September I IP.7 Saturday. THE DAILT NEWS LABOR MEN TO MEEr tiic PUIPP PIIARMt coMVENT.0N;The Mission IIIL UlllLl ui.m.m jn Wonderful Vancouver. Auruh 5h.- h.i- t . 1 . 1 O . 1 LOVQYWOERAn gat.. rrpr.e.-.t.. ,a,jr or uie internal Dam OF from nil over iirllut, Cou,bu l.ave been ummoned to meet By C. G. Pcrcival, M.D. l.ero Labor on Day. jJt. C1-er,Smooth Skin Comei With discuss Rente ml..,., n Do you know Hint nvrvr fHo thai the lowering of the vitality to olTectlnir conscription tl. and ?Uler ,,,,n(lrptl Ibous'and Americans and resulting from such poisoning Is II..niauera union labor" ",ler" of fenadian. are at the present time favorable to the development of The convention l (. i. ...... .J:..?m h reeom from email, an cancer anu lunercuiosis. i.- i.i. 4 . . " ".'I'll B S Serious, ollmanta hv Um Al lli. IImx'. ir...t.ll-l Bi liib i-uur iRinniA ami i I opened at 10 oc lock r the ore l' i, 'nlernal nalhl"T liam Arbullinot Lane decided on J .. . m know bosls of en. the heroic plan of removing the if tile tSiiT: TrL M'ra' i "S"" " 1OV6rlt,he diseased organ. A child who ap. bor Council, w, forniljHa 'i?1 ?' pea red in the final stage of what belf'evved "lo was be arwincurable come mo delegates. One of the comm.fwiinc, . . .-. -.' i ,.i big questions u.M.1. . ... I . " i-tuiiiimiiH lino form of tubercular Joint disease, will have to ----- .r me must iiteiy way was operated on. The lower in consider now Is that of the sympallietlc strik known, to secure and pro- lesllne, with the exception of nine it I . . health? inches, was removed, and the wini it iiu-i uccu proposed to .... . .. ... ...... put - ft! a I Give each Your into effect In case th .i.1. ! rB ine "est of logical ;portion left was joined to the of coimcrlollon net i. n.,tt-- , . ,ur "' Practice ana smaller intestine. tscit-Kair art? cum nr imin . opinions,, .and these reasons "The result was astonishing. Children a War north as Prince Iiupertand Prince 'one 7 ,niere,un u ycrT- In a week's lime Iho internal organs Oeorge to lake part In the dis In the first resumed all their normal Sayings Certificate. cussion of what will be labor place, every physician functions, and in a few weeks the r H0"M WATSON realties and agrees that 95 altitude generally In regard to patient was apparently in perfect BC Drayton Are., Toronto. conscription of man per cent, of human illness is health." ET them eel that they are Canada's power for Kot. 10th, 1013. caused military service directly or indirectly by You undoubtedly know, from partners that they have each a A brantul eom pie i Ion It linlom accumulated watte in the cnlon: definite share in the stern strucclc This will be the only event your own personal experience ,ifCiorjf nr.).snaiiiflcoTj Yrtiiofl..MH,'ur oi ner way in WHICH Yanenuvpe nn Ihls is bound lo accumulate, because how dull and unfit lo work other the certain vidory and the free and glorious future. . ... . .. . we of today neither eat the ' iiiriiin iaIob ..w ...ill i apparently simple troubles make i, ,neIUi iiesun uoniy i " lawir men win participate kind of food nor lake the Encourage them to save and buy Certificates ,ru n mil i firt jruxsi. iuTro iu oc no omer lorm of of exercise which Nature amount you feel, And you