ihz daily new A


                      .     .                                                                      .        ,          jjjiinr                       1

I                                                                                                                       Local- News Notes                      Ideal For Wash-Day

              1                                                                                      .             ll              fllriis 10oi Veloi

                                                                                                                               to Jo Mcnae llros.                    The Kootcnay Range accommodates

                    Only Two Weeks More And Will Prohibition Be In                                                   print Mr J. H. MeMIUan. Inspector            the wash boiler and still leaves four

                                                                                               Force In B.C          of mini.      al noon         tot            holes freo for cooking.       This allows

                                                                                                                     Anyox.                                       yod to serve wash-day dinners that are
                        then wines and spirits must be secured from outside the pro vine, which means                            ...

                      that their price will be more, than doubled.                                                     yir,  J. A. Anderson arrived               just as good as other days and doesn't

                                                                                                                     irom the sauth today by theTrlnce     t      Interfere with your laundering.        Ask
                   ORDER           Lar in a stock of reliable liquors, purchased from a reliable     ORDER
                   NOWI                     house, which has a choice slock on hand.              QUICKLY1           Oeorge.                                      our dealer or write for booklet.

                                                                                                                          J.J. Whalen passed through
                         THE GOLD SEAL LIMITED hive what you went.              Tlie-y deliver 11 at yeur            Ike 4ty this morning on his way

                          station, all carriage charges prepaid, with no charges for war stamps, Jugs or
                                                                                                                     to Aayox.
                         packages. We bear all these charges.

                                                                                                                           B. H. Fletcher, post office         KOOTENAY RANGE
                                            Send Today for Special September Price List                                Mr.
                                                                                                                     tesfxoter. arrived in the city to

                                         SOME OF OUR SPECIALS IN CHOICE LIQUORS                                     4ay froea the south.

                             Scotch da Bulk)Whisky     and Old Overproof Cognac Brandy Rum Canadian da CtM)Whisky Per CtM 0 Mr.peegers Q W. Mekerson on the was tram among this For Sale by E A. Gallant! and Howe & McNuIty

                                            Oenon   itm Bant)        rer Canon                                       morning for up river.
                                         per        Martin    Rem   XXX    Old   Seaeram'a. walker or 0 a
                       Dwr    funoei                        tnaaj                     teTen-yrtr-oid eq rn
                         Hi inland Seotcft             ?.              $7.50      for

                                                   OoM Band I year c!d tii                                          deleTim;; N-'.bU Water. Protection Act. f
                       vtbif o. r. a.     $7.50                                 Oold Stat ramoni Brand elrt-
                         leaded Scotcn.                sr.?            $8.oo
                                                                                                   $10.00           .OH IBIS tTtWTMTOS                I                                     J.L.HICKEY
                                                   RlittW XXX Special
                       OoM Set! Oold Bond It-year-                        gQ                                                                          I     "                B.IIm. fV)M.
                        old HlfHUlwl                                            OoM    ! Limited Reterre Im-IrUl.
                                                                                                                            Rer. Dr. White,     Perln-l
                                          $8.50                                                                        The
                        Mali                       Hennety  runout Three sur             oral                                                              Urtbf rm MUn        l( ui, n
                                                                                              qvaru  (tnree
                                                     roV.00.          $10.00      SfT.                              tendeat   f Indian Misstafi. ar-lMr suoa y of it      atd Art. drpoMd   CONTRACTOR A BUILOCR
                      eruert HMvJroo'    IS rr-                                                                      wa fMm ih      aanth thU morn.ltnltfe Um MiaHur of rsbBt wrrai l Oi
                         M Has  of                 OoM Seal  and  Hodton  Bar                                                                                               .
                        Parliament      . $8.00      OM  Deinarar and  Jamaica  OoM   Bond , It-year Canadian                                          uwa. aaa m ih vnn          v..m      Store  and  OOlce
                                                     Orerproof Rub,               Rye, Imperial oval ouartt                                            lunilrtr of tb Ua4 Rrrutry one. tu
                      John Wititn                                                                                                                      tnrt f rrtar Boprrt at triae Rvptri, Fash,  Door  and   M-1 i,Di!
                        Kilmarnock..     $9.00       $7.00, $8.00, $9.00           tJir.,Uon,.M...$18.50 J             Mr. K. C Jabour was among t drwrtpuoa m um iw ana pio or -mutrt      Oak and Hard W
                                                                                                                                                                                                                n  ,(
                                                  Canadian Whisky (In Bulk)                                         the  passenirers  arriving In the asd Bik nirtsr pual and ouwr wortt r                           ll(
                                                                                                                    rity this morning' by the ''Prlnee Pd lo U txiUl ta friar Rprt Mrtior   kinds.
                                                     Prr OaDoM                      rer GUioa                                                          al rna   RBrt.  eriuta ColmsbU. la
                                    fearrun. Walker, O. a W..     Cold Seal. Three Seal e oe                        Oeorge."                           rruol of WawrfrcMck 1." arria          Wa Spsclallia In Hard,
                     mr              Corey! sad B. C Distillery     bum year oM        O.a
                     t               (t-npertal railon) tor                                                                                            M rlxrtd pUa t.U     loniu of Um       wood Boat Ribs, Sath,
                                                                  CoM Bond, It year-rl $5.75                           attain Robertson, of the Ie-    aid Otr of rrtft fiurft rr1lrrd la     Door, a'to.
                                     $4.00, $4.50, $5.00               and mellow. .                                partment of Marine and Fisheries. I ta aromaid uad rtftivr wn u .ia.

