TucAtfc IftE DAILY NKWB ill- t nil mi the oinifci'l fr ' Among those leaving for lliol , in.. Burt '-' i. No. I Mlup east on (ho Irnln yesterday tli' Ui k N". muni. i-iii ni l'. Kami' n neon in G. H. Arnold Jng wns Mr. uiul Mrs. W. .Ilnid G1LLETT: rtvar , Ilettor Hprnee. and n who nro going as far ns Houston. hum It .1 m. to 0 in tint k liy 8 In. .Texas, on a holiday trip and do I ami nter wide. IM in to 40 III. NOTARY PUBLIO iiqi i" ivmrii lur nnuuv two HAS NO!EQUAL I.,Mir. i:ienr Verllenl drain iprtieo months. ns you can gel out. In replying SALE OF OOVCflNlVltNT Lot. FOR 8ALC enr .softens tf please give specific llftrtlls regarding Mis Haundcrs and Miss Hcck- wster.but doubletithe.cleans-ing stock have hand you on Double corner near the dw hw-mill. Thcr ars Iota 17 and It, with, two of Prince (tuncrl's well power of oap,snd,niKitr covering quantities of the ill Iter i 'TtCE ss a-retn ,..,. Block 10, section 7. met for pair known young ladies, left for the srythlng ssnltsiy ent sixes and grades ami whether Tf1shsta ffvn . SSS0.00 CASH. south on the boat yesterday wholesome. of Lex wm on nt, , it is dry or green. Can yutt fur-nish ter. III. l tl morning. They will take UIU..K up nurs Rtruti sussTtruTtiu. I! any Vevcl Siding. Ceiling ami at IW anneal. FOR RENT ing in one of tho hospitals In Finish in No. 2 Clear A Hotter "- n- aauve i, ,..,.. a .Sli-roomed bouse completely and Vancouver. H the ttwwtt. Th ,,.,, ' rt Can surface the Spruce? Shop you the Ml beautifully furnished, Indudinr ta hm oVr..i .. iitano. Best residential dlitiictlUi Mr. Ivor Hansom was a passenger . m.l of the Seal Cove led and Clear Spruce? Can you ncerpl InsMe MS si. , , UN, furnace and all HMiern conveniences. for the south on the Prince t t h;io9, a special! cream at home orders for specified.thickness and fermtt oe hf e.(, , , , : 8U month leaae . . 3S.0O. Huperl yesterday morning. Mr. Lt News Notes iu-m be neici i Mr. chri imr. grades? In nnmltig your best rear Mnta Hi parmtsM MMereet si ,.t ,.. . in an, Seven-roomed bouse with bath, part' Ransom has been engaged in the 751 Sixth Avenue, tomorrow afternoon. price please quote delivered Y. 1H be II aiMtta-wi the, . neih, 7,ly rnnlsbed, 101 Hall Street, 116.00.Section local office of the Union Hank, but Sllcker raincoats for boys and Wednesday. All are eor- O. II. ears Prince Rupert and eHe and Hat ef Ms i.. u r '1 hs t.-v has now been transferred to one dially welcome. aboard vessel Seattle, Wash. We at Mm ele r u.. t' 'tsk rour-roomed house with bath. 101 nirls Wallace's. If. iMiismewr of Lens-, , , hn, of tho branches in Vancouver. would like to have your priee both le-enin Avenue, Eait 118.00 Mr. A. n. Massary. i . , .a .a ,n .l ayiUlui'lllR Inff llliild film a aw mm V- rln. -w Mrs. R. IL Henson was among pays. PATTKHHQN I.UMDKH CO. two ltrfMii or ut..i. , H. Q. HELGERSON, LTD Among tne visitors in me cuyi - -. RAMi.n n.. the passengers for the east en the While UWg., Seattle, Wash. U. . ii. mmuuji. i..,u C I.. I . .l f... I' J' " " has ef Und. -"JC-att : yj Ik uuiiua .veto nuu .uiv. train yesterday. Mrs. Denson ; ii ' Myers, of the Educational Hoard There were sir carloads of fish not been in tho best of health School opening. Ill-Leg Leekie of the Presbyterian Church of for the east on the train which iatftly and it is hoped that the IwvnU for boys and girl" Wallace's. .Canada.. During the morning ser- i.fi vrsterdar. trip will benefit her. If. - - i i. a t - ! J.L.HICKEY vice ni me rresDjtenan