The Daily News .V VOl VIII. NO. 2fl 1'IHNCB RUPl'RT, I). C. SATURDAY. BTPTF.MHKIt 1,1917. PRICK FIVE CEXT9 CEE1AMS ARE FIEECELY AT MA ng r I ITALIANS MAKING GOOD PROGRESS-CAPTURE PRISONERS SOUTH CARSO REGION Germans are ANTICONSCRIPTIONIST RIOTS IN MONTREAL TRIESTE NOW RESTAURANT WILL CONSERVE KEEPERS MEATS PREMIER AND MINISTERS REPULSED IN THREATENED DISCUSS DEVELOPMENT (SptcUl to TtM Dtllj Xfl. In tho Royal Hotel Cafe laat Montreal, Sept. 1. VJld dis evening, there was a meeting of MOLDAVIA orders in which many persons BY ITALIANS REASON OF the batal restaurant men and ' VISITORS TO OBTAIN FIRSTHAND KNOWCEDQTOF including four lealraara ' CONDITIONS IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA LEGISLATION .were injured, po-' tm i k ri is (n nl a(ana naMi mail irsi tciaitr ocu i;a7 vn i... i . i. i-i FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF LANDS f LI... I oaa IHJCIIICH, WCrtJ SKUIII rillUlCU ISSl In regard to the recent order-in. Campaigns Delayed by Heavy Rain council of the serving of meats, ALONQ Q. T. P. FORESHADOWED scriplionists was broken up and German Raid Repulsed at and also about the meatless days. Sanguinary Battlea dispersed. Two Canadian officers Lens Casualties on The Hoyal, Arcade, White Lunch, A large number of the citizens I duclion, payrolls and agricultural on This Front. back from the front were Jeered French Front, London and I'alace were all rep. of Prince Rupert gathered in the development were required. The " Dur at and threatened with violence, resented and the proprietors 'Empress Theatre last evening to minsiter staled that the agricultural tcui to L The great and alinoat Buffered molestation tSpreoi to Tb biHr fle u agreed to the following terms: !welcome the Premier, the Hon. U. development of the country London Sept. at the hand of the tnob. London. Sept. I. None of the llaoon and ham must be served a urewilter, the Hon. John Oliver, tributary to Prince Rupert was khatlle which nas wsi-j and eouth. The Minister of Justice is three big campaigns now In pro in uie morning oniy irom o to lo.jMjnuier of AAgriculture, the Hon one of the objects of this vIsiL ,,n the western watching events. Mayor Martin gress on the western front have At the lunch hours only mutton, !. i. Patlullo Minister of Lands The next session of the Legisla. western iron oi -- -"'lWjj lop the revolutionary talk again gotten into full awing. Tbw fresh pork, fowl, etc, may be anJ lne olLer members of the lure he thought would see legislation ,f the motl langum! and parades. He has ordered the weamer conuiuons nawe noi yei serveu. from a io 10 in ine even-;rgi,!.! i10 had arrived in which would materially as. arrest of one agitator on sight. been suitable for continuation of Ing only roast beefnd steaks mayjUie eilr on lnelr of lhe north .aist in the development of the U ..evident thai jbe "0"",":,ad declare. Irresponsible boy. the offensive. On Ihe Italian front be served. This arrangement Counlryt n opeDjng the proceed-llands along the line of the CT.T.P. n. are p.ymg a.- i ii.tkiit price. .m lo for trouble. Win- General Cadorna in his drive for fchows that bacon and ham and 1 tng8 Uit Worship the Major wel-rYou have put us in office," said .. ....... Trieste continues energetically beef can be served only once perLimMi ih m,ni, nart. the the minister, "and charged us with .. . w. ii, tlmaa nr I h v",hi i i .n ... . ijir iimin m.t - and perhaps his drive Is the mosL day, the i more so on account of their mission duty, now give us your sym Rumanians ami nui. 1 spectacular of the current opera. Tuesdays and Fridays are the "with the greatest possibilities pathy. Every man in the Government The Roumanian schools hav TELEGRAPH BRIEFS lions The activity here display.;me'atless days, when no ham. in the fishing industry of any is doing hi. best, and we ed is more pronounced than either bacon, nor beef may be served. 