flrptrr"'" 1017 Tucnfof TIIK DAILY NEWS TWO LONG YEARS UC QIIFPFRFH BUY NOW! I 4 L UUI I lixuu "Fruil-a-liyes" Made Him Feel October I s Corning! ..... .a I f As II walking un Air n...u. Oirr.. Not. Mth. 191. (.r r r two years, I u troubled After that date ft wfll be impossible to buy Lttk Drouninttt, ej t 5i :Aimm, liquor In B.C. and you will have to pay which red Krult-atlvrs double the present price for shipments from n feel Ilk walking on air. ' outside. ' ;-raled to roe, so I decided to J In a very hort time, I It is wisdom to lay in a reasonable supply of pure . I better, and now Ifrtlfint. spirit, wines and liquors now. , staoJrpetlte,rflllieTerythlnr TELESCOPE 8IQHT LATEST nin r It is also wisdom lo secure your supply from an old t er.J the Headache are gone Rial. . Mam i. i ,..,. i f DCV,CE Tho 0iiwtwiler i Department of the nited and reliable firm whose stock can b relied upon as v i a t I recommend this m w i .1 f. ti.u i.r.',. , ui""r,'i"c "'hl " rentileon 8prlngiVId rifle with a to brand and qualily. r uint to ll my friends range firing ,h "' ,h" """" The alght t easily detached. It i for l ng 1AH MeLKA.V. The Gold Sea) Limited will deliver to you, at low w yot. for trial sli, 25 prices and on favorable terms, supplies from tho At a. a!.TioraentroatpaJdby Fntlt- LAND ACT THE CITY COUNCIL AND Province of British Columbia warehouses and cellars of the largest distributors i wd, Ottawa. THE CIVIC COAL YAnD or liquors In Western Canada, so long aa It present SEEtrtA LA.1D DISTRICTDISTRICT or DEPARTMENT OP LANDS stock holds out. LAND ACT COAST. RAXCE I. .OiRllou.! From Page One.; NOTICE Ra Otrrduc parmeou on Apptlcationa to SEND TODAY for the firm's DISTRICT DISTRICT or TAAE NOTICE U the Grand Trunk Special September Price rartiiaia Crown Laoda In Brltun Columbia. CASSIAIL ran naHway Company of Wlnmprf, reply Nad ben revived regarding NOTICE U hertbr airen tbat, andr I be List, covering every variety of choice liquor. Sent Minltobe, intend! to applr far Mrmltikm lite poxalblr. abi(in.nt of coal pravlaleoi of tM "Soldlera Hocneitead free. We Invite special enquiry concerning your . that Granby Ceatotklated w irat im rmiir dfitriid uun,. from Tlkwn. Ti.i. ..,...!. Att Repeal Act" any person who did not favorite brands. r A fewer Oompeny. LI4. ODOifiM'iMWt al a peat planted at Um met itPl4,r 9altr ,he "Soldier' iiomeauad Act, .upttton minlnr and imeli norinrriy pntat 6f L tor at or afa coal (WW pr ion WIth 3 freight . his." to complete bla application to pur- vu i apply fr permlutoe to Mb water mart, thrnra nortttfrlr. finrr. I IrTVTJ IIULPVria. eka, Miher by piyment in fnU or by IM - iar deieriMd landu it. iiirir and wtilerl. fattowier tba Md. Cnsy couW not see the elaeoea at i proporUooata allotmenL CANADIAN RYE 2 at a tHl planted al lb HMMMtiea or in abr-hii t a petal ar frr of wniung laay, by provlnf bla latereit and paylor BRAND Per Gallon longer d- tea. arty lo E. Searram'a O'.d eHurariiii. laetwdMr all thai for Canadlaa . - ; at' r ui cur du a? la full ttx balance af tM purcbaae . ft If ChilDI. fftliOWlBI wiro nn ciiff tad tow nr. ekie upon the matter of a civic artee and Uiea berora IM Slit December, Rye 'SI! , $4.50 ,atrr cart 14 tM 5.W. corner of Lei iaii imr iota hit. s.sii al yard, aa there was tiAlhlrfir HIT. obtain a Crown Oraat If proof iitu-raetory Hiram Walker! Imperial . tnree cnami to low THE 0RA.1D TBUJir PAQriC HAILWAY in (hie Telkwa projeet to influence to tM MinUur of Laoda la far-BMbed Wnfaky $4.50 Uxor tooth tad wn ft ou.. II. II. iiaaiard. MHiitr. lb I iuch peraon II iuflrtnr Injury ? the deeiskm ,t of the council in Oooderbam It Worta' EitHt-year-old J.