Balurday September 8 I i Mrs. ;. Huong i, i nig f i th.' ,.utli. m,, L ical News o!cs sjn turn- in VaiMm,, pi mi r.MllIig l4isl( When Women are Weak jjj r " Mr It 1" U'1,1. ... 10c; Vclox " ureili wn1 I-l I.I Women who fed weak, languid and depressed itwimiintt films McRae Dros -.C-gVrB.-- n UBRtBRtBRtBRtBI ml.TrMr.l in lllRnim. rv who look pale and dull-eyed, and have lost appetite pi ...u. 3e to 5c n tin mtrtliefta Panii and fresh looks need a tonic that will Mr A W. finrtiT. of Ofeflnic BBBBBR inTTTlVl rS iT'te LbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbP i HTiveii imcx arrain in th I'll purify the blood, help the organs of digestion, Cannery, arrived in town Tester orday. regulate the liver and bowels, and strengthen day. Mr. It. C. Lawry, who the It long has been known that i-mlcndiiig '..T system. Mr. M. II. Ramsay, of Victoria, the eotlslrtirti,.,, ' Mi., was among the arrivals In the city BBBBBBlS???!1" ??3k new llsh plant nt Heal l.fl yesterday. for Varieoiuver this innrnnu Ti,, Beecpai&sPMs coiierele piers for the n.-v 'd'll JudgP Young is eipecleil to Mrs J. tin Oliver, wife of th PRINCE RUPERT BOARD Of SCHOOL are all In position now. u I I tll leave for All In on Monday to hold Minister of Agriculture; MrB. A. TRUSTEES work of constructing tb. are a blessing to weak women, for they quickly correct court there. M Msnson. Mrs. M. P. McCaffcry Tenders Kill be received by the undersigned is well in hand. Mr. y ill womanly ailments, improve the appetite, purify the and Mr. and Mrs. P. 11. Mobley arrived up le Sept 14th. 1117, rer tbe eon-traction tends bringing up the i conditions. They are Mrs. K. R. Thomas, of 1'rlnoe last or belMHir flK' . ' just as the blood and re-establish healthy back again in town soon as what f , Uberl. arrived in town off last iktn I. for domestic .science purposes. 1 safe to take as they are purely vegetable and without night from Prince George, whither PUM and speetflratieei can be seen at tbe for its unloading. A few doses will bring better night's train. harmful drug. the ministerial any they had accompanied mee ef the architect Mr. J. vv. roller. spirits, improved health and a feeling of fitness. The city hall Is looking line and party as the guests of the Lowest or any tender net necessarily accepted. bright these days with its new Grand Trunk Paeillo Railway Co. Box W. D. VA.1CE, tfcfctery. Worth a Guinea a roat of paint. The Hon. John Oliver, accom J.L.HICKEY panied by Mr. A. M. Manson, M. PRINCE RUPERT BOARD OF SCHOOL UmmUkCmIuA I..TV-i-t Bmlta. St. Hot. f, m), Mr. F. C. Hayward, the flsh P. P. for Omlneca, leu ir.e party TRUSTEES CONTRACTOR A BUILDER buyer, left for the south on this at Burns Lake and maue a trip Tenders HI iVreeeeted by the under morning's steamer. through the Oota and Franeol 4 reed up U 8pL tilt. HIT. fer the fe 8lore and Ofllce lit' , Mrs. W. n. Martin and family Lake country. They will prob tr4M er etutbeardj. UHes. etc., fer Path, Door and iil Mr. Henry Doyle, of Mill Hay, dameelie setenee wirpem. Plana and rt arrived back again In town last ably arrive baek again in the city fpeeteeatkias eso I seen si the efflce f Oak and Hard Woods was among the arrivals In the f all G. H. Arnold evening from up river, where they tomorrow, rreniier iirewster. f- i,M Mr. j. w. Potter Leveii ee have been spending the holiday city last evening. companied by the Hon. T. D. Pat- U-y tmder not necessarily accepted. kinds. season. mi. r. n..v.n,n nr tn. in. tullo. Minister of Lands; Dean W. l. eecreiary. We Speclallte In Hard, NOTARY PUBLIO ,ln0 Facu,f of V"1-the wood Boat Ribt, Bath, arrivals