8l""Uy IfcR DAILY NKWBl e.,t ,)b 1 Ul? . a WCSTHOLMC THEATRE rormeriy , Tniland.". 1 For Bilious Notes J rr ""me li me re J I nun tlit ndvanci' tiotirce wi j Local News ,; M.M, here G. I-L Arnold Haxellon on the train bwspeftk a rare evening fur the Troubles 1 llrTirl i9 pittnins uf tho Westholmo this i. .i- littvk nml' ' evening. The star actress, Marie Mi" i NOTARY PUBLIO That heavy headache, torpid i. WollnrVs. If- f h,r sister. l)tro, will appear in rriiiot pleas. elty. liver, sick stomach, bitter taste r this t t Ing modern coinery.drama, Caa. SALE OP GOVERNMENT FOR 8ALE in mouth, furred tongue, dull Mrs. Harry Atkins left for the Mls Moore of the Prince llu-i. lies for Two" There will also foe Pert Clsmeets, Q.soso' - eyes and muddy skin, all come outh this morning. unrral Hospital ataff, re a Hnin and Hud comedy In which Double corner near Ihe nw saw from q poor supply of bile. the hero. Ham, does some great NOTICE It mill. They are lotl 17 inj tl, lOoi Yclox "-Ul, These unhealthy conditions n.v.iniiinir films der losirwtfasi f.l,.!. tftoi Block to, section 7. Tiict for ptlr arc .a. smith last evening. Koi- tiie feats in exploring. The travelogue Mcllao Urot. 1350.00 CAIH. promptly corrected by prints. 3c lo Be " pftU month Miss Moore has been which will be shown is of a Mr. Hill, of the O. T. I left on visiting her parents In llie vicinity highly instructive and educational FOR RENT PEEdUfS the yesterday morning for uf Vancouver. nature and depicts scenes of life tne Ms of the ah,,,, , ml par-car to Ihe Crew n. The '; SU-roomed Iwum completely arid w in South America. utx t, beautifully furnished, including the cast. , , , meeting of the Hospital Ikiard Ihe loll win be affmd it n A ilsno. Beat reilileotui district Hat Inside tola and lis t., . . V M b furnace and til modern conveniences. I) iiev. W. ri. A. Crux ' remrnwl wns held in the clly hall lnt evening. Mr. W. Maddock, local manager Termsi mm half M,n lt4 J. ka. Six months lease S3S.0O. PILLS last evening from a short vifil lo Several important questions uf the I loot h Flslirries.J.ld., left deferred rear with interest tt tlx t"T! " Seven-roomed home' with beta, part up-river points. . were brought up nnu ine main this morning for Scallle, whither will be lis parmentt.additional The iia.!?,1 ly furnished, tos Hill Street, Section which stimulate the liver, business of the evening cnstled h has been called by his firm. ll tivt Hit .r i... . . In. T, 1.00. Mr. J. II. Llndiny went up lo of the authorising of the purchase seen al the oIRm f ta, regulate the flow of bile. Mr. Maddock, during his stay In Four-roomed bouse with bath, SOS his ranch at Kltwahgah tin Ihe of ISO toils of coal and also the aaetktarf of lands, prte a Z sweeten the and Prince has made fur himself Seventh Avenue, East S1S-00 stomach, train yesterday morning. building of a shed for holding this Ilupert, Hr. A. R. MtUery. p,iM renew healthy bowel action. a host of friends, and lie was tbe Departmenl of Land, vn. ? 1 H. G. HELGERSON, LTD A household remedy approved Mr. H. F. Duby, loal manager one of the most popular and t I.Lands.II. MSMILU3. Assliuai by sixty years of public for Ihe Kmerson sawmill, sailed Among those arriving from the genial figures .on the waterfront. . .. . A Hi 6 service. For every'day for Vancouver on this morning's south on the Prinee fleorga yes. What "Hill" didn't know about illnesses, Bcecham's Pills boat. terday morning were Bister Josephine. flals would be something strange. Sister Elllla, Sister Madeline Mr. Maddock will take with him JUL.HICKEY Sunt. V. C. C. Mehan arrived the best wishes of his friends and Sister Jerome, of the "The Daily News" are a tested itnck In the clly on last ltiglit. Catholic Chureh. They vere met here, whether he stays in Seattle CONTRACTOR A BUIUU tram arter a Irfp up the line for at the boat by Hev. Father llunoi or Chleago, r the Atlantic coast. CLASSIFIED ADS. Remedy the last few days. and left on the train for Fort St. Perhaps the thing whleli made Mr Store and Office Fixtt