fi-pt"nbcr 0' P7 Mon.My THE DAILY NEWS SEP YEARS WATER NOTICE f Vtt AXO STORAGE. TAke notice iDal The Empirs To!p a TORTURE Paper MHI, tld.. whoae address is Vin UY NOW! -mir, B.C.. win apply for a lleenaa to tak and dm all Uui water and in tlnrm IS.'fOO ate fof at ttrfttAP'ftflf fit Itnnim.y1 iMped Took ai, ana known as wnaien Lake, which N.tM.f . Aa A . AW I Bows and drain Inin wiiili rtinni iKami October I Is Coming! one mil north from rtlfers BlrhL tm siorar dam will be located at well end of uka it outlet of lake. TIm capacity or reterroir to L ereaid la ahnnt innnn aer feel and It will flood abnal f BAD am Of land. The water will t diverted tram After that date It will be impossible to buy tb llream at a tiolnt abnnl Tikn t.m tmtnel from eait m1 of Uka three, collet liquor in B.C. and you will have to pay norinrrir oireetlon turn Lot . Rnaiiu double the present price for shipments from vn rraivr nparn inn min r nu power purposes open the land described outside. m appiicsiion io lea si eait end of um on rraier neacn. ft is wisdom to lay in a reasonable supply of pure This nolle waa Boated An ih rmA pirili. wines and liquors now. on ine 11a oay or June. HIT. A of copy una DOIlee and an annllraflnn nMna II Is also wisdom to secure your supply from an old therein and to Um vtr an. mi win and reliable firm whoc stock can be relied upon as b Wed In lb oraea of tb Water Recorder to brand find quality. i-raKi nvperi. b. c Objectlont to the tppUeatton ma b eid with tKm The Gold Sal Limited will deliver to you, at low water recorder or with the Comptroller price and favorable of Water Rlhu( Parliament BolMlnn. on term, supplies from the ALOCHT VARNtR virinria. B. c, within thin dya arter the warehouses and cellars or the largest distributors "Vac vuc , II; r nl, 1915. Crit arpearaoea or ibia notice In a local of liquors In Western Canada, so long a It present F r a years, I Buffered terribly oewptpr. Tba dale of tha firit publics. stock holds ouL ItaJaiMl nd indigtttion, Hon of this notice la isljr I Oth, hit. frea .-c It -c: ,nf ca from Uio stomach, Navigable Water Protection Act. SEND TODAY for the firm' Special September Price sftcreaUnr.wbJIeatUmrB If would come up Into I had my X R.8. C. Chapter III. List, covering every variety of choice liquor. Sent TomiUof, and Lad chronic Mm Te Oranhv Cnnantllaurf Ifim.. free. We Invito special enquiry concerning your knielUnr nd favorite branis. Power Company Limited a, J went to several doctor " douco mat it naa, under tai 'i a speelaliat In Iloston bat Seetkua 7 or lh aald Art. ibnwii si.h i -.cfit I tried many remedies the Mioiiter or Publie Worka at Otuwa. CANADIAN RYE b-t r. X did mo rood. Ftntttj, 811k SMrta for Fall. Left , fhfnt," ,..,..... and in tb offlca of Um Dinrtct Rerlitrar BRAND -J" Fruit a Uvea". I took oru..nnl. and .elf LutU, on bank of the Land nmnrv oiim mkhm r.r los. E. Se train's Old Canadian Per Gallon f: nt medicine and It made bin. rornhlnH with fold, of .all,. mTt.Jr!l'?F.? rrloea Ropert. at Prlaca Rupert, a de- Rye CSIl $4.50 mcmrK u ftenpuou or um lite and plan of wharf I rrateul to "I'mlt. run. Womair Wear. and Hiram Walker's Btt WC-I am Ittmtwr mill, and thr nrka nm. Imperial . . poeed to b Whliky $4.50 tires e 