The Daily News VIII NO- I'HINCP ni lMJtT. . C FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 7. 1917. PRICE FIVE CENTS ilq Y a, i o ROSS A FIGHTING ON ITALIAN FRONT FOR THE LAST DEFENCE OF GORIZIA r in mm nn arn v iTAIIf iuiimi H K III U II.1 Mill POPE PREPARES RENEWAL OF THIRTY 1LES RECAPTURED SECOND PEACE ACTIVITY IN EAST OF RIGA BY AUSTRIANS PROPOSALS MACEDONIA . rmrtiitd Regarding Tremendous Fighting Progressing Vorwaerts Says Gsrmany Wants On Both Sides of the Vardar River r ... .... - Omalin for the Possession of Last no Gain, But Durable Peace British Make Violent Bombardment piet Alilrr Says Point Dominating the War Predicted to End by Chinese to Fttrograd Safe. Town of Gorilla. the New Year. Help Russians. fteui ! tm bHf .vw. (Special to The DUr !") (Speeu: to Tbe DUy .news.) sepl. 7. The Ger-. Home, Sept. 7. The desperate I Copenhagen, 8pt. 7. According London, 8ept. 1. A renewal of advancing beyond battle for the possession of the to an authoralatlve forecast activity on the Macedonian front . I! . C. tin? petti In pur-treallng positions In the dUtriet northeast published by VorwaerU. Oermany reporled 0n both dea of lne Russian. of Gorlzla on the Austro-Italian win icii tue I'ope uiBi inc ucruiauj Itlver Vardar, the British artillery people want no gain, either terrl thirty inllca east of front is continuing. By an ex. torial or otherwise, but only a violently bombarded the enemy - .a seapnrL trrntely violent attack, the Aus-trians durable peace, guaranteed by in. works. East of Lake Doiran. the ntfT the former re-occupled Monte Ban ternational treaties. Bulgarians attempted two infantry M blef, saM tday Gabriclle, the last point of the Herr von Hydebrand. the German attacks, which were both Conservative leader, predicts s S( it rot threatened Austrian line remaining in their repulsed. that tbe war will not last through British Front. i. u r uige. but " possession dominating the city of j on tb Hou-, another winter, but will be ended London, SepL 7 On the nights ! eoj- f Th. garrison a I Gorilla The Italians are lighting by the New Year. of the fourth and fifth. German i vallently for its recapture. On I Reports received here from aircraft dropped bombs on three ' The German the Gar so Plateau, south of the i Switzerland say that it has been hospitals. Local fighting and patrol imr, Brettoviiia valley, the Austrlans. learned from clerical sources tbat encounters occurred during rched Ih i j : have reinforced by the Bavarian divisions his Holiness the Pope Is preparing the night southeast of St. Julien Gas School Where Soldiers Wearing Gas Masks are Tested. Tufa. brought from the Russian a second peace note which will be and east of Fleurbaix. London Fsrs. Photograph sh-iws Portuguese sldtcrs waiting their turn at a front, launched fierce attacks despatched soon for the consider Wore Canadians Wanted. -. , i ;. Orate fears gas si h.x l behind tin' Ilntish lin s in France. Tbe soldiers are against the Italians, but were repulsed. ation of tbe belligerent powers. Two Canadians were killed at t 5s j KsrdlHg tbe pos-i put through a severe lest to see if they can endure the poisoned Vital 1 RuMfaa Heel. gas. If they are found wanting, they are not employed in gas attacks. Statistics. the air raid on London on Tuesday. Five hundred additional prison, The vital statistics of tbe city General Currie says that the stand . ' t t d upon era were taken in the fighting at of Berlin published for the months more men are needed al the tv io- Husslan armies. Monte Kan Gabriclle, and two of March. AdHI and Mar. show a front, whether conscripts or vol COUNCIL AND the NEW ARMY WILL BE ON CITY iirrr express hundred in the llretlovUxa Valley STAFF fifty per cent increase in the num unteers. OUTSIDE will de TERRITORIAL BASIS THE ttuisians an fighting, where the Austrian attacks ber of deaths occurring from French Front. bt rather lb an per. were broken up. tuberculosis. Paris. SepL 7, Violent artillery x; ;r. There is no Up)) lo Tb Dttty ?- speajjpeiing of the city victory. Ottawa. 7The urflTs of ...