TUE DAILY NEWS FELT LIKE II NEW GERMANY LC88 WILL CHOCOLATE OCT NOW ere tt 1'nrl. Kepi, lo-ffew . regulation for Hwltterland Uv. PEI RSON lcci decblwl upon after rnce between repreaenlntiv ,,f nwiitprmnn, i-rance, Haly, ftrHalti Taking Only One Box 01 lliissia mwl the United Kim.. n- liter Under.Becretary of Woekade' an a BWaBBKavBajf-aMaB."aaaBrH BSah-Jaaeiasfyjppae "Fiull-a-lives" nounced loilay. Under these Hwll. ia 8. xcrland In future will ! nii-.-..i Y.ktt 8nir iuw$ to send not 'jr. 1 mure than m nnn p'eu" ... . .' with treat w.ri,1? ij ,fiiinurru.fiRrn or chocolate annually 4 "il from taking 'Fruit-. to Nunlrle at war with J" tot years. I was a eadful the Knlente, Inntead of 4(5 000 ha e quintal, aa hern the cae. end I was miserable In every way. J The frontier traffic In ehoenlate ' v seemed i to he trielly limited f , iUhe way of mUcine henceforward, irt'Vwr. The. I finely tried and even AhlprnenU to -tteSM nJ W,e efffCt 8wIm cillienn In the Central nation Canada ' J i unit UMng one bot,ltet -will he held down The f . bow Prwn, to he relief from amount which may he n'ent to t,." ti inTlIA UHWOLFE. IHntente laliMl y prUoner a upeclal will renti- agreement to Service Act we ti. 6 for f2), trUl site. 25e. 1 up 1.-. -rcucnru- i later.i i Military by Fruit-, lull icrorscnt potpId The excen choeolate ridnelltii tirrt limited. OtUw. ( nf Kwitzerland will be absorbed by I ranee and the other allied 1917 LAM) ACT countries. Mr CISTWCT-DUTWCT Of i.ltn USD ...... n PARTITION OF POLAND Explanatory Announcement by the Zurich, Pwitzerland. Sept. 10, -.- ImeKUir ref 0Pay LUi. Acrordinir U information received Minister of Justice from Vienna the Central Power L era ' rP" for rrmluloa lo f m at attentat Undti have decided lo carryout the partition r sssf P1"' lh of Poland, flertnany will TIB MILITARY SERVICE ACT baa received the aaecnt of the Geroor-OeeraJ, and ! - -M fi-n" Ul ,, C'"' Du" annes such part or Ilusaian I'o-Uml T now part of tne law ol toe land, it wm be enforced accordingly, and the patriotism and e-" CJSr B rlB tbtlM, ruiof a he need "to rectify her good senae of the people can be relied upon to support iL Resoftance to it enforcement, tin iir tsre ef U tbree"AA.rtwrti rir to of low-Ul MraleKic frontier." amounting to however,by word or act mutt and will be repressed,as resistance to any other law in force must be. tie' tbroe tf"' one-tenth of the territory. Austria Reinforcements Under Military Service Act Immediately Required , i af Viw mUf mtrki tbrK will the annex remaining nine-tenths, It is the intention of tbe Government immediately to exercise the power which the Act confer?, and r. "uj mutator I f tent. am Krnperor Charles will to call out men for military service in order to provide reinforcements for the Canadian Forces. - - Wtl UOATtD COMfA-IT.MI.MJO,LTD.SMELT promulgate a decree uniting Ilu. This is necee&ary. since the military authorities report that the reserves available or in sight for 1, rrrd ftltcbl, ArtlC Ian Poland with Oalieia and pro. reinforcement will shortly be exhausted unless this step be taken. elaiminrr the whole territory lo be the united kingdom or Poland, First Call Limited to Men Between 20 and 34, Who Were Unmarried, or MINERAL ACT with hlmtelf as king. Widowers Without Children, on July 6, 1917 The new llapaburs; Poland will have it Tbe present call will be limited to men not in the schedule of exceptions, who were unmarried or I own Parliament, but Its widowers without children on 6th July. 1017, are at leasl twentv Years of ate. and were born m r NOTICC foreign policy, army and finance since 1st January. 