The Daily News V. .. .t fill NO. Ifl7. 'ji !S,:l nvi'. cV"lh MICH Fivic trami EEC cm IDS riCTED ONKOVEHBER 19 URUGUAY TAKES POSSESSIONQFGERMAN SHIPS BRITISH - RAIDS ON BELGIUM SAN GABRIELLE KOiMOFFS CAPTURED BY SURRENDER THE ITALIANS IS IMMLVENT fwrThr WMki' Hard Flohtlno AuitHini are Driven Prom Russian Cabinet fa Split Over MounUln Fortress Punishment KornllofT's and Way Opened Commander Attempt to Kill Himself. II The liHr ..! h t l 15. The Italian (Specu: to Tbe Duly hree week of fierce London, Sept. 15, A split has occurred in the Ilusgfan Cabinet raptured (he whole 'over the question of what punlsh-'menl , liabrlelle. The po is to be inflicted upon Oen-ieral m mountain fort red Korniloff. Four of (he ministers utml ef (he GorUta have lefMhe Cabinet as a uns (he way to (he protesi of the findings of the majority. The personal surrender al and the rt fur of the revolting army chief is imminent, anee. General Ca although it is officially u full advantage of 'reported from Pelrograd that his j rnuj In preing (he surrender has not yet been made. t:r T His troops have now melted away British Front. jto a mere handful, but some of t-'.rt. IS IlrltUh air. jhis striking battalions and-psrt '...titer raid on Wed-: of detachments of Tete-Turco-Jmans Thursday 011 the Ger. are still faithful to him. . rubli4hmcnts In JThere is a widespread demand I- ? A large quantity uf 'throughout Russia that those re-'sponsible v. lr.iied. The tfana-a for the counter revolution v bombarded (he en. be dealt with severely. - i Lens with large Attempted Suicide. l .i ml alt made effec- "T'? f,CK ,TMC CE""NS ATTACKING WITH SMOKE CLOUD AND LIQUID FIRE, n.u.Ury correspondent on the f General Krymoff, the commander wVtern the of KornilofTs forces sent m ,-,ei ..ern.a,, . a p..,i,.n f n,e line where th. trenches were close, a heavy enemy French FronU bombardment wa. followed by am.-ke clouds, and the German attack against Pelrograd. and who ordered preceded by men in armor, carry,ng, portable flame projectors. ! s IS. The flgbl on trenches, which ha. been badly knocked about, werq to Art; Jets from lbeo ...achi'iies surrender when he saw thai .- been returned, and all hope of success was lost, attempted ' if-iiery Verdun activity region.i In HIGH COST OF BACON AFFAIRS IN THE IDRUGUAYAN MMfS iOPPOSlTON WANT TO himself when suicide,advised today Jjr.shootlne by Kerensly w ' Naarin Farm, many COMMISSION TO RESUME UNITED STATES of his possible fate. The wound ' BOARD GEMAli SHl?S DISCUSS FRANCHISE ACT did not prove fatal. ? ) j... been (alen. The Ctill a Factor. t '.heir troops! ting rhiViir.i fini IK Thai llitaiii a : : a r n.aiMn. After hand Torunto. Sept. If. --Silence of (Speul M The btttx 5twt). I (SpMUl to TtM Dnij .wi OUawa, Sept. 13 V desultory atm a factor fn the war and I hi 1 ' ' 9 n the Casemates almost six weeks has been broken vahiugton. Sept. la.- The I M.ue Video. Uruguay. Sept. 15 day in the house ended in an in (hat the disorder there is no pUtrc a- I eb retained their 'at lait. Announcement was mado submarine situation is now well Marines today hare boarded all timalion of the certainty of fur greater than in the United States, poiil yesterday that the Commission Investigating lit hand. The allied defences have !the (lemian ships in the harbor ther closure. The new franchise is the statement made here by M, Th French Ministry. the reports of W. F. more than kept pace wttii the and nave taken possesion of bill was under discusskn in the Mr. Elihu Root. Russian troops S - rrilnA mix nt still holding the Germans ihem in the of the fiovern- are U-boats. Anti-submarine devices name k 0'GwlllM,r' lhe Hlgh-Cost-of-living committee of the The 1 Mr- 1 , the new French wh;e. firmly on the eastern front. iMwnwiion nad 1 - M A fcert Thm.. n.l Commissioner, on the William produeedby the United States and,n,nl-. Deen committee bad spent lour after by the Oovernment that as k 1 i the most noted Davie Co. and the Matthews. (treat Hritain are premislug. Inlsin. irr. .... , ,lnV ... hour in what was mail ly a dis WESTHOLME THEATRE uL. M. Franklin Hlaekwell Company, particularly The Insuranca Bill. ff,ls al ucir raooring. cussion of technical points. About IV.. V ler nf Minstns in (heir sales of bacon, would re-en Plan for adjourning Congress 1 Count Lux burg Amazed. midnight Mr. Can ell expressed Tonight there will be shown al addei (o (he sume its sittings in the City Hall without action by the Senate onj liuenos Ayre. Sept (5.