Larawev Stle ef Amy MmIScIb la at WerkL Miss McEwan, of New West James, where they will conduct n Maddoek so popular and well liked Bash, Door and M ". school. with the fishermen was the fad minster, who has been visiting that he worked greatly for their Oak and Hard Woodisfj WANTED. Navigable Waters Protection Act. friends in Anyox, returned to her Mr. and Mrs. J. C. llrady returned interests and II might well be said kinds. B, S. C Chapter til. home this morning. WASTED To KENT Furnlthed bouse, or last evening from a trip to that it was he who induced the Hit for small f unity. Apply box ltd. We Speclsllis In Hui. Dally Newa omce. tr, The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Com Mr. and Mrs. S. Winsby return Lakelso Lake where they have American boats to land their fish wood Boat Ribs, natur hereby tires notice that II has. on cd home last evening from Ilaiel- spent the last few days fn enjoy, here, lie showed that by going Ittt, wasted jih ror omce. Experience,not I or section 7 or the said am. dixsited uoors, ate, have been visiting ing the beautiful scenery of the together they could possibly get ton, where they necessary. Apply Pony Express. IT.I with the Minister or Public Worts at 01 tava. and in the omce of the District for the last month. country up there. The trout of enough lo make up a car and Plate and Sheet Oliti l4 1 INTELLIGENT PERSON MAT EARN In.rl.tr-.r r tha .nt Aeristrv nmr. Ms the lake, it is reported, rapidly would thus gel higher prices. Qlailng. 1 1 eo monthly correspotximg ror news-l,rlt, of Prlnca Rupert, at Prince Rupert, McMullin went Master Jack up diminished during their slay Comer Fraser and tU papers) no to fio monthly in spare I. descrlnUon of the site and plan or wharf tu. to Terrace yesterday morning, there. Mr. II. C. W. Lett, the tourist unej experience unnecessary; no can- .Dd nib enrtnr DUnl and other works Dro- vassing; subjects suggested. Send for posed to be built In Prince Rupert harbor where he will spend a few days and eolonitatlon agent for the PHONE GREEN 2C9 particulars. NaUonal Press Bureau at Prince Rupert, BrIUsh Columbia. In holidaying with friends. Mrs. I). M. Peyton Is in receipt (1. T. Ph arrived from the east on P. O, BOX Ut room 1174, Buffalo, n. T. rront of Waterfront Block -I," accordint who of a letter from her husband, his private car last night. Mr. FOR RENT said to retlstered City of plan Prince 6f Rupert the townslte retlstered of toe In Master Jack Thompson came in is with the Canadian Mrglnrers. Lett left this morning on the the aforesaid land registry omce as Mo. to Prince Rupert on the train last 'Don" as was popularly known special train which is conveying FOR HE.NT Furnished rooms; and bouse- tl. Section 7. evening and for some lime will among the old timers, is now tine the Premier and Ministers to lbs-ens aieeyjig rooms. Hot and cold water. AMD TAKE NOTICE that after the ex attend the public school here. and fit. although tie had been t. Prince Rupert Feed ft Nor.'olk Rooms, Fulton Street. tot. plrstion of one month from the date ot the suffering from trench fever. He nrtt publication of this nolle, tbe Orand FOR SALE. Trunk Pacific Railway Company will, under Mrs. Fred Peters returned to has now recovered and I back at MINERAL ACT p. o. SMi tla. SOS TMrS ! SecUon 7 of tbe said Act, apply to the Prince Itupert last evening after the front doing his bit for borne FOl SALE MOTOR CAR. Newly over Minister of Public Works at bis office In the an absence of over a year. Mrs. and country. CerUlsele ef latpreteeieaU RECEIVED OUR 117 SCIM hauled and In nrst-class eodlUoo, Owner I City of Otuwa for approval of Um said Peters will be welcomed back to NOTICE mutt ro East. A bargain. P. O. Box site and pln and for leave to construct "BeUevtew No. I," "Betlevlew Ne, t," WE HANDLE the city by her many friends. 