The Daily news vl VIM NO- 23' - 1'aiNCl; ItUI'KtlT. II. C, TUESDAY, HHPTKMBBIl 11, 1017 Pit ICE PIVR rRNTB 0RN1OFF FDtED-WAN FTPS ED TO IE DICTATOR INPERBURG ILL - LUDENDORFF INJURED FIERCE FIGHTING NEAR GORIZIA IERMANS MUST KORNILOFF AND HAND TO HAND STOP BRITISH KERENSKY HAVE , ENCOUNTERS IN BELGIUM SOME TROUBLE1 AT GORIZIA "rttl Counter "" Kornlloff Consider Himself Another Preparation lo Prevent capture Napoleon and Demands Italians and Austrlana Locked of Belgian Coat and Dictatorship Grave ! In Fierce Struggle In Small Submarine Bases. Crisis In Russia. Area Neither Side can Use More Men. f'peru: la Tlx DUj .Vwi.) 1 1 The Petrograd. (Speelsl to Ttie Din? .lews.) A. Kept. Sept. II. Petro-1 riome, Sept. 11 The fight attach? great Im-,. grad U in a state of tension not against the heights northeast of reported visit of far removed from very serious Oorizia continues and day night. llrues and to"the" trouble. General Kornlloff has' during good weather and bad rit of troop acr demanded the dictatorship Of all. weather. Animated as if with rUre that a great the Hussla. The reply lo thin I superhuman force, the Italians ,e U In prepara-ti-solulely demand by Premier Kerenky was essential and Austrians art almost con. fur the commander-in-chief to I itish advance into slantly engaged in hand to hand i ha for ll b-r resign from his position and he. encounters. The two armies are f the wax I line Kerensky, immediately sent a sue. practically in equal numbers. . lion Of the eul-at eessor to the front to take full strength and determination and Zeebrugge and nimmand of the army. The crisis LABOR CONVENTION THAT APPROVED OF STOCKHOLM DELEGATION, Thus Is a photograph are struggling for supremacy In British Front. In llussla is the most grave since of ihe meeting that caused one t-f Ihe greatest sensali-r,. in Fngia id. s nec the war broke out. Mr. a circumscribed area. II is Im the revolution. The Cossark general Arthur Henderson, up to that tme a member of Ihfl War Cabin t 1 speaking. His conduct was . II, The British possible for either side lo employ ; such that Mr. Lloyd Oeorge virtually charged him with bad faith, a rare incident In British public osolldailna- and wanted supreme power, both more men or artillery. All gaps life. The meeting was held in Central Hall. Westminster. ; r hold upon their civil and military and signified in the ranks are filled Instantly. ) south. his Intention of later naming a Victory is apparently impossible position .a a a a Oovernmeal to suit his own SWEDEN CALLED UPON TO BEN SELF,AT THE THE PIONEER ARCADE CAFE THE CITY COUNCIL AND for either side. IS M nchy le Prix and pleasure. General Klembovsky THE CIVIC COAL YARD On the Isonxo. I ...marrk the British has been appointed oommander-Jn-chlef EXPLAIN HER ACTIONS Udine. Sept. II. Had weather ij ,i -"tir during night of the itusslan armies. Many people will be glad to is interfering with the operations brs, tlfUl to Tt tHr StWt.) know-.'that Hen Self, the pioneer At the meeting of the city eoun on the Isonzo front. The violent French Front. THE CITY'S BANK ACCOUNT London. Sept. II. Sweden tnu lea fa man, ha decided to enter the eil held last evening', the greater storms have transformed 'the 5- r? II. The French explain her actions. The di jOilW tnfss was employed In streams into torrents, the tor. aided the flerroan t last night's meeting of the rent into rivers, and the plaTn elosures of the Argentine intrigue tug oat of it fur more than a year.diseussing the question of coal into lakes of mud. tin Champagne and eity council. Aid. Casey wanted to Invohe the nation Ho has purchased the Arcade Cafe and the effect of its present price will otherwise . know for what reason the bank tin now banks lire modern .....1... win .....1.. 11. ih. uoon .... . . . mwv- -- OUR 'POPULAR" MEMBER ' r was violent ar-!aeount of the eity had been in war. The officials who colored r 01 tup ruuiriii, uueer, is t uaru-1 rdinoftU resulting changed from the Hank of Mon-') to the nerman Interests must be name of "Self Cafe." Hen is one iy any further forward than it was WILL HAVE A FIOHT Preneh. Ureal lo the lloyal Hank of Canada. summarily dismissed. The reva- of the mwl popular awn on the a week ago. Coal is still 112 a (Sprcitl 10 tim Day n-i). In Macedonia. So far as Aid. Casey could aseer. Satur eoasl. ton In Prince rtupert and appar lations by Washington on Vancouver, Sept. II. Judge Ik II. -The Oerman lain, this change had been made day tn.iv hrinsr an a nolltleal crisis A feature of the new- business