Wcdnrada " ' " " " I I I or SCHOOL . fe... Pure Blood iVcaw Noc5 JX.HICKEY Loca G. H. Arnold You can keep your Wood in r? ,,r ; : tsit. iw coNTrucTon a builder pood condition have a clear i ami NOTARY PUBLIC skin,and bright eyes, by taking 'iiiri.slicker-Wnllitpn'a.raincoat for boya tl. . Mrattosst ma be at ie 8lore and time Futures., t J. MP. rHer. LOTS .rrSXIeet. GOVERNMENT SALE OF Sash, Door BEEOUM'S Mr. I. A. MelhjnaW. of Telkwa, r env teases aet rtt,far. Pert Clsmesta, Qaeee Charlotte Islasis. and Molding,. FOR SALE Oak and Hard Woods of all is a visitor to tli eHjf. w. p. vsjtct, teemary. Doubt corner near tbe new mw kinds. UkSL SCHnr intn c i. hMt eiwa mill. Tbey ere loU IT and II. Ieloplg nims , IOoi Velet BOARD OF SCHOOL der tftttraeOec) frwn Ihe Iefaty MHMsier HUPIST We Block 19. Section 7. Price far pair PRINCC Specialise In Hard, PIUS prints. 3c to 5c Melts. Drds. TKUITIIS of Land. I ww a the llth ' neptew S3S0.00 CASH.. wood Boat bee, itlt. at II eesork M the rereeoeei. Ribs, Sash, of Xw lltitutto. 4.. mill be intlWid by Uie ader- ai Pari ijemewti. Mil bj pnnoe ikim Doors, etc. FOR RENT Urr- Sl ef Arr MWU WiV.WU. Mr. I. Anprr, ' M ftrpt. ftsi. (Ill, iee the eo-TTii lt lota of Ihe sbwve tewneile beeeottor Set everr bare. UbSM.2S. nrTivril in th eUjr last evBtiNiJt. 7 rf eetskeaiwa. laMs, tHu. ff t nmu. The aeM ertee for which Plata and Sheet Qltis and SU-roocned bouse completely and tic the lots wm be ffered it H H W for Qlaslng. beautifully furnished, tntlsdtar Mr. W. Donald, of IVrraoe, harrilreliae ran be at lite era f sMIe tots and IIS pee sm for comer wis. iritna. Best residential district. Hit LAND ACT eatna to the city by last cvenlnp's Mr. J. XV Lsr eel e mm- mm batr eeeR and talsaee la one Corner Fraser and Gth Sts. furnsee tod ell modem eontenlencei. SIEF.VV LA.1D DISTRICT DISTRICT OF awjr iHMter st ' m nnr reer with MtSereM at sit pee cent gli months lease S3S.00. Take notice tbat CASJIAR.Oranby Consolidated train. w. P- vance. Secmtn. ssFferred fertnent Tbe Crew Orsal fee PHONE GREEN 269 Seven-roomed bouse wlUt taUt, prl-17 win be IS eeetttntMl. Plee er tne sewa Mlninr. Smcltinf k Power Company. Lld Mm. Wtolm was amoog th p- P. O. BOX ruraished. 101 1111 Street. Section smelt and Miss else end Hat of lots Jo be offered rea be 448. and of Vancouver, occupation mintnr Miss Margaret McColl 7. Sle.00, tnr. intends to apply for permHtlea te !igT! leavlnpr on lltl inornlnit'a .i. a a mi at ta osnee er toe asentem -l for rtver. JetiMe Smith came oown irum of Ufate, PHwee rsepert. or of train eenaer roar-roomed house vrtth hath. 101 lease tbe followtnr described lands: up Seventh Avenue, Cast I1B.00 rnmmenrtnr at a Post planted at the Teikwa on the train yesterday. Mr. A. R. Mannry. Pert Ctswents. is soutbwrst corner or Lot St St. Casstar Dls Mr. V. YL. S. Dudowanl, of Port, Ml Smith has been the guest oi ibe pipaistsini of Lenes, Victor w. B c H. Q. HELGERSON, LTD tncl. tbeoee north It chains, reUowlnr Simnson. was na)1nir a visit to Mr. and Mm. (, P. Mcuoll at J. H MeMlLUN. AseisUwt Oasnsseitlonsr Prince Rupert Feed Go. birb-wster mark to the n.w. corner or Let of US. - Prince llupcfl yesterday. Teikwa. and Miss McColl will attend lilt; tbrnre west three cbalns to low P. O. Bet SSS. SOS Thlre Aia We water mark: l be nee south