--Count fear that the governmevt would'11 eslholme Theatre a photo. on Monday. September t?tb. The the Soldiers and Sailors Insurance Lusburg is amaied at the annoy, invoke the closure to get the blh P'Tf( enui,ea ADe y81 "au tetk" Troops. 'first and only public session of llill was disarranged Unlay by m ance evidenced by the Argentine!through the committee. He asked,r. J1?' lar arr8.e8.aFe T" .. fcfil IK Tl.. fl.......... 1 1.. rv..........1.... .... 1,.1.1 .... Roberta ana Katntyn wiu authoritative announcement from 'people the recent revelations he direet question what the gov-,dore over si ... ..... 1 . .. . .... ... -. .. . . . ... . , lisma fthn r nlrilv vorv r yesterday pene- 30. and at that time the iuijulry I'resitieni vviison. lie insiois mat or tne uupuoity oi tne weaisii.ernmeni mienaeu 10 ao in wus,- . ' 'if ihe second line on was Lo bo on in ten days or two the meaure beeomes law before and Germsn miniter. The Ger- regard. nwn ,nere- A uey ,are A wet of (lulgnU weeks' time. Congress quits. ' ..... .i r...i...i ...... tin the front rank In their profes- heavy losses on B3ent Bacon. Financial Problems. t l.ln U ..rnrieH l "Th hill is revolutionary "in.'on an e P'aT t9e'f 8 agood In Flanders, the While claiming that the inquiry Lord Heading, the Jlritish iluaii. ,the action of bis erstwhile friends. character and should not be rail. one. Tne cost 01 naireu is one ir 'T has increased to does not properly take within its oial commissioner, is here. He, He ignore the invitation to denyroaded through the house," Mr.l which is not often taken into ao. no Ilritlsh attack ecope the finding out of why the did not come to America to nego.the authenticity of the murder 1 Carvell protested, "there should count . It usually costs the hater 1::a j ped. consumer Is asked SO and S3 cents Hale private loans, out is here 10 j messages. be a full discussion." more than the hated. It is a most a pound for bacon. Chairman O. assist in the solution of the lar-' I "There is no dealre to obstruct uneconomical indulgence, and in ,T"'KE THREATENS F. Henderson, K. C, promised ger financial problems. Over two QUEBEC BRIDGE !the bill." Mr. Graham declared, ...this 1 play to be,.,shown.' r Ik.tonight,.. 1'r.a IN BAN FRANCISCO yesterday that an answer would billions were added (o (he urgent IS AGAIN DELAYED'"but there are not more than.""u "TT.. M be sought by the Commission. deficiency bill, when Ihe House 'ik ,.n in ih. hn... hn nn P'ven. In addition to play. rh niy Mwi. Such matters, ho said, have de- began l work upon it today. Quebec, Sept. II. A six.ton derstand it and we want full dis there will be shown a Topical Iludget, well as a comedy. '"Hi tsro. Sept. 15. A big layed the Commission's work. hoister for the centre span of the cussion. as It ,s aiening here today. A Packing King. Quebec bridge slipped from the Notice of Closure. THE CRADLE 4 t isv-iiv.- .-nty.flve unions and The eipert secured by the Com. ELECTION RUMORED cantilever arms yesterday after- Dosplte (he objections the house Horn to Mr. and Mrs. W. II. t 000 men. who wljl mission to assist in the Inquiry fn.)u, and is now al the bottom of'passed on from clause lo clause, Montgomery. .Ninth Ave, at k t e FOR 19TH NOVEMBER W I . . ... .. . . I 1!. - I.. .k. . unless satisfactory ad-'u Mr. Thomas J. Connors, a To. Ottawa, Sept, 15. Ru- tne river wim tne mass 01 wrfCK-ianu noiiro 01 closure m iuo cvuh the Prince Rupert General Hospital -"nv reached. The strike ronlo old boy. who is now as. novemoer ism - ago from the two previous dicas- 'mittee was given by the prime on Sept. 15th, a son. irt f M nday. and much (lov.'