'nort on the Pacific with the have a right to ask you to give us . . . . ... . ius pursuiug meir wsu uiowji v. i i 1 1- i i 1 it i I II 1 1 1- I U ' (rui u Tb vulj .nt. retain or uaig manliest in mem nvecr. mil uur uui oiuy uv greatest undeveloped mineral belt your sympathetic co-operation in Copenhagen. 8epL I. Friend, respective fields at Verdun and at serving of, mutton, fowl, fish, etc,!on lne American continent, and the big task." iiuered territory. ship for Germany I. vanishing in Arras in Flanders on tnese uays. H appears, mere- ;ti.e .eC0nd srealest standinu Premier Brewster. Pelrogrsd. SepL The Rus- Poland. The Polish Council of On the front below Lens. Gen. fore, that the action of the Privy ,--. fore.L" said the niavor. The Premier, on risingto speak, mans and noumanians repuiseu Slate has dissolved because it eral Ilaig reports the repulse of Council has only been to conserve ,-if e can .ucceed in bringing spoke a word of appreciation of with heavy losses to the enemy ventured to present an ultimatum a German raid five miles to the!the bacon and beef w hich may be ,lneie matters home lo the minis-shipped the hospitality extended to him repealled attacks In the region of lo the German government on foutbeasl of the city. No mention to the soldiers overseas.' and lh.T rean,. these thinKs and his party. First-hand know-, Cona, Southwest of Lake .Marcos military questions, the idea of a is made of the activities of the All public eating places which at we d0t wnen lney are making ledge of conditions was the cause ; intense fus ilade s are reported, Polish kingdom may be abandon Ilritlsh in this sector. serve overMwenty-llve meals per anDrooriations for the different of this trip, so that subjects i Osrmans After Riga. ed. French Front. (day will come under these restnc- 'parU of lne proVince they will which demand legislation might London, Sept. 1. The land aU Petain'a Indi wnicn im- be dealt with intelligently. The ' Kdmonlon The atreet railway General report uons win go into eiieci nave accomplished good by com. tads fcy the Germans In an en. motonnen and conductors went on cates the possibility of a speedy meuiaieiy. herej people of the north had a right deav I smash through the Itus. strike in a demand for higher renewal of the Infantry battle at riacarus are oeing .pnniea. jn ppM,f o Uia unpolitical ly )ir i - uyuuiiguc,., ill.mi i n..-.i.ft iriuiri ran slan lines and capture Itlga have Verdun. Artillery on both sides which will be placed in a eon- nalure of tne meeting the mayor aldered. lIe,taid'a,tribute,'to one q failure. The Germans wages. of Meuse actively busy in me resiauranis wJiose ashes are now coming -ted Home The Pope I bitterly the are spicuous place called upon Aid. O, li. .Nelson, be.ieved to be preparing a disappointed with President Wil- bombarding the German lines. and will impress upon all the fact Alderman Nelson. across the ocean to be buried in Ires iand and sea offensive son s reply to his peace note. His The fighting in the Flanders oi uie necessity lor tigniening our i Alderman Nelson a-racefullr his native country, Sir Richard i ."pfi txiats, destroyers, sub-. Holiness plans to issue a further offensive for the past month ha bells in order to help those who' icomej di.tinirui.hed visit- McOride, whose genial, affable tr. tj mne.sweepers and aero, cost Great Britain 60,2.13 casual. nave a greater neea. s - .nj Kav- a racv uDeech. liis nalure he admired exceedingly. f are being assembled. note i.hrisliania on peace. Three German ties, in killed, wounded and missing. !friendship for the Premier was Premier- Urew-ster spoke, at LABOR DAY SPORTS some length upon the necessity which had political opposition have been convicted at Her-gen one REV. CHAS. 8INQ IN THE CITY spies Information lo " !not broken. "We in Ibe uortb, for the development of Ihe natural for supplying the sailing THE MAKING PLACE On londay the holiday w ill be here." afd Aid. Nelson, "are ready resources of the country. Fish Friends in-town were pleased submarines regarding which later OF CHARACTER appropriately celebrated at the al a! Umes sland iaspection eries, minerals and forestry require were vessels lat esening to welcome back Her. lime of local recreation pars, me iraues froni lne ouujje.