                                                                                                                    YlrLnria.  arrival  in tnwn Ih a ttl. ScUo-7.                           Plata and Sheet Gists tn

                                                                                                                    morning by the O. T. P. steamer.    a.id TAit xoiicx itai arur um  i              Gluing.
                                                                                                                                                       Xraitoa of oo wain trvta ibm dau of tft
                 All goods shipped in     GOLD           SEAL         Limited              Telegraphic orders                                          Bnt pbti(aUoa of tai aeuc. Um Oraad  Corner Fraser and 6th lu.
                                                                                                                      Mr. Itooney. telegraph superin   Tiraak ratac Rattaar CHBpaay H1. aa4rr
                 plain case same day                                                          may be sent us        tendent of the Q. T. I. at Wlnni- Srcuaa f f Um mm Art, apptr to um     PHONE GREEN 2C9

                 order Is received.              722 PENDER STREET                                  "CollecL"       peg. arrived from the south this Miauur.. f rbe Werkt al kit era te Um
                                                                                                                                                        t                      a. Ik. ..14              P. O. BOX
                                                                        B.C.                                        morning and went east by train.                                    .                            41.
                                                   VANCOUVER,                                                                                          mtm im fj. mtms tvr fr.   twii M M.
                                                                                                                                                       Um aaid  rlia.
                                                                                                                      Mrs. Kenny and Miss Kenny.        P4TID al rrter Rnrt. BrlUtb Oalaa.

                                                                                                                    accompanied by the four children Ma. tau uu sr of          a.0. hit

                                                                                                                    of the late Lieut. Stalker, arrived THK OR1.VO TRUA  fAUlk RUtWAV       Prince            Feed
                                                                                                                                                        cuMrAsr. ratnor a nuton. siiuur.             Rupert         Cn
                                                                                                                   .back In the city this morning from

                                                                                                                                                                MINERAL ACT
                                                                                                                                                                                                     PHONE SS

