THE DAILY 1KV8 Hi a urntlLE The Daily News :,..r.:r.... THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA ror the East. PublUhed Dally and Woebly Mondari. Weilnesdaya and Vri- -. n.fin a Guaranteed Largest Circulation i ia at " HEAD OFFICE: From the Dally News Iluildinjr, Third Avenue, Trince Itupcrt, B.C. Tal DS. -u.idayB, Tuesdays and Pri-at Really Sir, :W P. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 50 cjr.t per Inch. n you am Contract Hates on application. For Vancouver. w -- 7 a. m. Monday vastly 5 m. DAILY EDITION Snlurday, Sent. 1. !917. l ueaetari p. -ttiunlays .... 7 a. in. & 4 p. in. interested in THE PREMIER'S VISIT of community settlement, or From Vancouver. One of the results of.?tlie ganized on tho proper lines, w,.n.lfta It r. irf. visit of Premier Urewster and which this fair province has lniyi 9 m Sunlight Soap his colleague, the Hon. John never heretofore enjoyed, there eiwdays owu a. m. Oliver, Minister of Agriculture, Is no reason why British Columbia rndays n, and the Hon. T. I). Pntltillo, should not stand in the made ,m You pay for the srrncnl. it Minister of Lands, and the forefront, both from an argi-cultural For Anyox. well and de.n.e, carefully fpfeC ANAPA J J 'J m ou like other members that will be and a stock raising Sunday 10 p. m. have leisure and lo be free from the your wife to looked for will be the quickened point of view. With a polic of 1 E .W?G ILLETT CO.LTD.Il Friday .... 10 a. m. V 8 p. m. of wath-day work. You. as a bmineit drudi rn7 Interest of the Government of some system and sence common KHfTPtAtl what the gj WIHMIOKQ B can apprcciale $5,000 SunliiS the Province in the develop backed with practical and technical From Anyox. guarantee of purity must mean. ment of the great riches of knowledge, there is no Sundays, a.m.; Tuesdays, p. m. SujJ4cit to her that SunlinhiSospmuttU this northern part of Ilritish reason why much greater nd Saturdays, a.m. worth a trial -for It It. Columbia. The real extent of things should not be realized out the ebullition of revolution, so the natural wealth of this northern from this land which a good the Russian revolution will quick or Port Simpson and Waas Rler. 9anUht Soap ( Mid by M rori, ll la mad la Caaadt LTr by country is as yet unknown." God has given us. en the spirit of democracy Saturdays, a. m. Hrothert, LlealUd, Toronto, u There are large tracts throughout the world. of the interior which have not NOTES AND COMMENTS For Queen Charlotte Islands. yet even been prospected, and The trip to Telkwo will show 10 p.m. July 18th, August 1st, a greater part which has been On the Italian front, the olTen you some of the flnst senery In 5th and 39th. prospected, but not thoroughly. sive had to be paused to enable British Columbia. . zoo From Queen Charlotte Islands Nor have the agricultural possibilities the artillery to keep up with the July 22nd, August 5th, 19th; of the north even been infantry. On the western front, See your own country CrL eptember 2nd. appreciated. With the opening the offensive is retarded by stormy come on to the Telkwa Barbeeue S. S. PRINCE RUPERT up of the country by means of weather. On the Russian front, on Monday. 206 tewart, Maple Bay and Swamp on railroads and easier transportation, the offensive is slopped by the Point. it will happen in the Russians running away. The Germans Navlgablt H.S.C Waters' Protection in. Act. For Wednesdays. 10 p. ni. PRINCE GEORGE very near future that the rale should be thankful for chapter From Saturdays, p. m. of progress up here in the north small mercies. cm. SOUTHBOUND The orand Tnmt Pit lUHwty Monday . m. for Sainton Bay, Vancouver. Vlctort and Settu. will be accelerated. heretnr rive ru Out II hai, trader Alaska and Yukon Territory. ItUirdty I a. ta. for Octaa rn. Vtnoeavtr. Vktoei and SeaiU. The tour of the Premier and Yesterday wfls the first meat Secttca 1 of tk hM Act, depoatled with For .Mondays, 7 a. m. NORTHBOUND his ministers through the interior less day in Prince Rupert restaurants. Mm- MtnHter of PMie Worn it Ottaaw. and mi Mm om f Um DHtrift aertttrar From Saturdays, p. m. WEDACSD1T