1883. Of this class, all those will be entitled to conditional exemption whose services te ta W'tierfroal rrxtloa' will be controlled by Austria. The in their present occupations, agricultural, industrial or other, are essential in the national ami 3ba Hiuu la U Mktf immediate effort will be to make interest, and whose business or domestic responsibilities are such that senou nardahips would ensue ca l.'..s: Ctr DUirtet. the Pole liable to military ser. if their service be required. Conscientious scruples based upon a prohibition of combatant service by Wr o Borth iM of Abet vice In the Austrian army. It will the articles of faith of tne religious denomination to which men belong will also be respected. The men first rue S Ti l Uttl L R. . MrOtMU, alao involve tbe removal from the required to serve will consequently be those who can be called upon with the least disturbance of the rm Mterri fWfiU .lo. 11TI-C. f-l Austrian Parliament or deputies economic and social life of the country. tt a C- ' nrffa Mlaci Compta, rrr representing flalicla, trivlnsr the lat'i j-rSif Illtf-C, ImwiwU Herman parties In the lleiebralh Ciil Tribunals to Deal with Exemptions u::?t tii ;M:if i ff jta rxnrder Um dt rr hreof,CrtiBt4W to (tlr numerical preponderance. Questions of exemption will be determined, not by the military authorities or by the Government, 1 ;T ir csrsu tor IM prpo T U-kc'af but by civil tribunals composed of representative men who are familiar witb local conditions in the rva ureal of U abor rUtmiL Saltation Army. communities in which they serve, who will generally have personal knowledge of the economic and A3.) r Mill TAKE .10T1CK UUI M family reasons which those whose cases come before them have had for not volunteering their services, ;i4f E u SI. BMil b CMDiaelte4 ttfat.IL tA tint. Tiia.iIiv. and who will be able sympathetically to estimate the weight and importance of such reasons. CrtU(l4 f iBV K.iUi 3TU,tuaar ( lit Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 p. Provincial Appellate Tribunals, constituted from tbe existing judiciary of the respective Provinces, 1 1 13 tst iia dr r jiy. a. d. hit. . I - - lrt . will be provided to correct mistakes made by Local Tribunal, and a Central Appeal Tribunal for n. CMinuaj ! t MU I. III. the whoU of Canada, selected from among the present Jndgcs of the Supreme Court of Canada, wul CANCELLATION OF RESERVE be constituted in order that identical principles may be applied throughout the country. In this The Dally News delivered by way every man may rest assured of tne fair and full consideration of his circumstances and the X - 2 IttMBT Oirt.1 tMI Um arrler. SO cents per month. national requirements, both civil and military. wm crjtiuf null Imb4 la tfea hrur f i 'nf Mptrt. kaova Lai Proclamation Will Announce the Day IK 40(r - il Dtiirtrl. br reaao t; ;-trial la tbe tntuh Colam-tc A proclamation will issue calling out the bachelors and widowers reerred to, and fixing a day.on or -2 (at till AfrO. HI. ao4 before which every man must report for service to the military authorities, unless he has..before ut Apt i. iiib, u raatvtM for that day made an application for exemption. aa f BMkiar I mU af Um m4 LM It O C-d4 Traal rttae txrtkn How to Apply for Exemption a a x-jis xvt Muumr r uad. Applications for exemption may be made by written notice on forms which will be available at every i Ntvtafd " 44, rictoru. B. C, IIW SALE OF GOVERNMENT LOTS 5a n- i -ti i . f r Tii will nni hnrpvpr. be. remiiFpd to be made It' M. Af. IB. Prl CIMU, Qmm GMriMU IttaMt. to the