probably know themselves 1 You'll be developing their patriotism, t ... (roubll or a coaldersbls ceieorauon Or sports of nny k nrf. in order that the demands loo, that these Irregularities, all their thrift and their business sense for Canadian War ' . J J!.4 I lll.ft. LkA. - ft Iff ... eliminate may thoroughly directly traceable to accumulated Savings Certificates offer absolute security and excellent the waste unaided. waste, make you really sick if interest return. More important still, you will be nil., i v- J nk'MUoef aU rwn(ii ill That's the reason when you are permitted to continue. guaranteeing their future, for every dollar the :1SU a min.ii- A n e ta&IaiV v COAL NOTICES physician always gives you You also probably know that lent to Canada helps win the war. something to remove Ibis accumulation the old-fasbioned i - r. ftdiM.. mtM m inn run i ramo method of DISTRJCT Or COAST, Ruft S, of waite before com. drugging for theso complaints, is For each $21.50, $43 or $86 lent rtl'MV a 'v - ' Ttk noUtti I till I. Hum Wrifti.K iftfttft.- mencing to treat your specific at best novr, the Government issues a Certificate,, to MlrVit tttT ft hfarm In nrrrl lr.m I trouble. only partially effective; payable in three years, for $25, $50 or the doses must be increased if It's $100. This means that interest is added ten to that one no specific KORAII WATSO.V. . . continued, and Anally they cease vftW Hfftfftl NIU Of Uftft- ftiftl I n-..II ir-nmm .1 i. i. at over 5 per annum. Certificates may h. stum w. i cuimruiM; Tk trouoie would have developed if lo be effective at all. me a boi. for t2J0i W 35 caaiiifti. liitoca ttvit it there 32 be purchased at any Bank or Money Uiaioj, uwoc were no accumulation of t -iicTi or sent postpaid on receipt of v lift mi, uam wtii 10 f Mjifit lo' It is true that more drugs are Order Post Office. " fiiii oi ttmtatotttonat. waste in the colon used VJvtCcIaW r vt Prait-a-Utes LuniteJ. Ottawa. coouuunt probably for this than all v iwi a u. scum) And that's the reason that the other human ills combined, which For the sake of Canada and your Lbl4 Mtr flit, 1117 famous Professor Metchnikoff. simply goes lo prove how universal children, save and invest in War Savings BLUH i(LTA.". COAL NOTICES Certificates. one of the world's greatest scientists, the trouble caused by accu CIJTWCT or COUT. Kaon I UISTWCI Or COAST. lUOft I. has boldly and specifically mulated waste really is but there The National Service Board Tift. Bnu-a tiVftti I Hatfe MtLaaa Inuail Tala BoUra Itul L NonnaB lirftn Iaiiv1 staled that if our colons were lis not a doubt that drutra are be of Canada, plr faralietaca w iirMpvcl lor rwl to tpvlr fur a UOCa la orotucl far nl taken away In Infancy, the length ling dropped as Internal Balhlng OTTAWA. 27 iiial Wftfrlaiia um louoaiar orarruiet laiwli .jtuwDCiar I a pott pita i4xl laotl u4 iulttiii.