and west tt high school here. MINEPAL ACT cbalns folk)win r low-water mark; tbence Ill's Worship Judge Young nr RECEIVED OUR 1917 SEEDS east three cbalns, to tbe place of berto rivet back from tire south by tbe From i recent Vancouver new -taper: nine and eoatainlnr S.t acres. Ceetlftteie ef Inereismseta- Princess May on Monday. R. W. Spears, a well known WE HANDLE GRA.BT CONSOLIDATED MMI.tO. SMELT "lie Daily News" ISO POWER COMPACT. LTD. logging contractor, arrived in the Steele A Brlggs, Rsnnlit' of Mill Ua. NOTICE Mr. M. M. Kntjllsh. 1. Fred Rltcbie. A rent. city yesterday trom Prince nu-petL Dtte. Aufust lib. 1117. OetlS arcornpanicil by Mrs. Kngliah. ar month -SWvee Beer Mfneral GUitn. matte la Ferry's and Mackenzie's lie two where spent CLASSIFIED ADS. Dttlifcua ef Casstar m Skeena wwti Garden and Field the last rlvcJ in city eiilnfr. H ill Seedi, so in the hospital. was Navigable Waters Protection Act. that for several'days his life wn Where tstatedt One mBe rrom the Also Fertilizers. R. S. C Cbapter US. Mr. ami Mrs. fleo. W. IVn. of dwpatml of, kut n strong oon- aeed of A Bee Ann. HAY, GRAIN AND FEED Swanson Bay, were among the ar TAkE NOTICE that We. MRea DenaM. WANTED. Tbe Or-nd Trunk Paetse RaUwty Com rivals in the eity.this morning. stiUiUaa nailed him through. Mr. Piee MSkeCs OrHfieite Ne IMI-C and Chicken Feed A Specialty. V.dTU)r-aunbermid. jrplJ w Savoy petty hereby rives notice tbat II bis, tin ipers sprnka very httrnr of the Mm M Msiitsea. rree Mtoefi CerttSeale Hotel. 110. der with Section the Minister 7 of of tbe Public said Act,Works deposited at OI Mr. ami Mrs. Kd, SHlwdl ar treatment accorded patient in No. ntl C Intend, sitiy dar frotn the We Take Order for Nursery dale heewaf. le appty U Ihe Matter Re not lawa. and tn tbe office of the District rivet! in town this morning after jhe Prince Rupjr Uo-pital. Slock. WASTED Girl for once. Experience eerder tor a WrMeate ef Improvements of tbe Land Office. Dls necessary. Apply Poor Express. U. Reaistrar Registry an extended trip to me eastern far the perpese ef obuinenr a Crown trict of Prince Rupert, at Prince Rupert, States. ennol ononfng' Ill-Leg LH Oraat ef Hie abeve ettira. St M Oeseee ProrUf lte44 Ta. 1 IXTCLUGE.IT PEAS0.1 MAT EAJL1 a description of tbe site and plan of wharf Upi9 for boys and girls Wal-lUce's. And retowr Uke nefwe that artten. en It to monthly eorrespoodinr for newspapers; and Bsb rurtnr plant and other works pro be ehmmesced be-lore tf. der svHa IS. awst built tn Prince barter Mrs. 1). II. Morrison and family III to ill monthly In spar posed to be Rupert the tsseenee ef sab OerttSetU of tune; experience unnecessary; do ran-session at Prince Rupert. British Columbia, in returned this morning from the Rsprevemreta. sufcjects snrrested. Send for front of Waterfront Block "V aecortfuu south where they have been on MINERAL ACT fated IMS SeveateeaUl day ef Jely, A.D. PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. particulars. Rational Press Bureau to retistered plan of tbe townslte of the HIT. Itl said City or prince Rupert registered tn holiday. room 7. Buffalo. X. T. CertlScate of laiteeveeaeete-NOTICE tbe aroresaid land rertstry office as o. tt. Section 7 Mr Geo. Edgar, accompanied FOR RENT -wotr -woir.