In Mr. Forrest, the popular local geles wa, among the ',ln l? V Doors,' etc. representative of the Swift Canadian city yesterday. ,m . irtjiumuia, onu .nr. c uimtu. FOR SALE Company, was the Plate and Sheet Qlatt and among Mr. W. J. Jefferson, of Hutte- the Surveyor-General, proceeded Double comer near tb new n passengers for the south on this north from port George, by river Qlailna. milL They ere lou ST and 31. dale, accompanied by his son. R. Block 10. Section 7. Price for pair morning's steamer. II- arrived In the city last nlRht.Moal Into the Peace River country. Corner Fraser and 6th lu. 1360.00 CASH. and will come out via r.umonton. The sale of home-cooking held PHONC QRCEN 2S9 Mr. J. II. Pillsbury, superin SALE OF GOVERNMENT LOTS In the Red Cross tent FOR RENT yesterday tendent of the drydock, left for TIMBER SALE X 949. Pert CleeiMle, Qeeee Cialetl ItlaMa. P. O. BOX 441. ' realized the sum of $78.65. The Sii-roomed bouse completely and Victoria this morning on business. sale was under the charge of Miss Sealed tenders wiu be received by the beautirully furnished. Including a ?OTICE Is hereby rttea that, acUnr n tiiano. Beit residential district. Hu Hudson and Mrs. Ilirnie. The Presbyterian Sunday Mintster of Lands not later than noon on der initmuon from the Deputy Minuter the lh of for the ruroace and all modern conveniences. School will resume tomorrow day 0et4er. 1117, of Lands. I BUI ao the illh day of Septets haw of Licence X tit. to rut I,I . Bit months lease The fog which was in the liar. purr ber. it 17. at 11 e'cleek In tbe rereawa. afternoon in the Church Hall nt feel of Fir front an area situated near Seven-roomed house with bats, part bor yesterday gave some very 2:30 p.m. Rip toe Point, on the west (bore of Dean il pen Clements, sell by public sof lkn Prince Rupert Feed Co. the lets ef the above tewnalte befeetint IT famished. 101 tun Street. Section curious effects. Just before it CbanneL Kl Coast District T, , Ste.00. broken Two (t) years will be allowed for re to the Crewn The upset price fer wnwh P. O. Res St. OS TWK Sit was finally up by the sun, There were many passengers tbe lets wtll be offered is It per 11 for moval of Umber. Four-roomed bouse with bath, (OS it had lifted from the water on from the Eastern Provinces ar. latdc lets and 111 per let fer comer tots. Further particulars of tbe Chief Forester RECEIVED OUR 1917 SEEDS Seventh Avenue, East ...... flt-00 Terms: one half cash and balance la one this side of the harbor, while riving In the city last evening on Victoria. B. C. or District Forester, Prince rear with Interest at sli per cent on the completely shutting out the view I Rupert B. c 171. their south. WE HANDLE way deferred psyments. The Crewn Oranl fee H. Q. LTD HELQER80N, of the other side. The horiion wiu be lit adJiUeoaL Flan of tbe tewn Steele A NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT Brlggs, Bennies' was Invisible, the fog and the sea Among the travellers for the R, S. C Chapter lit. site and Hit ef lets to be offered ran be Ferry's Mackentlt't seen ai tbe UBr ef the Assistant Com and merging into one, but at what south on this morning's steamer mistteoer of Lands, Prince Rupert, er of Garden and Field Seeds. distance it was impossible to was Mr F. O. Dawson, who has The Surf Inlet Power Company Limited Mr. A. R. Miliary. Pert dements, or la guess. It was quite a North Sea gone below on a business trip. hereby lives nouce that It has under see l he Department of Lands. Victoria. B. C Also Fertilizers. effect. I'rince Rupert might have Uon 7 of said act depoelted with the