The daily news 4 VIII NO. 207. i'iunck ni ii:riT. i. c. tukhday. hkptlmhkr 4, 1917. prick five, cEtfra,; V C797 T?IS GET 1 u GA IBIiDQf BY res AMS IR1TISH MAKE SURPRISE ATTACKS IN BALKANS - ARTILLERY ACTIVE IN WEST AIR THE GOVERNMEffT'S TELKWA BARBECUE OTHER RIGA IS TAKEN REASON FOR THE WAS GREAT SUCCESS AID ON SOUTH IDLE DRYDOCK BY ADVANCING Along the line of the G. T. P. yesterday, all roads led to Telkwa. fin the IStli nf taut rmtnth, tl COUNTY COAST Indians, white men with their GERMAN HOSTS following quetlmi were noked in families in each case thronged the Houm nf Oimmoim at Ottawa the rpads in automobiles and rigs U. Dropped on East Kent- by Mr. Pardee, relative to Uif of every description. In addition After 8trong Artillery Preparation Lin Raider rursu.w ;eonllnued IdletMM of the dryd, -'k to the population of the interior the Enemy Crosse Dwlna ounlry, the special train from and Captures Riga-Russians Ith Flier here. The qtHNitinn w-r. B-followt: Active on Weit. Prince Rupert brought in about Escape. two hundred visitors for the oc. ' 1. Are weden tiliip hang (mil casion from the coast. And (Special to lb : t Tin DtUr Hews.) rjr " Another Oer- In Ihe Onvernment dr.d 'Telkwa was a busy place. Premier Petrograd, Sept. 4, On the , u lirewster and his. of minis. a d ....k plae over the lrlne flupert? party eastern front yesterday after a a tors and members of the House l,c . ,nlie of Kngliml last 2. I the plant in praii.,t, rbg'J?"fctZl .lMirtiiil In arrived in Telkwa In the 111 II; '';ll uii'l" 3. If not. what in the rrn' p and the proceedings were opened KrM as the maeninea Ihereforf lhJ Rw Dwna Q lhe region Qf d v .- British naehln Vk F' 'Kull. south of Riga and occupied P,r,,"' lleplie to theto quenliun were ; forenoon was largely taken ,i.i - at"ly ,n up by the .lock sale. The quality line took to flight. given aa follows: ,un a northerly direc. n; 7 n;a of the animals put up for auction ln n , . , have any damage 1. There is no Government dry- uu. vu. iiuvug vvuuvcr oviai;. was very high, and good prices cr r made public. dock at I'rlnee IluperL The dry-doek ruled. There were some very ed them without success. On (Thursday the also assumed British Front. to which presumably refer prelty showings in yearlings. enemy m a a i the offensive in the direction 'of li;: - . r auemptea raius iaij ence I made is the one owned by The roast ox was duly paid Mitau. After a stubborn resistance . n b i uinerem pomw.. Grand Trunk Pacific Feeding the Hungry Tit attention by the assembled visitors the a a a the Develop p k ns girl city of Riga was abandoned Uiwrsl i Lt ns a no soumwcsi and voted to be flrsUclass. In the Lal-acir the enemy raiding ment Gumpany. The Government Ircaimg an nxa an lite Dartr o -p. -13 m London The sports to the enemy, the garrison were held :! aij f (hfl disab ed 8 afternoon, the Prince Rupert ball and the civilian - ttoj S. idu rs Fund. population re. Ha wc-b repulsed with beaver l Informed that no wooden ship leatrrngaged the Telkwa team, treating eastward.- es, H ill Oerman and Uritith building has yet been commenced some great play was witnessed. In the Balkans. iU -y particularly aeuve 10- at Ibis drydoek. LABOR DAY SPORTS ON AiYTI-CONSCRIPTIONIST At the end of the last innings, the Paris, Sept. 4. In the eastern cas t Ypres. The heavy 2 and 3. The Government are RECREATION GROUNDS! score stood at 11.0 in favor of theatre, between the Vardar and ii i a: a inr Strong miui yrc- RIOTS IN MONTREAL Telkwa. Immediately at the close Lake Dolran, the British carried that considerable informed lr.g f (lie patl few days have a of the ball game, the horse racing several out surprise attacks, and .! a 'c! anuaisanee a mailer amount of ship repair work has Yesterday afternoon a large iFfeetel TO DaBr 5ev.) started. This was the feature of captured prisoners. Around the LncuitT been done at this dock. The Gov crowd of ntbviate galkewwd on Montrel, Spt. I,....With drawn the .day. There.....were races ...for positions conquered on August 30 ! It 1 1 m.M n,1 nJ French Front. ernment have been In oommuniea. Aeronotis Hill to see lhe snortinc revoner. a squad 01 policemen ""'"' . ,uu""" by the Serbians northeast of Mon-aslir a: Sept.. 4. Great artillery lawha.Maa.1 a n anil Min.Aini(nnD &td a free tor all rare. There was Hoc wKh the Imperial Munition vfiU. They were numerou and iivi aaiiFJBn and at Cerna Bend, there has if a it near llurtrbito in Hoard and the Grand Trunk Pa. uarade after iher hail nmhei to nave been a squaw race, but been violent artillery action. ha; ,agne country along the elfie Hallway Company and earn. w HI eon tested A partial list of ,,,,, ,aU windaMrof A. Le- 'his did not come off, as the utoUie sectors or Ml efforts have been made to secure the winners is as follows vinrf's store. A dozehlrifles had quaws somebow or other PROVINCE GOES INTO "TTT tlsnwnrfii nu'Jitau. the commencement of a Running llroad JtUp: ItfttS, lMY lake from the ffqlfye,ohs-lhelr riding'AabitsJJxeept THE FISHING 4SUatTR h 5 tn.