                                                                                                                      Mr. Alike, the road superintendent,   OaniSaata of Iiimhii
                                                        MINERAL ACT               LAND SETTLEMENT BOARD
                                                                                                                             was in the city this fore.
                                                                                        MAKES GOOD PROGRESS
                                                                                                                    noon for a few hours en route to                NOTtCt
                                                     CrUS cat  f lanaeetaaiMU                                                                                                               HAY, GRAIN, FEED, SCC0I
                  G. H. Arnold                                                                                                                                              -WaW
                                                                                                                    Anyox. He was accompanied from      "Wfclf.- TiTolf 5, I."    fla. I.-
                                                                                    Victoria, Sept.  12.   Iteporls                                    and WlvrtiM" Miami Oatau. tltuw
                                                                                                                    Vancouver to Ocean Falls by Mrs.                                             and FERTILIZER
                                                             50TICZ               reaching Mr Maxwell Smith, the                                       la Um fkeen Mtnlnr DttUion of Caaalar
                     NOTARY rnisHJO              -BeOevtew 5. 1.- "BeDertew So. 1.-                                 Alike.                             Dtatrtrt
                                                                                  chairman of the Land Settlement
                                                BelleTlcw Fraction.' "Blentwbn and                                                                      Mlrre loraied.- Anoni is miW p um
                                               "Snow rractlon- Mineral Clatim. a.tea it Hoard, from the other directors Dr. G. II. Gordon. Ph. I).: F. II. KltaasIM Uur trvta AUre Arm.     Chicken  Feed   a  Spscialtf
                        FOR SALE               la Um Skeena Mlainf OtrUlon of Caaalar recently appointed under the Land o. S of the University of Penn- TAKE nOTICX thai t. U1i W. ratnmr.
                                               District.                                                                                               rrr Minrrs CeruBeaM 3. I4III G. iml
                                                                                  Settlement and
                                                                                                  Development Act .ylvania. will give      address in
                 Docbl corner near Um new taw.                                                                                         an
                                                 Wnere loeated:Ai Um nead of mianc                                                                     fr Denatd W. Cajaxroa. Trrt Mttert Cer
               null. Ttwr at  leu ST and If,   Rlrtr, Alice Arm.                 indicate that in each section Of the Presbrterian Hall on MondaT ami.        . iia  t.i    ...  ... r       all Oedte Prewatlf AUMtX U.
               Block it. Section 7. Pfic for pair take .lOTirr that i u-m. t rrnnJ the Drovince satisfactorr nrosresa niuhf a i a n'ttrk nn.i ih a,,.  am ant nertvr. m appty in um Minus

                                               Free Jtiner Certificate So. SiTI-C, acunt is being made the members o('ni. nf ti, t. it 'n. w III. uh. Recorder for CtrUnraiea nf tonprotenwnia.

                                               Ssrzxvjs                                    d0,ng                  p!Jcct mm he ',Canadv Dulr 10               pnrp    f cautntnf a crn
                                                                                        rKd            b'il to,c,e?                               iheF
                        FOR RENT                                                                                                                           - eatR nf um an  ttauna.         P. a Bet ASA.   set run tit.
                                               intend, iiitr daja from Um daw berof.fuP "   appraisal               Empire."   Admission 25c.     Si8   a,id rvRTHaR TAKE 50T1CS Uul M
               Sli-rooroed boom complctelr and to ipplr lo Um Mininr Recorder for a trie selling in or the more un-                                        sndtr Betuon SI. mmu tx
               VttaUTuUj runiisaed, inclpdiny a CeruacaM of Improrenaenta. for Um par-1 favorable weather. Some of the! We are in the market for 1 In awnred iwraro Um Mum nf anch Cer

               tJOao. Beat rtildfinial dUUict. Has                            w.work            undertaken should 1 V4   in, and 2 in. No. I          uaraiea f lmrfttm.au.
               romaca                          Sre ciato.                             now being                    1                            Shop
                     and all modern conveniences.
                                                                                                                                                        DATtO Ihil ttBd day f turn. A-t. ISIT LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS
              SU monUts leaae                   And runner take notice uut aeuon. nn- i really nave Deen compieieu many,spruce, me same tuicaness in .o. S.II      UWIS W. rATMORX.

               eTea-roomed boon with tau. part. der section St. moat be commenced be jllionths ago.                 2 Clear A Iletier Spruce, and as                                                 HOTEL

              fr rnrnUaed. lei Ball SUvel. Secuoa fore Um lunanc of iocs Ceruncate of It Is staled by .the chairman much 3 in. to 6 in. thick by 8 In.   t M. Htnaon. S,e                   oesm to ouiits on ami it