ently likely to be at that price. Mclnnes has quit his seat on the : rthelf Lake1 without reason. He asked the " ' . .........,,!. ll..l J In the absence of th mayor, Bench and has accepted the Lib Ml Ma-lonian front, chairman of the Finance Com. BIB W OIII4I SSH 1SB0 ' " , Wfk. a a holi. l Aid. McCIymont occupied the eral nomination for Comox-AI-berni ' " the superior 'mltlee to explain the matter. upon Sweden as officially leellned ir haii- The resolution of which in the coming election. iuay Mr. Self has tried this sys- .,j jjcRae had given notice last polo, The Teutons) Aid. Nelson. In a mildly a Inunnti Rrrmanr. direct ten of the gellc manner Informed Aid. Casey Denials. lem in other oillos, and has found .week was introduced and second, Comox-Albernl Is the lower half -t of Ochrlda. that a change of banks Is always lltifnn Arres. SeOt. It. The 'it to bo satisfactory, both foe the ed. It called for an investigation f the consUtucncy which is at Pol Bombed. !peo lo any Individual or (nslilu- "v linto the price of coaxal me mine present alleged to be represented m Swedish minister to the A rgen-- it.. CS..I Pnnlpnll.p TtlA nrfr W of the ... . . . "-lt. 1 1. Italian Hon. 'The experience city." i. L 1" WJ in the Dominion Parliament by i "rded Pola n he went on lo say. "with the Hank tine. Haron Lowen. denied that managemeiti wh, . "u fixed in the United States for coa' Mr. Herbert S. Clements. Prince Austrian of Montreal has not been of the dispatches In cipher had been reaay ior ousinws on 1 f. c..b. lLe mine averages 82.01 Rupert is in the northern half. Drice -.u..... Ih. i . .. cargo boat.' best. For one reason, Ihe sent to Herlln to Ihe Herman suni.mhr 13th. "Hen" is l - n ,k. r Prinr Tluoerl Mr. Clements- Intends runnlng'tor 4 with food and Hank or Montreal's advice, as far Chancellor through Ihe Swedish superstitious, and the 13th has ? Vancouver Is- Comox-Alberni, where he will be iirrrr fighting is a I havo been able to learn, at opposed by Judge Mclnnes. Igatlon In Hueno Ayres. ine no lerrors ior nun. 5.50 ton. This is de. land is J 'i ..f (loriiia. It I different limes was not- of the per J Sr tftf losses Inflicted best, and the experience of the Argentine oftiolals, according to elared bv the resolution to be an lhat the city enter InWi the coal 1 " from August present council proved that to be the newspaper accounts today, are i SEATTLE FOR MAN ALASKAN SCARED TRADE extortionate price and one worthy business or stay out of IC The 18 o." believe that the !of investigation. this matter the com I will reach the still unable to decision on These Include ' This did not altogether suit Aid. dispatches sent lo Berlin through! I This resolution was dUcussed mittee preferred to leave to me He harked back lo the asiiuiKioii. ot-iii. 1 iii roil 1 u 1 tun uu 111c Finding this 1 and Turks. (Casey. council as a whole. the Swedish Legation were ac- lha, ln. Canadian Pacific and committee' report which nt fal Hlndsnburo, HI. 'l,tne ,,cn tno cl,y "" lriv,n& ,M to be the position of affairs. Aid. J curalely translated. 'Grand Trunk railway would lain from last week. Aid. K ; II Iteporl ro-W waterfront, and wondered had over Montgomery moved that the city i r " U the effect thnt whether this was the city council's Iftrasp the Unifed Sfales and 111a- McCIymont informed the meeting council purchase 500 Ions of coal l the man who TORONTO TRADES AND LABOR irne trade of Alaska if American that Ihe coal committee had had a very ill and that fashion of rewarding ons ajMlllOe AAV 1 . 1 .I and make a trial of the matter. CONutmii r nMitniat mo i coaflwis? veftftfis were tmeneu conference with the coal dealers assisting "enlly sustained by got hi face slapped for . A Itl- This motion wa seconded by Aid. this overseas ana tne coastwise iramc In town w ho were prepared to sell considered was the matter iiJurlT In n railway the city. He Casey, who said that, Belgium !a poor .minus. Toronto. Sent. 7 The proposed opened to foreign competition. coal on the wharf at 9.50 per ton, came down to this; that It was . are graver., This broiiKlit Aid. Nelson to hi t i.i. Kri l.v ( Dominion was expressed today by jonn 11. Ihe purchaser having to remove the duty of tho council lo rtTinto - - - Hunch of Seattle, trnfflc manager it. i mink I business wherein a reduclon jfeel quickly, this time, Parliament was discussed a ouoted figures the any OCULISTS MAY CONFER lit Is a very poor practice for an he condemned last night ty the 10-1 . hearing on the Shipping '(Committee Aid. Mcftae had arrived