Ha- I Iki. THK DAILY JfENV i i 17 "One Meatless Meal inc. uAibi uiiiiiJ i Day is a good food tiie IXAdinc newspaper wwoRTHOiNtRmsiicoujMBiApJLsJogRn for war time, of an Publi.hod Dally and Weakly time better maice it two GuaranteedsLarfrst Carculatlon , 1 meatless meals-, a day it -TIMBER SALE X MS. would mean health and t HEAD OFFICE: . ui Mitd by the i for the nation. Prince Rupert. D.C TeL 93. strength una. m Uir ma Third Avenue. Daily News Building. But be sure and get the right MMtfHrr ,,,, tar Ux I TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 50 cants per inch. substitute for meat in a Tnt m-r, nr. aiuaied aer Cos tract-Rates oa Application. digestible form. Shredded Jut oral tbore of tn j Wheal Biscuit is the ideal ZZ.Ttt,R.X.rear CoaM M Di'trtrt.M eroed " flAttTlEDfTIOII - C ealanlaySfpt. IS. 1917. substitute for meat. It is M MOtorr. Calef remur of tae 100 per cccf. whole wheat rsru-r rrtcmUrt TMC mOHT'TfrtVOTE Oovrenment will not allow the prepared in a digestible inren. a-c . Hi .- SirvWilfridvLaurier. polntrd people of those provinces in its form. Two or three of these TIMBER SALE X 107 own country to exercise the out this vrtk in the House o little loaves of baked whole franchise, although they had; ba rte4 by Um Commons In Ottawa that amonp resided there in many ease for wheat make a nourishing, Sratrd at traders Laadt aa uur tbaa sooa oa . the alirna affected by the "War years, and came there en the satisfying meal ot a cost of .... - A.r. hit. far Um Elections Act" now before express invitation of the lev-ernmenL Delicious Zraa" Otsrem. X ISST la cat tXK l Time only a few cents. &tt - f. cedar sad HemJk -a the House, were many voters with milk or cream or fruits .rra s aatrd - WrbardM. Enemies of Canada undoubt from Austria . Hansjary. who edly should not be permitted to of any kind. t ti- W S9 t aHa.rd far ra sympathized with the Allies vot2-tbey should be inlt-ened Made in .Canada. InMUafUBbrr. . . ... To This is anaimparlant distinct bit it Is absurd to designate rrtaea VKtaru. a C or Dutrtrt rrtr, Somebody lion, which, a contemporary everybody who came from ac says, fives the measure a bear-lag Austria or even Germany as an seribed: -Ctesed for national asrerl. Somewhere at the Front SALE X1CXS it enemy of'the state. Care should mourning." TIMBER the war that Is upon be taken that in readjusting the The streets were deserted ex t'hard to i imagine its promotors franchise this country does not eept for the soldiers and police. Soalrd trwVn wUl b ral4 T Cm Every day boxes from home are going of. .-u. m.t i..t. ut later UMa aooa dreamed commit an act of incredible ,nk 4,. at Orlobcr. HIT. for UM lo the 1oys In the trenches. And The of You certain of better pic- of majority immigrants folly which might stiffen the are rwnaas of Urraea X isas a rat i,a v.Xrom the .Dual Monarchy in enemy's resistance and prolong lure al less cost when your the things they get, a great prize is Canada are filava and other the war more than anything Kodak work is entrusted to MeRae rroa aa ana aiiaatad la AlB Ut. Lya WRIGLEYS the Gum with Lasting elements who came here to escape else could. If the Central Bros. lUaad.Tkrrt Ovwfl jtars caartotu wui M laiaaa auewwa ibt Flavour. the tyranny of the llaps-burgs. Governments are able to They represent more show those elements, now racially Navlgable Walsrs Protection Act. tw.w-.unnlin of Um Cbtef ramur. It takes the place of food and drink in than half the people of Aostria-' and socially hostile to a.a. a carter us. vsnoria. a C, or Dtauict fore nr. rrtaea assert. .C of need which is often. It keeps Hungary upon an uprising of them, that some of the Allied Tie Grub? Coaeondaied Msai. case . whom more than upon any. states are disfranchising their Sawltioa- osd rower Cccnreay Untiled TIMBER flALC X106S spirits up gives vigour and vim. A thing else are centred the hopes compatriots merely because of brrefey tires mom taal It aa. aader packet In the pocket lasts a long time. of Lbe-Allies for the early termination the place of their birth, they Sccttga T of UM said Art. SrpMlM wtU rir4 Iradera tn