
                                                                                       THE DAILY .NKWSJ

                  The Daily News                                                                   ,      (HAIL SCHEDULE                Our Booldet Explains

    THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMDIA mm                                                   ror the East.

                     Fubliehod Daily and Weekly                                                      M ttys. Wednesdays and trl-

                 Guaranteed Largest Circulation                                                   fjays at 9:30 a.m.                          why Kootenay Ranees stay good as

                                                                                                                                              new, long after other ranges havo worn
                         HEAD OFFICE:                                                                      rMin tha East.
                                                                                                                              Frl-aas         out; how the asbestos joints
 DaHj News Building Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Tel. 9?.                                       -,niys.  Tuesdays and                                                      prevent
                                                                                                         t  :3  P'm'                          leakage of air or drafts; how tho alura-Inired
                                                                                                                                                      fluca prevent rust; and why
     Contract Rats on application.                                                                         For Vancouver.
                                                                                                    Monday                 J   m'             they require less fuel titan other ranges.

                                                                                                                           5   m              Ask       dealer    vritc for
                                                                                                    Tuesdays                 P                     our         or            booklet,
     II VILY EDITION                    Tutelar, Sept. II, 1917.
                                                                                                    Saturdays .... 7 a. m. A I p. m.

THE ELECTION ACT                    tribute to the success of the                                         From Vancouver.

     Amendment to the clause In     venture. That appeal    would    MADE IN CANADA                 sniwtiTs              11 p. m.

   the "War Time Amendment          have a much more convincing            OMI Of ITS VMS I         Mondys                 9 a. m.         KOOTENAY RANGE

   Act"  discriminating  against    lone if the Government first re     ee ifffthios; oeae.         WeJawsdays          8:30 a. m.

   many patriotic, public spirited  moved the elements of injustice     ee raMa                     vriiv                  9 a. m.         LOHDO.I  TOKO!TO ST. JOHK. K M0TEALWtjtSIPtO B. ilAMtLTOn CAUJAtT VAMotifr
   Canadian women enfranchised      from its election legislation

   by provincial legislation, in the This particular provision will  ceerisorateca.                          For Anyoi.
                                                                                            ""                                               Sale      LA.Galland and Howe &
                                                                          rmfbf rn
   opinion of the Victoria Times    satisfy nobody, least of all the Ufrna ee from rm                ub.13tb              10 p. m.                                                   McNultyJ

   would ensure a fairly smooth    women who will benefit for they        wrvsa SUSSTTTUTtS         Fridays .... 10 a. tn. A 8 p. m.

   Dassaire for   the   measure    will be quick to resent its dis

   through Parliament.   In di     crimination  against a   large    tW.GIU.ETT nmotrraf COMPANY cut. LIMITED From Anvoi.

   cussing this part of the bill   proportion of their sex."                               T-t1     Sundays, a. m.; Tuesdays, p. m.

  The Times continues: "Failure                                                                    ad Saturdays, a. m.
  to make this change, will pro  WATERED STOCK
                                                                    perpetrated in this r any
  voke strong opposition in the      Baron Shaughnessy and Sir      country, and its perpetration at or Port Simpson and Naas Rlvsr.
  House   and   throughout   the   Thomas White are in direct                                       Saturdays, a.m.
                                                                    such   time    the present can
                                                                         a      as
  country, for as it stands, the   conflict over the negotiations                                    Fee Queen Charlotte Islands.
                                                                    be explained only on the as
  provision is grossly unjust, and which took place      time
                                                   some      aeo    sumption   that  8ir  Thomas     to p.m. July 18th. August III.
  is a transparently thin political in regard to the proposal for
                                                                                                   Slh and 29th.
                                                                    White feared that after an elec
  manoeuvre                        the absorption of the Canadian                                  From Queen CharlotU Islands                                             Really
                                                                    tion he might not have an op                                                                                       Sir,
    "Under that clause some of     Northern Railway by the C. P.    portunity of carrying it ouL    July SSnd, August Sth, 19th;
  the most devoted champions of    R.  Baron Shaughnessy    says                                   entember 2nd.

  women suffrage, including the    the suggestion of the amalga          WATER NOTICE              tewart. Maple Bay and Swamp                               7P      I-       you are

  leaders of the movement for      (nation of the two systems or!         Direraioa and Cm).                   Point.