10 everyone woo uas rate bum in Sprue Bar. on Um nUtb j wth C'DiUrtlon and Indl wi or ureom I Hand, caiiiar Dla- Oooderbam a Wort' Elant-year-otd ' Pad Stomach, I Uko TAMIKANY FIQHTINO trtet Special $4.75 mU ai Mjr STEWART AM) TAkE NOTICE that rt is- ... Trait- Ltm ",and you will ret!". a NOTES FOR ITS EXISTENCE plraUoo or one month from Um data or Cold Seal "Gold Bond" Twelt.year-old (the ALBKRT VAHXLIL Um Brit pobUcaUoa or tble nolle um finest Canadian wblakjr In Um world) $5.75 tbex, 6 tor fl-SO,trial sire, 3&c. Mr. It. V. Wood, of Fertile. New York. Kept. h. A real, old-faahloned Oranbj conaoMdated Mininr. Smelunr and 5ft who la interr-Mrd in ! linh humdinger campaign rvmn unpny umned wtn, under Sec-Uoa STANDARD SCOTCH WHISKY lt4norent rtpldon rrrfpt of T Of UM Mid Art. aralr In u win. pieter fmlt-a Uvea Limited, Ottawa. mine on Xalmon Itlirer. is ipend- with everybody opposed to Tarn- later of Public Worka ai hi om- in th- lebn Dewsre BRAND Selected Per Gallon liiir a few days on the property. tnany Hall, that ancient bulwark City of Oiuwa for approtal or Um Mid WUaky $7.50 of municipal privilege, taking its aa pun ana ror icara to conatrucl MINERAL ACT a tlx Mid "Howe or Parliament." worta. CwlXtaU f laeMnite. Mm. MeAulay, the new school alati) at It. and new issue in the DATED at Prtnca Rnnrrt British rrJnm. tea jear old $7.50 (eaelir. arrived and opened achool ahape of peace propaganda, are w or oar July. A. D. HIT. Bachanaa'a "Blaek and WtSletl ramoat NOTtCI wllli nine pupil attending. confronting .New York City thin rilC ORA.BT CO.tSOUDATED MlUfO, brand $9.00 -rrs ssd AVaierfroct rrscuoa' fall in it quadrennial unheaval 8MCLTIX0 A5D POWER COMPANY ami i:s Html la lb fkreas The fine weather that it m to elect a mayor and other gov LIMITED.Patmora k rwlton. SoUutora. Caledonian vaiua Reserve, rourteenyear stock $8.50 sat t. a CaiiUr Dltrtlrt llnulng U reMnlbIe fer a large ernment omclals. Ana.nn u.-atri On north ltd of AUes increase in the number of mineral In fact, the campaign is already Province or British Columbia' Sanderson'Dew O. P. S. Mountain $9.50 locationa. over- fifty having been DVARTHCNT Of LAND tin n nx that i. r. b. Mcoiaait. on. for the primary laws prevail ri -maceta JIT4-C imi made within the paat two wecka. for the first time this year in a NOTICE COGNAC BRANDY AND IMPORTED RUM tj u C:? Virdea Mines Company, rrM city election, and to get "ser for R Orerdoe rarmcnta on AppUcaUon to brand per Canon aaVJ -uscat .Ha. HIHC, Intend! WATIIIl NOTICE Parthaaa Crowa Laada la Brlttib Columbia. Oterd Dupula Three Sur t::3 air) fnes th date hervor, to apply primary day. September 19. all 50TICE I brand $7.50 u cm m it Recorder rar a CcrUUeaw tHtenWa aa4 1'm. parties have put their tickets in prwruieu or hereby Um -Soldlers slrea that, under lb Uomealead Rititt a XXX Old af fcr foe the purpose of U-H:3( the field and the slambaaging has Aei Cornae Repeal Act," any person who did not Brandy $8.00 a ;rat of tlx above rlaima, TAtX SOTICK llal R. K. SIO. begun. applj aader Um "Soldier Homettead Act. as;i r s-sta take sottoe thai ae-f-3 a44ra u tie art . C, tpplj for isis." to cocMieu hla ta. Hcnaeafeye XXX Old application to r 'Jon II. mil be cccamenced Mr u Uka ad atveoty