- cunoMbcias ca um at reUaviac a pual Itxnltd pltousJ of our lives would be increased lis becoming better know air um JuaMtuoa of fcular aai UiU I Um aurtsatal totvt of tt. atitaaa'i lo probably 150 years. You see, For it is not possible lo conceive l.Jtr fj rrn, oa Um Boris aula of UM UlU . I claua; latsta tl St tOaitUi Utui t0r ftmr. UMara ! IS Umixui aouth It coaiaa, tteocs tatt it CAaUM: this waste Is extremely poisonous, until you have had the experience karata tuiu aooLa Uxtxa II Boru clulaj;IS coaiaa uvara la Um poial( Si rMnaMOcrtiMOt,ttwoca aorui it cootaiajaa caaias to tit Uva doidi of and as the blood flows through the yourself, what a wonder M trf cumibtactCMOU eoalaituas SIS cra. Inoaa at .1. McLtaa'a Ml a tnim:acrta. walls of the colon; it absorbs the ful bracer an Internal Bath really lu tt ai n. jiciwraa i ao. i. uai lLort4 Mtl tfUi. lilt. Uwai4 May fill.AUHMaji HIT.MCIXAN. poisons and carried them through is; taken at night, you awake in tr rfciBp cwaky. Altai. twr rbiup cbtaky, Attot. the circulation; that's what causes the morning with a feeling of Aulo-Inloxicallon, with all its lightness and buoyancy that can blSIkKT or COAST. Kaon t. tilSTkliT ir CWAST. luan 1. Taaa auLca tail 1. .lomaa McLcaa LnlrnJ pernicious enervating and weakening not be described you are abso Till aouca Uial L liars Mclaaa lairad lo at'pu ferslicaot to proapect for coal results. These pull down lutely clean, everything is work. I la ev'l tut a iwvaua la prwprcl fur ral atxl Lvirutrtua oa Um rtfttvisc detcruMO ' aa4 ilUruai oa UM foiMalar 4rMTU)t4 a -cMitatMortat at a pual plaata4 our powers of resistance and ren- ing in perfect accord, your appe wadi vxoimracuir at a putt puu4 all aval f Um aostlisaal corner uer us to almost lite is better, brain is clearer Hubjeci any WAf UM iiiactM T la Cadar atel UlUa ' a acuta ,io. I nana. tMtor abusl your Ia4u(.vc-a, oa Um Borik tuU ar Um Uiim sod a half hums oona of Um firaitr aerious complaint .which may be and you feel full of vim and con Uur r.ttr taaeca aorta is cbaiiu, ritvr. aad ttrta bums al or um Cadar u: tail IS cLaiiu, Ursca aouUt s ttr( uwBta atal It taaiaa; tbcoca aoatk prevalent at the time. And the fldence for the day's duties. caatna; tarata"vat is faalbi 14 V poial tt cuaia. uwoca tail si tbauu: UMoca worsl feature of it is that there ' There is nothing new about nftftwn acrva. autia la taaioi to um pout or cuuhm&c' " aanaa aa n. acLMa a .to. s CUU mbi. naaiauuar aa acrta. w IM tagi are few of us who know when we Internal Baths except the way of Haj uia. hit. l J. Niuu'i Aa. 4 claua. Anlo. are Intoxicated. administering them. Some MtCill years MCIXA5, lcal4 May Hod, Hit. IV tar ffcUip Chcait. Altai AOkMA.'Y MclXA.1. Hut you never can be Auto.Pago Dr. Chas. A. Tyrrell, of New MIISJIT Of COAST, luar I. par rtulip Uttalcy. ArmL Intoxicated if you periodically ue York, was so miraculously bene at Bbttta tut t. Umtt McUaa. UUttd DltTIUCT or COAST, aasia . the preper kind of an Internal fitted by faithfully using the ,;ftr ' iKtixa to ptm(l lor coal Taat DOUca Ual L Xornua McjUaa totaod Hath that is sure. method then In vogue, that he aod KJi-rjtuai aa um taiteaiaf 4m4 to H1T furaticcoca to proapvel for cut I z?r . po atel ivr4BJa oa to riloias dcarUMl It is Nature's own relief and made Internal Baths his special .TiV.r. . "" vot eartMr or uaoa. cutftintbciar ai a pual ptaaiao corrector Just warm water, study, and improved materially in Everywhere fr aujiai Uwaoa tvxui as liwil ooa balf bum tail or Um aorUacal ?f,,u ti ii ctoaiaij UMOta curuar af M. McLtao'i fia. I clalmi totoca