              7. -                   S1S-0O.  Improvementa.                  SIS that a limited amount of money and over wide, 18 in to 40 in. I                  w t wiaum    a v. LL s
                                                Dated tnla (in dT of ioly. A.O. ISIT.                                                                     '                                 Motor  Slags   will    .nt
              ror-roomed nonae wtu bain. SSS                                     ls available now for loaning pur.J long. Clear Vertical Grain Spruce      IVILLtAmi A BRANSON                                  eo

              SereaU Arenac, East ...... $1SO0 Navlgable Waters' Protection AcL     .. mm -    ik.tut rate 1 ucw (iii.it as you can get out. In replying  BsrrlsUrs, Solicitors, Etc          with trains at Terrace.

                                                       R.S. C Chapter lit.       cations  are being   received Ml. please give   specific details re             oatv TO L9AA              ItteilMt Troet nle  le Uim
               H. O. HELQERSON, LTD                                              Smith anticipates that the loaning garding stock you have on hand                 S-M ins                              Ul.

                                                To  Crand Truk Paelflc Ralls 17 Co.  feature of the board's work covering quantities of the differ-   n.irtrton Slura   rrtnre t.n. s t     Pat Q      tlm atiu Ttrrtte-

                                              ntreby ritu notie Uut It naa, snder will continue to be of the first   nt sizes and grades and whetheri                                           Raea S3.00 per day
                                              Section 7 of Um aald Act. depot tied with
                                                                                 imprtance.                         it is dry or green. Can you fur-
                                              Um Minuter of Public Works at Ottaaw.                                                                                                        roe
                                              and la Um offlce of um District Rtrutrar A number of Important devel- nub any Vevet Siding, Ceiling and    DENTISTRY                          A. BRUCE rsrtnef MMMSTOMC.rantmUn, tp4 .

                                              or um Land Restaur Offlce, Dutrtct of.opment schemes are also engag   Finish  in No. 2 Clear &, Iletter

              "The Daily News"                rruK nuorn, ai rnnco Hspert. a o- ng ,h altnllnn nf l" Ioara- " Spruce? Can you surface the Shop            oeows    ao antoos
                                              ertption of Um alt                       ,e
                                                              and plan of nbart and ,
                                              plant propoted to be but in prtnc Ra- 's understood that as soon as the and Clear Spruce T Can you accept!         a SrSOtALTT

                  CLASSIFIED ADS.             pert Harbor, at prtnc Rupert. Brttun Co- I money market shown signs of orders top specified thickness and       DR. J. 8. BROWN              PACIHC CARTAGE, LTD.

                                              wmbu. to front of waterfront Block -a.-'easlng up a little, active attention grades? In naming your best             osjtntr

                                                 Z,0             7rL"Z. da-"r               oted lo these schemes-. price please quote delivered F.      asitti siu atotk. m   attaot

                        WANTED.                um am pmbucation of uu  nouce, Um ' several  locations nave posslf U. II. cars    I'rlnce llupert and               meat S4                     General
                                               Crand Trunk Ptelflc RUt7 Compear  bilities of high productivity have aboard vessel Seattle. Wash. We                                                       Teaming

              IU. WASTED for llrfat nouework. Applj uT MJ77Mr.",                              oU but before prac would like to have your price both                                                 DOMESTIC

