar oi MtUaa. wlia rear Ulemt tl alt per real on tba a. acaaa a I clauni taraea aoru at par faiup UwaWf, AnOL 50 Yards Dash (single ladies; 1st ti deferred jarmrnia. Tba Crown Grant fea MI UMsca caaiaa; UWara ckaloat toaia til c&aiaa. uwoca taal ta cbaiaa la IIITkJcT or COAIT. Iaaia I. wttt te in additional PUo of tba town (Benson's Studio photos M0 tat poal ct riaimaataatat CMtaialst Taaa BoUra loal L Hart McLaaa laicod it and nil of lot to be offered caa be 2nd, (Jabour Bros; $3.00. lit acra. la Im kaaaa aa H. Mclaaa't to v lor a iMoaco to proapoci for coal area al Um offlca of tba AialiUnt Cora t (utav Kisiei Hace (16 years and under a and iwlroWiim oa um rvuoaiac dcacruwd of mliilucwr Laad. rnnca RoperL or of Uctlad Haa till, HIT. -cutoowaciaa tl a Dual Diaaltd 1st (Mcllae Bros, Ltd.' $5.00 Mr. A. R. fort ta HL0H McLtA.1. uut Bill tuata of um aauiMi coracr of MiUorr. Oerorau. or twr t-aun UMtur. Afrot. .1 McLaaa't . I ciauai Imibc aaoal om I h twparuneat Of Laad. "lcuria, B. C 2nd, (T. &. L. Council. $2.50 I a bait bmm a ourta of Uw Mnr rtttr. I IL NeNl'UJ.x. Aiaiitaat Coauuliiloorr Boys (10 and under) 1st, years t:kTW(.T or COAIT. Mara . tod Uum BHkri aeal t.f Um caday mm af Uod. Sept. IT ' ra toaui caaiaai Uwott taal ta (Peck's 8hoe Store $1.00; 2nd 7U Ual i.korau NcLraa lataod caaiaa, uwoca aucta ta caaiaa i uwoca tiitaaca to KM(I for coal (Fred Stork; $2.50. atal at caama to Um putal af cumaMOca- Navigable Waters' Protection Act. ja oa 1M (twwiSC daamlMd al, auauiaiat tit acr. to Im kaoaa Girls (12 years and under 1st, actaa ai put! piaaMd II, McLtaa't aa. a claim. R.B. C Chapter III. 1.-.UM Of um Cur and uiua icatod Mir find. ItlT. (Orine'a Ltd.; $3.00; 2nd (C. u '-ra. oa um aorta nm ax um MVUH MCLA.A.1. I Aar nr, Uwace aoau) tt csaiaai par rwllp cawjr, Arrat Tb Grand Trunk realc RaHwiy Co. C. Loop $2.00. tu mi ta cAaiati iaaa aorta at bereby rivet aoUra tail II Baa, under Boys (12 years and under- 1st, ta utrara vail It caaiaa to Um poiai m limon oiti) nmiiain tat atrva, DIITWlT Of COAIT. Mar I. Sevttoa T af tae tali Act. depotlled wlUt Max Ueilbronner) Medal: 2nd, la ii ta aa ta a. McLaaat Aa. I ciaio. Taka aouca ual I. IUf b McLaaa. la trod Uw MMiter af rabltc Wart it Oiuaw, A 9TJ00. (Howe Mc.Vulty; art for t ucaoca to proaprci for cmal Lwta Majr 1 1 Ik. itlT. and to Um office af tba Duuiet Bert'trar aukMAX and pairowoa oa Um foueaur dcacrUwd Girls (10 and under' IsL McLaaa. years cuiMacMf ai a puai ptaawd ai the Laad Rertttry oracw. Mitnct of tar rauip caMr. Airat. it um auruwcit coroar or a. McLraa i rrtaee ftapert tl Prince RoperL a de- (Orme's Ltd.; $2.00; 2nd (T USTaKr u i ciaiot. aad atawl ooa aad a bur rrtplMa of Um alM and plea l wbarr and & L. Council) r$1.00. or oiait. Iua . uw aoru of um air rlirr; uwoca akr z ca Ual l. Mart McUaa totond miM ia caaiai, Uwaca aaal It caaiaa,; plaal propwaed to be hall I la Prtar Ba-perl Boys (10 years and under; lit. to avp.jr t iKtaca to pr(l I or cnal Uwoca aoau tt caaiaii Uwoca aaat tt llirtwr. II Prince Bnprrt, BrlUiB Co- (Max Ueilbronner) Medal; 2nd, tad ptirjaaai oa Um foUoaiac dcacruMd ratio to