-- ue thought to be'supplemented by more Uias King, formerly of tho Melh. torpedoed. Public sentiment in On Thursday evening, a very and Labor Council bave been lhat if the represenUtive men agriculture. He referred to the tltl ihureh In this city. Ilev. Stockholm appreciative audience listened at busily engaged in providing a Jnm tue goutn came up oftener many problems which will have react lo unfavorably Nr g,ng came in n the train and llussia continues tentively lo the Rev. Dr. E. M. programme o f sports which anJ 4aw jor themselves what was to be confronted within the next the Pope", Wi.i spend Sunday with the Ilev. toward peace Keirstead. who Is Professor of should attract a large gathering. Dere lt woum Ue better for the few years, upon the successful S A. Crux, and will tiroceed proposals. Russian people are Theology at McMaster University. A large amount of prlxe money is country. Conclusion of the war. For the - scuUi on Monday U his pasUiral convinced Ihe propoal bear the Toronto. In opening. Dr. Keir available for Ihe contestants, $300 . Hon T D pattullo. greater happiness of the people charge. sign "made in Germany. stead made reference to the inspirational having Deen proviaeo. i Tne non. T. 0 pattullo, min. of the province, greater produc Washington Plans are now character of the natu llaces or all kinus win ue wu- isler of anjSt our own member. tion and greater development of the greatest as during the bu.Ur n.ri..,i in being formulate! on ral environment of this province nessed ana a general novel ana .Doke ghortiy. "in order to legis industries was necessary. Ihe city a growth and hi. scale yet attempted during the and Ihe suggestive nature of the interesting programme win pe lale wisely and Drudently." said . He paid a compliment to Prince and leal are in i ... war for an Immense offensive on natural resources jn this new.carried out. Of special interest Mr. pauun0 -jt i necessary that Rupert in telling them in no undecided ' all fronts In Kurope neU spring. Minister of r"PonI),' for the fine mliflce country. As Ihe making place of may be mentioned tne tug-oi.war tne ,ninlsters visit the different tones that as be strafed Roma America is to member "made where the Methodist congregation character, he showed that in the Tor which a prixo or isu is given. partj of tne province." Northern Lands, their had now worship. neL according to information The winners of this are eligible good. matter of Ideals. environmenL ao- J nad lue greatest potential At one of the services in the coming here from Germany. Iif- cial relationships, religious at for another contest witn tne nsn- ..,,,, n th. .. hole of Uritiah Mr. Speaker Weart gave a Methodist lomata here look for an Intense and the winners ol this bright speech and the meeting w as Church tomorrow. Mr. Allies. mosphere, quest of knowledge. ermen Columbia. This visit was to look the H.W" pre"h tnJ nnr of his U-boat activity against furious over etc., the Church was a great force. event receive o. them over and to see in what way closed by the singing of .the National old friends in the city will be The Germans are of the Popes making for the belter interpre-t.tinn The local committee having In ami manner they could be settled Anthem. pleaned to avail themselves of the the non-success of these subjects. hand the celebration are deserv- .. (1vnrw,,i Th best thin to opportunity to hear him aod to peace plan. Dr. Geirstead is a forceful Ing of grat praise for tho arrange be done for the city of Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Stewart and renew old acquaintance. Ottawa The U. H. H. mil nas speaker and hefd his audience attentive ment of such