I-'rulay , T1IK DAILY NEWS l! Whole-Wheat jlable WaUra Protection Act. laaaaMMSMBaTaaTMaraa 1 ' The Daily News Join the food conservation Club for ComoJXUIwI Miami, Ortaby T1IE LEADING NEWSrArER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA substitute whole wheat rk IB4 rr cemptnr Limned Publl.hed Dally and Weeklf foods for meat. More real klirt, tttf boUc tktl II kt, tm-ter Guaranteed Largest Circulation body-building nutriment for mUuht t rtu wotit it oiui. less money. Shredded ktli m tka onrt of the DittfUt aeiWrsr, HEAD OFFICE: " ontt !" Biscuit is 100 per r. ifcs - d Wheat u.rt at Prints Rupert, i Daily News Building, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Tel. 93. cent, whole wheat in n digestible trmmm of P'a Urf TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 50 cents per inch. form. Nothing wasted, tod tamter oil). "J ether work pro Um u be fcalll la prsee Btr. oa ... . . . Rates application. Deliriously a i hi.. -Contract on nothing thrown away. wttl e umn iniwi nourishing for any trtet ASD TAII JIOTICK tail after It HULY.BDITIOH Friday, Sept. 14, 1917. meal with milk or cream and r hi muolb rrom Ike dale o sliced peaches, bananas or iM . rtt pabumioe. I. Hi.hia of tkit Cm ociire,llt4 .fu4 te THE PEA CI PROPOSALS cipilne with which these coun. other fruits. Peatr. Company r the Mid Limned Art. troll wiu, to inaer UM Ml orv Never since the days tries are governed. The Kaiser later ef rutue works l us omre la Um Gladstone's scathing speeche is still the Kaiser and his word city ef Oiuas tor ptrol of Um KJ regarding the doings of the un is law in Germany. mm and plan sad for W eocutniri speakable Turk in their treat In the eyes of the Allies, Um D1TID taM vert.it Prince Rupert. Brttuk Coiom . nient of nations subject to lloheruollernism and Democracy bo. tat 4U day or J bit. a. p. Mheni al that lime has any are irrA-onclliable. The m.nimiTtn M 1.1 IX a Sovereign been the recipient o object of the war. In the words sxtt-Tito ajd rowtn coxrA.it such an indictment as that con of President Wilson, Is "to deliver iivrrm. Soiuitors. rttmor a mitoa. tained In President Wilson's the free peoples of the review of the Kaiser and his world from the menace and Made in Canada. W I NEPAL ACT To cliaue far their actions since actual power of a great military the war began. establishment." Once the CaHUItaU af IMarafaaiaaU. Somebody VWe'cannot take the word of German people are freed from;operate it for themselves. This the present rulers of Germany the Ihralldom of their military 'principle of collective ownership -Her BIT Mtaeral NOTICK CUUn, lltutla la Somewhere af the Front as a fruaranf ee of anything that caste, the will be the gainers has been advocated for long Um !lmi MtBlac DttlikM cf C4ir .is, to endure unless explicitly as a result of this great slrug- enough, and if suitable arrange tHiUUX. supported by such conclusive gle. In freeing Europe and the merit can be made for the ac-whole Wbare lorsied: Ob mil from Um Every day boxes from homo arc going evidence of the will and purpose world from the menace compllshment of this experiment, bti TAKE 9t A NOTICE Ilea Arm.UmI V. M0a DmmM. to the boys in the trenches. And of of the German people them qf military aggression, the'0 ouleome will be watched with rm MOtrft CcruflctM . JUS C sad the things they get, a great prize is selves as the other peoples in Allies will afford an unexampl- great interest iota M. MorrUon. rrea MtBafi CeruacsM the world would be justified in ed onoortunilT for lhe fierman ! .Ha. SlU C tsund. ililj dij rroa Um fVRIG LEY'S the Gum with Lasting accepting without such guarantees, people to assert Iheir collective ! U'ilh ,he Plur of ni nd data he not. U irv'T t Um Mlninr a Flavour. rertfrr foe a CartUlttu 0 latproveoMau treaties of settlement, will. If they have any will. lhe uPtn of the territory. rar Um parpoa af asutoJBr Crown agreements for disarmaments, anart from that of their nr.rnl e"in uispaicurs w ipennagen Orant af Um abov claim. It takes the