- rwstf no. ." so. ." General AND TAKE NOTICE that after the ex Teaming by Mrs. Kdgar, of Pert Simpson, and -Weiverine" Mineral Oatms, situate of month from the date of the DENTISTRY rcn HERT mrnlsbed rooms; ind bouse piration ooe are paying a visit t the city for ta the Skeena Mlnisr DtvUlesi Of Casslar nrst publication of this do Ore, the Grand DOMESTIC Hot and cold water. keeptnr rooms. DtstrtrL Trunk Pacific Railway Company win. under a day or two. Norfolk Rooms. Fulton Street. 708. Where loraied: Aboel II miles up the CROWN AND BRlDwC woes BLACKSMITH COAL said to the Section 7 of tbe Act. apply Minuter of Public Works at his office in tbe Miss McQueen, of Winnipeg. ivHsaeKe River from AMce Arm. a IPSOULTT FOR SALE. TAEE NOTICE that L Lewis w. Patmore. Cartful Attention to Plane City of Otuwa for approval of tbe said has come here to accept a posi rree Miner's CertlScate Ne. IllltC arent DR. J. S. BROWN site and plan and for leave to construct and Furniture Removals, FOR SALE OasoUne boat, SI feet In the said works. tion in the law ottce of Messrs. for Donald W. Cameron. Free Miner's Certificate OINTIST lenrtb. In rood condition. Tale en Williams & Manson. No. lies. Intend slity days from DATED at Prince Rupert. British Comm. BSSssi SairiSt Weea, Ttee Aveaoe PHONE 93. date be reef to to tbe Mtninr tools. the apply tine, reverse rear, anchor, sail, bU. this llth day of June A.D. 1117. raeee ee Sale price II 09. Apply E. LeCbance, THE ORA.ND TROMC PACIFIC R.ULWAT Mr It. W. Wood, the well known Reeerder ror CerUBcstes or Imprevctneats. Canadian Flsb t Celd Storar Co. tf, tor the purpose of obtaiainr Crew COMPANY. Pttmore a. Fulton. Sol!li tors. mining man who is interested in araet of each of tbe above claims. FR SALE Oaaoline Launch, tl feet In properties at Stewart, arrived AND Fl'RTIIER TAKE NOTICE thai ac Act. lenrtb. House, and In rood condition. Navigable Waters Protection must be Oder Sect too II. coco this from the south morning. Fairbanks-Morse, make-and-break. en- R.S. c Chapter til. meneed before the tssvance of seen Cer rtne, a to t horse-power and ruaranteed. neeatea of Impeevrmettta. A HOT BATH THE All fitted up, painted, and ready for 1m The Granby Consolidsted Mlninr. Mr. Raleigh P. Trimble, of Port DATED ttu tlnd day of June. AJ. HIT mediate use. Anchor, chain, sail. Ill Smeltlnr and Power Company limited land. Ore., was among the pas. 1.11 LEWIS W. PATMORE. MINUTE YOU WANT IT preservers, tools. Sale price, 1400. Apply hereby fives notice that It has. under enters arriving In the eHy yes Hews omcc. box 10. IX, Section 7 of the said Act. deposited with terday evening from up river. Yu are accustomed t the Minister cf Psblle Werki at Ottawa. rcn SALE New Gasoline Boat "Julia B," and in the office of the District Retlsirar galling cold water instantly. with or without 11 borse-powtr en floe. or the Land Registry Office. District or Mr. Ikeda. of the Ikeda Mines. Our New Fall Think of the lit Deck, it feet; beam. II ft II to.; Depth Prince Rupert, at Prince Rupert, a de of Queen Chartolte Islands, was is fart ion of ffeltinr H i ft I In.; draurht, 4 ft; keel, tl ft; SUITS, COATS SKIRTS, scription of the site and plan or wharf the arrivals in town this buUt er I 1-4 In. Sr. with yellow cedar and lumber mill, and other works pro among DRESSES and BLOUSES Water in the same ay