  many years, will be disfran      ginated with the Government.                                     For   Wednesdays. 10 p. m.                              I i                vastly
  chised because   they do not     Sir Thomas White alleges that   TAKE .10TICE I tut It K. JVIU, mboM
                                                                                                    From   Saturdays, p. m.
  happen to be the wives, sisters officials of the companies fath addre u Stewart, B. C win ipp'T for                                                                    interested in
                                                                                                    Alaska and         Territory.
                                                                 I betas to take and u Mttoiy cubit
  or daughters of soldiers. Some   ered the Idea. But both agree I rM.    ,  .t Cf .lorta and ran rorki For Mondays, 7 a. m.

 of them have no near male ret.    that  the  negotiations  toot:lor cascade cmt, fcico flows soauterty From Saturdays, p. tn.
 atlves of military age. The male place.  Sir Thomas White says P"0 s!roo Rlw- c"Uf    ltXr,tt' c

 relatives of others, and some    his contention at the time was T      "      .f             X                                                   Sunlight Soap

 of the
        women themselves, are     mat we transaction was im-1.i,,. the fork.   tmj notice   poaied
 working in munition factories    practicable, but he suggested oo the rroand en the mm day of Annul.

 and similar war industries In    that nothing further be done I""       wr er.          r,r                                                            ou pay (or the Karmcnts it clcantet to
                                      ..    . ..         ...  . iDMraUon rcrsuaat thereto      the
 response to the Government's     penamg a iuii consiueration oy Wt,,r Art- ltll m be dm in t& offlr.                                             well anil so carefully You like your wife to
 own appeal in its National Service the Government of the report uT the Wittr Recorder tl Prince Rarert.                                          havo leisure and to be free from the drudgery

     campaign. All of them are    from the Railway Commission, S. C    Objections to the application Br TIMBER SALT X1070                         ol wah'day work.     You, as a butinett min,
 doing  war   work of various     which had been received some be Bled vttb the Mid WiUr Recorder, or                                             can appreciate what the 33,000 Sunlitht
                                                                 with the comptroller Of .Water RlftoU,
 kinds, assisting the Red Cross,  time before.                   rarUaxnent BclMmr. Victoria. 8. C- within Sealed trader will he reeelted by the  guarantee of purity mutt mean.
 and helping to make good the        Sir Thomas White seems to I thirty dj after tb im appearance or Miautr r Land Ml later than oal                  Suggest to her that Sunlight Soap mutt be
 Government's   deficiencies in   have had a fairly open mind on      u   a a    nwpper. The date the let day of September. ItiT. rer the         worth a trial -for it is.
                                                                                                  purehaw of Ueenee X 17. to est lte.ee
                                                                  l IOV Hill LVIUKIUVIl V MM WUW M
  the treatment of the dependents the -subject. But whether the                                   feet ef Spewre. Cedar, llemlork and SaUaa            Swoliibt
                                                                 Annul ii. ii7                a.14                                                            $op ia eetd by all reef .
       of soldiers overseas.      report of the Railway Commis           R. K. .KEILL. Applicant. treat an area Utsatetf la k)rrt leJel,               It it node U Cewada by Lever
    These   women will not be     sion  has  since  affected his                                  Oreatltle Channel. K I, Cnii DUlrtet.           u    Brelheca, Limited, Teroota.
                                                                           Waters Protection Act.   a        wut be aUewed fee re
                                                                 Navigable                              mr
 permitted to vole, while among   point of view is doubtful. He
                                                                         R.S.C Chapter lit.       Mal   f tiaaber.
 the  beneficiaries of the  Act   seems to lack confidence in its                                  rwrtber pertlcwUr of the CtUef roeetlrr.

 will be the  wives, daughters    nndings. That report describes I me   ortn&y  CotuoBdated Miaior. vwlecu, B. c. r Dutrtet reroter. rni

 and sisters of the host of politi the stock held by Mackenzie A"""f         f' company Umited RBptrt. B. C