unurcu "lie Daily News" Hall Mrs. Myers favored the con- Mr II. Doswell, of tho 0. T. P LAND ACT MINERAL ACT gregation with the singing of two mere, left yesterday morning for laEEN LA&D DISTRICT DISTRICT OF CONTRACTOR A BUILDtR CLASSIFIED ADS. beautiful solos. Winnipeg on a short holiday. Take Mttoe that CAISIAR.Granny OnnaoMdaled CeetlScate NOTICE ef Impre-eaeaU Power OMnpany. Ltd.. Flore and umco MHri-tr. SmelWsr a "Belle-lew No. I." -Dellevlew No. I," lu'.n Navigable Waters Protection AcL There were six empty refriger r Vancvaver, ereupauoo miMer and smell- -Blltw -Bleht-o- and rratlloo.- Sash, Door and M ft. S. C. Chapter lit. ator express cars on the train nr. Intends u apply ror permisatoo w "Snow rractlon" Mineral Claims, annate i ,3t WANTED. Sunday evening for this port. lea-e the reHewtnr desert bed lands: I the SXrena Minlnr tHtlsloa ef Catsisr Oak and Hard W as t The Orand Trunk faclfle Railway Com- tommenetsr al post planted at the Dlitrltt kinds. WANTED General Servant, one who 1 IP" n ue " has.un- You ace certain of better pic seflihweai corner of UI 11 1. CaitUr Dta-irtet. Where located! Al the bead of Iffiaoc wlUinr to assist with children, rboive Ctt section 7 or the aald Act, deposited thence nerth ff ebahu, foilewlfir River. Alice Arm. We Speclallts In Hard, tures at less cost when N.W. of Let your hlrh-water mark te the eorner riiia vet ir iwun toe Minuter oi rusuc worn at Ot tow-water TAtE NOTICE thai I. Wm. T. Keriu. wood Boat Ribs, 8 a ah. tawa, ana in tne orace or me District iHouaK wort is cnirusteu 10 Aieiiae sssii tbeasre west three ehame lo Free Miner's CertUcaM Ne. II1I C, scuat WASTED TO RENT Furnished houae or rtemtrar of the Land Benstrr Office. Dli-ln mark; thence eth and wen ft ror myaeir and aa a rent for Oeorre Rnd-e. Doors, to. -nates rnUewinr lew wsier mark: thence mi tor small isauiy. Apply DOS uo.lirici ui mice nuinri, ii rnnce nupen. Special rree Miner's Certiaraw No. till, Plate and Sheet Olaii tf.la alte'and wi three ciutaa, lo the ptac ef beelfc. inj of tb Daily News omce. description plan or wharf letend, amy daya from the date bereof. Miss McDonald went tho line Iftnd fifth eii-lnr nlint and nlhr nrli nm. up mnr tad tbauMnr S.I acres. Olailng. l apply lo the Minlnr Recorder fer a WANTED Oirl ror office. Eiperlenca notlpoaed to be buUt in Tiinee Rupert harbor I yesterday morning for Smith Is IHIANBY CONSOUbATED MININO. S MELT- Crrtiacate of Improvements, fer the neceaiary. Apply Pony Eipreaa. ".lit IN Q k POWER COMPANT. LTD. pur Corner Frassr and tn tu. rnnce Rupert, British Columbia, to land where she will resume, her pose ef otiuiniBf Crown Orant of the I front of Wiurfront Block -f" irmrrfm I. fred Ritchie. Area. t l.tTELUOE.IT PERSOif MAT EAR.t I m ritr r,l.n nf th. tn.-n.lt. rr th- duties as school teacher. mt, Aatast U 1917 octll above data. PHONE GREEN 269 And farther uke thai notice action, aa 1 1 SO monthly eorreipondinr for Btws'Md or aty Prince Rupert realaured In der mm II. mast tee rua-oeaeed he. P. O, BOX 444. Mrs. Collison and family who papera: 110 to $10 moouuy u apart ttM aforeaald land retlstrr omce at JCo. for the nf limtoee leek ceruflcate ef timet experience unnecessary; no can' 1913, SecUon 7 have been visiting in the city for lmpreve-Mta. SI I raaainr: lubjecu aurreated. Send ror A5D TAKE NOTICE that after the Our New Fall ex the left past few weeks, yesterday WaUooal Preaa Bureau Dated thta 4th (jay of Jaly. A. p. HIT parllcuUra. biratlon or one monUi rrom the