eoMe iieuueed io r4 least common pgr. Otnae Brand $9.50 rbaae. either by parmeat la run or by the kr - i w.:anc af mk Ceruilcei of rt r iir mi r ftort ami Eati rsrkt multiple, the main issue is be aeleetMi of a proportionate allotment. Horace Clark No charge for war I tttc SIT Caicao Cm a. wbk Oavi aoutterty Overproor tween Tammany and anti-Tammany may. cy prorinf nil latereat and paytnt Old Jamaica Rum $8.00 nn uti it y r jiy. a. d. hit. mm tea klvtr. Caiuar DbUlei. B. C force. For eight long. up u rH Um baUaeo or Um purcbaM stamps, Jugs or TIm wair wis lx 4iTnd froca um Cold oldest and and Seal, stroorest prlec Utea before the lilt December, Jases. Telegraphic Hrruta tl eu abaat l ttoMa4 tet hungry years Tammany has been couta Jamaica or Demerara Rum. $9.00 CANCELLATION OF RESERVE 1117. a crown Grant If proof aaua- ao Um fact i. TWl mMHt waa potted away from the public treasury factory to Um Minuter of Lande is fur. jrders may be sent a Um h J m lb alit day or Aaroai. and the reform elemeflL termed ntibed that sac person Is suffertn- injury Collect," x ' z i iinttar cives thai um IT A may Urt aUfw and aa tp- ritnUl because of the coali Utroufb abaence of noUre or oiherwu. imk t xsc a amaa Iiaa4 la lb lMalUio pmaal Utrrtia and u Um And mnber uiai um mtrrrat ta ua Order shipped by i kt knwrt, Imii aa Li WiM Art llll. wM tx Bled la Uw OfflM tion of Hepublicans and Independent eompleied eppileaUone to purcii held by i ' fttcit 4i tMtlrUI, tjr rtaao Um Wir Meorar at Prtor luprt. Democrat, ha pretty thoroughly anjr person on Acut Serrlc may b pro. freight or ecpre , l arterial la Um rtoi OUim. C OMeetMM I Um appdraUoa aar dug itself in. teeted by noUflcatlon to Um Lands Depart- GOLD SEAL LTD. .)repaid, t o any i K Oat j M tin Aprtt. Ill, awl IM ti um aa4 Water aecordtr, or meat r Um Tact that such person la on Tammany is really in a desper point In B. C. the i KM 13 A; ,. ma. I fAr4 rr Hb Um camplraUcr f Waur KlfkU. Active Semce and by Um Blur or proor tK i- ouliar a r the aatd rarftamrat BaMdtara. Wuna. B. C. wiiata ate situation, for another fwr T Um in ureal of such person. same day order Is Established 20 Year. Ut to ,-od trwak racue tvfp-aai Mfir dtra after Uw Brat appearaar of j ears on the outside will go far Further Inform tioo will be rumlibed on received. ajc . i tMini MM aU M a laral atwapaper. Taa data toward putting it permanently out requeit to the Deputy Mmlater or Lands, era a. dm Mimiur a Usda. Um fin l pabttcatwa ef tfela aouc U Victoria. B. 722 Pender St. W., Vancouver, B. C of business factor farfcJ f i.4. Ktrla, . C, III AfMI II. HIT. HI 4 as a practical PubHcaUoa of UJi aoUc without au 8 M. Alf. tl. R. K. HULL, AppUraat. in municipal affairs. thority win not b paid fof. Tu. Sep. It Therefore Tammany is fighting to come back. William It. Hearst will nut be candidate for mayor of New- 3 York at the coming election. His refusal to allow his name to ap Soft as pear on the ballot at the coming ni. lux primaries was filed with the board of elections today, the last day Summer Rain j under the law for taking this ac- .tion. Mr. Hearst had been de To'ttithttpHniU 2 f signaled by petition for the nom or 3 spoonfuls of LUX Becomes the water into , Inatlon of the Democratic