place of food and drink in covenants to set up arbitration rulers left !indicate that the operations of Aid ranker ut mucs um! sruoa. as. of need which is often. It lhe -nw Mr aua is. BBRit b eomiMM t case keeps tones In this dis-caused In the place of force, territorial Freed from their Insanity rora Um luaaacv r tick crttflriM t adjustments, reconstitution of by their dreams of,trict will cease. It is too late in rmpretraaratt. spirits up gives vigour and vim. A small nations, if made with the world power, it may be that the ,he son r further advanee. rt4 tau sTnuoui aty r ir. -D packet in the pocket lasts a long time. German Government, no nation simple minded., kindly, deep ,'"" oi e 100 nsiy an is it. s ts could depend on. We must thinking Germany of 'a hun- obJve. The severe Hussian Tito Flavour Lasts I await some new evidence of the dred years ago may yet resume is l" protection. Chew It purposes of the great peoples j her place among the nations of Us of the Central Powers. God the world. j Coal-dealers must not raise the after every grant it may be given soon and 'price of coal without making representations meal X?fWt?. rn a way to restore the confluence NOTES AND COMMENTS to the Fuel Control-jler. of all.peoples everywhere Meantime, Sir Joseph Fla- it- a TIMBER SALE X MS. in the, faith of nations, and the The Dominion Govemmnl U e',' nu n,s siciaies are per .possibility of a covenanted averse to the " 10 add lhr ol or two conscription of Sta4 UtwWrt ut tx rtcetvad Ij Um peace. wealth for the winning of the war. hM1"T "ey feel like it to the Micitur af Laadt Ml Uler Uaa aooa oa This attitude taken up by It has no objection, however, to pne of bacon-taxing Um 4 Ik day af Oefefcrr. HIT, far 1 partluje af Ueratc.X III. la rat l.!t.tt President Wilson is the only the people to nay Mac-' leal or nr rroca aitai4 aa arra aaar one that can reasonably be kemie Jt Mann millions of dollar The debate on the Military Per- IUtum fatal, oa Um vral abur of Deaa adopted by the Entente powers for watered slock. .viee Act was a very liurly thing, CluatMt, R.X. Coat! DUUIct Time and time again, have the ;although more recruits, accord- twa (t) Jrr tn fca axoarad for rc present rulers of Germany Baltimore Sun: Some fool B to the CovertHnenL were in metal at tiabcr rarUier rarUeaUrs af Um Cair romwt shown that their pledged word American, hfnr. th nr i Rent demand. When it comes vutaaia. I. Car DUtrlct Tortur, rrtte is as naught. They regard talk about annexing4 Canada and 10 ,hand oul miin of the peo- Kapm. a. c ITS, their written and signed trea- lextending to it the blessings of Pes nw"fT- newer. 10 Mac- TIMBER SALE X 1067 ties as scraps of paper. Their I republican srovernmnl. Ilnl.. enne ft Mann and tneir friend. word is worthless. Unlil such we raise ourselves to the level of a cantKl be doae uik Srakd tondcrs 1B ncir4 bj um S. S. PRINCE RUPERT lime as the German people as these great-souled people, the Tb rv',k,n r ln Pon fa" Mbtfaarr af Laadt ml Ukr tkaa bum aa a whole are in a position toibest thing that could happen to onlT afrl lb tdirs and their um nut dr ar oior. tttr. rar um -OH - uu peace, the war with the us would be to get Canada to an- "r,"r" mn' pweaaM ut Unmem X ISST la ml .!. PRINCE GEORGE ken,i' Mnn- Flavelle Iaf real at Spraca. Cadtr aad HaUock o rulers of Germany will go on. nex us. Hut we hope these let- ean ia area s miu4 ao RJbMaa laiet t-rta Germinr ia aim nU hv th. t-r. irill ihrill !.-.. -ti. "i au lUa, Qa Ckartalla lUad OUtncL SOUTHBOUND -- vHaa m j iva a a VUt UBI a9 Willi Thrra WW Moaday I ta lar laaaaoa Bty. Vaaeaer. iartaru aad Setnie Military caste. Democracy, the aamiraiion ana win stir as to a jaart be Uoa4 rar r ORDERS nwtal of Umbtr. Satardar S a.m. for Oreaa rails. Vtaanreee. laaarta aad ' -chief feature of our western generous emulation. To be a farikrr raruraUrt af Um Cair rareattr. N0RTKS0UNO civilization, has not found expression Canadian must be, for the next khBru. B. C, er tMiuiei rartaMr. rrwra uttntseiT II aooa far Keuatkia, WraareaL iaaeaa aad turaif in Germany to any generation at leasC equivalent to 32 Prince Rupert Cadet Corps acivrt. a. C nUDtr It aooa far Aayot. great extent as compared with being one of the elect of the earth. By J. C Brady, Instructor;. TIMBER SALE X10CS TRAIN SERVICE oer neighbors. The Kaiser and Pateearer Maadir. VTedaeadar aad tadae tl II M ta ' 3 V-v his beaureaucratic advisers are The Island Coke and Coal Co. All Cadets will at the Prtaea - parade SraWd Irodera wtH Im maled by Um Oearre. tdmaatea aad MTaais. maktar ate eel raaa.