-A fire prevails along" almost', the win 8epL ouM a GREAT SUFFERINGS OF ' council was held last night, when FISH ARRIVALS whole front. German attacks on a u received here it the new Canadian army will he nr. CHILDREN IN SYRIA the mee eogased on the water- the Aisne front were repulsed. j;.. j tbat the Russian gamted on a territorial basis, and work extension were in attend There were 178,000 lbs. halibut N'orth of ilheims, the french t s tt-ing conducted In New Yrk. Sept. More than B recruits will go to regiments ance. At the atetlng on Tuesday in port yesterday, being tbe troops penetrated tbe enemy first ? i. a malfly ahlM. children under 15 years of catches landed of both American line trenches. fl.OOO distrieL Arrange- their rom own night, in the absence of Mr. 8. I). easL .it. further and Canadian vessels. The Tom Chinese Troops for Russia. afce. all oepenueni on ouisiue rc- BsHIn RtporL IUf far nMaaltli nf life, irt in ments are pending for Ihe reiara Maedonald. president of the and Al bad 10,000 lbs; Magnbel, San Francisco. Sept. 7. Fifteen Br , : ; In the Ilulan i -i -,, .mii inn i i nnn "i all unfit soldiers and 1,1 ir.Trade and Labor Council, a depu; loIphra, 17,000; Teddy J thousand picked Chinese troops rrtrr, the German orph'ans are in Hyrla. not includ. iwives. tation of the men was then accompanied 21,000; Northcape. 9.000; II. and have been mobilized for transfer MS. a:. ' i hundred and Inir Palestine. acordlng to re- The New Loan. by Mr. W. E. Thompson. It., 7.000; Mayflower, 8.000; La through Siberia to the Russian ftrs, seven porta of missionaries from the The fourth, domettio loan to be In givfag a comparative Paloma. 42.000; Agnes B., 9,000; battle front to help the Russians imntlred men. one Near IJasl who recently arrived floated in November will probably lis, 8,000, and the Itenell with to stem the tide of the German ' c i 'ishiy guns, three here. It was asserted by the mis- be for a billion dollars. It will be staletneat of wages paid by the 13,000 pounds. advance. This information ar-. ' i k tir ruas. along wlt'j . i -. ti,-i n-n tiMin tr (i.iia.1 al a pnfja urilli will Tlrl in eitie or the coast, he mentioned Good prices were received, rived here in heavily censored --i . - ,-..v ...w. - rru.ll.- ,, : r4 rars and a great doubtful whether many nr iiiese iho utimcriiiera----- nearly six- iver i- li . a , ., ilh varying from 12 cents to 15 H dispatches from Shanghai. ' hatersals. Aloi.g children could survive the com Inn cent YaBOouver. Al iai nigui s nieei-ing cents per pound. -i hnr. Ue OerhMM winter If relief does not reach. official telegrams from the This morning the Carrutbers THE Q. T. P. HAS NEW utaesd as far as them in a more substantial form VENIZELOS PLANNED lower roast cities showed that came in with 65,000 lbs. halibut GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT than heretofore. TO ENTER QALLIPOLI Nanaimo alone paid J3.30 for an and 15.000 lbs. black cod for the In many Instances, tbe mis eight-hour day, and all the other Cold Storage Company. Tbe Sitka Information has been received. 9 taruast paenger sionaries said, little children. London. Sept. 5. The Athens cities paid 13.00, which showed was also seen coming up the bar that Mr. V. E. Duperow, at pres.. ihuraasx was Mrs. searcely old enough to feed them correspondent of Ileuter's Limited that Mr. Thompson's Information bor this forenoon for tbe Cold ent assistant general passenger i AitU lajy, with her selves were found by relief wwrfc- 'says thai the full report of the was wrong. Storage Co. agent at Winnipeg, has been appointed ' jgM,r. Her son, Went era living absolutely alone, dig- speech made by Premier Venixelos In view- of the fact that the to be general passenger ' u lth llalttttion. sins for enough food to keep them August 20 throws a new and im- present wrk qf excavating the WEDDING BELLS agent of the Grand Trunk Pacific t at He knew tbe hardest and and Canadian Government Hall- . uiiigQ. alive and often subiisung on poriani ngni on me uaruaneiies iliteh is by far n . . The majority or tnese campaign anu snows mat u ine dirtiest work that there is in the Among the arrivals from the ways with headquarters at Winnipeg. grass 7l)s were girls who had survived due plans he contemplated had not oily, it was moved by Aid. Nelson south this morning were Mr. and firarli. rn.i i. and seconded by Aid. McMeekin. Robin, Mr. Is well known in proAirr turners oi resistance neen aroiirarur icium uj h Mrs. II. D. Robinson. Mr. Duperow a r"nt Jrvmlu, VVslllnBton. Phone 15. , i i,vlnr been fed by their stantine. then king, Serbia might that the men be given a bonus of son, who is manager of the Rupert figure on this coast, having- beenui ""Ptrt Coal Co. if. brothers who starved. The Turk- have been saved, Bulgaria forced ten per cent wbilo on this particular Marine Iron Works here, left for city passenger and ticket agent in,i Ish authorities are doing all in to keep neutral, and Turkey de-their Job. the south about three weeks ago Victoria in 1910, and later was for the children, and feated early in 1915. Taking Into consideration that and on the first of September in general agent In the passenger WESTHOLME missions power and hospitals have ween , uie wme yi.