- beginning of the shipbuilding programme at Prince Hooper. Holers, several of whom were ar- Canyon Creelt Maggie, who raced w t; ' v rdun. the German rested.' 'with the men, and was an easy ; It u pert. It Is understood that up Running Uroad Jump (closed; : Toronlo, August 29, Hon. F. i w tiranfl ten more divisions In Quebec. winner in her first race. been Carmiehael. G. McDonald announced today to the present it ha not possible Poole, at t losses. tHwbee. Sent 4. The anil-eon- I A lug-of-war between the visiU that the Ontario Government will arrive at a Sun- to programme IuUig Ihe Shot: Urvwn, rriptlon meeting called for eight on and the Telkwa teams ended Italian Front. that would ensuro ueh deliveries berg, i undertake the catching of the en. Rc o'clock last night did not take favor of tbe home team. After for V .The Italian and of labor tire extra supply of fresh fish of material supply One Mile Walk: Meksrson, P - 3 j yesterday the do- to Justify the letting of con. Ritchie. ptaee owing to the expected dis- supper, a dance was held in the the Province of Ontario under its icri irr cuDled on Thura. as agreement in the ranks of the hall, which was a very enjoyable plan of co-operation wilh Food Obstaele Ilaee: Gameron, Irw. tracts. ne Some of the Prince Rupert 7 a J ;3jy tatt to llreitovlt ta This is the official reason as 100 Yards Dash: Vv'intby, Cam. anli's. . visitors stayed over till the regu- Controller Hanna. i t J u the Carsn. Addi. It U The Government will employ given by the Government. eron. SUCCESSFUL RED CROSS lar train to complete the round of and several hundred fisher v - tier, nraeh more war imnossible to "arrive at a pro Hoxlng Mat eh in Harrels: Allan, pay FUNCTION AT ESSINQTON the pleasures offered and they will men in this work in Lake Nipls-sing e 4 war munition, in-,i de gramme that would ensure Smith. be back tonight. Lake which will L1C trench Mortars, have liveries of material and the supply Joekey Horse FIgbt: SaaiUi, and Riplgon, s'r'arfd. The Women's Patriotic Guild Mr. and Mrs. George McColl, be the chief sources of supply. Oa ttHi Julian in: jr J l of labor." Xevertbeles It I pos MeRae. of Port Es sing I on held a Red lale of Prince Rupert, were in There has been no commercial i iim. im SgbUng Austrian hi sible to ensure such deliveries of 220 Yards Dash: Wltwby. Cross social in Cunningham's hall charge of the Red Cross stall, and fishing in Niplssing lake for nine material to Vancouver and Vic Cameron. on Monday. August 27th. In spite were busily engaged in welcoming Ira ed years, and the waters are heavily n the oulh edge The freight rales to Prinee SO Yards Dash, married ladie: toria. of wet weather, which prevented many of their old friends stocked. rUmr: P' Tnoli"f Sea Hafericlle. llupert from the east are the Mrs. Cornish, Mrs. Adams. those coming from the outside; When the Prince Rupert special I The fish will be delivered in and D( riiia, M,t same. The supply of labor to Ladies' Noll Driving Conteet:: canneries, there was quite a large pulled out from Telkwa at 10 p. most Ontario cities on the morn, sr.. I -a Vancouver and Victoria was aug Mrs. Poole, Mra. Rose. attendance, and the sum of $ll m. it carried on board some two ing following the day they are "If.sly has mented by bringing men from the Hoys' Raoe (16 and under : Al 4ft was realised. 6109 of this sum hundred happy .passengers, who caught. ia.'a f joined in (be war for east. Through trains are also lan. Grant. was raised br Ihe raflle of a po- had all enjoyed the trip thorough- n g a s . t irly and Justice, run to Prince llupert. It Is doubtful In the tug-of.war between the tato patch donated by Mr. A. M. ly. WESTHOLME THEATRE T.t danirpr ensure nf ih her fron-r if these reasons as given on open team, and the team captain Kipp. The winner was Mr. Hikids, , The success of the event yes. f hr? herniary ...n Ihe floor of the House will look ed by Harry 8mith. the latter wn. a Japanese, who has been gener- terday in every different respect "A Poor Little Rich Girl" to be n foe," ,ay Vilro good to the people of Prince llu The winners then challenged the otis enough to give them back to would seem to justify the Telkwa shown at the Westholme Theatre member of the Ha - pert. flherf)ien' learn, and the Utter the,ladies for the Red Cross, and