which, used in the right way. administering the Bath and in ?2U. tui is caaiaa la Burui st caaina. Uwaca tail it tbai cleanses the colon thoroughly its gelling the result desired. Uwaca avtiu It cbauu; Uwaca wtal it in thai cm la Um puis I af cxaoautourxstol. coo entire length and makes and keeps This perfect Bath be called Ihe work, study or play Ua4 Mai Hit, T. Laa uiaiaf,Vj.ih s acraa.claua.m oa aaowa at n. ut ti sweet, clean, and pure, as Na "J. B. L." Cascade, and it is the Uxaltd May IIU, HIT. lure demands it shall be for the one which has so quickly popularized tr rasp .1UHMA.1 MciJtaa, UMaity. Aitat ptr rtuup ctMaiaj. ArtoL entire system to work properly and recommended itself W.TtULT or tour, tuaia I. ' The following enlightening that hundreds of thousands are WRIGLEYS DlSTMkT Of COAST. Kaasa I. UT rtll?K4 UUoJ Taaa aoUca Uul L Hulk McLaao. latcod news article is quoted from The today using it. l,.u-!" taa- OtarritM.1 la aad ajttl pairoKiua for a ucetica oa Um lo fouoiar pro pec l daacrUMd far coal New York Times: Dr. Tyrrell, in his practice and The Gum of 45 WlaTsWaTWeB ....... wBaBf at a ti i,i.ii CauJi - couuutocior at a pual plan ltd "What may lead to a remark researches discovered many uni - - hh ioftr n.i ijiiLa aa aula auaui of Um auauvaat eorotr of able advance in the operative que and interesting facts in con The ' fits. Uksv. rL..rT " .. McLaaa a o. f clauoi imio aboal oo is a welcome help. aw arr. n a- av . . a aalf ttulca Dorta of Um Urattr rtttr. treatment of certain forms of nection with this subject; these Flavour caaiaa Hurt tutira ral or Um Cau ntr tuberculosis have been he has collected in little book. cft-rL"V' la um potat Ibrota auuu It cbaiiu, UMOca tail n is said lo a . rtwiut; tSaoca twria it cbaiiut UmOci achieved al Guy's Hospital. Hrielly "The WhaL the Why, the Way o Teeth, breath, uppe ftvwMrti air tats ... - i i cat at coaioa to Um Pulol of cummtoca bmoi, mouiuiaf tit acraa. to Im Aoowo the operation of the removal Internal Bathing," which will be tite, digestion and Per I tum, OMit7. AiroL at ii. atuiii sto, a uaun. of the lower intestine has been sent free on request if you address the better Lor a ltd May (tod. HIT. spirits are wtriua or COAST. .. . applied to case of tuberculosis, Chas. A. Tyrrell, 31. D room par ralUp Ctealay. ArtnL and the results are said to be in 1081, 1C3 College Street, Toronto, for it. od JZl'S' " PeotpSrfoTVoal IilSTRICT OF COAST, KaAfa I, every way satisfactory. and mention having read this in Itadt. irnnriB. .wmUk "ttcrtotoi Taka aoUca Hut I. Ilufn McLaaa. tatcod "The principle of the treatment The Prince Rupert Daily News. WRIGLEVS makes ot aula io.iiS'.I' pol Poito ajplj tur a Uttuca lo protpecl for coal af M. McLeaaa r.,.,uuu',l roroar ,j uolciua oa IM foUoBuiy dticrltwd is the removal of the cause of the This book tells us facts that the next pipe or t UiiuiaiJl ""o norm I audi Cououtocjoi at a poal planiad disease. Recent researches of we never knew about ourselves kxiu ,h.T;. a caatoa, UMOca at Um bortaaail cortMr of .1. McLaaoi better. It iim ouirnj 1 tal ii cttaioa U .No. a claim, and about otM and a balf Metchnikoff and others have led before, and there is no doubt that cigar taste f:t 1 acrai, miviii