tt noon for Elchika. WfaorvU. JotMaa tad Ittraif is being taken to see at Tuesdays and Fridays no or iim uJ nrtt7 ome. DHtrtct f rRIDAT II noon fr Anynt. first hand and to gain some Impression beef nor bacon must be served Frine Itwert, it Prior Riwt, a - TRAIN SCRVISC of the possibilities of and only at one meal on other -HfUeo of Um MM ttxl r of wharf and t t bull! a Prtoea rterer M today. Wednetdty and rrtday tt 1 1 IS a. . ror Sawtkm this land which is as yet undeveloped. days. The regulations do not plant propo! pwl IlirU. tt print ftnpcrt. BriUib Columbia, rrtare Oewrs. EdmoakMi and Wlaalper, Ktaktor direct rawectlon far at To this end the practical mention mutton nor pork, but to front of Waterfront Block "Q." potnu rait and UL Mlted Toetflay .. far Snuthrn tad tO b knowledge of Dean Klink. these commodities are both dearer AMD TAKE SOTICE Uul fter UM ei- lermedJtt poralt. , of the Faculty of Agriculture in and scarcer than beef. Those Mrauon or oim tneela from um om or Agency All Ocaan Steamship Lino. the University of British Columbia, who do not like fish and cannot Oram he am Trunk rxtMtU0a retfl fUllwiy or urn Curopaay noueo. wlU,to TIMBER SALE X101S. For Information and reservations apply to and of Mr.J. E. Unbach afford mutton will now have under Sctka T of Mm Mtd Art. apply to City Tlckat Office, 620 Third Avenue. PHONE M Surveyor-General, will stand something to "beer about. The Mm MtaHter of raMK Wert at bit eCIce Sealed tenders wttl t received by Um the ministerial party in good gourmands will be seriously con in Um air of Otuwa rr approve! ef Um MtMater of Land not later Utaa noon on iaKi lt and plan and for lev o eon-ttnKt Um ttnd day or September. HIT. lor Um stead. The time is close at sidering whether life is worth the aaM work. pwctUM or Ucencn X 191. M tat Mil. hand when these reserve spaces living these days. "Eat as little HATED at fme Rprt, BrtiHb Colum-Ma. OOt fret of Spruce. Bataaaa and Hemlock of the country will have to be as possible," say the regulations. thM STtn day of Aiftil. A. D. HIT. on an area aliuated on Una Lake. Rant brought into greater use. These "Beefless days and boozele! THE ORA.1D TRUSK fAOHC RAILWAY Cuaal Witrtet. COMFA.1t. rttmor Pafton. SoUettor. Tkreo it i yeart vtti be aHowe4 lr rt CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY fertile lands which at present nights" will be a poor prospect moal of Umber. bear nothing but wild grasses for the winter for them. WATER NOTICE mrttwr partlcoiar of Um Chief ror and bush, and provide a happy DtverMon and I'M). rater. Victoria, B. C r DUtrtcl rorciur Lowest Rates to all Eastern Potnt hunting ground for sportsmen President Wilson will not discuss rrtneo Rupert, B.C Stl via Steamer to Vancouver and th will.have to be made more pro peace with the present German TAKE .tOTICE that R. K. Hem. whoa LAND LEASE NOTICE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ductive. Increased settlement Government. The decision addrn U Stewart. B. C. wtfl apply for Meal mnd ttorth Included n Steam a Mcre to take and dm eeiy mbu Is what the province of British for peace must come from the fret r water Ml f .forth and'.Caai rorki SKKCAA LA AO DISTRICT DISTRICT Of Columbia requires. It is recog German people, not their rulers. f Cascade Creek, watch Bow aoauwny QCtXX CUARtOTTK ISLANDS. Prlncasa May for Qranby Bay and Alice Arm 11 pjn. Frist; Hi to salmon River. Cattlar tMitrKt, B. C Prlncasa May southbound la Ocaan Falls 0 p.m. Sunday nized by the members of the A German democracy might de Tbe water will t diverted from Um TAkC 50TTCK tnal I. Oeorro McRae, of Princess Allca for lha south Saturday, SapUmbar 1st but not the Kai clare for Cabinet that at no time in the peace, treara at point about two thoutand feel In-lond SkideciM. B. C, occupation taftaeer. 3rd. for the north Monday, September history of British Columbia has ser's clique, until tbey are de aboe tbe fork. TWt notice waa poated a apply far pcrmualaci la lea Um Princess Sophia the.need been greater for more cisively discredited. on Um rroand on Um tilth day of AotTiit. follow tar deacrtbed land: agricultural population than it ... 