 cat officers who have not been   Mann as worthless, but Sir           "T.?,          2.               TIMBER SALE X 1067
 to the front and who have
                            no    '"'               utrmniHwn       iiinuur of Public Worka at Ottaaa.
 intention of going there. Why    is mistaken  the Commission land in vm ooe of u Diiirttt Rerutrar Sald IrbtVn will he iweelTed be tb I              S. S. PRINCE              RUPERT
 shnld the franchise be given to  of experts  of   international r     und   frf om. putnet or Miutur of Land mi later than awoa tm I
 the near female relatives of the . . i.ii               .  ui. rnnte naperi. ai rrutn unpen, a oo the II th day of October. ItlT. fue the                              -on
                                   rt....u..          "       I9
                                                                          tlv .11. mtiA r.11, r kf
                                                                                                 prchae if Ueewee  lT m ret r.M(.
numerous officers in England     own uoirrnmrni    ana nas just ud lumber mill, and other works pro- ee trl of Sprue. Cedar and Heateek on I              PRINCE           GEORGE
who   refuse to  revert to the   closured through Parliament alpo    t  bo bom ta sprat Bay. on the aa area a.jialed o RlehardMU IsJeL LyeU
ranks  for active service   in   bill under which the taxpayers  T1 ecM or Lm"a iaua- cur DU- UUnd. Qew Charletle lalanda DUlrtel.                           SOUTHBOUND
France  and   Belgium and be     tinafnlinrishlv a-j 1 1 Kia f tt n,v I    .                       Three fear wttl be aUewed for r     Monday I a, at, for Saaaaoa Bay. Vancouver. Victoria and (rattle.
                                   ...7       .                I  A.1D TAKE NOTICE that aXter Um tt OMeal ef timber.                   Catnrday I a m. fee Oeeaa raila. Vanocaeer. Wtorta end SraiOa,
withheld from the faithful war.  millions ror tne stocK.       Iptrauoa or ooe muath from the dato of runhrr partieour of the Chief rreter.                  NORTHBOUND

workers at home to whom we         It was not the report of the I" ant pebueaao  or uu  doom, um Victoria. B. c, or Dutrkt reeier, rnac WIOSESOAT It     for
                                                                                                                                                     noon   Cdchtkaa, WraartH. itataa and Itamf
have referred? If the Government Cnmmlinn th.t rinn       Mir, lOriaDr CoetoUdaled minor. SmelOn and Repert. B. C                      riUD4T tl noon ror Anyot.

     were anxious to discourage  ister was thinking of when he
                                                                 ,- t r the atd Art. aroiT u th um     TIMBER SALE X1063                                   TRAIN SERVICE
    some of the most persistent  forced that legislation through liter er ruUie Weeks at hu afflre ta the
                                                                                                                                          raaaeerer Monday, Wednesday and rrtday at Mil a. m t-r Sauthrr.
   and enthusiastic promoters!   the House.   It                ax' ef otu   tor       or the Mid
                                                      the little
                                                 was                                               Sealed trader wta be received by the trior Greer. Edaoolaa and vrualeer. aukmr direct . r e aQ
of war movements at home It      ring in Toronto whose watered                 ,or Wm m """"" MlaUler of Land hot lalrr than hnoa on   petal eail aad eU.  MUed Taedr I IB. le Smlthrr  M    ta

could not have chosen a better   securities are to be converted   DATED at rrtneo Rcpert. BrttUB Cotaaa the llth (Ur of October. HIT. for the! termedUM poMt.

means of doing so.   In a few-weeks into coin of the realm at thelbu. uo 4th day r joty, a, d. lIT. parchsM of Ucene X Hit M cat I.JT.            Agency All Ocaan Steamship Lines.
                                                                                                     feet of Spntce. Cedar and lUoUork
      U Is going to launch another       of tte Canadian        THE CRJUIBT CO.ISOLZDATtn MI5D10.                                              For
                                 expense                people.                                  (rum an area Mtoaled ta Alll Inlet. LxeUl         Information and reservations apply to
                                                                    SMELTtO A5D POWIR COMPACT
      domestic loan.   It will   It is the most impudent band-out   U KITED.                     Itlaad. Vurea Chartotu liland Dlilrtct City Tlckat Omee, 620 Third Aesnua.         PHONE 260

arpeal to everybody  to  eon. i      to special  privilege ever!           ratawro A rultoo. SoUUiora. Three rear wut be allowed for re
                                                                                                 mutt I of timbre.
                                                                                                  . rartbrr particular of the CfaJef rurr.tr r.
                                                                                                 VKtorta, a. c. or DUtnct roreter. Prince
                                                                                                 Sapert. B.C.