ribs. Capacity 10 tons. Boat may. be posed to be built In Spruce Bay, on the morning by the O. T. P. steamer. abnndanee, regardleis inspected at Massett. B. C For sale west coast of Larcom Island, Casslar Dis Have Arrived. now much has been used cheap. Sale price of boat and enxine. trict Pte H. Fhrabsall returned to It 000. For further Information apply AND TAKE NOTICE tbat after the ex- town this morning and is looking Come In and See Them Before before. at Mews Office, Box Itl. tf. plratiod or one month from the date of well, lie is glad to be bark and HOT WATER LIKE MAGIC the first publication or this notice, tbe Buying. MISCELLANEOUS and Prince Itupert looks good to him Granby Consolidated MlnUr. Smeltlnr Power Company Limited will, under Section now. OOLOBLOOMS Harry Hanson . IT WILL PAT TOO TO GET SOME OF THE 7 or the said Act, apply to the Minister E3 Hoi Water Semir bnnri Barralns at tbe Prince Rupert Sasb and or Public Works at bis office In the Among the arrivals on Monday's) Third Avenue. Door Factory. tt. City r Otuwa for approval of tbe said steamer from the ooulh was Miss yU this SOBV'i.i'nrf site and plan and for leave to construct 7 BOX 395 NOTICE I will not te responsible for any the said works. Roth well .who will take the place t ." . IS i i-ui i. PHONE 4S9 P.O. debts Incurred by my wife. Mrs. L.T. DATED at Prince Rupert, British Colum of Miss Taylor an the local teach Bowe. alter this date. L T. Bowe. bia, this 4th day of July. A. D. 1117. ing stafT. Aarust ?, .1117. SIS THE GRANBY CONSOLIDATED MINING, LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS SMELTING AND POWER COMPANT FARM LANDS LIMITED. Two members or the llnyal Flying HOTEL ratmore a rulton. SollUtors, Corps were 'aboard the' boat ORIGO.1 A5D CJOIPORXU RAILWAY CO. when she doeked this morning. OPEN TO QUESTS ON JUNE STH ORAXT LA5DSw Title to same revested NAVIOABLC WATERS PROTECTION ACT In United States by act of Coerress Their trim uniforms were a new Motor Stage will connect R. S. C Cbapter lit. dated tune . tilt. Two million, three types up here. with trains at Terrace. hundred thousand acre to be opened for bomesteads and sal. Timber and The Serf Inlet Power Company limited Mrs. Murray and family, of Catelleet Trent Ftskl la Lskelse atrtealtural lands, hereby alvea notice that It has under sec best land left In United coatatalar States. some Sew of U tion 7 or said act deposited with tbe Min Musgrave Place, arrived lack Lais. the opportune time. Larre map show ister or Public Works at Otuwa and In from Terrace last evening, where Pkeae Ceeaoctleae with Teeraae. lands the otBee of the District Reaistrar er the Raes $3.00 per day lac by sections and description of they have been for tbe pal H. climate. railfalL elevation, etc. 'f"nlb Postpaid ooe dollar. Grant Lands Le- B. C a description of the site and the on holiday for runher parUeulere', apply to eatiar Co, Box til. Portland. Oreron. plans or wht 'vea. bvUdmrs. etc proposed i. BNUCE eOMNITONE. Ma,e. to be baMt at the bead or Strf Inlet. Ttie city market turned over the Princess Reyal Island, la front of Lot 40. amount of It.03ft.fl0 during the Raare 4, Coast B. C District, month of July, according t the And take,notice that after the expiration of one month rrom (be date or the Srst eKy treasurer's report