at with a In price could be mauo 10 me IN SWITZERLAND nldcrman to Impute motives."concerned," ronto Trades and Labor Council. Board's bill to engage in a coast . nt ltm estaoiisnmeni 01 a citizens.Aid. Mellae looked at the mai 'said. "S far as I am coal yard. The net was not Thfl net was tcrmea "a voie gei- wise irnue uurintc ler in a slightly dirrereni ngni. t. To . jhe continued, "my face i u...i a,Diir....... '.l.nn..l llila nrliitn nf chanR- ter" and the "government is iry-1 sir Hunch eaid the Canadian cost to the ciiy for coal would Mo-r.lviiinnl He would not like to see Ihe city I! 1 1- ittfllf hack nun linen were waiting to divert total 10.60 per ton. Aid. into any business and put other that the postponed So- lK Ihe banking accouni i 000 ami of opinion that the go legislature and not by Alaska 1100.000 o was people out of that business, so the ference. which was to'.aider was In the Interests of tSl "it of tho people." commerce to Canada and thai this only way to test the feasiblliy of loug as they were doing what was held at will city." Tim niattrr IIIIRlll liavo in the fuel business Stockholm, Secretary T. A. Stevenson, who involved a war supply problem, the cily handling right by the community, out an Tin v l held in Kwitierland. gone fiiriliir hut for cries of unloosed the resolution, spoke view of the Immense output of was to make a trial of It. The city the ame he thought that 15 per iiiui tho limn have not "adjourn," which was carrtei. ...... could not lose on the deal. the "strong legislation" anu copper ore aim ton was far too much to pay for delermined. .T .n oerallo nnceduro. They which Americanvessels are now The fact of the Cold storage coal. And at tho conference with MORTALITY IN BELGIUM United Stale being able to sen 10 liriniriniT to the Company intended to disenfranchise cm- the coal dealers and the commit . II.... .-11 A nil. I1M Secretary of Commerce Itedfield their employees at the rate of dealer had he said, the coal New York. Pent. 10. Lack of lens wiiom iiu-y to before the ton, while the cily' lowest tee, finally will be asked appear $9 per wanted loggers said. The resolution as not shown much disposition to ships to carry an adequate supply read as follows: hoard and present Ihe administration's price would be IIO.CO was one make concessions. ' t of foodstuff to Helgium uuruiK passed the matter. that Aid. Cusey thought colled for view of J. R. Morgan, Ltd. That this district council go Aid. McMeekln thought It would causwt jtho last four months ha explanation. Large quan Apply record opposed to U'" proposed Millie be as well to let the matter lie mortality In tho industrial on MINISTRY and contracts was ,lho NEW FRENCH tities pre-war William, A Manson Nor Franchise Act as published over for another week until some Irentrea and the In that country that it is the reason The mailer of rise from la o in the press, recogniiing mine also (Continued on page three. thern France to of party poll. Telkwa coal wa s n measure 03 per thousand and recenl merely Jusl as in the past political Paris, Sept. It. The fnilyre 01 brought up. Finally after all the cable despatches report the whole Uc hove been guilty of crowding Premier lUbot to form a new information that the special com population I showing pitiful parties the same people on tho voter' ministry w-aa formally announced mltlee had been able to gather LONDON CAFE Mnce Rupart Exhibition signs of under.nourislimeiu. nr today. Ills resignation and the had been passed on to.the council without proper numiui-u. OMUL "Ptember 'cording to statement Issued bore Mist . . .... his minister Aid. Montgomery AND 19, 20 and 21. a oti kill n " -an resignations of all and discussed. 1 lie uiii, by Prentiss Cray, of the ooninu llolis...n.inrstand. alma lo cut these havo been submitted. M. Palnlcve enquired what this special com. Third Avenue J'rjio I.lits and partlcu-"r Jalnn for Belgium relief. people olT the list." may succeed M. HiboL mltlee were going to da in the Prompt Service of th Beat to tin hail nt II.. The commission hope that same matter. at all hour. - t "- ...w .,tiv there Is to eat Allnclnl Inn I through the. assistance of various The favorlta household Coal la For New Wellington Coal and No Recommendation. Wflh Direct 200 Kovernment shipping way w. i , .v.mlln Wellington, Phona 15, Fir Lumber of all dimension. The special committee had BOXES FOR LADIMFj, i provided to relievo the ulTermf .---prince Rupert Ooal Co. tf, Phona 110. made no recommendation, either 1 in iho occupied country.