um puutl af rwoaatriDiai, coo-Uwiar tambu. to front af Wtterrronl wort -o. uodti niamciat tl a poal ptaatad lie terra aad U tw too a at IL , AND TAkE NOTICE that after tba ax- (Howe & McNulty) $1.50. Everywhere oaa aM auu of Um aoaUivaal coraar cLrasi au. citua. i rartuoa of ooe boou rrua um one or Girls 8 and under) lit. of B. atLtaai 5a I claiaa UMsca auru Locatod May tlrd. ItlT. years It caaiaa toaaca tail ta ttaiati Uwoca MBia MCLUk, be Brit pabucatloa of tali no Ufa, um (T. &. L. Council $2.00; 2nd, oalk ta caaiaa. UMac otal tt caaiaa to far r-ailip CAwaWf. AtraL urand Trank racUe Mllwar Cetnptnr wttl. in work, study or play km pcssi of najMaomtai, coauuuai under SecltoB T of Um m14 Act. tpplr to (T. &. L. Council; $1.00. tit acrva. to tM kaa a H. MOaaaa DUTR1LT Or COAIT. Raar Uw M tauter of PuUlc Wart al bu Boys (8 years and under 1st, 1 l taiaa. til, ih.l I llaita MrLaaa UUOd Lattwd Mj mt, ItlT. to trtty foraticaoca to proaprcl for cwal ia um uir ar uiuwa ror tpproTet o um (Howe A McNulty; $1.50; 2nd, B WH MrtJUft, aad truirau oa um fouavuir awarruwd attd alte and plaa and far leave to con-tract (T. &. L. Council) $1.00. Wf raikp caaawr. rat .nrfMOCiot a l a puai " Uw attd wark. WRIGLEY5 it Um ooruatti conwr ar a. u DATED at frtnc Rupert. BrlUta Colum Girls (6 years and under) 1st, WlIWtT uAT. luata I. win aa t torik cltua,af and Itw aooal Brarrr IBrta nrrr;tod t uwoca balf bia. IBM ITth daj af AuruL A. D. HIT. (T. A L. Council) $1.50; 2nd; Taka optica umi I,aonoaa McLaaa latoad ail tt caaioi; uwaca aoau ta uauui THE ORAND TRIINE PAOnC RA1LWAI (T. A L. Council, 75c. to f I a m unaxa wuaivcl for cwal Uwoca rati ta catiaai uwoca ooria a JtMPANY. Patnmre k rultoB. Solid tort. Tfta Gum of Eumptkm ad i. Um lOMOtof daacrUMd ratio to UM poUl of cooimrocroarnl. two. Boys (0 years and under) 1st, ai a puai puaiaa utaiar at arm, to a kiwva a Hart (T. A L. Council) $1.50; 2nd. UrLta a aa. ia ciauo. WATER NOTICE is a welcome help. Loratod Max tlrd. HIT. (T. A L. Council) 75c. Flavour L? 3. , "T aia it ciMiaai liaiB KUU, Ito V tw aorta ta iaaiaa to par l-tullp UwaWy, Arr-ot I'SE AND STORAGE. Girls (I years and under) 1st, 4 (T. A L. Council) $1.00; 2nd, Teeth, breath, appe Last W M Httutt MltWCT Of COAIT. Mar I. TAkE NOTICE that Tba Empire rulp a I Uaun. v.... th.i I Haak Mrta Intend Paper MUU. LloL. wboae iddreM l Via- (T. A L. Council) 50c. tite, digestion and LortMd Mar Slat. ItlT to aiflir lor a liceoro to proapecl for coal rouver. B. C will ippiy ror a iicenae ra Boys (4 years and under) 1st, "aaaa mcuax. tiad peuoleum oa Um follow lat oetcruwo uk and um all Um witcr ind to itore. spirits are the better pr ramp cawr, aibl toad Ctaouwrtclnt al a pott plan led feel or wttcr el of njuumed (T. A L. Council $1.00; 2nd, H.ate acre Um oorUwett corner of !. McLaaa I for it. l Wnalen which (T. A L, Council) 50c. known Laka, WtTWtT Um at Uke. or COAIT, Mat I. aa. t claim; uwoca nuru aa cmmai uwu weal ta cbttnt. Uwnca aoalb It cbatai) now I and drain Into Wbal Channel aboal Tug of War 10 men a side uwoca rail te cbaia to Um point of com. mile aorUt frwn Rlvrrt BirtL 