-. a or ! W marki thence throe t& abtenee or notice or otMrwUe. a:a. la the piece of I rln LAND LEASE NOTICE either direction. Aad further Uiit tM Intereit In an-eemtleied fpeetal $4.75 f i: scree. While it was agreed that if eoal applleallona to purcbane beld by Oold Seal -Gold Bond Twelve-year-old (the , UOATCO MI.1l.XO, SMELT EILL.1 PIITRJCT DKTkitrr or could be got from TeJkwa. II would aay peraoa oa Active Semce may be pro. Bne Canadian whisky In the world).... $5.75 xwa y nouncauon to tM Landa Will COMPA5T. LTD. Depart - UVtVt CIIAKLOTTC ISLA5DS. be much preferable to get it than I rred Rikhie, ArL ment of tM fact I tut iocb peraon U on STANDARD SCOTCH WHISKY ::r! lb, HIT OetH to bring coar from the south, aa Active semce and by tM filtnr of proof TAIC 50TICC that I, Orarn MfMt. at il would add to the development of tM latereit of aocb peraon. loan btwara BRAND Per Gallon Selected iaMfrai, B. c. erapatton retiarr, la Farther Inform Hon will ba famiiMd MINERAL ACT mm to appty for xrtsiiin u ltn im of northern Ii. C. At this poinL rmroett to IM Deputy Minuter of Uada on Wnteky $7.50 fatkinMr daKw Uadi: the lack of any recommendation Vtetiria, B. a ' lleue of Parliament.' (rtiaMi af lnataiiita. oataitt ai a poal H'nud il it from the apeetal committee waa rvsHratiea or tbli notice without authority teg yeara old $7.50 arilirtl Mntrr af T. L. Ul lit. AhfwJ wiu not be paid for. Ta. Sep. is again commented with Bortuoaa'i upon, "Black aad While- fimoea ir. (kdral lakl. tbrar ml II NOTICC their apeeia! knowledge of the bra ad $9.00 (, iMore aena S cbalaa. theaiw II WATER NOTICE S?rfi aad 'Wirfroal rrauoa"tlialfia lo aa aaiierlr aad aeatarrlr dire rosiditrODs governing the situa USE A5D STORAGE. Caledonian Reaerve, fourteen-year atock im j:x.' aiutta la im mwmium cMBr imt Um. Ua mi I tion, acquired during their in-vawtlgatloa. tun $8.50 H i-si c:iai ' Cataiar Dlurirt tMtaa U txrtal ar MMaHMBiraL eaa- their guidance in the TAKE NOTICE tbat TM Empire Palp 4 I Saoderaoa'a O. P. 8. Mouaiaia i 'tr J Oa aorta aida of- Allr Utalar I arrta taor er tea. ass. Paper MlHi, LbL. whom addreia U Van- lew $9.50 inn matter would have been appre am um, isit. econac mrak. ewer. B. C. wiu apply for a UcenM to UI s ' I Unl I, It I. McOlaala, ciated by the remainder of the tak lad utt ill tM water and. to itore r c a - ruaraM iiti-c irrai COQNAC BRANDY AND IMPORTED RUM MINERAL ACT council ia.aa er feet ct water oat or annamed j e C vardra mart Coaapaay, rraa BRAND Per Gallon laka, aba known Finale, aa Waalea Lake, whlen -w m MIJO-C latradi Otard Duputa Three Sur IR. S. D. C till'. Oowt aad drataa Into Wtile CMaael atioat In the mfdal ef the hesitancy. mH brand $7.50 aae nana from furera Blatt C4 M it fc"ororr far a Oruarau HoUf rratuaa. tirrh, Creca rracMea. Aid. Caey oarnc out boldly. "The Tm aaarar dam wttt m located al west Ritait-a XXX Old Cornae ' tr rsu foe im or ot- rham ariorral rUimi nisau la im purpoM Matter aland like tbia. as it rod or uke at oatlet of lake. TM capacity Brandy $8.00 a -raal f IM abet ctaima. Vm OMHetu DMtrttl. taratrd at ar ur reMrrruw' la M created la aboat lo.ooa f r ; Hta