Exemption Tribunals, me the in in this way, but may be presented by applicants person Prilnc or BHUih Columbia cases of those who have given written notice in advance will have precedence,and appearance in person itii t hrbr ia UuL acllar aa- involve inconvenience and delay to the men concerned, BtlTtT Of LANDS will therefore be likely to considerably more or UMinKUoa front iba trr"'r MlaJticr so that it is recommended that advantage be generally taken of the facilities for written application. f Uadt. I Ut oa Um Ilia uy or api. dotici btr. Itlt. at II o'ctock la Um forenoon. " rtrawau aa ArontAUoos to .. h r-i-i. hr Dobue aacuoo Exemption Tribunals in All Parts of Canada h amty fa tal. or 16 Um loll of Um tboro KoIU btloariaf The Local Exemption Tribunals will be constituted with the least delay possible, consktent with the Um tooa. Tt i P"o ioc bjc of the members in tneir C la Sklir' Hoasrit b oderri It tit l for selection of representative individuals to compose them, and the instruction Kal M. aa trw who did aol Um ttiMd teit lou UI and b IH rr kl for comer pre tola. dutiea. There will be more than one thousand of such Tribunals throughout Canada, each consisting f tj, toUitnf Momeua4 AM. Term ocm btlf aaa UUaco la oo of two members, one of whom will be nominated by a Joint Committee of Parliament, and Uie 1 aaahW bit ttticUoa la Vr-- l nai lh effort wfll be made by the wide distnbin rear ii lalrl Pf other by one of the Judges of the existing courts. Every 7rc- f T t Hnai pnarUoa4la la rU or atwunral.tr dferr4 pj"e. To Crowa Oraal tt tion of Tribunals, and by provision where necessary for their sitting in more than one place, to mint-mile adJiUooaL fUn of Um tome-tiu ' r emit! ait laurvtl tad paxtat ill U of u to b offered caa ba the inconvenience to which men will be put in obtaining the disposition of their cases. aiyr it Ue aar r I'm Attuunt Con A Registrar will be appointed in each Province, who will be named in the proclamation, and whom J 4 U . Wfce iba tilt Dweabtr. 3i..,ttr of U1, frtaca Rupert, or of enquiries may be addressed. Each Provincial Rettrar will transmit to the appropriate TnbunsJ Mr v. h. MtUorr. fort OaoMau. or la the applications for exemption which have been submitted in advance of the atUngs, and men who t ifct auuti,, or iv-f UM Orparimrai W La&dt, Vletortt. V. C Tribunals until notified to do so. Other ap- attend the Wrtf ut m Mr, fferiBf lojarr have sent these in will not be required to i, II. KIXlUJ.l, uhiiui wuawwin . .... UvMrt or oUMnrtta. i, ,l. rrv1 1 il.A Aa UwrBfa Ztl lb of Laada. pt. It- pucanu anouia anena persona uy on vae inouaai aiuiuu uvuu. fati Iturtil la ua-Wttciuoet lo piinb4M bl4 by How Renort for Service tarWV kta" 1.1 THE EtTATI Of CkWSTIE OIBSO.1 to r b pro. .t!. u " LJ DrP (DECEASED! Men who do not detiro to claim exemption wfll report ta the military Mthoritfa. for eervice fJJ C tl of aon. at anytime after tb iotua of tbo pwUmtioQ. Form of report by mail wtU be found b sfl port aad.ua 4 4 tr ua atlas or proof NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVl'l Uul til application for exemption, will be transmitted free of postage. peraoot battar cUun npoa Um Eauia of uortMUoo will u rnroitbol on Um UM CbrttlM OIL tea bo died oa or Early Report Advantageous IVt "Wlr Mliittur of Undt, tbeut lb fib dtf of Ttorember, A. D. v v i -n K- K- nutJWlr eiamlnej and Med a fit, b required .to so law ttlt. bil oa tcUi serTlc ovamtt. " ",,- tra required lo tend 14 t. II. KcMallla, .'L1"' Local Tribunal or u not an, um appucauona igr inmHs v moat, Z 2.JZI at iboa who do no paid onrlal