1117 A (pt or uua not and an CotnmcncUif ai poat punted at Um J. I. PETERS, General Aireni pUeauoo partem! thereto and to um af T L. tot 111. ARford is today. A greater agricultural The throes of regeneration Water Art HI 4. wUl b fried In Um tunc nortbeatt Biy. SUdecaU comer Inlet. Uwac wett tt Co ner Fourth Straet and Third Avenuo, Print Rupert. B.C. population means a greater through which Russia is passing of Mm Water Recorder at Prior Rupert. Tbatntj tbe oca norUI S cbalna, tbeoco It production of food stuffs. And at the present time are having B. C Objection to Mm appttratloQ nay cbalaa in an easterly and aoaUMrty diroc I Bled wtui tbo aald Water Recorder, or ua foUowtsr i nor Um, inrnco it t due effect the remainder right now food stuffs are notoriously their upon with Mm comptroller of Water Rlstu, cbaln U polo I of eoatmeaeeaienl, con. scarce all the world of the world. As the French Parliament BaUdinr. Victoria. B. C, within tatnlav IS arret mora or leaa. A IS, over. revolution made a profound im thirty daya after th Brit appearanro of June ttU. (BIT, OEUR0E McRAfc. Utfa no tie In a local new(paper. The daw Immigration of real settlers pression upon the peoples of the or Mill nouca li or the nrt pabiieatton MINERAL ACT is a desirable thing, and with eighteenth century, and made for Auruat II. Itl7. B.I4 Launch AliceB. a thoroughly practical system'progress in other countries wtth- R. K. HULL, AppUcanL (R.S. B. C 111 Hotly FracUoa, Bircb, Crocua rracnon. BBBBBBmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa roll THE SALT U" and Plum mineral claim altoau la Um Uueen Charlotte Duuict totaled at or . 1 IT TtCBaBTjSfluHfaBrv Every fla 0F near Ikeda Bay, Uueen Cbarloiu Hiandj. f3BBHBJBJBBJBJBJBpBJBBal 10 . A NEAT KITCHEN Provinco of Brtiua ColamDla, lawfully held ETUBN rI (S. by Ikeda Nine Limited (.ton feraonal WITHOUT A BROOM Uablllly.TAk'E .tOTICK UmI I, lohn A. Maclane. i. THOMAS.Catt rea I Sullettor for Iked Mlnea Uaolted (5on era set. I No coal-hod, no ash-pan, no reraonal Lubiuty rre Miner Cer unru Ao. itistc laieod, afur Um eiptration dirt, no bother. You never have uty diyt frota Um dau beraof la apply to sweep up after cooking on a on behalf of the aid Cunpany to Um aatd Diairtci for Mininr Recorder of Uw NEW PERFECTION. It a CarUDcat of Improvement for each of cooks more quickly and more UM abet claim for Um purpo of ot conveniently than coal wood uimor crown trant thereof. a or A.ND rihTHtH TAkE RUTICX that acUoa Letterhead ranee, costs less for fuel and takes under Section si of Um Mineral Act mtul Envelopes ba commenced before Um latMtnc of anch Half as much room. up certiOrata of Imprevrmeota. J3ttmnt Dated tbla ItU day of Jon A.D. HIT Cards, t'.ie. These dealers sell them: i. A. Matl.lACS. Sol)rl lor for Ikeda Mine U ml lad IXjoq reraonal LUblllly). St I n THE ESTATE Of CHRISTIE OIBS0.1 rhempaon Haa oar Ce, Print" Rupert." (DELEASED) The News Job Press Kaltn Hartfwara Co Stork' Hartfaraa Co., " " NOTICE IS IIEREBT GIVE.t Utt all Prulkf ef All DescnstiMS Dene How A McNulty, " peraooa havint claim tipon Um Eiuie of " " UM lata Chrlttta Olbtoa who died on or ft. J. CUIIand, about Um I in day of November, A. D. Boy Vua av Co fort Siaipton. O. ISIS, bll on aeUv aervlc over. P.O. Bst S9 r 1'rokTram 1 are required to send to I. II. McMulUn, O racial Admlalitrator for tho county of CaUloir Atun, on or bcror th loth day of Scptem DoJrs t ber, HIT, a full ittumeot of their cUlmt, rour,K With Roy alii t Coal OH the Ntw or held any ecurlty by Ihem, duly verified. Perfection ivM cook your meal ana artrr that cut th undeniroed VIU for from 5 to 10 cents. proceed to dmnbui th at tela of um aecettej tmooc Um prtie ennUed tber THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY to, btvint rertrd only to Um claim of which nolle bat been filed with him. limited DATED tt frlnea Rupert B. C this I lib BRANCHES IN AZX CITIES , .ni, n, v. 111. News SI J, II.Otncui McMl'LlLI,Adminitrtt9r. Advertise In The Daily EMPRESS COFFEE IAJMQLEBALE DISTRIBUTOR F. Q. DAWSON PRINOK RUPIITT. B. ft