Mtn I. IL MeML'LLIX. Assistant Cotntnlsstoner MAY, GRAIN AND FEEO "Ik Daily News" later of Public Works at Ottawa aad to Mr. S. M. Newton, who spent ef Lands. Sept It been the edge of an ocean. on tbe office or the District Re-istrar of the Chlcten Feed A Speclalti some time in the lower coast Land Rertstry District at Prince Rupert MINEPAL ACT CLASSIFIED ADS. We are in the market for 1 In cities, during his recent visit B. C s description of the site and the We Take Orders for Nursery IM in- and 2 in. .No. 1 Shop there, has gone east from thence. P1- r buiidwrs, etc proposed CeeUtcete ef laieeeveeteeta. Stock. ra buui at we neaa er Ban iniet Spruce, the same thickness in Xo. .. , WANTED. 2 Clear & Detter Spruce, and as ii r: .iurujau(c,l.i. nuu l.- l tias i rcuiunre 4. Coast District B. C NOTICE ell Oedaea Prowetll Allaae 7a. much 3 in. to 0 in. thick by 8 in. visiting with Mrs. Alexander fori And use notice that after the eipireiioo "Silver Be li Mineral Claim, situate ta t CTTELUaE.fT PERSO.f If AT EAR and over wide, 18 in to 40 in. several weeks past, left again fori0'.?0 DaDla from tae date or the Brst the ikeesa Mtnter DHttton of Casslar 1100 monthly correspondinr for news, ixuiuniui oi uiu noice we aurr iniei I pistrHt long, Clear Vertical Grain Spruce the south on this morning's boat. papers; ttO to f 10 monthlr la spare rewer company Limited WW, under See- I Where lor a led t One mile from the time; experience unnecessary; no can- as you can get out. In replying uon t cr we said Act KWT we Mia- head ef AMce Arm. vaeeinr; subjects suggested. Bend for please give specific details re Mr. V G. Norrie, superintend isier or pudhc works, at his once in the TAKE NOTICE that We. MHee Donald, LAKESE HOT SPRINGS particulars, national Press Bureau garding stock you have on hand enl of the'Silver Standard mine aty of Otiewi, for approvU of the said Free Miner's Certlflcate Re. Iits-C. aad HOTEL room ttli. Buffalo, ft. T. covering quantities of the different near Hazelton, arrived from the site and pu and for leave to cool true I John M. Merriseai. Free Miner's CeruScate the aald wharves, bulldinrt. etc .Ho. Itll C Intend, slilr dava from the OPEN TO (WESTS ON JVftC ITU FOR SALE. sizes and grades and whether upper country on latl nights Lwi Vancouver, a. l. uus lia aay date hercef. te amir la it, uiim.. it is dry or green. Can you fur train. He left for the south this iiuiul iit. S.K. Imrdrr tar rrnfit-mtM - I...- .-.. Motor SUse will c -ret Pan SALE Oasoline boat. II feet in nish any Vevel Siding, Ceiling and morning. THE BVRP 1.1 LET POWER COMPA.1T for we Mrpoae ef obUtelae a r. with trains al Terra ? leerth. tn rood condition. Tale en-fine, I Oranl of the above euim. Finish in No. 2 Clear & Better reverse tools. rear, anchor, sail, Can surface the Mrs. A. II Allison and children NalBable Water. Urectio. Essetlaet Treert Flkf la Uim Bale price 1100. Apply E. LeChance, Spruce? you Shop Protection Art. is. b.-T be ZnmZZk u Ula. Canadian Pish k Cehl Storare Co. tf. and Clear Spruce? Can you accept eft for Vancouver this morning w. n. c taaptcr lit. fere the issuance ef Serb Certifies le of Peee Cseeaetleee IU tw-me. MISCELLANEOUS orders for specified thickness and on a holiday trip. After spending Improvements. RatB 3.00 per day grades? In naming your best some time In the lower coast The Grind Trunk Pacifle Railway Com Dated this Seventeenth day of July. A.D pany hereby rive nonce that II "ir. OOOD HOME OFFERED TO HIGH SCHOOL price please quote delivered T. cities, they will proceed to the der Section 7 of the said Act deposited has, un For further