rwUrt by Cm of the war. Bohemia will nip in the bud the internal rae ad ta tauter tae oV of rmaac of Um works District at Becutrar otuo. ia KM.uf uta of dar Laadt or October.set later HIT.taas aooa for UM Tio Flavour Lsisis I . has been in revolt from the upheaval which, especially in;of tae Laad Berutry orace. DUtrtct W .feu mJ UrrOM X ISSS. W rat l.tt Chew It beginning of the straggle. The Asutria-Unngary. is now come Ripm. t TTtac Baper. d- j fral of sreaca. Cedar aad Mraalotk acrtpfjea of tae mm 133 pua or wurr 1mm ana altaated la AUI IBMI. LyB after sympathies and activities of to be regarded as the only hope every sad outer worms mill, proposed tad tvxbrr ikI ommrm caanotta lalaad DUimi. the inhabitant of the Italian of an early peace. Certainly, to be Dant ta 8jrece Bay. oa Cm Tbraa- yrars wUl ba anoved for r- meal . orovinces under Austrian rule; for reason of policy at least et rout sf Vutom 11 tad. Canur DU-trtrt reauire.no definition.The Ron-1 we should cultivate the support rutttr rruauan af Um Calef rorrtUf. jnanians of Transylvania are.1 of such elements in the Dual A.VD TAKE 30TICX UMt tUT us ta asm m t- Vtelom. a. C. or Dlatnrt foretler, rnaca plrtUoa sf an sauani Ra a. C of course. pro-Ally. The Serbs, Monarchy as the Bohemians, uw ant rctuan or tais boUm, Um kcjwrt. of Bosnia and Herzegovina, are Slavs and the Roumanians, in Crsabjr CoaMUdti4 Miaisr. Ssaduss sad TIMMR SALC X1071 the same. stead of throwing them into the rwvvr Coaapsay UsMMd win. sader See-tkim ,..-,. T of um siid Act. arory 'Sam Mia-tiur The Canadian Government wUl ba raeHrod by DM arms of their governments by t rabBe Warts at Ma onca bs Cm SaaKd traders has furnished the ruling powers treating all their countrymen Oty U Otuma far arvral f Cm said N taster of Laada aot uur uua aooa ca lit at onobrr. It IT. far UM par at Vienna with a weapon in Canada as alien enemies be.' tit aad eua and tor tra M oostrsrt .hai. ml Uma X ISTI. ta rat l.S.SSS fort combatting internal disin cause they happened to have Um DATED said wort at rrlac i. Rspert. Brltlsa Gotom-bta. fort of Spraea. Cedar tteaatork aad Sanaa tegration iwhich they will be been born in that polyglot do UUs tut day of J air. A, D. If IT. trvm aa area altoatod la airavarrrt imiri. quick to -utilize. The Bohe main. And we venture to say THE GRA.VBT CO?ISOUOATCD KLVL10. OrrarUM CbanorJ a. I, Coaal ouinrt. ta ba auawrd for r Two mians who have a modified that if the Canadian Govern SMClTt.va A-TD rXTWXJI COXTAJIT aaoval of yrtn Umber. .franchise in Austria-Hungary ment were to ask the opinion UMITtO. rartiwr nartMvUra of Um Cataf reraater j and arei agitating for further of, say. Mr. Lloyd George or rausart A ralloa. So&Utort. Virtoru. B. C or Dutrtrt ramirr. rrtaoa privileges will be told that they President Wilson or Premier MINEPAL ACT IMrpert. . C S. S. PRINCE RUPERT 4 are infinitely better off in that Palnleve on the subject they TIMBER SALE X101S. j.rejpecti.tban their rompariots would emphatically declare that till : in'Canada, who are not to be it should be dealt with in the Sralad teadrrs win ba matvrd fey Um permitted to vote at all. II will most careful manner. ones Miatattr of Laada aot later tbaa aooa oa PRINCE GEORGE um tfad day of &-. ItlT, for Um t bepointed out that while the -Silver Setr MtarrU CUtia. attoau la SOUTHBOUND panaaaa of Lkrac X ISIS, to col S.SIS. Allies profess to. be fighting BRUSSELS REFUSES TO Dm Skaroa Mialas DlrUioa f Caaalar tt frl fcf Sprnca. Salaaai aad HraUork Monday I ta IK Soaaaoa Bay. Viwmw. Vlrteru tad x for the self-governing, of sub. HOCH DER KAISER Dtftrlrt, oa ta ana i totted oa Link Lata, ftaare Sttorday S a at, foe a Taut, Vaaoer. VVrtseta aad i Wbr located; Oaa saUa rrocs Cm m jeeU races- in Austria-Hungary. brad of AUc Ana. 1. Coatt DUtrtct N0RTH00UND Tarro itt yaaea wUl bo allowed far ra - one of thens denies that right London, Sept. 14. It is related TAKE NOTICE tbat W. MOrs Donald. wtal of umber. WCDVtSDAT It aooa far Ketebfkta, WraaceSL ioataa aad Sttratf - to-thei same people in its own by the Amsterdam correspondent rm MJafs Oreacata It. IISI-C aad ranker