Hal(uriluy h. g,' T1IK DAILY WE Wo " Don't Waste, Don t MAIL SCHEDULE The Daily News Starve there is plenty of Makes CooEiing a IPfeasuro THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA food for nil if you will only Fop the East. PubtUhed Dally anJ Weekly do your bit in preventing Mondays. Wednesdays and 1 rl-days No bending over a hot top to reach Guaranteed Largest Circulation waste. Demand the whole at 9:30 a.m. wheat grain in breakfast tho dampers Kootenay controls aro HEAD OFFICE; foods and bread. Shredded From the East,and Fri nil on tho outside hi front. And tho Daily News Building, Third Avenue, Trince Rupert, D.C. Tel. 08. Wheal BiscuitislOOpcr cent snndajs.5:30 Tuesdays p.m. oven thermometer shows tho tcmpcr-nturo TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 50 cents per inch. whole wheat nothing wasted, days at without opening tho oven door. Contract Rates on application. every particle utilized. For Vancouver. This range saves fuel, tune, troublo It contains more real nutriment Monday I Wrlto for booklet. and temper. and costs p. m. your DAILY EDITION t Saturday, Sept. 8, 1017. than meat, Tuesdays much less. For any meal Saturdays .... 7 a. m. A p. m. with milk and fruits. THE 0. N. R. DEAL of the railway company." From Vanoouver. of Indig Commenting upon this statement Sundays It p. rn, Strong expressions 9 a. in, KOOTENAY RANGE Ihe Victoria Times says Mondays havo arisen from all nation 6:30 a. in that "Daron Shaughnessy is Wednesdays over the country regarding the voicing a vain hope. The measure Fridays 9 n. m lob do si ysgtiS&SSRs deal which tha Government of whlclrhas Just been forced Canada Intends making with through Parliament under closure For Anyox. For Sale by E.A.GallanJ and Howe & MacKenzie and Mann in the Is intended to do the very Sundays 10 p. m McNultyJ things the head of the C. P. It. Fridays .... I0. ni.ABp.m of the Canadian taking over fears. A weak Government, Northern Railway, tfot only the dominated by the Flavelle-Mao-Kenzie-Mann-Lash Made in Canada. From AnvOX. deal itself is objected to, but group, has Sundays, a. m.; Tuesdays, p. m the manner of 'the making It. unloaded upon this country undisclosed nd Saturdays, a.m. The Edmonton Bulletin says liabilities, the extent NOTES AND COMMENTS that "the MacKenzie and Mann of which heaven anl thoso interests or Port Simpson and Hun River, alone know and has Although five provinces in Can- Saturdays, a. m. succeeded in have interests paved the way for the payment'oda have already extended the railroading through Parliament of millions by the taxpayers for franchise to women, the llorden rnr (iiittn Charlotte Islands. the most barefaced piece th nriviVim nf rnrrHnir ilm 'Government is not prepared to August 1st, 10 July 18th, of thievery ever put over that burden. It is a 'win the war' follow suit. It will only permit 5th and p.m.29th. Really Sir, route. They have adopted the measure. It is going to hit the wives and female relatives of From Queen Charlotte Islands win the war cry as their own, kaiserlsm by soaking the Canadian soldiers to vote. Red Cross workers, July 22nd, August 5th, 19th si you are and under cover of patriotic taxpayers, who include, or the wives and relatives of eptember 2nd. professions, are plotting to of course, the Canadian soldiers, munition workers, who have done vastly perpetuate the reign of plunder and benefitting that small splendid service for the Umpire, tewart. Maple Bay and Swamp 1 they have employed during group of intensely loyal and are not to have any say in the Point. interested in the last three years. Plainly, patriotic interests behind the election. For Wednesdays, 10 p. m. if the ordinary people of the bill." From Saturdays, p. m. country want to have anything Referring to "The Canadian According to Vorwaertz, the left when the war is over, they Northern Steal," the Sun says: German newspaper which pre- Alaska and Yukon Territory. had better slop calling each "We call it steal advisably. It 'diets the answer to Germany to For Mondays, 7 a. m. Sunlight Soap other names and begin to give is worse. The application of the Pope's peace proposals, "The From Saturdays, p. m. some collective attention to the the closure has