particulars, wt't Xtwt Oirt la otnec.return for services. Apply Dally ir. O. D. cars Prince Ilupert and prairie country at Moose jaw. for nun we Minister of Public Works al Ot J. BRUCE MNNtTOt. east'. aboard vessel Seattle, Wash. We a month or two. tawa, and in the omce of the District RST1CE I will not te responsible for any would like to have your price both Registrar of the Land Peslslry Otoe. Dis DENTISTRY able Incurred trict of Prince Rupert at Prince Rupert by my wife, Mrs. U T. ewe, after tbu date. L, T. Bows. ays, PATTERSON LUMBER CO. CLEANSE THE a description ef the site and plan of wharf e,Mi,,,, AUfUSt 7. tl7. BIB While IUdgn Seattle. Wash. tf. ana nsn cunnr plant and other works pro CROWN NO BRIDM won LARGE INTESTINE posed to be buUt la Prince Rupert harbor A SPEOIALTT PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. MINERAL ACT at prince Rupert British Columbia, la OIL J. S. BROWN Cert HI cats r Imprevemeata front of Waterfront Block "I" accordint SOT1CE Present War Cry of Advanced to rerutered plan of the townslie of the OINTItT 1 FOR SALE MBeUevlew Ito. I," -Bellevlew Ho. 1 Physicians. said City of Prince nuperl registered ml Onset Searui Bleak. ThlrS Aiee.e General Teaming Bele view Fraction. "Blenheim' am the aforesaid land rertstry once as 5a. pneee 4S4 Some of the leading surgeons of tbe -soow ttl. Section 7. Fraction" Mineral Claims, situate world have rone so far recently as to re DOMESTIC Block of sain, doors, mouldinrs. In tbe Skeena Mlnlnr Dtvlslon of CassUr A.1D TAKE NOTICE after the ei- move part of the Larre Intestine in w I Zttlii i, .; cedar. Br and sprace lumber from District W BLACKSMITH COAL the dry kiln and yard or' the Where located; At the bead of lUiance Prleee Rupert Bet and Doer Factory River. Alice Ann. " " rruna raemc Railway Company win, under STEEN & L0NGW1LL Careful Attention to PUno take rotice tht'l. Wn. t. Eerttn. Tbe Sew Tort American has reecntlr -l.ZL T- ..T" " ? 10 and rurnlture Removals. SEE Free Miner's CerUSeale 5o. t47t-C aetinr sald: - i.mLiKi vi ruLHic vtorxs at ms omce in tbe immmmmsmmmmmmmBmmm OUS SELVIN for myself and as a rent for Ceorre Rod re. uiy or otuwa for approval of the said "Durtnr Constipation tbe poisons In SANITARY PHONE 93. on the premises. Special Free Miner! Certificate Ho. tilt. ue ana pun and for leave to construct AND, HEATING . .. . the Larre Intestine often become so rreat In Imi4 4 tk a. I Buildings mutt be vacated. '""" ' "e nereoi, a form a aertons mn.r. K..I.1. we sam works. ENGINEERS BARGAIN PRICKS to apply to the Mlnlnr Recorder for a DATED at Prince RunerL BrlUsh Colum r..ti...i. .. . ... even to life. Through tbe walls of tbe bla. this Itw day of June, A. D. Itlt". fe,,,eM,tW), pose of obtalnlnr Crown Oranl of the ""Tv- Tl'.uZ'V.JT " T nit, UHA.1D THUna PACinc Rtn.wiv Agents for above rUlm uuiiuTrriss- COMrA.1T. Patmore Fulton. Soliutors. And further take notice that action, ua- 7'JTCZTZ Jl .-"7-Kl " TT. McCLARY FURNACES dee wrtlnn SI mu.t v. I .uiu, MINERAL ACT Harry Atkins " 7;:. . : proauced.- iiiainw 01 suco ucnucaie or .. . PLUMBING Improvements. Certificate ef eaeidi Biitckae, Prleee Reset. Stuart J. Martin .mode ef livinr for the Intestine la rid It- Imaeetemeate-NOTICE and Dated this tth jay of July. A. D. 1I7. self of all waite, and It la easily proven that there Is an accumulation, no mailer LTlV" ! ' - '' SHEET METAL WORKS THE OLD COUNTRY Navigable Waters' Protection Act. how regular Mineral CUlms. situau SAUSAGE MAKER ASSAY we are, EH Phone n.s. t uupter tit, "n man' W''o 5, 831 Second Avenue. Drurs. If Uken reruUrly, form t habit, '.f.. ot