parucatars of Cm Catef Tor nUDtr il aooa for Aim ioba M. MorrUoo. rraa MUMfs CtruScau eotsstrr: that while they de-umand of the Exchange Telegraph Com. 5a. Ittl-C. latead. sUty days from Cm ealrr. VMarU, a. C ar Dutrtrt roreatrr, TRAIN SERVCE that: Bohemia be given pany that when Emperor William data brrr, ta arrT Um Mtmar n-(rdrr rrtsco RaMrt. a. C i ttt roarer UaojAtr. Wedaeadty aad rndof tl II H ta her. autonomy Canada deprives visited Brussels last week on his for a CarUflcau of bnprvrttDrsU TIMBER i SALT X1070 rnaeo Sxwrrr. ritnuoao aad Vnaolfof. oukSSf otm nay 3 - far Um of cpfctalalas a Crawa potatl rail aad aoola. Mlted ToroOai l ta kf tOMtar. aid K Bohemians of tha psrpoaa right to vote: way to the Flanders front the I.... . 11 Ill r Ormal of Um abeva ruta. tenaedttlo patou. iu uuerauon oi i populace refused to comply with And rnrUMr taka aotira ibat actloa. aa Staled traders IU bo rraled by Um x Bosnia and Herzegovina. Italia!a request of the authorities to orr arttion SI, ssaal tm rotsaartwd k. Klatater of Laada sot titer tbaa snoa oa Aosncy All Ocean Steamship Linos. irredenta and Transylvania is display flags. Instead, they re-declared far Um tsaaaar of Ma GrrUflcata of Um tSttt dar of arptember. It IT. for Um For information and reservations apply ' tmprotnaeata. porta of Lteeac X ISTS. U cat TIS.SSS City Ticket OfTics, S28 Third Avsnus. PH0HE M to be of the ob-'malned one indoors and drew the luted UUs Srrrstecata day af Jslr, A.D. frl of S prate. Cadar. Hemlerk aad StUaas - Jects of the war, the Canadian window blinds, on which they in- my. a.ts root aa ana atlaated la klawaat rl Ia)L Crrartlle CbaaaaL S. 4. Coaal DUtrtct. Oao rar wUl b allotted for ro aaotal of umber. rorUier parttralan of Um Calef roreaur. Vtctorta. a. C or DUtrtct raretler, rnaee - At NEAT KITCHEN CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAl' iwraoirr a broom NEWPESFEGf nat alahs) svrrcsL Lowest Rates o all Eastorn Points . Nacoal-hod, no aih-pan, no via Steamer to Vancouver and the x aaetMT mo. i. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY dirt, no bother. You never have Soa tZ Ita SL aad M Are. Maala and Dartk included m 31 to sweep up-after cookine on a Si is-ta sl aad Ird Arc. NEW" PERFECTION. It Sot 14 Itk SL sad Ird Are. Prlncass May for GranbyBay and Allcs Arm 11 p.m. Triotf aai 1S iatvUoo of lit. tod aad cooks more quickly and more Ird Area. Prlncass May southbound via Octan Falls 6 p.m. Sunoar conveniently tiuna coal or wood Se 10 tn Ara. Ulvaaa tia aad Prlncssa Allca foP Vancouver Saturday. Soplamba 1Slh-Prlncasa tia It. (kai Hotel). Sophia for Alaska Monday, September 17lh. costt less for fuel and takes ran ee. Sat IT HI Arc. aad Tta SL (Ceo-' e rup HalLas much room. tnl Uwtel). J. I. PETERS, General Asent Tlieac-dealerj iell tliem: CIRCUIT NO. Z. Co ne-r Fourth Streal and Third Atenue. Prloco Rurl S-6, Sai IX Ird Ata aad Ird SL (real omc. Ird Ara. aad MrBrtd SL Sat 14 III Ate. oad McSrld SL Tb sais Hard vara Ca rrtaaa Mmftrx. at 2S tad Arc. aad tod SL Kalaa Mardvara 0, " Sat ZS tad Art. aad till It soa ZT O. T. P. Stark's Mardar &t, Haa A SUN lt 7, - " CIRCUIT MO. Z. launch AliceB. S. iOalUad, Set II -tin Ata. od ralloa SL Sard Vaaas at C-, fart SIrM. a.d Sat IZ- Sardra tad Ttrtor lu. -at 71 Ara. aa raltaa IL Saw BBKjJssassaasassassassaaH fOR TrlC SALT M"1 Sot u-iu Ata. and Cotaot Ara. Ciarf flat 91 ,rtm Sat ST- lib Ara. and Dudso fiac 10 a. a. Sat SS-Ui Ate, aad Tbompaon SL SjTBaBJBjBJBjBBHHBJBs7 With Royolitr Coal OH tkt Nrm aiTuaa rA 1 .Perftctio .trill cook your total CIRCUIT MO. 4. BaaaaaaaaMBBBBaaBaBBBBBwST r. I for.from 5 to 10 etU. Sat 41 tik Ata. aad tatoiertoa BBBBBBBBBBBKaaBQJ. .jSB r THOMAS, Mice. W. i. 4THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY Sat 4Z tta Ara. od MtBrlda SL Sraaa SSI. Limited azlia A fa. ai! Onra IL I aa 44-sta Ara. sad BatU SL MtANCKZS IN ALL CTTTES SBXS Sat 44- TU Ara. sod LUrt. sot tt- uj Art. aad Yooor IL 1 Advertise In The Daily News EMPR ES S C 0FFEE AM4LUAUt BISTfUsKITOK BBBaHasf"' SasaBaBB" t BSSBBBBBBBBBBBBajSr HHP BaaaaaaaLBaHB BBSSBSBBBBBa' Q. DAWSON PflllsCK ItUPCHTi B. 0-