        A NEAT KITCHEN                                                                                 TIMBER SALE X109                            CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY

      WITHOUT A BROOM                                                                              Sealed tender wtil be recetred by the
                                                NEWpfeEECfjfi                                    Minuirr of Land ot latrr than aouo on                 Lowest Rates "o all Eastern Points
                                                                                                 the 1 1 la dar of Octofcrr. ItlT tnr ,h
          coal-hod, ho ash-pan,                                                                                                                        via Steamer to Vancouver and the
                                    no                           9cXLKi.STOVE
                                                                                   -             purcnate er uceoc X tC. to eat I
     dirt, no bother. You never have                                                             tOO feet of SDracr. bdir and HM.ik                    CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY
     to            after                                                                          "   an area allaated Is A til Inlet, Lyettl          Meal  and Berth Included  n Steamer
        sweep up        cooking on a                                                              una, vurrn Uurtoll ItUnd DiilrlcL

     NEW PERFECTION.                 It                                                            Three rear win h atlowrd far m      Princess     for                                  FrWu
                                                                                                                                               May      QranbyBay and Alice Arm 11 p.m.
                                                                                                 ntoral of timber.
     cooks more quickly and more                                                                   further barUruUr tit IS riif r........ Princess May southbound via Ocaan Falls 8 p.m. Sunday

     'conveniently than a coal or wood                                                           Victoria. B. c. or buirict rwtrr i-n. Princess Sophia for Vancouver Saturday, September ltn.

     range, costs less for fuel and takes                                                          pn. p.                             Princess Alice for Alaska Monday, September 10th.

     up half as much room.                                                                            TIMBER SALE X1071
                                                                                                                                                 J. I. PETERS. General A pint

     The; dealers sell them:                                                                       Scaled trader win br rmi. t..      Co ner Fourth Stroet and Third Avenue, Prince Kupoct. D.C.
                                                                                                 Minitier of Land nt later than noon on
                                                                                                 tlth dar of Orlebrr. 11 r ,k-
                                                                                                  hae or Licence x l7l. to cut !..
                                                                                                 im w sprace. cedar, llrmlack and Balum
                           Pelaco Re pert.
                          i                                                                       ma                                    .....
                                                                                                     aa irf uisitrd In n..fu..
                                                                                                     ....    .    .                             rrfiiniijjtjijjujujjjfjjtri
                             m    m
        Koioa Need woe Co         1                                                                     "nri, n. I. Co it DKirlet
        SUrf  ttardwae Oe,                                                                         Two year  wiu be allowed for re
                                                                                                 moeal of limber.                          k.   -            -          -f
       Hew    BUIlaltr,                                                                            Further tiartlruUra or ik. rvi., - ... jajjp                             Launch Alice B.
       S. X
                                                                                                 Victoria. B. C. or pUlHct roeeer. prince
       ard Vooaa a o  Pert Slasoea. B.a
                                                                                                                                                                             ron THE SAtT u
                                                                                                      TIMBER SALE X101S.
                                                                                                                                      L jA..LJ I irjraBaBVajrVvaflSlr         ffer ria or ""

                                                                                                   Sealed lendrra in k     .. ..                                                   10
        With Royalitt Coal OQ Ikt Nrm                                                                                                jkatllBBaBaaOaaaataeaM                    niTiiRN rase rs.

        Perfection trUi cook your nual                                                               l.v:.    "fmT. hit. for toe      BaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaaaBvQS9ai
        for from 5 to 10 cents.                                                                  son 717. 7.""ncf "H. to enl M,      eaBBBBaBBBBBnBKk VaBSSBBajHMaaBBjBja E""-aaBr".SMBL crfc Call
                                                                                                           Pc. Balaam and llemlock                                           w. J. TrioaiAS, r.
    THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY                                                                       an are aiieaied on Un Lak. Ran,. I m                   '             i"J       arn Ml.

                  limited                                                                         Three (j nan aiii        .
         BLANCHES m ALL CTTTEw                                                                   mo.U of iimbe,.              "
                                                                                                  rorther rariiraiiM .v.  . -
                                                                                                 Wlcr Victoria l.r':V, " "U-" W I a   1     .  .        v .    mi         w-.    i     TV       -
                                      "BSBeafaaaar    -o                          aaavaa                  -t   r w uijirici FnMsiae m fl a                                  VJ         ami     W vl
                                                                                        .        nine- B,p. i.c              i7s eriuverase in                  xne Laiiy nc


                                                                                       P. Q. DAWSON
                                                                                                                                                                       PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0.