-v" at present the city has very little St. James Church, Vancouver, by department in Vancouver up to a in charge .vention in the war in February, work to do, the council was prac the Rev. Robert Combe, was mar few years ago. He left many-' several places OriRA HOUSE opened in The number 1915-Gallipoll was defended by tically unanimous in not raising ried to Miss Annie Ellen Fowler, friends on the coast when he left Turkish of women TONiQHT ONLY how- only 6,000 Turks scattered among the standard of wages higher of Axminster. Devon, England. to go to Winnipeg as assistant children reported, of neeily than the present rate of 45c "per Mr. and Mrs. Robinson were receiving ceneral passenger agent, who will .mull WIIB ine IOC Uiucrrin i""'"'. I. mmnirM . AN -v w.v., - -1....,-- , hour. the congratulations of the be glad to bear of his promotion. number In actual want. niy supplies u. ALL-STAR CAST bridegroom's many friends in the W Constantinople it was learned WESTHOLME THEATRE tity all forenoon. CARD OF THANKS WAR at Ths PREPARING FOR AFTER Celebrated Scandal" libi. Turks were then actually pro- Tonight at the Westhnlme THE PRINCE RUPERT BOARD OF Mr. and Mrs. James Smith, of PATHE GAZETTE London. Sept. 5.-II Is reported paring u "iSr.KV'.J Theatre, there will be show an SCHOOL TRUSTEES Digby Island, and Mr. Mac Kay, of that a scheme for a working hi- he dee .red po y J all-star cast in "The Celebrated Notice to Parents and GuardlansJ Trail, wish to tender their sincere Emission out .. . ..... . . 10o and 16c. com-'carr.ed i l. 1 j 17 sioi. of British eiploalvet Scandal." This is a play of distinct i'upus win now oe lasen iuiu thanks to their many friends (or panics. ab.,U which some details have ben and could lir' merit, and is one which will the receiving classes of the Prince the expressions of sympathy received a - have been heard at Intervals dur- stantmople Upoll within a fort, gh please most of the Wwtholme patron. Rupert Public Schools later than during their sad bereave " the last few weeks, is now June Caprice was due to Monday. Sept. 10th, 1917. Any ment. T .,.HTED LOGGERS Hearing completion. It will prob- Thus. tfM.J' be Hhown op the screen lonlghtl child of 6 years of age or over, ably embraco about fllteen com-1 J-j In 'The MUchicf Maker." but tho or any child who will reach the Salesgirl wanted. Give phono, J. R. Morgan, Ltd. !V!,,,e!' hl!' lf.LlI';'": Ivuuld have been able to films have been delayed in despatch. age of 6 within two nitnths from address, or street address. P. O. Apply i.n. erosive, inuusiry -e- hfr gra,n nnil. have cs "The Celebrated Scandal" date of this notice will be ac box 32, city. Williams A Manson concern headed by Nohcls. iprv v.,I it..u-mm lini is crammed from beginning to cepted. The principal of the Tho.. fusion. . U intended to,. take c.ped Mid with great Intercut, ant It school should be notified on or Slicker raincoats for boys and a -. 1 .11.. ..I .,'I 1 I 1 u I I... m-w www "" torn ui iiio Rllililliuil wine" armies, on ,e,r rmr, I hold the attention of the audience before Sept. 10th of any child who girls Wallace's. tf. arise when the war ends. At that Ilrlllt have dar4 10 intervene and right to the last. Is unable to attend through lime, it is expected, energie not rniauy wtiuld havojost the east A l'uthe Gaielte is aim billed cause of Illness, when arrange D., now being devoted to munitions j, Ihe war would have ended ono for tonight, and altogether, the ments will be made for' the ac- LONDON CAFE nupm chlbltlon will bo devoted to manufaeture of an,I earlier." programme Is a fine one. A splendid eplance of the child when well 'PUmbsr 19, 20 and 21. other and notably of chemical ,sr V. it was. Ihe Kntento Allies musical programme has been enoi ,;h lo attend. 210 AND GRILL products. ,.mistook th Bardanellos oam- arranged, which will ln something W. I). VANCW, Secretary. Third Avenua i J I'"' Luu tt,,1 Parllcu-'' more than a,month after the wurlh Miming to hear alone. Prompt Service of the Best b. had at tha office tawing to the thick vyealhw pr- IKII WANTED their defense works T.,rks began there la to eat at all hour. i.r.i AolaUo, 318 VB una' alnntr thn eoaju the o. -.( -poIlt havlnj salil M. Vcn-Uiperl For New Wellington Coal and Three man for Pile Driver. $5 "hi oirset 200 I'rincH did no t tJ Z .longer any confidence In Fir Lumber of all dimensions. for nine hours. Apply New Fish BOXES FOR LADIES wharf this morning till half Phona 116. Plant, Seal Cove, 211 'iKmi"' ten.