date or the On the Venture fur the Naas. SUITS, COATS SKIRTS, room It7. Buffalo. W. T. Oral publication or thta nouce. the Orand Trunk Pacific Railway Company will, under DRESSES and BLOUSES MINERAL ACT FOR RENT SecUon 7 or the aald Act. apply to the Mrs. II. H. Peck arrived back in Have Arrived. Prince Rupert Feed Co. Minister or Public Worka at bis office In the the city on Sunday evening from OeetlSsate ef l-ttwiMt rR RENT rumlabed rooma; and bouie- City or Ottawa ror approral of the aald Port Kssington, where she has NOTICK p. a nei tu. OS TWee Set keepinc rooma. Hot and cold water. site and plan and ror leare to construct Come In and See Them Before "Walf.- -We4f ?. -Wolf He. I." been viMiting for the last few days. .- florfolk Rooma, Fulton street. 100, the aald worka. and -Watre-tat Mineral CUuna, aitaaie RECEIVED OUR 1917 8EC0I DATED at Prince Rupert. BrlUsn Colum. Buying. in the I terra Mimas tNvlaMi ef Cassiar FOR SALE. bia. this Itth day or June A.D. 1(17. Mrs. Too mi re and the Misses OHlrtcL WE HANDLE THE ORAND TRUAK PACIFIC RAILWAY Toomire left yesterday morning QOLDBLOOM8 Where loesud Aboel tS taMea bp the raR SALE otaoUne boat. 1 feet In COMPANT, ratmore k rulton. SollUtort. for the south. They will proceed Third Avenue. a Hi I vlt Mver from AMee Arm, Steele A Briggs, Rsnnlat lenrUL. In rood condiuon. Tale en Ferry's and Mackenile's TAtE NPTICX that L Uwta W. rataaore. as far as Tacoma before returning. tine, rercne rear, anchor, sail, tooia. Navigable Waters Protection AcL rree Mioera Certsflcate Ra. lltllC. arat Garden and Field Seedi. Sale price 1300. Apply E. LeCnanc.l R. S. C Chapter 111, rw Donald W. Caj-teron. rm Nmefs Cer Canadian Fish k Celd Storare Co. tf. vacate Ne. Ilea, intend aiaty daya fraea Also Fsrtlllisrs. The Oranby Conaolldated Mini nr. Mr. Frank Darnsley arrived he dste s-mwf, to epniy t the Mlntnr HAY, GRAIN AND FEED rR SALE Gasoline Launch. 19 reel In DENTISTRY smeltlnr and Power Company Limited back from Vletoria where he has Reenrder fer CerOScaUS af Impferetnenta, lanrth. Houae. and In rood condition.I Chicken Feed A Speclallj. h,h, ,h, It haa, under rar the par-Me af ebulntar a Cra been the holi Fairbanka.Morae, make-and-break, en spending summer Section 7 or the aald Act, deposited with Oraai af esth of tbe ale ctaUna. tine, 6 to I horse-power and ruaranteed. the Minister or Public Worka at Ottawa. days, on the Princess Sophia yesterday. cnown ait asiMi woes AND rURTtlta TAkE NOTICE I hit aC We Take Orders for Nurser-Stock. Ail sited painted, and ready ror im a SPBOULTT up, and In the office of the District Rerlatrar Maa. nader Sectaaa It, tnl he osn mediate use. Anchor, chain, sail, life- OR. J. 8. BROWN aw need txfaee the tssaaae of sack Cer " W Prtnce Rupert, at Prince Rupert, a de-newa nscalea af Imprates-wnta. Mr. H. C. Murray has returned Office, box 130. tf.I , DtMTIIT Oeeee Paairal Aueae-e Ts. .,-,-,, ,h. f DATED thta find day f Hm. K.D. lilt from his vacation in the south OfSiei Satna Bleea, TKIee rn SALE New Oaaollne Boat -Julia b,"I 'uuur Duwr worai pro- Sit LEWIS W. P AT MORI. and has resumed his duties Pneae 4S4 aim or without 9t horM.no.ee .nnn v oe duiii in epruee nay, on tne as Deck, it feet; beam. II ft. 10 lux Deptn r Larcom laland. Cassiar Dta- principal of the Dordcn Street MINEPAL ACT I ft. S In.j draurbt. 