              SUle 17, Beaner Apartmenta.   U. ta Um air of Ottawa for approve! of Um ticai aeveioptneni can be com! ays,  PATTERSON LUMBER CO.
                                               aaid tile and plan and for tear to coa menced in accordance with thj While Illdg, Seattle, Wash.   tf    STEEN & LONGWILL                       BLACKSMITH COAL
                UTCUJGUT     r-USOX MAT CABJt atmct Um aaid ttorka.                                                                                                                        barerui               puns
                                                                                 preserioea   terms   or tbe   act                                                                                  etnijon l0
              IIS  mceiUj correapondint for newa. DATID at Prince Rspert. Brtuab Colnm                             INDIAN CHIEFS WERE
                                                                                                                                                                                             and Turnlturv
                                                                                 passed  during the last session
              pirt;    s 10 Its monttlj ta spar bu, uua Tim dar or abchm. a.d. tstr.                                                                                                                        y-mof..
                                                                                                                                                        SANITARY AND
                                                                                                                            ON TRIAL                                       HEATING
              tune; experience naneceaaarr; no can the CRA.no TRC.nx PACinc railwat adequate reports dealing  with
              vaaalns; ulicu ascreated. Send for compa.it, patmor a raiton, Boitdtors. every phase of the undertaking                                           ENGINEERS                           PHONE 93.
              particulars, national rreaa Sanaa                        .           1 1 1 ue requirea. It is the inten Chief Charlie  Drown, of GiU
              room StTe. Buffalo, jc T.        navioablk wat                                                       lakdamiks. Naas liver, and Chief
                                                                             act lion of the board to be fully satis                                             Agents for
                                                                                                                   Tom Derrick of Atyanth. were

                       FOR RENT                 Tne Surf Inlet Power compr umi'bility of the land .0 selected and                   b Indian Agent          McCLARY FURNACES               Harry Atkins

                                               bertbr sies nouce Uut 11 nas under see- the certainty of adequate returns It"7.. ..rumj ""rn,nfi um"              PLUMBING
            TOR eleetrle Rl.VT Cood sis-roomed taoute; Ulk, uon 7 of aald act drpoalied wim um Min hfori. n .inirlA rn uill h frown on tne enarge or                                       eaBr aUe,        rrl
                     limi; larr rarden, near Cold uter of Public WcrU at Otuwa and In                              having intoxicating liquors in his                and
              moras ana orraocK; fbooe 111. sit                                  ttonM for dev.lonmpnt     rv   v....
                                               um funco or tne outnet netiitrsr of Um       "'"vf                      ...!       .i r-i.i.e t  .                                             THE OLD COUNTRY
                                              Land                               -Cheme will be undertaken unlesTr-1,                       ""   'rr      SHEET METAL WORKS
                                                   Resiatry DUtrlcl at Prtoce Rnpert,                                "v JiiV                                                                    SAUSAGE    MAKER
                       FOR SAUL               8. C  a deaerlDtloa tJ tKm nu irvt th. Ilia hlirhs.l nm.lM. nv.l.i.ii .  . Willi supplying.               Phone 5. 831 Second Avenue.
                                                  v        w        - arn BBmHt  ak mm kj um aa a a. Lruaavnxau aii 1111 ui auiii
                                              plan of wbarrea, buUdmra. tc propoaed'mar Ke confidently looked  for ' Ltar,'e w    defended by Mr. I.    Night phones S70
            FOR SALE  Gaaolln boat. SS feet ta to XM Willi at tne bead Of Surf Inlet. "                        - - w. Patmore.    and both   charges                                       Tomato Sausage a Specltltr-
             teatm.  In rood condition. Tale en-tine, Prince R07U Itland. In front of Lot 4. First and foremost the aim of the were dismissed the                     and  Illue 270
                  revera star, anchor, sail, tools. Ranre . Coaat DUtrlcl. B. &  board is to administer the Land                    as      evidence    The right work, at the right                               Bo
                                                                                                                   was inconclusive.                                                                            0.
             Bale price  )00. Apply Z. LeCnanee. And lak do tic uul after Um expiration Settlement and Development Act                 The liquor In                                       Phone S74         P.
                                                                                                                                                        Urns, and at the
             Canadian Flak fc Celd S lor art Co. it. of one month from (be dale of Um Brtl in a practical and profitable manner. question Is aald to be the home         right price.
                                              pub Ilea Uon or tnla note um Serf inlet                              made stuff, made from fruits, and
                    MISCELLANEOUS             Power Coco    Limi led
                                                       peor        will, under Sec.                                iiiavorr
                                                                                                                                 essences. Its
                                              Uon 7 of Um (aid Act. apply to tn Minuter                                                       nature
             OOD HOME OrrtRED TO IIIOH SCHOOL     of Public Work, at bit offlc la Um      MINERAL ACT              is alleged to "swift.-
              oirt In return for acrricea. Apply Dallj City of Otuwa, for approval of Um said (R.S. B. C 11 1 1.
              Ret onu.                     ir, tne and plan and for let to coot tract Holly Fraction. Blrcn, Crocua Prat Moo, WESTHOLME THEATRE          A HOT BATH THE
                                              Um aaid                            and      mineral claim
                                                      wharve, tulktinri, etc.        Plum              illotte La um                               .
            ROTtCE 1 wui                                                                                               J lie HnH nf lh Tnll'  .1. t v. I
                         not ta reaponatbU for any iaiei at Vancourer. B. C thl tin dar Queen Cot riot i Ditirtct. located .1 . . '"              i.ci
              dtbu Ucnrred br mj  Ue. Mrs. L.T. of A(UII. itl7.             8.14. near Ikeda Bay. Queen Charlotte ltUnd,l,,,e of lne I'holoplay to be pro-Proelncn    MINUTE YOU WANT IT
              A.twt Be,- arter Utlt date, t, T. Bow. THE StRF 13 LET POWIB C0MPA.1T     of Bntlab Columbia, lawfully neld duced tonight at the Westholme.
                    7. It 17.
                                          ait               UMITEO.              uab'nnyl "l   UnUU'1   J,0Q '"0M,(TI   1      lory of the norh.  It       1                                  You aro accust'-mcd to