take none taat ae- aar Ikfda Rif. Qaeta Obartatu lilaada, eesna l me. If the coo I dealers lit. Ileaaeaaeya XXX Old arrr TeK nd II wiu Oood about I,tta ere i aa S. bmiI m canmrsMd I Prwtiae or MtMh OatamMa. liafaMy MM eornc down to 81 1 per ton for coal. ' taa4. TM witer win m diverted from Cernac Brandy $9.50 k & u.,aar af lata CartiBrala of or Unta Mtara Unvltrd (.low rvraooal I be city of Prince Ilupert will not tM atreaa at a point aboot TUro by Harare Clark Overproor No charge for war fc: SIT UaMiiri. into toe coal buinee. ir laaael from rait end of Laka tbree milaa Old Jamaica Ram $8.00 go tuey stamps, Jugs .3 a:i tta ir ar tty. a. d. hit. tale .toTfCC that I. lata A. Madaora. aertMfly dlrecuea Trxm Lot or for tkfda Mm Umtrd (.Hon do not reduce the price. Ulen the oa rratar Reaeb aad will II.ba uaed Botedate.tor G4d Seal, oldeat aad atronreal jases. Telegraphic Cancellation of reserve rfaal Utbtatj) rrva Vlwri CrrtWcate city of Prince Ilupert will go into aowor parpoaea apea tM land deaenbed Jamaica or Demerara Ram. $9.00 jrders be mite la trod, afur tM atptraUaa af the coal business. Am I right?" ai aa appMcaUoa to leaie at eait end or may sen Nttr dara frana la diu brrrot lo apptr Lake aa rraier Reacb. ColfecL" asked the Alderman. This eWMl "I -i RtMBT GIVE that IM bHtalf ul im aald Caiapaajr lo tM Tate notice u polled on the rroond j rt Bf tr a Mutl Uaad la tM MMwar Hpar of IM aaM OMtrMI for to Imt the concensus of opinion in tM Sta day or Juoe. HIT. A copy of I Order ahlpped by ' - - r Raprrt. kaowa a Lot i Orimil r Inpravrmrata far rata af the council. On the question being a MUea aad aa application paraoaat bier ' it tHitnrt. br maaa IM abet rlaUBi far tM pwrpoa at b freight or express puL Aid. Montgomery's mo. tMeata aad to IM Water Art. 1114. win I tCT'n m im aetuia Oatam-a uuttar arawa rrtal tMraof. tm Med at tM oBMa or tM Water Recorder j GOLD SEAL LTD. prepaJd, t o any Me 'j - im tut April. HIS. aad A.0 It-NTIICR TAIE .tOTtCC IM! arUaa ttoti lo purchase coal immediately al Prtaea Rupert, B. C Objection! la tie J point fn B. C. the ttM :a r... ma. raatM for adrr StaNi IS af tM Mineral Act mail was dereled, while the amend apHtoattoa may be filed wltb tM aald m ac ' aultar a m ar im aaid !m famnxtiwd Ixfort tM taiaaara af iaa ment of Aid. MeMeekln to hold the water recorder or alia tM Comptroller r.i.Kll.ha a V..M same day order Is IM I icl Trwok P artfle ttV4-aat CaHtaral af laipraaaawala. dec i ion over until hearing from af Water niiHU. ParUameal EulUlon.' received. r?r i aattM. taud U4 It lb day at JaM, A.D. HIT. Vtona. B. c, wtibin uany diyt after tM . S to h sv tt rwptjr Mialiur of Uada. I. A. MirMtS. the Telkwa mine owners was Ben Sppe4raaea af tbla ooUce la a local 7ZZ fCndCf bt. W., VanCOUVCr, B. f VMtoria. . c. ilia far Ikrda MImi Uauiad (5a adopted. aewipiper. TM date of IM Brtt pobuca I " M.Aai. IS. rtraooal UabWlTI. III. The resolution brought in by Uoa of UtU do lire U July tlta, HIT. ,BBVBBBallBlBiMMwfBvBHpnjnj Aid. Mcltae calling for an enquiry into the cost of coal al the mine waa a I o adopted, aunougn ahi. Caaey could not see the force of further petitioning a Government which never pays any heed to Soft as 0 elilions from the eititena. Bath Summer Rain PROVISIONS IN BRITAIN .