Adnitoituiior for Um ecu sly of on tbe part tor. Ta. p. It tan win ba ralnad br delaTui or diaadreatJMr incurred by prompt report servtee A ilia, oa or before Um ilia day or September. Ifitawrifl tt Binrvlv fas aawaMTt rvtbtkn. t-ANO ACT It IT, a full tutemeot of tbetr claim. or any tecum be by ibem. ditty vtrtBed. Facilities for Immediate Medical Examination ... MM UmI data UM uaderalroed and after w Ji I ra DISTWCT-DISTWCT Of proceed lo dMUlbal lh atteu of Um Immediately upon the Issue of the proclamation, Medical Board, wffl ;?JZlr ' OAIT. RAJIOE t. daewatej tinoor Um ptrues eo tilled tbe ra tion of man who report for wnce or wbo, tub oei v weir rtEutwunui T or to know defin-to ta, ktriat retard ooiy 10 um cituut oi Uve their phyiueaJ fitnea determined in orJar to aflay f.fV LciuT i unfitnam '"t "V Uul lb artni Trunk bleb hotm tut been Died llb blm. Italy and in advance whether there- rbdity.of their fW1 Tribunal, when they "it - ... ' Comptay of Wlnniptt. HATED tl friar nuperi. a. C, tbit Itib bred by thee Medieal Hoard, will be aeoepteJ without atrvioe f."! aolr f w tptiorTon any of the Men found lit who have not reported or "T?" i tll11? 10 w" for PenaUtloa Ut of iMty, A. D. It IT. a.L pretcribed ipounda,phyaically indudinit even their phyticaJ condition if diaaatiaied with the .Jconcluaioo. juI '"lBt deteribrd Uodti I, II. NtMULUX. wuTrt, tXHI 6B'4 SI UM DVMI 911 Offlcitl Adiutaltrttr. ' Va!t..rk ,b,oe xrherlj, ettur-3iu WATKH NOTICK NOtlClrLu!lre wzoilc to report l render" ThV " 'ulbS,HTp , !?d rlr. followlnt Um DUtrtloa tnd 11)- man found liable and paated a fit for eemee. ttaobedienee of each notice for KBTcalleJLpon. or to report wbtequenUy '" bVl pumthmentrflUure to report for military service, Sufbe 7mK ordinarily by the dvfmtrat; oTsmdem, hor!'"-J,renablfto pulwlt TAkK AOTICE Uul IL E. Weill. bo railiUry notwithtUndi any civU punishment which may military WliS l,,f-ro addrttl It.Steatrt,... B.. C4 will ipply.....I.fur ! aa. in earKVrt SHtril tPrWalinM IM IV)t fcri- r-Acinc a iirent iu ut ana ut aaeeniy t " it 'Uattrd. loll tl lor.railway feel Of ltcr out of Mwttl tnd Etll Torkt Watch for the Proclamation V of Cttrtd .bicb nowi aoulbtrty Creek, publuhed a a i wul be LAND LEASE luia atlntuu HJttr, .Cattlar Cltlrlcl. S. u. Notice otihdy tppotixUd for makja of a cUam lor tiempuoo or 101 report for miUUry terviee them-. NOTICE notice be ajTeo until the i&Oi vklual called out have.eo reported Tba water will ba dirtrted from lb a widely ai pombla, but a no pewaal ran themaelves with reaard to the day fixed. nttEM!,r.,?iTKJCT-D,T"CT or tbovo tireama lb at fork points i. about Tblt aouce two Utouttod wtt potted fetl since nelect may involve tt loa by them, , , of important pnvue and right. TAtr m,,,wj(TK ISLAiinS. oa lb trouod oa UM'tliU dy of uuL nw a"? 0w, Mc,lw. " It IT. A ropy of Iblt aotlr tnd aa ! J CHAS. J. DOHERTY, "Bit to - -"iiioo tannrar, la- pllrtUoa purtutni Uaralo tnd lo Ujj Wtter Act. lilt, will biBId la Um tmt MitiUter of Ju-tice of Um Wtter Recorder at frtnos impart. Ottawa, September 11, 1917 borih.... ? 11 boil Pltnlut tl tlx H. c. obJectkiBi to lb tppllctUoa may J b Bled witb Um ttid Wttor Recorder, or ". Ihearl ,n,,, ""nf wllb I ha Ccxtirlrollcr nf Wtter AilbU, rarllauieal PatUiatv Vlctoria,'B.C wIb1 Uuo i.jS.?-!""' Bd toulberly Ulr.e- Ibiriy dtyt rier tb Srit tppesrtnc of ,0"i to rvV. . Was, tbenc wait t tbit ituur la loeal netptpr. Tb ow of iba flrti publictUoa of iblt rtlc U '" IliL Vt4,noor l.it t. AUfUII it, ttlT. B.II uconoE MeltAE. H. K. MEILL, Applicant, MeeeeeeeeerrrreeeeerrrreerrMrrerAeer