400, or phono Red 78. SOS. the said works. School opening. ill-lit Leekle Slrtw rrectfesx. -BtottaeuaT and Steele A Brlggs, Rennlef DATED at Prince Rupert. Brtuth Coram. boots for boys and -girls--Wallace's, Ssw Frsctioe" Mineral CUiz&s, Silas te FOR SALE Gasoline 19 feet In Mr. Speer, barrister from the Ferry's Mackenxls'i boat. bla. this 1th day of June A. D. It 17. tf. ta the SkeetkS Mining DlrUtoo ef Cassiar and lent lb. In rood condition. Yale en THE CRAND THU1 PACIFIC RAILWAY city of Vancouver, returned home District, Garden and Field Seeds. Sine, reverse rear, anchor, sail, tools. CUM PAS Y. ratmore 4 Fulton. Soil tl tors. this morning, having spent some S4Se S 0 e sfe Where located) At tbe bad of tiltaace Sale price 00. Apply E. Le Chance, Also Fsrtllltsrs. Canadian Flsb k Cid Storage Co. tf, Navigable Waters Protection Act. lime in the city as tbe guest of River. Alice Ana. Our New Fall TAkB NOTICE lh I. W. T. letgis, HAY, ORAIN AND FEC0 R. S. C. Chapter IIS. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Morrow. FOR SALE Gasoline Launch, t feel In SUITS, COATS SKIRTS, rrpe Miner's Certiacate Ne, SI7I-C. acting Chicken Feed A Spsclsltt. length. House, and In rood condition. fee myself and at agent for Oeerge Risdge. Fairbanks-Morse, make-end break, en Tbe Oranby- Consolidated Mining. Mrs. Hogen, of llaielton, ar- DRESSES and BLOUSES Special Free Miner's Certifies te Ne. II II tine, e to horse-power and guaranteed. Smelting and Power Company Limited frived in the city last evening and Utend, silly days frum the date bereef. We Take Orders for Nurter; All rated up, painted, and reary for Im hereby gives noUee that It bas, under is the guest of Mrs. Conway. Mrs. Have Arrived. le atty te the Mining Reconwr for i Slock. Section 7 of the said Act, deposited with mediate use. Anchor, chain, salt. Ufe ceruscate ef Isjsprevesnenta, for the pr preservers, tools. Sale price, 1400. Apply the Minister of rnblle Works at Ottawa. fllogen has a daughter nursing Come In and See Them Before pose ef bbuinlag s Crown Orani ef the SSsSJ tVeeet ProoipOf luaM tl Sews pace, box 130. tf, and In tbe office of tbe District Registrar kwith the Expeditionary Forces. above claim. of tbe Land Registry Omce. District of Buying. And rurtber take notice that scUosl s FOft SALE Sew Gasoline Boat "falls B." Prince Rupert, at Prince Ropert, de-scripUon In the. Presbyterian Church to. der sectkai II, mast be commenced be. with or without f 4 horse-power en tine. of the site and plan of wharf fre tbe Issuance of sees Ceruscate or morrow the services will be QOLDBLOOMS con. Deck. 4 feet: beam, II ft II In.; Depth and lumber mill, and ether works proposed tmprevesneau. til S tu S la.; draught, 4 fLs keel. IS ftj to be built In Spruce Bsy, on tbe ducted as usual by the Rev. II. II. Third Avenue. Dated this It sy of inly. A. D. HIT PACIFIC CARTAGE, iX built of t 1-4 In. nr. with yellow cedar west coast of Lareom Island, Catsiar Dis Grant who has now returned from j ribs. Capacity 10 tons. Boat may be trict his vacation spent at Terrace. MINERAL ACT inspected at Massett, B. C For sale AMD TAKE NOTICE that after tbe ex MINERAL ACT Sale or boat piration of one month from tbe date of clieip. price and en tine, Among the arrivals in the city CertlStete ef laspreveateel General Teaswri fx,0o0. For further Information apply the first publication of this notice, the at News omce. Box Its, tf. Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelting andj yesterday was Mr. Oswald, the in CartlScate ef latereveaienls. SJOTICC Power Company limited will, tuider Sec-1 spector of motion picture ma. MOTICI -Wolf.- "Wolf Ne. f," -Wolf Ne. I.