ticket. into tht bath teattr. which you have stirred Stir it about. What few LUX flakes-pure I Salvation Army. a I Publio meetings, Tuesdays, hattens? Tht LUX essence of soap. An exquisite, flakes dissolve instant' "Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 p ' .. a . a a'- i a (y,naHng tht water soothing and refreshing in sunuays at i ;ju p. in. as soft as that from tht old quality is given The Daily New delivered by tiiat"cistirn"or rain-barrel the bath, or shampoo, arrler, SO cent per month. on tht farm do remember T and what's more, no Give each of Your LAND ACT you further soap will be War SKEEMA LA.1D DISTRICT DISTRICT Or needed. Children a CASSIAR. Certificate. t.i. naiiea tMt Oranbr Consolidated Savings Miwnt. Smeltlnr Power Company, Ltt, of Vancouver, occupation mtotnr and amell-inr. Intends to apply for permliilon to mm TET them feel rlutt they arc Canada's teai Um followlnf deacrtbed landi: LUX that thev have each a OMnrneoclof al a poll planted at lb ............. Mrnr til Lot lilt. ClllUr Dll- definite share? in the stem struggle ine certain vicloryand the free und c'orious future. triet, tbenc north ft chain. foUowtnt bith-water mark to um n.w. rawr vi Encourage them to save and buy Certificate leaf: m.rk!V!Knc ihrne well Utrea south cbalna and west to low-...... ft It's the modern, quick wuy of using themselves I You'll be developing their patriotitm, rhaint rollowlnr low-water marki thence soap and it's by far the best way their thrift and their business sense for Canadian War ihrea rbalni. to the Piae or oesw for the bath. Use soap in the ordinary i A j.l.Ua Savings Certificates offer absolute security and excellent -a interest return. More important still, you will be UM?BY COtSOUDATED Ml.M.tO. SMELT- .. III way and you rub or force some dollar I.Q k POWER COMPACT, Hf, of it into the Now, the little nuarantecing. their futuie, for every 1, rred Ritchie. A rent. pores. lent to LanaiL helps win the war. Pat. Ausuil Ith. Htf. pell silken LUX wafers dissolve so completely For each lent that not a trace remains to $21.50, $43 or $8G LAND ACT 3Sa now, the Government issues a Certificate, clog the skin yet it is thoroughly payable in three years, for $25, $50 or skCEMA LA.ND DISTRICT DISTRICT or cleansed and toned. $100. Tliis means that interest isi.ddcd COAST. RA.NCE I. wWtiwuA at over 55 per annum. Certificates may TAkE WOTIOE Uai th Orand Trunk There's a new bath lux bo purchased nt any Bank or Money rartne Railway Company or Wlnalpei. ury waiting for you in Order Post Office. MtniioM, intend! to apply for permlulon is,1 UHYicr. A tu lease the followlnf deicrtbed landii LUa. try it. For tho a.-ke of Canada and your . .muueoctui al I poll planted II tha moat children, savo and hvcfl in War Savings noriberly point of Lot I0T al or about Certificates, hita-water mark, Ihene northerly, euler-u UtJe b h southerly and wsiterly, followlnrf tha .muoiitiea f th hor.HM to point of Lertr.Brothers Limited The National Sorvicc Board of Canada, Hi.nMiHDL Includint all that fora TORO.VTO .ih.r between hiUwater and low.water. OTTAWA. 27 UK I.tlr.1(IR1MI JUly tOlh.TnUHK HIT.rAUriC RAILWAY B.BH jgg Croamy.Soft mot f reshi n to tht Skin mmW , o , II. II. liantard. Solicitor.