made it robbery German people want no gain, but plans that are being laid to by violence." only a durable peace, guaranteed You pay for the aUrrncnts it clcajnet 10 fleece them." The agreement entered into by international treaties." This well and so carefully You like your wife to That Is a very plain statement. between the Government and is what the Entente nations be. have leisure and to be frco from the drudftcry "Thievery" means that the C. Jf. n. was . i tt,.iievA too. Ilut there is a distinct of wash-day work. You. as o buiinets man, there must be a thief or thieves. event of default. the Govern-'difference between what the Oer- can appreciate what the 35,000 Sunlight And thieves are usually put in ment was to foreclose. But the man people warn anu wnai wie guarantee of purity mutt mean. prison. But when the alleged Government has no Intention 'Kaisr and his clique want. In TIMBER SALE X101S. Suggest to her that Sunlight Soap rautt be Act Germany, the Kaiser does not worth a trial- -for it it. "thievery" is, legalized by of foreclosing. It is going to of Parliament, what are the buy and pay good Canadian stand for his people. He stands Sealed tender will be melted by tbt Stlltt Soap it aclJ bv alt (rr, people of Canada, whose prop mnnav for Ihnt vtrhlrh nn rnh 'for himself and his family only. Minuter or Land do! .later than noon on ll it eaao't la Caotd tr Lover erty is being stolen, going to do consideration was given. It wnen me uerman peujiie rramo parcbatt tht find of day Licence of September,X 1011, la HIT.evl for S.IIV tbt u Brother, Limited, Toronto. about it? The Canadian people proposes to buy watered stock iJhal Ihor fn until nonff. Ihev will tSO feet of Sen)re, BaUara and Hemlock have had to stand for a lot up to the extent of 90,000.000. see their only way to get It is to on an area altaated on Link Lake, Rant till now, and if they prefer it The Drayton - Acworth re-port first get rid of he Kaiser. I, Coal I DUirtet Three (1) year will bt allowed for re that way, well and good. They plainly says that "this moral cf umber. got what they voted for. slock was issued without any WATER NOTICE runner particular of lb Chief for iiaron enaugnnessy uses cash consideration." Wprse Divertlon tod I'm). rtter. Victoria. B. C, or DUtrlct fortiler, B. C. Sit S. S. PRINCE RUPERT rrtnet Rupert, more delicate language in con. than that it was worthless. veying the same idea. He says, Yet the Government of Canada, TAKE NOTICE Uul R. t. Selll. wboM LAND LEASE NOTICE on - tddre It Stewart, B. C. will apply for in referring to this matter "It with Sir nobert llorden the t license to take and uh Mventy cubic is to be hoped that the country premier, proposes to buy fret of water out of Jiorth tod Cut rorki IKCEA LA.1D DISTRICT DISTRICT OF PRINCE GEORGE will not in consequence be watered and worthless stock, of Cascade Crt. which now aoatbenr QLtE.1 CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. SOUTHBOUND saddled with heavy liabilities not with their own money, but Tbe lata Salmon water River.will be Catitar diverted Dlitrlct,from B.tht C. . Monday I a. m. f or Swanaoa Say, Vancouver. Victoria and Seattle heretofore undisclosed, and with the money of the people tream at poind about two Uxxjwnd feet TAKE KOTICX that I, Oeorrt McRat, of Saturday I a. en. for Ocean rail, Vaaocaver, Victoria and tv: la that in fixing the amount to be of Canada. above tn rorki. Tbl notice wii polled Skldetate. B, C. occvpailon enfiaeer, in NORTHBOUNO leait tht Irnd to applr for ptrmUiton to paid under the arbitration proceedings, That Is the kind of Govern, en the around on Um Hi lb day of Auruit, feUowtar deacrlbed Undir WEDNESDAY II noon far Ketchikan, WranreH. etneaa tad nrU n o consideration ment we have got, who look 1(17. A copy of tnit notice tod an ap Commencinf at a pool pUatod at tbt nUDAT tl boon for Anyoi, thereto and to tat whatever Bhall be given to personal after the Interests of the people plication Water Act.puriutnt ISM, will bt Bled la tbe met northeast corner of T. L. Lot III, Alifoni TRAIN SERVICE Bay, Skldertu Inlet, tbeoct wed II investments In unfortunate as they swore to do. The man. or tbt Water Recorder at rrtnet Rapert. 