an attractive pro. was to develope the country family left for the south this the of-under finally been disposed Little Jimmy 4s now morning. with his clear argument. gramme. back of it. Mr. Pattullo gave the Mr closure rule. In the Commons at able to limp around with a crutch John - llergman. of this city. credit for bringing the party- to- for o'clock this morning. who Mlss Kenny, formerly of the and his-Tnany friends wish a llazellon Master Heverly Davidson J' on yesterday's gelher anJ m&liag ihu visit lo hun loan of a good The fourth war return to his former train, where he will spend the mil- has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. civic leiepnone mo. ien r lua nortn posSible, to Mr. A. M. speedy dred to a hundred and fifty health 4nJ activity. H few days. floated in J. H. Pillsbury of this city, re soutn tnis morning. cu7 Manson. M. P. P. for Omineca. I inn uill ttrnbablv be turned home on this morning's is a candidate in 'The Worlds j Hon Jonn 0IUeP think When think of shoes, The favorite household Coal la October. boat. While here, Heverly had a vreat priie contest anu win d The non. John Oliver. Minister you of Wallace's. J-adyamlth Wellington. Phone 15, great old lime and all his little actively employed in tne soutn in of Agriculture and Railways, who Prince Rupart Coal Co. X. LOCAL BASEBALL TEAM chums were glad lo see him al an endeavor to win the grand n,.v nntt fnnrt it hard to keeD Coal and Wellington LEAVES FOR TELKWA For New though it was only for a short;prlxe. Her many friends wish her away fr0II1 mailers political. He Fir Lumber of all dimensions. i success. difilcult of the holiday. 'showed the posilion Mr. Hen Self I taking a crack Phone 118. $300 IN PRIZES . . ' ' present ministry with regard to team of baseball playera lo Telkwa finance. With a revenue or nve Ihe barbecue. Tho team with for and a half millions less than In LABOR DAY which they will content will play VESTHOLME 1013, the financial obligations arelurn match wilh the local boys EXCURSION the province were millions more at the Fair. Mr. Haney Fraser LABOR DAY than then, The people have a Jesse L Lasky presents will accompany the players as MARIE DORO right to know such things and chief rooter, and The -IN- :: CELEBRATION manager. minister have a right to tell them Harry "CASTLES rOW TWO" team will be" as follows: Under the Ausplcea of the Astoria. Jon Ratchford, H. Mc V. TO TELKWA SATURDAY,SEPTEMBER 1 else ly judged.the conditions Until cannot the province be fair. Ham Comedy Travelogue Hardy. Daniels, 1 Murphy, t. Tradaa and Labor Counoll gels down to a state of economlo Meniin. Kddy Klrkland, II. Urooks, MmlsslM 10 a4 IB ssots. productivity, present conditions rlLn prk, prln Ruptrt, B.O. J. Ilemphril loft on the train this BARBECUE HORSE RACING STOCK SALE will not improve. Industries, pro morning and will be at Telkwa to MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 3RD. the team there. Join f pecial traiu will leave Trince Rupert at t a. in. Sunday, SPIOIAL PtATURIB September 2nd, Passengers may board sleeper after 10 p. Prince Rupert Exhibition LONDON CAFE ruhVrtutQ'i Contcil (Includioc mtny m. Saturday. Returning, will leave Telkwa 10 p.m. Monday, "ol fmurti), Jockey llort rih September 19, 20 and 21. WANTED Tuesday. Pas. QRILL (toiuctblDf mi, vtry funnr, Uon'l . Sept. 3rd, arriving Prince Rupert 8 a.m. AND ulii Ii). on Mil lurt, liunDlnr. x 10 Laborers sengers desiring eleeplngcnr reservations make application PrUe Lists and particulars Third Avenue luiupinf, sttoi rutimr. nicf t ror 6 Framera City Ticket Office, Orand Trunk Pacific B20 Third Avenue. Best Service or the to be had at the ofllco Prompt ltllft, Boxi tud Cbildrtn Apply of the Association, 318 thsre Is to eat at all hour. Prlnoa aASIBALL AND TUO-Or.WAR Rupert Lumber Co. toirirt in sua bpa In tn trounJ. Seal Cove, Fare: $6.80 Round Trip. Fifth Street. 20o i BOXES FOR LADIES MmlMln u arwS(, AsmIU ts. a a j)