aa U.cvalalolns HtUW'l miiea oorui Our it la cbaioa.of Um lot Btaicr oca art ntr.I it Cbaioi umdco doctors lo suppose that many everyone who has an interest in pleasantly sweetens "win Mr it,, ,y Uaroco tt caaioai Umdco tail it conditions of chronio ill-health, his or her own physical well-being and soothes mouth roaioa lo I cm poiot of coauutixatDaot. coo MtUH McLKAJt. uiuuir lia acrti. and w tM kooaa. ti H. such as nervous debility, rheumatism, or that of the family, will be very ptr i-iuup and throat. UMiiay, ArtoL Ncuui no. s citim. and other disorders, are due greatly instructed and enlightened Located May tlrd. It.T. KISTJUCT Or COAST. Haaaa S. HUU MCLXAM. to poisoning set up by unhealthy by reading this carefully prepared to a'w."1 L Norman McUaa louod ptr I'WUp UMtwy. AitoL conditions in the large intestine, and scientifically correct little Three and ptlrvltiuu" oa Um lo fuliowuii dtarrUMd for coal DUTH1CT Or COAST, Hani I. and it has even been suggested book. Sept. 1. T,iL.Ct11fWK'I' at a pual pita lad Taka oouca mat I. lluib McUta louod Lasting Ii uTiT.rv'" or um aouuistit coroar of li apply for a liccora to proiptcl for coal and t-tlroltuiD on um falkiwior dticrlbcd ' ati ia ?c 0UUl coaioai lutnca Undi CouuuturiQf at a pott plaotad LAND ACT WATER NOTICE Flavours Uva tOaBca nor 10 it ctulua lo at Um boruatit corner of ft. McLcaa'a 111 aiJSi .f fwunMOceuMot. cooiaioloi .No. S claim, and about Utfaa aad a bait USE AND ST0RA0E. la X?';to known, aa , McUaa i nulei DorUi of tba Batr rlttrj tbcoca SkEENA LAN0 DISTIUCT DISTRICT or TAkE NOTICE Ibat Tba Empire Pulp A aWd Mat tat It ctulati Uwoca aoulu It cbauui COAST, RAJfuf I, raper Mtlli. Ltd.. wboaa addreaa I Van Sea fas tight Kepi right mi, HIT. Uvruca aaat st cbtioii Uwoca norta it ft OH MAM McUAH, cbaina lu tba Dolot of conuncnctmcoL coo router. B. C wiu apply for a license to B aunt ffa WRIGUVS per' I'tuup UMalay, AftoL lainmi tio acrta. to be kooo ai iluik TAkE .NOTICE Uui tba Orand Trunk lake and use all tba water and to itore MtXrao'l .10. It claim. rarlfle Railway Company of Wlnniptr, 10.000 acre reel or water out of unnamed fUTWCT or COAST, Kinss I. Located May tlrd. HIT. Manitoba, Intend lo apply for pennUtioa lake, alto known ai Wbalrn Uke, wmcb "After meal iium mclea.1. to Irttt tbe followlas described landi Oowi and drain! Into Wbile Cbanntl about every I'bllip Aitot ptr Uttalcy, ?,fur o proipect for coal Commcocinc al pott planted at UM moil ona mile Dorib from Riven Biibt lti2i.p,l?Uu,, a.roUowtaf- dticrlbad i . i DISTIUCT Or COAST, nanya k nortberly point ot Lot to? at or about Tba itorare dam will be located al well (,f M N lolla ir.,"""!"luulh . nt ll- f.ftiiK-,.., corner I no net uiti i. iiuid niuid, luitnu hib-witr mark, tnrnca nortberly, eaitcr-ly. end of Laka at ouUel of lake. The capacity It. . . "o. I claim, briny about I to apply for a.mora to proanacl for coal aoutberly and weiterly, follow Inr tbe of reservoir to be created Ii about 10.000 n. - T n)U" norm uf Ua Bncraiul Ktroltuin an tba miiowiua dtacrlbed iinuoaiuci of tba abori-bne to a point of tcre reel and II wilt flood about t.tot arm ii? w of.tba Cadarlltndi Couimtnclof at a pott plaotad i-umnxDctmeot, lucludlor all tnat fore- of