- j e al: still ruling Germany with a rod in the 'icola Valley, being in Borden Street School on Friday Mlautar of Laad aol later Uua mwm 00 Patau ratt aad aa. Kurd Taeaday 4 a. m. Par Smma,. . 1 ts of iron. The hunger, discon 'financial difficulties, owes to its eening, Sepl. Iltb. at 7 o'clock Um lltk day sf OctOr. HIT. far Um MrawdiaM patata. ieni ana unrest so prevalent .employees some 47,000 in wages.'sharp. limes must be turned in tmrrh et Um X IMS M rat I II?. Agsncr All Ocsan Staamshlp Linos. tH tee t Sprae. Cedar aad Uetmioek inrougnoui me Central Em-JThe Hon. Minister of Mines. Mr. at this parade. aa aa ana aitaaiad ta AUt Mat. Liall For Information and reservations ppb pires have not yet caused any Sloan, suggests to the workmen By order. UUad, Oaera Ottrtall ItUad Uutmt. City Ticket Omca, 520 Third Aeenua. PHONE ttO relaxation of the stern dis- that they take over the mine and n. A. FISUKIL A. C C Tkrea years via tw aHoed (ar re wral o UlBber. mrUwr parucaUrt af Um Oawf roraaier. WtorU. S.C, ar DUtrlct rorrtlar. rmea A NEAT KITCHEN TIMBER SALE X109 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAF - WITHOUT A BROOM Scaled ieadrra UI ba reelieA bv Ua uuutur af Laadt But Uler Uua auoa oa Lowest Kates 0 all Eastern Point tlth 49 ef VMt f- No coal-hod, no ash-pan, no carrbaaa af Ucmm lac, ia mi ia . via ifrimtr In Vineouitr and the dirt, no bother. You never have tret of eproca. Cedar aad Heaalock CANALnaN PACIFIC RAILWAY ea aa area HaMd la ALU laltt, LyeU ?.teaU and Utm. to sweep up after cooking on a Itltad. Oaeea OurtolM UUad bUUKL NEW PERFECTION. It Tfcrra year UI b allaard fer r Princess May for Granby Bay and Alice An. m rriiil cooks more quickly and more I awval ranitrr af umber.paruraWn of Um Chief roretler. Princess May southbound la Ocean Falls 8 P'ndsr conveniently than a coal or wood Victoria. B.C. or Mulct roretier. Pnaoa Princess Alice foP Vancouver Saturday, September is-Princess range, costs less for fuel and take Hipert. B. C Sophia for Alaska Monday, September 17th. up half as much room. TIMBER SALE X1071 J . I. PETERS, General Asent These dealers sell them: Sealed leaders will be received by Dm Ca er Faurth Streel and Third Aeenoa. Plre Roped. B-C. Mauler af Laada sot Uler Uua duo 00 III dAl af Oetafaer. It 17 far the tmr rkta of Ureaca XISTI. la ral l.tM.SSe Icet af I peace. Cedtr. Bemleck aad Balaam raaataaaa Nar4ara Oa Prlaaa Kaaan. rrcau aa area at I k fed la klevaatrei I ale I. Mar vara ca. OreeTtBe Caaaarl, K t. Coat! MilrKL tarka Hardware Oa Two rr WIU ba attowed re em twwtl af umber. Mawa A akNaitr, Launch AliceB. ranker Daruealara af t ryr r.i.. S X allaa. ViekBrta. C. er Dutrtcl raretler. Prtare A Oa, Part Maiaaaa. U.C aspect. B. C POR TH SLT L,M TIMBER SALE X101S. g.aef Pla 0 Bealed leadera will ba iiMd , ii. - WitkJtcyalite Coal OH the N f"1 tw Mlattler af Laada tot liter ihi. RfTVNM Ptrftction veiB ook your tutat tae ttad Uj af September. It IT. for UM ftr from S to 10 etnU. pwtAM of Uceaca x ISIS, lo cat S.tll, feel of Sprvca. Balaam aad Ucmlock w. . THO". re THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY os a area il tailed a Link Lata. Kiste Creea Sfl t. Coatt Dumct. United Tkrea li yeara will U aUeaed for ra-MU MU.NCHM IN ALL CXTH of timber. ranker parUcsUrs of Um Cblef por- etier.frtara 1cterU.kpen, B.B. C c, or DUlrltt rortiler.(ft Advertise In The Daily News EMPRESSC0F FEE tVW LallALE OtSTrTrlaVUTOW "" aaTaaTS 'aTaTmTmW r. u. uawiON PBINCE BUPIRT,