.ncisted with Mr. Hoover, the mor gives election date. Seven 4ten This mishap is liable to minister. ""Sir rk it Involved. United States Food Controller. as the nirnus'e serious delay to the lifting! The government agreed to re-Jof LOST About midnight Tues Is the time eipected The Mr. Connors entered the employ weeks In making out the centre span of the bridge, print the bill In such a form as Ij day. Jacket (dark gray eneefc) faorlte household Coal Is of Mr. Philip I). Armour in Chicago to be needed voters' lists. J Two men were slightly bruised. .make it clear how It amenueu m and very light gray raincoat, PMn,,mLlh W"'nolon. Phona 15, tho of twenty-one the new mud ltarelv escaned being knocked iDtmiimon election act Minneapolis made. Finder return n"Prt Coal Co. if. nt nnd became age one of the m s ,,it the structure when the huge1 An amendment by Dr. Neilley to manager Prince Rupert Hotel. years, In later -piece of metal slipped its chains proposed to give the federal vote No questions asked. 217. three Armour partners IIM3 if nreountants was set at work and dived down into the river. to all women in those provinces ho retired In years. When receipt of the where the legislature has granted ANNOUNCEMENT Mrs. Frli-lell WESTHOLME immediately upon he wus looked n a packing upon order in Council, and ha been rVMIRITIDM saLE women suffrage. It was defealel announces her Millinery open- OPERA 1IOUSK king. Commission Statement. continuously at work since that Every article in the store to be'on division. The government tojkJtg 0u Monday nnd Tuesday "of TONiOHT ONLY Chairman Henderson and Com time, as many as fifteen having reduced during Fair week. Sale.the stand that to give tne vote to next week. The latest pattern 'ihlssioner T. Ciarkton been on Ihe work nt limes. No starts Tuesday, September 18. nil women wuld nullify the com- hats will be on view. M8. Ocollrey been spared to expedite OOLDHI.OOM'S. !I7. pensatlon given under tne bill to THEODORE effort ha ROBERTS and A. Hrodle conferrel pri- II but the ramification relatives of soldiers. For New Wellington Coal and tnd 'vnlelv in Tiimiilii viterday. At the result, Fir Lumber of all dimensions. extensive NOTICE KATHLYN uf the companies tiro so tho conclusion of (he meeting WILLIAMS out that the work hat proved to be a The. merchant of Ihe city nro KAISER WILHELM Phona 118. Chairman handed 1.1 Henderson iiiiiih greater task than was originally respectfully requested lo decorate THANKS THE POPE 'The Cost die following stutemonl: eipected. Sufficient progress In honor of the visitors to (he of Haired' "The members nf the Commit the ha been made, however, to Fair. 218. (special lo Tbe Dtily fttv). LONDON CAFE Minn of investigation Into Five acts, enable the Commission to fix a London. Sept. !5 -The reply of business of I tin William Duvlet AND GRILL DANCE tho German Government to for a continuance 01 its BENEFIT goes TOPICAL BUDQET Company.111 i.. "n Limited,, and Malthfws-.n I jdate,.1.1.1 llilng, ana a runner The Scandinavian Society will the Popo regarding his proposals Third Avenue MuvBm-ii, 1,milieu, nnve ii - nil I CO.,,,.;,.. at the Lily give n danco in the K. of. I. Hull, far peace. An Exchange dUpatch Prompt Service or the Beat Informal to- ho.rlwjg COMEDY day. In L'Tsnlia of !. Townlo. on Monday, the (7 Thursday, the SOtli InsL, for the ays It contains proposals for a there le to eat at all hour. ii.I i...-.... l in!. In uiejimeanlliiie the nc- benefit of n sick memlteC. Dance lasting peace, thatit is friendly dml.,ion 10 and 25 oenla. nillat- lilt,?lit rsisti II.1. .!...yr v I sww..MHAltil. intnnts wTllcontlnuo their commences 10 p. ni. Weslholme, tn tone and warmly thanks III BOXES FOR LADIES tw 11119 tlr, II I HI HH" I , Orchestra. Admission 50c. SSO Holiness for his effort. nig for futuro progress. A aitaiT