                                                                                                                   re''.,n U,e naVor                                                        getting  cold  water  w-stantly.
                                                                                   TAkEHOTICE Ibtt I, lebn A. Marian.
                                                                                 Solicitor for Ikeda Mine Limited (.tool 01 north land. In it big Wil.                                               Think of the satisfaction

                                                 FOR           SALE              SrTA.MTV'i rtf Uitr eeaieilira Farnum lakes the leading                                                              of gelling I'1

               Stuart J. Martin                                                   Uty day from mlend.lb arter d.u Um nerwi i 1 apply!narl V ,lorjP of ,ove n(i na-                          Water in the regardlets same war

                                                                                 on bebalf of in tald Company to ui    1    KOO   men'  anl   f bad                                         abundance,              j
                         ASSAYtri                Stock of aatn. door. mouMisst,  -IU.U necoroer or um laid DUtrlct for  wm IHlle to restrain their                                           iow much has been u1
                                                 tedar. or and                   .
                                                             apruco lumber, rrum              .nixwDu ror ttct ct wunMi.     There Is                                                       before.
                                                   Um dry kiln and yard of In    um abot  cUim lor tn                   .    Z...      iraKeqy, and                                                            MA0IC
                   HAZELTON        B. C.         Print Rwptet Auk a4 Dae Factory ttinias crown moi uerof.         1,""m                cne is one                                           MOT WATER LIKE

                                                                                   ajid rtRTiun take rotice tnat ttuoo 1 l Hnt    n photoplays. The
                                                              SEE                under Secuoa II of tn Mineral Act mw    strtiBgl.                                                                      Hanson
                                                                                                              muil                n       d.yin,.-be                                        Harry
                                                          OUS SILVIN               commenced herara ih. 1..  .    H.i.         .. .  "",
               The oldsst established Assay              on um premlae.          Certmrau of ImpronmTn,."'""  ""i"'      II          UP ,,M Blo0,M-                                         Hut Water Service bring!

                   Offloa In the North.                11411 AROAIN mutt PRICCS be tacattd. Dated UU Ittk day of iune, AJ. IIIT.'it 11 V? -Wn it to h'S a a                                   yu thia oonvenince

                                                                                                                                        wmuaw re.          bra?                                                  3
                                                ............Trrffffrfttimmj.      wjwr Fcnonal for LUbUlly).Iked Mine Limited It. ta vwtls ended.the rieU.r The long trail                  PHONE 489 P. O.B0X