U the city pebUcaUoa of this note the Srf fewt council las! night. Stuart J. Martin Power Company Limited win. under Seo uoa 7 of tbe said Art, apply te the Minuter Mr. and Mrs. K. II. Mortimer 50 Tilt LNGINEyiUf IXtMINT V or Public Works, at bM office la the ASSAY Crl uty or Ottawa, tor approval er the said ami family returned to Use city Give each of Your site and plans and fr leave to construct on last night's train from Turwf HAZCLTON B. C. the said wharves, bsMdinrs, etc where they have been spending risHKRssairs cnaiNs Dated at Vancouver. B. C this Ith day the summer holidays. t CL B 1-Z le, kf y Is tZ-1 i i n or Aurutu 1117. S.I 4. Horse Pew sr. THE .SURF INLET POWER COMPANY Tha oldest established Assay LIMITED. Miss Caroline Mitchell,returoetf CfU-s m m. ti i i.z in, Savings Certificate. from Port Kssinglon en last evening's Merse Pease. Office In the North. train. During her stay C?l S 1-2 Is. I; I , MS !there, she was the guest of Mr. Heese Psaise, them feel that they are Canada's FOR SALE and Mrs. Malhieson. LET that they have each a For Further Information I f , .1 . t it.. ,l.m. llnmuie- Ucliniic aiiaic lit hb v.wa,a,- Miss Richmond, of New llaiel- Apply to the certain vidory and the free and glorious future. STEEN & LONGWILL llork or sash, doors, mouldinrs, ,ton. arrived on last evening' Certificates cedar, nr and spruce lumber, rrom train and left late last evening on W. E. WILLISCROFT Encourage them to save and buy the dry kiln and yard of the I the Chelobsin. When in the oulh Prince themscJvesi You'U be developing their patriotism, Rupert, B. C. I I . . inr Pnnitfiian War Prlece Rupert Sasli and Deee Factory .L t. r. .L : SANITARY AND HEATING - - Miss Iticbmond will attend the incir iiiriu nnu tneir uui. CNOINCERS SEE ISraemsr School. Savings Certificates oflcr absolute security and excellent OUS SELVIN interest return, wore important ami, j on the premises. Mrs. A. llailey. of Inverness, cuarnnlecing their luture, lor every uuu AssnU for BmIMImss must be vscetee. ami daughter who has been spending A SmI Vnn llatUUM lent to Canada helps win the war. McCLARY FURNACES BARttAIN PRICES the last few days in the city, COLD WATCH FREE. For each $21.50, $43 or $86 lent PLUMBINQ accompanied by Mrs. Harris, f ... now, Ihe Government issues a Certificate, and North Pacific, returned up river am kjmlgHtm m 4jm m payabls in three years, for $25,.$50 or this morning. $100. This means that interest is added SHEET METAL WORKS at over 5 per annum. Certificates may Phone B, 834 Second Avenue. Harry Atkins At the council meeting last be purchased at any Dank or Money Night phones 576 earn II I BtfUr, Prime night, a report from the niv Order Pot Office. treasurer was read which recommended and, Wue 270 THE OLD COUNTRY that a lax sale, to en-force For the sake of Canada and your The rlflht work, at the right SAUSAGE MAKER the evMleatlofi of all taxes alsv ein S children, save and invert in War Savings time, and at the right price. TA mWr !J w ttm Certificates. in arrears) fr 1016, be held on emaaBeB?' vii m m MiMllll WM,WWW Tomato Sausage a Specialty. the 1011a, day t Osleber. The report m hi. Canada. wot adopted. The National Service Hoard of SUBSCRIBE FOR I IU mm mlm JT Phone S74 P. O. Box OTTAWA. School shoes all kinds Wallace's, The Daily News tf.