land. Tba water wUI be diverted from Vi.J5ncf. DO,u ,0 oalaii lutnca wen at tba uortbwett corutr of ti. McLcaa'a tan a " aouia t cUinii loroca .No. t claim, tbtnra north It cbtloi; uwoca tbore between hiib-witcr and low-w iter. iho stream al a point about. . . .Taken by w'm to tba point of couuurnca- tii iv coiinii inanca toum st cnainat Palrd July 10 lb, HIT. 8.8 U tunnel from east end of Lake three mtlea Ibenca ttti io cbami to tba point of coin- THE 0IUND TRUNK PAClnC RAILWAY nortberly direction from Lot tt, Butedale, Locaiad May nod. hit, known niencrmtut,ai u. roouininr MeLrao'i No.ait It acrtt,claim.lo be CO II. II. Ilaniird. Solid lor. on rraser Reacb and tll to used forj hu'jii McLean, Located May tlrd. HIT. power purpose! upon the land described par ruiip Clwilty, Aient. IIUID MCLEA.1. CANCELLATION OF RESERVE ai lu application to lease at rait end of CANADIAN WOMEN WiTHJCT per rbilip Cbeilcy, AtenL Laka on Fraser Reach. SHOULD KNOW THIS OK cni.T n..M a Taka .Ail.. . . .. .... .1 tiiaTnt--. . . . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Ibat Um Tfui noUre wai potted on the rround i " imio WCLrtD IDItOill --" vt liaaaa a. rtttrie eilitmr over a imall Uand In tba on tba llh day of June, HIT. A copy of "CANADA FIRST Milk lithe BEST MKk '' a licence to proapact for cot I Taka no ilea Ibtl I. Iluib McLean Intend scM by Your Crocer. The Government Uulletln L.? 5 'obowfnf dairrlbed to apply for a licence ti MoatMClfor t harbor of I'rloce Rupert, known ai Lot tbia notice and an application pursuant flu 7 iiirir.'r:iK'". y"" Piaoteu 'o.ptimiaum on tba follow Inr deerrlbul kill, Ranse I, Cue it Dlttrlcl. by raaaon thereto and lu the Witcr Act. I til, will Nf.SOS tclli tat itory-IT COST9 TH E SAME. af n Mriiai'? S . aoutbweal ooruar lltndt:-Conirotn.lnt si a poll plaoled r i rwilca appearloi Id ibe BrltUb Colum-la be oled In tbe omce or the Water Recorder lilt -..An.ft . uair. ,. uiuaa T" -niftriii nr ih- n.airft,i".i t oorinweii unu. of fl. McUao'l Quelle of tba tilt April. HIO, and at Prints Rupert. B.'C Objectlona lo the ctataua atai raaeect-iaillT nt . i).... . i t; ciauu; ana about out and a oau Uraaaj4wktrad(raaBVshUlaaann"eapa(ata4 I April. li cancelled waai oi i oa uiair oiiwe norm or Utavtr rler will dilrd ItIO, for application may be Bled with tba laid lata whin aa with fiaakcicaaa. 0 cLfnl'K"0"6 "enca tail lo ttoaloi. thtnee iuuih It cbivS ; Ibenca Dm purpose of nuklrur a ale of tba laid water recorder or with the Comptroller V. 'f"11 ou,n ,0 thainu Ibenca tail itf chafii W orand Trunk Tms AYLMKR CONDENSED MILKCONLra. a 10 ot lo ids Paciae Dtvclop- of Water Rlfbti, Parllamenl BulUlnri, uitui 2. SfVM lu tu VoM of comiueoce- Ilia point or JiunntcMnM 40 Atuaaa.OaT Ctatoa ?'' b- W oe kutT-cCLt.n!nNl I. uteol Cuupeoy, Limited. Victoria, B. C, within thirty dayi after tba s . .v : "t si ii Ua W ClalUU. I ClaUUi. 1. - -- UEO. ti NAPtN, Deputy Minuter or Landi. nrl ippearanra of tbli notice In a local triia Niy find.IIUUII HIT. I Loci I til May Urd, fin. Orparuurnt or Laodi, victoria. B, c, tlin newipaper. Tba data of the Brit publication MCLEAN, per I'bllip Cbeilty, AtenL per IIUUII CbUlp Mcl Cbaik-y,KAN, Altoi. une. HIT. M. Am, tt. of this nottct U July Kin, HIT. j