'ur ooe it.1"'1' to proapaci for coal coouiaiar acre, w um $10.00 Cash to winning team. WRIGLEYS makes Imi.1 " foUoainf daarrtlMd enrol, Tba ttorare dan will be located at welt kouwa a II. Mcutn aa. u cuuo. Baseball Match Union Men vs. jujuMBtiof ti a pual piaawd Lawatod May tlrd. HIT. end of Laka tl outlet cf lake. Tba capacity the next pipe or Sk f um aouiaatal carwr of HtfB uu, of reerrtf to be created U atxrat It.ete Iltmlneaa Men. fh.,.! .I Uai UMara toaia It ref i-aiiip ctwtler. AreaL trra feel and II will flood about t.OOt acret Ladies' Mail Driving Contest (T. cigar taste better. It Sfu '" Uwoca wtal II coaio to f land. The water will be diverted from Mar sweetens DIITIUCT or COAIT, A L. Council) 1st, $4.00; 2nd, pleasantly iawaraBol. cooutalai intend the i ire am al a point about Taken ar at T: u knaaa at M. McLaaat Tak aoUtw Hut I. Hath MtUaa. end of laka three mllei $2.50. I claim. to atal roe a licence to proapect ' tunnel from rut and soothes mouth tacawd Majt tut, tflT. and petroleum on tba folMWiac oearruwd northerly direction from Lot tt. Bntedale. If the weather is unsuitable on MlOll Mcl.CAM, Uada.- Comnwnclcr tt a poet planted rrtter Reach aad win aa uaea ror Monday, the sports will take place and throat. tl lb aoriawttl corner or if. aol the land deicribed par ranip ciMiwr, upon purpoect aa. I claim, and about ooa and a bair power on Wednesday afternoon. mile oorib of Better ntert taeoca wen ii la appliratlon to icaie ai ean rna oi DIITMrrr nr rnur .n.n.. i i te e bt in ) Uwnca aouta tt catini; uwuce Lake on rrer Reich. Three Tike WAitn. ih.. i wam.m aa rhinat thnca wartb It cbaltM to Tbl no tic w it polled oa tae rronna The Dally News delivered by to toolr tn.iiMnu tuiini nr nmnunMiiwRL eonuininr tit - the tth day or June. ItlT. A cosy of month. " ptiroieiua oa Um fwUowmr detertbed I acre, to be known a it. co. .trier, 50 cents per Lasting purtuaat Jimm..i..i. lUnld tbii nolle tnd aa tppliraUoo f rhtkAl claim. 1 1 nil in aar ran n ar m t U norlhmeal ntrner f II. klLun'i Located Mar II rd. HIT. thereto tnd to tba Water Act. nil. win i claimi tbenre wen It cbalaii Uwoca L'UM MCLEAN, la Bled in Um omce or the Water Recorder Flavouts ""u it catioai thence tl It cntuui per fblllp Cbeaa-r. rent. it Prince Rupert, B. C Objection to Um "ADoUarlnTim laroca norta tt chain to tba polnl ar raouneacenwiiL eonuinlnr 111 acr. to LAND LEASE NOTICE ippticatton may tM Bird wtin tot ta known a N, McLetn't No. I claim. miter recorder or with Um Comptroller Saves Nine" Stoatoaf tlMKept right Lortled Mir tilt. HIT. J Wtler Rlihu, Ptrliiment BuUJtnr. B aura ff'a WKf SECT'S auHMAN MCLEAN, SkEENA LAND DISTRICT DIITIUCT or Victoria. B. C wltnin thirty dy nr tha per rbllip Cbetler. Atent. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, nrl ippetrtnce of thla notice la I local VISIT to The Bank of TAkE NOTICE Hut I, Oeorr McM. al or the Brit publlci-tloa Tha date "filter meal DISTRICT or COAIT, Mnra I. newiptprr. A British North America every Ikldente. B. C, ocrtipaUoa eortoecr. of tail nolle I July I tin. HIT. Ttkt oouca Utt I. Ilofh McLean Intend IchI lo tpply for pennliUon to Vrato uw for the rmrDOSO ol to apply for a licence to proapecl for coal tad petroleum on tba follow lot deirrtbed follow Irr detrrlbod land!: LAND ACT of Itodn -Cwniawncint tl a pual planted Commenrinr tt a poil piloted tl tb depositing part your to lull aouta ol Uw tuulbwail corner nortbetit corner of T. L. Lot l)t. All ford earning, becomes a pleasant 'I N. McLetn't No. I claim, brltif about Biy. Itldctiie IrUat, tbenre well t SSEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT or t'Ot and aalf mllet norta of Um Beaver thenr tt COAST. RANGE t. and profitable habit,wheu oaot) balm. Uwaca north chtlni, Hear, tnd tare oillei writ of tba Cedar Ner, iiMtica nortb 10 cbainii Uwnca wail cbaini In an enlerly and toutherlr diree-Hon you have acquired it. It cbttnii tbenre aoulh to cbtinat Uwnca follgwlnr ibore Una, thence wait TAKE NOTICE tail the Orand Trunk ll ia ronttininr cutlut to Um point acr.of to be known chain to poinl of wroracaeeuwal, con-limine ncirie Railway Comptny r Wlaniper. The dollar you use to open II. McLean' No. claim, to arre more or lei. MtnlloU, inlrndi to tpply for permlitioo account in tho Savings located Mr ttod, HIT. luna Hth. HIT. OEOROr MrBAtC let toe follow inr oeicrtbed linai: an HUGH McLKAN. n umroenctnr it P r'tl toe moit Department in turn saves CANADIAN WOMEN per I'blUp Cbailer. ArenL CANCELLATION OF'RESERVE n thrly point or Lot I0T al or about others, as tho habit of saving SHOULD KNOW THIS DIITIUCT Or COAIT. Mnra I. Mtb wiler mark, tbeoce northerly, euter "CANADA FIRST"Milk It the BEST MHk KciterlT. follow In the Taka nolle that I. tiurti uri.m intnul NOTICE II HEREBY GIVEN tail tb l . BWVKUmj...k..i -iM . t , grows. StUby YourCrocer. The Government Bulletin 10 ipplr (or I licence to proapecl for coal rearnre eilillnr over a laull Utn4 la Ih ,inuoUie of lb ihore-llne lo a point of THE BANK OF No.305ttlUtht itory-IT COSTS THE SAME. aad petroleum on the follow ln derrlbd I liarbor of Prince Rudcil known a Lol cimmencemenl, inciuainr ail tnai lore-anor undaictntuwnclnr it a pott planted H.. ,.. . br betwrcn aim.water ind tow-wttrr. tiivlalreavicaiu aaaia mm mil. aou to of Um corner , CotM DI,,rUI. JT," July lOlh, HIT. Mil BriHsh North ctataita reaeaci-miitl i n. MCLtan'i no. I clilm. beluf about t rpenni ra'to pna v paled suerka H.wtlkirJcrain.eti)l"CJ.rV"Epcl (aa tud t italf mile north of lb Brtvari la Ottttte or the flit AprtL 110. ma THE ORAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAal.WAY taaa whip a wua IraaB araaaa. y.'"1 lbtt ln", of lha Cedar dtted Hth AprtL nil Ii eitcrllrd for co.. II. H. Htniard. Solicitor. TS YEAKS IN MXINESS. TnaAYLMER CONDKN8ED MILKCOmLv. capital anu avkru a, trjMLaae. Avuia.Or.,CtNiB wait so rbtlui to tba point cf conunenca. loI to the Ormd Trunk Partlle Pvrhp SUBSCRIBE FOR """i rouuiulnr tie tcre. to ba known lurnt Coiuitny, Limited. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH lacaud Ml!ndlTTtU'm' 0KO K NnM- "Ml,T ef Im4 Daily News !w.j.sMmiEns,Managcr ,uuoiiaititLRaN, lH-pirimni or Liadi, Yictori. t, H The per rulllp CbIy, AnL I "", HIT. M. A0. to