Cassisr hnl B.,1.1.. K . -v. I Night phones 578 means HAZELTON B. O. The Grand -Trunk Pacifle Railway Co. J. B. L. Cascade- cleanses the Lower Aiwiii aw miies up we and Illue 270 Tomato Sausage a Specialty. hereby tires notice that II aiuauiie ruver mm has, under .lauiune lit .mir. Unnn .us m, Alice Arm. Section 7 of the taid Act deposited with .t . . ... TAKE ItOTICE thai 1. Lewis W Paimore. The right work, at the right the m. ..... ... .. I -" ", Free Mlnert Ceriificate Phone S74 P. O. Boi Th oldest established ".'wr vt ruuuc vvuraa i uiiaaw, nalthy. ,1o. Illltc. treni time, and at the right price. Assay and in the omce of tbe District Registrar Al the same time II regulates the sys ir wonaia w. umeron. rree Miner's Certificate Office In the North. of the Land Rertstry Omce. District of tem and makes one feel thai every func Ro. not, Intend aluy dais from prince Rupert at Prince Rupert a des tion Is worklnr smoothly and naturally the dale hereof, to apply to tbe Mlnlnr rrlpiion of the site and plan of wharf and and. Indeed, this Is ao. ; il -eruncaiet of Improvcmenu, punt proposed to be bull! In Prince Ru wa VHIUUM 01 f.DU n It, . This letter will convey mesisge of . , . .. . wvn pert Harbor, ai Prince Rupert British Co rood cheer le many: r.u. ui oi above claims. tturlittisr lumbia, tn front of Waterfront Block "O." Welland Ontario. ibaiiiin take NOTICE that ae- A HOT BATH THE and TAKE NOTICE that after tbe as Dr. Chas, A. Tyrrell, r section II. mini h THE,tNOINtyRLf piration of one month from tbe date of 111 College Slrret, Toronto, Ont 1 menced... ... before. the litutnr. r -... W,' MINUTE YOU WANT IT "9 the first publication of this notice, the n ai, vi-. o...ii. ,k. , 1 MMiea 01 iiDprovemenls. Orand Trunk pacific Railway Company will. B. L. Cascade, as we find In our work . " M day of iune. A.D. tli7. to uuaer section t or the said Act apply to that a loaded colon means poisoned sys I 1 LEWIS W uavunni. R You arc accustomed FltHURMAirS ESHMNB ine Minister or pubiie Works at bla office tem, which. In lurn, means llrsmenlout If 1 .T. , 1 . trrlllnir rnlil water ln B 0l 1-t la. 1 la, In the City of Otuwa for approve I of the contraction of the spinal muscles, agalnil ttantly. Think of the sat ssia site and plan and for leave to construct which our work Is directed. Meese Pewae. IM the said Isfaction of getting works. Anythlnr helping us In ralninr relais. Our New Fall 0t- b-4 la. ky I m i, n DATED at Prince RUDert British Cnlum. lion we consider t boon, both to ourselves Water in the same way in Heeee Pewae, Ua. this nth day of August A.D. Itl7. end our patients. SUITS, COATS SKIRTS, ahundance, regardlett cf Cl 1.2 Ja. hi S la, XS-Bt THE,ORAMD Pauaora TRUNK PACirift Rill wav Most sincerely, DRESSES and BLOUSES how much has heen uted Meese Pewee. A Fulton, Solicitors. Drs. Iloiley and Garland. Over Bve hundred thousand are now en. Have Arrived, he fore. Ucg M. Manson. b.a. inusiatue users of the "J. B. L. Caseade-whlch MOT WATER LIKE MAGIC For Further Information W. k. Williams, b.a, L.L.B la now being shown and eiplalned Come In and See Them Be-fore Apply to WILLIAMS A MANSON i njni 11, urines Drug store, cor. Ird Avenue and tin 8L. Prince RuperL Buying. Harry Hanson arrliters, Solloltors, Eto. Ask or write now, while you think of il bring W. E. WILU8CROFT to Chas. A. Hot Water Service HONET TO LOAN Tyrrell. M.l. t Cellars street Prince Rupert, B. O. Bet lltt Tetvnte, for free and Interesting booklet. OOLDBLOOMS you this convenience-PHONC Third Avenue. til It" ''rfl I 395 Hetrereon Block Prince Rupert C Fffltivnl- LiiS5i Lt,-,-,! 489 P.O.BOX