'balni. thenct north I chain, tbeoct II T-nitrr Masday. Wedseaday and TtAr ! II:M 1 t Om'tser. to tbt application nay rrtnra Oeorte, Ednontat) and WtrOp't. dlrvet eneww im r 3 B. C Objections aftafcr ventures such as coal ner in which they have looked chain la an teiterly and touiberly dlrec be Died with tbt eald Water Recorder, or potnu eail and aonth, Mtted Tneeday lt.ta.fM toMtarr, aod a;: la mines, lumber mills, blast furnaces, after the interests of the people with tbt comptroller or Water Rtrbu, tloa follow in r ibort Do, thenct went t lennedltlt polBta. and other works alleged is quite enough to ensure a parliament Bulldlnr. Victoria. B. C, within chain to point of eomraenetmeol, con to have been undertaken for the class of men with a somewhat thirty dart arter tbt 8rtt appearaoct of June talninr llth.II acre HIT.mort or OCOR0E let. McRAK.All, ABncy All Ocean Steamship Llnss. of Canadian Northern enter-1 higher standard o f public tin no tire in a local newtpaper. Tbt datt For Information and reservations apply to of the Brat publication or tbla notice la City Ticket Omce, 620 Third Avenue. PHONE SCO prises, but being In fact private I morality being returned at the Aorutt li, KIT. ft.14 MINERAL ACT speculations of the promolors j next general election. R. K. HEILL, Applicant (R.s. b. a inn. Holly rrtction. Birch. Croeu ft action. and plum mineral claim iltotte la tbt Oaevn Charlotte DUtrlct. locaud at or ssSSI 1 near Ikeda Bay. Qoeea Cbarloita Iiland, A NEAT KITCHEN ProTlnct of BrttUh Colsmbla. lawfully held CANADIAN PACIFIC RA11M by Ikeda Mine Limited (Moo Ptraonal WITHOUT A BROOM Uablllljr). TAKE KOTICE that I. John A. Madanet, Lowest Rates 10 all Eastern Point Solicitor for Ikeda Mine Limited (Son via Steamer to Vancouver and tht No coal-hod, no ath-pan, no 'Q 9Qffii&vz -Virgin leronal Ual-llltj) rrt Miner Ceruacate CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY dirt, no bother. You never have Mo. I IllIC Intend, after tht tiplrtUon of Meale and Berth Included on Steamer Uty day from tht dale hereof to apply to sweep up after cooking on a on behalf of ibt eald Company to tbt NEW PERFECTION. It Mining Recorder of tbt said DUtrtct for Princess May for GranbyBay and Alice Arm 11 p.m. Fridaf cooks and a Certlflcatt of Improvement for each of Princess May southbound via Ocean Falls 8 p.m. Sunday more quickly more tbt above claim for tbt purpoat of oh Sth. Princess Sophia for Vancouver Saturday, September conveniently than a coal or wood laimni crown rrant thereof. AMD FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that action Princess Alice for Alaska Monday, September 10tn ranee, costs less for fuel and takes under Section II of tht Mineral Act mail up naif as much room. be commenced before tht Utuanct of such J, I. PETERS, General Agent Certlflcatt of Improvement. These dealers sell them: Dated tbla llth day of June. A.D, HIT. Co ner Fourth Street and Third Avenue. Prince Rupert. B.C. solicitor xor Ikeda Mloci LimlUd (.1,00 rertonai uabiiity). 810 Thompeoa Hardware Oe-, Prince Rupert. IM THE ESTATE Or CHRISTIE GIB SO M Kale Hardware o " ' " (DECEASED) ' teek-e Hardware Ce., " " HOTICE IS HEREBY ntvvn h.t .1 AliceB. Hew " " Launch McNultr, peraoo bavtnv claim upon tht Eiutt 01 S. i. Oailand. " " the la It Chrlttlt Olbeon who died on 01 Bert Vesta Co, fori sttipeoa. B.G. about ibt I to dar of Wovember, A. D till, wbllt on active te.nra ... rOR THE I ALT IA" are required to tend to 1. II, McMupini Ererr fit Oaf fre" uuu AuujiDiiiraior ror the touaiy of 10 a. av. Alltn, on or before tba lath i. nr With Royalite Coal OU the New ber, hit. a fuU tutement of their claim. RETURN FAR! Perfection will cook your meal wr nj eecurur new by them, duly verified, for from 5 to 10 cents. and after that data Um undertlmed vrlU Call "'' J. THOMAS, proceed to disirtbute tk u. r W. wuobv tnt partlet entitled there areet set THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY w. iwFior rerara only to ibt claim of I t m "" - m m m . - Limited """ct oa wen Died with him. DATED at Trlnca kun.,i.. n .ki. BRANCH M .Ml. ,,,U m ALL CITIES Uy of Inlj, 1117. ... II McMULU. Advertise In The Daily News nwaii e tva t EMPRESS COFFEE WHSM.MALE DISTRIBUTOR F. Q. DaiA.na. aaw ZT. a PRINOE RUPERT,