-. ALL UNDER ONE CONTROL To'tiiihttprinkU 2 London. SepL 8. l.ord Itbondda er J ipoonfuls of LUX Becomes the Avater into the Food Controller, has decided into tht bath wattr. which you have stirred V take over gradually control of Stir it about. What a few LUX flakes pure t ltie entire provision trade in the katPtns? Tht LUX Mlritiah Islea. The vital consider takes diuclvt instant' essence of soap. An exquisite, latum in the regulation of price b.ntalint tht wattr as soothing and refreshing 'ot provision is control of im soft as that from tht old quality is given , iM.rt. and Ird Ithondda is in tim"cisttrn"or rain rnUnl touch with Hie American the bath, or shampoo, harrtl on tht farm' Control Department on this huI and what's no Your is Mated that the two do vox rtmttnbirf more, Give each of rubject.itoveriuiieuts It are working in entire further soap will be War harmony to secure a reduction needed. Children a In the pricos.of commodities roiiiing from Ilia United States. Savings Certificate. llegardlng the supply of tea, roiieeruing which there have Iwen alarmUt reorti recently, the - vl T ET them feci that they are Canada's 1'hm1 Ministry ttnlay lsued a re-amtuHqg LUX I . partners iimt they nave eacn a alatement. saying that SiW. ' definite share in the stern struBsle while Imports in May wcro small .'- the certain vidory and the free and glorious future. owing to lonnuRo dllTerenre. the a ! Encourage them lo save and buy Certificates itnporta since that time have improved It's the modecn, quick way of using themselves! You'll be developing their patriotism, and there "la no present soap and it's by far the best way their thrift and their businc s sense for Canadian War cauae for alarm, although all pos-hiM for the bath. Uce soap in the ordinary- Savings Certificates offer absolute security and excellent economy is desirable." .v- interest will be way and you rub or force some return. More important still, you T- tPllifl nuarantf cinu their future, lor every dollar IX THK ESTATE 0P CHRISTIE 01BSO.V of it into the pores. Now, the little lent to Canada helps win the war. (DfcCTASlU) silken LUX wafers dissolve so completely For each $21.50, $-13 or $86 lent NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVIi.1 thai all that not n trace remains to now, the Government issues a Certificate, twrtani bavins claim upon IM Eiute of clog the skin yet it is thoroughly died or who on payable in tl ree years, for $25, $50 or the lata the ChriitU IUi day oibioa of ngvaiuber, A. D, cleansed and toned. $100. This means that interest is added ibout Ht while on active aervlce oveneaa, nt over 5 ft per annum. Certificates may r, required to tend to J. It. MeMuUn. There's new bath lux bo purchased at any Bank or Money official Adinlnlitralor for the of coutty of ury waiting for you ia !0th day Scptem Ainu uo or before the Order Post Office. iwr IIIT. s ruU ttaiemtnt of their clatmt, LUA. try it. and , tas ttrurliy held by them, duly verified. For the sI:e of Canada your r trier that date the underlined wilt AU term nil U children, save and fov&ft in War Savings ,a.rveed to diitribute tha aieti of tM Certificates. d-Met anions Uie parnea ruutled there UUt taf y ,., bavins retard only, to the clalma of Lever DrotLcra Limited .Tt Tho National Service Board of Canada, tub notice haa been tiled with hi in. ts DATED at rrlnre Rupert, B, C, UUt tllh 27 day of inly. D ,,,T OTTAWA. i. II. McMULU.t. Oeawy,Soft mo-tt rofreriiin totk Skin ShW (l Official AdfBlnJatrttor.J, FT!