-and DOMESTIC MISCELLANEOUS tlon 7 or the said Act, apply to the Min- i -Beach" and -Waterfront frtcUoo" "Widvertne" Mineral CUUna. situate COJt chines. After looking over the la tbe Skeena Division ef Caaaiar BLACKSMITH Mtning later or Public Works at bis omce In the Mineral Claims, situate Is tbe Skene IT WILL PAY YOU TO GET SOME OF THE City of Ottawa ror approval or the said one here he left in the evening for Mining Division ef Cassiar DIsmrL Distnct "s Careful AUenUsa U FUne lixrraius at the Prince Rupert Sash and site and plan and for leave''to construct Anyox. Where located. On north side of Alice Where located: Aboat SS miles up the Door Factory. tf. tbe ttld works. Arm. Eltsaelte River from Alice Ana. and Turnlture lUmevsls. DATED at Prince Rupert, .British Colum- TAKE NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that I, Lewis W. PttRMre. A 23c tea and novelty sale will that I, R. B. HcOlnalt. NOTICE I will not te responsible for anyt,1 ,n r of ,ulT D- ,7- be held in the Methodist Clnsrch Free Miner's Certificate No. 1174 C, agent rree Miners Certificate No. lime, treat PHONE tl. for Donald W CaoMroa, Free Certiacate Miner's debts Incurred by my wife. Mrs. U T. THE GRANBY CONSOLIDATED MININO. ror tbe Dolly Yarden Mines Company, Tree Boe, after this date. L. T Bowe, 8MELTINO AND POWER COMPANY parlors on Tuesday, September t, Miners Certifies l No. UtiS-C Intends No. Silt. Intend amy dayt frota LIMITED, iroin 3 till 0. of ami the date hereof, te apply te tbe Muting August 7. II7. SIX Display war sixty days from tbe date hreof. to apply ratmore k Fulton. Solltitors. to the Recorder for Certiaretet or Improvrtneata. other curios. Musical programme. Mining Recorder for s Certificate FARM LANDS for tbe purpose ef obtaining s Crews of Improvements, for the purpose ef obtain! NAVIOABLK WATERS PROTECTION ACT Everybody come. 206. oraat ef tack of tbe above claims. H a Crown Orsnt of the above claims. LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS, OhEOO!fAD CAUFOR.1U RAILWAY CO. 8. C. Chapter tit. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE thai ac AND FLRTIIIH TAKE NOTICE thai M GRANT LAftDSv Title to same revested Classes In Theory and Practical tion, under Section SI, must be commenced lion, under Section IS, rauil be commenced MOTEL la Lulled Stales by act of Congress Tbe Surf Inlet Power Company Limited Pianoforte, starling September 4. before the Issuance of such Certificate of before the Issuance of suck Cer-Ufiratet ON OSt l flated June S. His. Two mlllioa, three hereby gives notice that It bat under section improvrmenu. ai7 ef ImproveoseBts. OP EM TO SUtSTS Pupils prepared for examination hundred thousand acres to be opened 7 or said act deposited with tbe Min DATED this Sib day ef inly, A.D. ISI7. DATED Ibis Slnd day of Jus, k.0. HIT. will conui ror homesteads and sale. Timber and uter or Public Works at otuwa and In in April and June, 1018, for Itoyal S.II LEWIS W. PATMORE. Motor SUge agricultural lands, containing some or the omce of tbe District Registrar-of tbe College of Music, London. Eng. LAND ACT with trains at Terrsre best tend left In United States. Now Is Land Registry District at Prince Rupert, Mrs. L. J. Day, Phone Ulue 278. SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF MINEPAL ACT the opportune time. Large map show B. C, a description of the site and the CASSIAR. EsteitMt Treet Fle"s l"- tng lands by sections and description of plans of wharves, buildings, etc., proposed Take notice that ssxaawan Lets. Oraoby Conaolidsied Mr. A. F. Head, the general OertlSaals ef iMeeeisateeta. sou, climate, raUfalL elevaUon, etc Id be built at tbe bead of Surf Inlet. Mining, Smelting a Power Company. Ltd.. Paeee Oeeeeatiees T" Postpaid one dollar. Grant Lands Lo Princess Royal Island, In front ot Lot 40, foreign and freight agent for tbe or v ancDuver, occupation mining anil smell NOTICE Rats S3.00 per dtf cating Co., Box 410, Portland. Oregon. Range 4, Coast District. B. C O. T. VH arrived from Montreal ing, intends to apply for penultsloa to "Silver Betr Mineral CUlm, situate In And take notice that after the explraUoo the Skeena Mlalsg Division ef Catstar " the train last lease the following srsty on night on his way described lands For fertber ctrtettlar. of one month from fee date cf the first DistrttL commencing at s post plant al tbe i. BRUOC eOMSJlTOnt, lo Vancouver. hie On trip to tbe Where located; publication or this nolce tbe Burr Inlet southwest One mile front tad ! rower Company Limited will, under See-tloo west Mr. Head is accompanied by met, thence corner north of Lot