4 ft; keel, to ft.il " ' school here. huUt of 1 t-i In. or. with yellow cedar . A r ' aiier me e- CeetlScate af laieeveaeate. PACIHC CARTAGE, Ifli rtha. Capacity 10 tons. Boat may H r" w ? umla ' . ,oe 01 Mr. F. W. Doberty was among LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS NOTICE "i puoiiceuon w uua nouce, tne at inspected Masaett, B. C Tor sale -mmr. munr ana the passengers for the east on "Silver Bell" Mineral Claim, situs le la efceap. Sale price of boat and enrlne. HOTEL If 000. For further Information apply pwe: Company Limited win. under Sec- yesterday morning's train. Mr. OPEM TO QUESTS ON JUNK BTM out the net.Skeena Mini or Dlvl-ioa of Casaiar General Teami News Boa lit. . "uu ' 'r? ,u pp, lo "'" does at Offlce. tf ..' Doberty not expect to return Where located: One taiki rrota Ue iier ui i uuiie neru i uis owe in ue aty of Ottawa ror approval of the aald for a few weeks. Motor Stage will connect head ef Akra Arm. DOMESTIC MISCELLANEOUS I site and plan and for leare to coci tract with trains at Terrace. TAkE NOTICE thai We. Miles Donald. COAX the aald worka. Mrs. Starr who has been visit Free Mhtera CrruacaU No. Illl-C. and BLACKSMITH IT WILL PAT YOU TO GET SOME OF THE DATED at Colum Escetleat Treat iohn M. MetTlsoo. Fret Miners CertUcnte British la Prince Rupert, ing with her son, Mr. Jas. R. Starr, Flehuie, Lakslse Careful AUentloa to Fisne Barralna at the Prince Rupert Sash and bia, tola 4th day or July, A. D. HIT. Uke. Na. litre. Intend, ality days rrom the Door Factory. tf. of the Pacific Fisheries here, re dale hereor. to and Furniture Itemotals. lo THE CRA.NBT CONSOLIDATED MININO. Pkoee OeaaKtleee wltk TereM. apply tne Mtnint Recorder SMELTINd AND POWER COMPANT turned to the south on the Prince Rass $3.00 day far a Certiaeate of Icnpreveaaenu NOTICE I will not re responsible for any LIMITED, Rupert yesterday morning. per for the f-arpoae of cbuiniar S Croaa PHONE 93. debts Incurred by my wire, Mrs. L.T. Patmore k rulton. Soil tl tore. Far further oraai ef the above claim. Bewe, after thla date. L. T. Bowe. partlcalara, apply to And farther Uke notice thai action, an. Miss Hilda Chichester arrived i. BRUCE JOHNSTONE, Meastse. Aarust 7. 1917. 813 NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT der e Duo si. nrasl be co-nine need be-fara from Terrace on the train Sunday uw issnanca of such Certiorate of R. S. C Chapter III. SUBSCRIBE FOR FARM LANDS evening and wiH now stay in Improve-Best. Prince Rupert to continue ber tes M. Naaaoa. S.n. Hated tua SevenleenUt day of Jaty. A-D. 1 The 6urf Inlet Power Company Limited W. E. William, B L.L.B The Daily New BXSON AND CALIFORNIA RAILWAY CO. - SIS studies at the high school here. hereby Uvea nouce that It baa under sec- RANT LANDS Title to aame revested WILLIAMS A MAMSON 1- inlt,rt i,i.. k , - i ui m ci oepotiiea wiin tne win- mUlion, Miss Pearl Allen arrived from Barristers, Solicitors, Elo. vu.i. v, m vimifKh fir i j ir.r vi lam hundred tbouaand acres to be opened Land Retlatry District at Prlace s Rupert, the easjl on Sunday evening's ONir TO LOAN fer homesteads and sale. Timber and B. C. a deacrlpuon or the site and the train artd expects to remain here Boa list A HOT BATH THE arrleultural landa, conuinlnr some or beat land left In United States. Row la plana of w turves, bulldinr:, etc, propoaed for some time where she will be Heliereoe) BlorS Prtare vt-rl S. C to be bunt at the head of Surf Inlet, engaged in the local 0. T. P. tne opportune time. Larre map show IT MINUTE YOU WANT Princess Royal Island, ta front of Lot 40, lar lands by sections and desertpUon or offices. Ranre 4, Coast