people in making the stock sale tonight is a masterpiece. Mary iciae Sept. L-.Aecordinir ui i'uruuiio. lo were vietorious. they are going to be raffled over an annual one. It would ba good Pickford is the artiste. With a r aK. rj inailn it.. An.. FULTON-MORRIS The judge were: Ohjef Vlokem, again. The ladles extend their for the farmers, and would bring first-class actress in a first-class FIGHT STOPPED Harry Upsett. Geo. W. Kerr. D. thaaka to him. and also to alt in a lot of visltori. who would play, there i little left to be desired YV. Morrissey. Hen Self and Jack those who donated articles to be with them splendid thii'il !f ili. n r..i ii. ..r carry away in the way of excellence, of W"i.3 artnr dunno- ni (S((iti te it Dur Judge. rallied, and to Mr. Cunningham impressions of the interior coun amusement tonight. The poor, 9 Iji ani Hjintnn. Ohio. 8enl. t- In Ihe The baseball game was between for Ms kindness in giving hall, try. little rich girl can see things as sixth round of the light between teams of the business men anu Itahan l'n.U..r t Wn.h. light and piano for the occasion they really are, and she knows 8' Fullon and Morris, the Heavy the union men. The teams were w!DEATH OF MRS. McKAY that riches are not everylnmg. rennM. 11..1 it. t...irinr.. ha' a ' st hundred weights. Iteferco Hlnkle dis-(jualinod composed of Joe Hiekey. Mam. uroro at the finish was 7-12 in, AT DIQBY ISLAND Mere riches can never make up ftfl:' one nnd twenty. Morris for continually Poole, 1 1 ay nor. Harris, uagney. fuinr .if Ilia uniiui ntn. for the wealth of affection which T 'h usand iiiph. btilliniT. Ho was warned a doirn Arnotl. Ritchie and Hrown, for the The water spurts woe held In1 - rly yesterday morn ng. at is the children's due from inelr ; tllfi Bmilll nf fli.pltU Mrs. Mackay, ' times for hutting nnd hitting In business men, ami Leo Ives. Ham the morning, targe crowds lining lby Island. parents. Mary Pickford in this - attacks mado by the Aus. breaks, before he left the ring. An mond. Morrison. Thompson, Sherman. ihe wliarf to witnesi them. A full daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James play certainly Justifies her reputation p'2 ai:s:-:y wero repulsed, leaving angry crowd of spectators mobbed Wlnsby. Astoria, Graham. l...t of tho winner, will be pub. 'ith of the Quarantine Station as an actress of the front f 'he more prisoners In tho hands Morris as he left. Fulton proved and Knott fir the union men The lihd llaer. ,'ne,re; passeu any .r.. weeks rank. In the stellar role in this Italians. .1 - had been taken ill some the superior boier and was bene- play, she has delighted every au fitted by the clean.break rules. ago wlien visiting wim ner dience, where this film has been parents. She had been resident ARRIVALS at Trail where Mr. MacKay was shown. FISH WANTED Westholme Theatre 10 Laborers The boats in port today with I employed.The body will be brought over Miss M. V. McLenaghen, of the 0 halibut aro tho GJoa with IH.000 local high school teaching staff, Framsrs TONIQHT AND TOMORROW 'from the Island this afternoon lbs.; Hriugold, (.500; 8. and 8., returned from tho south on the Apply 'and will lie In stale in the' parlors Prlnc 8,000; Alaska, 5tf,000; J. P. Todd. Princess Sophia yesterday after, Rupert Lumber Co. ;of the B. a Undertakers. The Seal Gov. 8,000! Htrnnger, U.OO0; Fram, 4.-000; noon. Miss McLenaghen has been Art Craft Masterpiece 'funeral service will be conducted Joe Haker. 7,000. and D.G.F. spending the greater part of her tomorrow morning at 9:45 by the No. 1, 1,000 pounds. MAR PICKFORD summer holidays, in Manitoba. . Rev. Dr. Grant and the Rev. W. S. THE CRADLE In a picluruution of A. Crux. The casket will there Horn to Mr. Peter after be conveyed to Edmonton and Mra. Prince Rupert Exhibition Hyrne, lie nor Apartments, on (A Poor Lillk Rich Girl for burial. LONDON CAFE The sympathy of the community September 19, 20 and 21. September 3, a daughter. Horn to Mr. and Mrs George In .Six big acts. will be extended to Mr. and Mrs. AND GRILL Prlxe Lists and particulars Waddell, 428 Fifth Avenue-. V'et. Smith and to Mr. MacKay in their Third Avenue Admission 15o and 36c. Show Starts at 7 p. m. Sharp. bereavement. Service of the Beat to Im had at theniee 011 Heptember I, a son. Prompt NOT1V The advance in admission to ISo and 35c is due to uf tho Association. 318 there Is to eat at all hours. Klfth Street. 10o For New Wolllnotan Casl and the heavy rental in securing Art Craft super-feature, tho The favorite household Coal Is Fir Lumber of all dimension. Last Word in Pictures. Ladysmlth Wellington. Phone 15, BOXES FOR LADIES' Phone 110. Prlnc Rupert Coal Co. tf.