ts list,chains,Casitar following Dis bead of Alice Ann. 7 of tbe said Act, apply to the Min Mrs. Head and two daughters. nign-water mark to the N.W. corner of Lot TAKE NOTICE lhatvWe. Miles Donald. ister of Public Works, at bis omce In tbe Free Miner's Oriinrat tsas.r . .1 xsiti thence west Stuart J. Martin three chains la low City of Ottawa, for approval or the said water John M. Morrison. Free Miner's Certificate mars; thence Mr. A. J. McClellan, electrician south and vest ff DENTISTRY site and plans end for leave to construct coaina low-water ssis-c. laumx, tttly dtyt from tbe renewing the said wharves, bulldinrs.-ic at the drydock, left for the south maski thence dale hereof ta arnlv ta is. unmi m.. ASSAYEH east three chains, to tbe Discs of berln Daied at Vancouver, B. C- this th day this morning lo attend the funeral fHnr and ronulnln, a a ..... (order for t Certlflcate of Improvements wel of August, HIT. 8.14. ORA.VbY rer ine purpose of obtaining s Crown crown aeo seiaes of his father, who had been visit, CONSOLIDATED Ml.MNO. I MELT HAZELTON B. C. THE SL'RF INLET POV.'ER COMPANY Oram of the shove claim. a SPEC4ALTT lu ft POWER ing members of his family. Mr. COMPANY. LTD. And further take notice that LIMITED. ininn m BROWN I. rred Ritchie, irtnt. DR. J. S. McClellan's friends will der section numerous SI. mutt be commenced be- usie, AUtust r SIX ISI7. dm I a The oldest established Assay extend their deep sympathy to him lore ine tssusnce of such Certificate of DENTIST in his bereavement. Province of British Columbia Improvements. 0SJ,(I aatiu SWeel. T"rl Office In the North. FOR SALE Dated thit Seventeenth day of inly, A.D. PWeee aa There is certainly goingto be. a DEPARTMENT OP LANDS 1117. s.ts great crowd going to Telkwa on NOTICE ... . Stock of sash, doors, mouldings, the excursion. Everyone is look, ft- unruu, raiments on Applications lo cedsr. or and spruce lumber, from i tig forward to having a good rurcuase crown Lands In British Columbia. tbe dry kiln and yard of the nereny given tbaL under th PrlftceRupyl Sash and Deer Factory time. Arrangements are being provisions cf tbe "Soldiers' lloseilead A HOT BATH STEEN & LONG WILL made to have a local band on the Act Repeal Act." any person who old not THE SEE train to furnish tnusio In order to apply under the "Soldiers' llomesttid in. IT SMSaSJSSSSmSJCBJBjaSSVSBHH OUt II MINUTE YOU WANT SSLVIN It," to complete bis SDciiestion keep in high spirits. everyone SANITARY AND HEADING on the premises, chase, either by payment In full or by tbe t ullelfto must be vacates. Mr. and Mrs. Kllpalrick and the selection of a proportion u .iL.im.,,1 V.. si.... n-.iistomcil-v ENGINEERS syu BAHOAIfl PRICES Misses Kilpatrick left early this may, by proving bla Interest and paying getting cold walei In-stantly. morning for Smllhers, where they ' " fiance or tbe purchase Think of lbs Agents for will reside. It was with J.,? l,for " December, Hot nuw a obtain s Crown Orsnt if proof sails- Isfactlon of getUng McCLARY FURNACES feeling of regret that their many nT.h.7.1,.. "" ",BWWr Lands It fur-.!!!? Water in the same vvJ Harry Atkins friends bade them bood-bye last ?!fi0. ' "nat injury abundance, regrdli PLUKIBINO evening they are well known i nouce or otherwise. been uia as eaai'lr BuUhsr, . Prince Rupert. And further thai o,. i. . .. how much has and here and have taken an active part dieted applicant. before. SHEET METAL WORKS THE OLD COUNTRY in all community and social work. " Active Service ms, u pro. HOT WATER LIKE MAO'O Phone S, 834 Second Avenue. 8AU8AQE MAKER Miss Marguerite Kllpalrick will shortly leave for Edmonton, when Night phones 570 7,t B,1 b' lb '" Harry Hanson Tomato Sausage a Specialty. she will continue her high school of the Interest or such proof and Ulue 270 person, MtH studies. renue'st ia'MU0n '""Usaed on Hot Wter Btnlf The right work, at the right : .. i.i. fnvenicnce- Phone 674 v" p. o. Box you line time, and at the right prloe. School shoes all kinds NVaU PHONE 489 P.O. BOX 00armM lace's. tf. 0440 4440 040