District. B. C. sen, climate, raUfalL elevation, etc And Uke notice that after the eisiraUon ou aro aceuit"1 ed ta cattnr Postpaid Co.,oo Box doUar,610, Portland,Orant Landa Oreron.Lo- of one month from the date of the Drill Itev. Chas. Sing was among the THE LNOINiyRtriNLMLVT 1 getting cold wa publication Of thla nolce the Surf Inlet naaawnore fnp II.a .mill. nr. 11... I stanlly. Think of b satisfaction Power Company Limited will, under See- tion 7 or the aald Act. apply to the Min- boal i"dar morning. Mr. Sing of gelt 1 1 1 i-icr of Pcblie Works, at tia office in tne was the pastor at the Methodist rtiMti--rs IWM Water In the same way a City of Ottawa, for approval of the aald Church before Hev. Mr. Dimmick I Oil. S 1-4 la. fer 7 la, 11-11 abundance, regsr si f site and plans and fer leave to eonitruet Hs Pee. iranfrre.l inr Stuart J. Martin the aald wharves, bulldinn. etc. " how much has beer used Cl- S-4 In. fcf B 1-1 la, tS Dated at Vancouver, B. C thla tin day before. or Aarust, 7. 8.14. Miss Nlckerson and Miss McGregor Heese Pewee, MAGIC ASSAYEH 4 0L i-s la. fer i la, rs-as HOT WATEn LIKE THE SURF INLET POWER COMPANT were among the arrivals Moese Pewse. LIMITED, back In Prince Itupert on the HAZELTON B. C. Princess Sophia yesterday. They Harry Hanson are of the leaching staff at the For Further Information Hot Water Serrire hroi Apply to King Kdward School here. lull conveni' ' , B you Tho oldest established Assay FOR SALE P.O.B0XJ5 PHONE 489 Offloe In tho North. W. E. WILLI8CROFT Mr. A, I.. Ilobinson, formerly of the postofllce staff here, came up Prince Rupert, B. C. stock of sash, doors, mouldinra, cedar. Or and spruce lumber, from from Victoria on the boat yesterday. the dry kiln and yard of the Mrs. Ilobinson Is nt present Prince Rupert Sash and Deer Factory visiting with her parents, Mr. and AT ROWE'S PLUMBING Mrs, Darnsley of this city. STEEN & L0NGW1LL OUS SEE SCLVIN Iettrheaa on the premises. Pie. W. n. Kerr who has been SHEET METAL WORKS Envelopes SANITARY AND HEATINQ Bulieinft must be vaeatad. in Prince Rupert for the last few Statements BARQAIN PRICES Ths make 0ellae Tanks, Oellsy Cards, Kte. ENQINEERS weeks returned lo the oulli on the Plssa, Smeks lucks, Chlsnasy Tepe, fkoacSS boat yesterday inornlng where he aad tl the work thsl le usually deae will go under hospital treatment M i the OLD FASHIONED TIN SHOP, A genta for WITH before he Is dually discharged, AIL THE LATEST OOWN MoOLARY FURNACES fO-OATE WORK SPECIALIZED, each aa SKVLIOHTS, CORNICES, lie. The News Job Press Harry Atkins Miss Ktonda Marsh, of Terrace, Evsr-iMa, la me ll-s f, Mlli, MlR( PLUMBINQ ramllf utthse, rn-ce Rupert. was among the arrivals in Prince -acted ar Facterr. SUsae put M4 ,,,. Prialiaf of All Dftcriptieas Dooe u bell.,, -,,, and , Rupert on tho train Sunday evening. SHEET METAL WORKS THE OLD COUNTRY While here Miss Marsh was I, "arlal.maHT Rsralrlai f all .l.??Kt' -"VICK Phone 5, 831 Second Avenue. 8AUSAQE MAKER the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Car-ruthers ''"J"M- ATlSriBO cos. P.O. Bit 89 I and left yesterday morn-lug OUR AIM. 1'rvurama Night phones 670 I PHONE Tomato Sausage a Specialty. for the south where the will B40. o. B0X 4, Catalogs and lilue 270 'iU!' 0a Ml tad Aieaae IKxij-er I continue her hlgliiclool studies. Tho right work, at tho right susei, clese te Oew Bay 'atera." I Phono 574 P. O. Box sad Oeiseamsnt Whsrf lime, and at tho right prloo. School shoes all kinds WaU DR. HEROIN BUILDINO. rrrrrosrwej lace's. tf.