peplernber 1, 1PI7 Pnln .ltny T1IK DAILY WEW8 THE DISlLLUSIONMENr I 01 $. GERMAN AIR RAIDERS W THE GOVERNMENT SPECIALLY EQUIPPED ifi hie fi RrlfLY Ottawa. Sept. I? Ti- J'arut, Sept. 14. Thr Oolha The Bath U'llill lIlKlllil I.. a plane, with which tho German I'flR- of history dialing Wlli. have been bombarding Kng-i Delightful Innd, are biplane filled with two '.T.lif-FRtWriVE Tim firm! Mum.... motor, developing 460 horse- You would enjoy your bath - '""i"iimi!l i In twice as much if could government which power, and with two tractor prn-I you ogi L.mJ for fortniKh poller according to George iet water ai 10ft as summer ffovirriniKnl Wfutl( .I'radc. the French aviation expert. rairf-thc kind they used lo Tbry three the' have fn the old-fashioned carry person, "ul"I"t"i i" einhraee ail RfT cistcrnor ram-barrel.There lou inen pilot, a bomb.thrower and a machine conscripted to f,, W(fv is a better way now, to Act ning or me gun operator. All can nerve war now the .land, same result, with the quick-firer If they are at-' any water, and that is to use ill! government with arm. ouUlratehL tacked, a there arc three of these 1 e.J to grasp off tl,,, vote u guns carried. Mild tf ft-pel Nil Who ,m. Bugn-ct ran Af. I'rade, who has been watch. wl of designs to w,t,.-,Ralni Ing the machine at the front, LUX ni uneriioon priirif (l nay that these machines if pa. 1 IIIU) ing at an altitude of 13,000 fe i Common io ..r for instance, on the attack can1 two members f UlP You sprinkle in a few llfllMli lloUse return at an altitude of 20,noo of Lord. ai.,1 nv spoonsful of these dainty, Robinson.HATT1C WARREN. 1915. minute after they taken the if feet without thHr bomb, their transparent little flakes of Tort nuper-compressed motors Riving1 ' ' J "FnilU tlrM" la ram w uio right of tlm speaker the purest soap, and stir HVj lii aluiu-ul 1 tw.Giain them full power at great heixht.1 them about. 1 aw Set I.... I I.- I COMPANY Instantly they -. . t . v rtlireo years snJ lave - "' w uir uanauian limiiio" g;., dissolve,imparting their satiny 'beta i"" govenimeiifdealt with an oppo- . trouhUi mi A HUH. Salvation Army. softness to the water. 0e ft i. a. a Be to bare LUX i Jnfj nitrttf. The Doctor sold she n r iirthAM a in sure a l-IIKI)fnn.. Il.rllm).. DUled In.lla..w,.,.,4 .... . . I....... . national l'ubllc meeting, Tuesday, shampoo, too it makes the ... vu..... v r ..M.llwnltnanl-, - - ,dam. nvur.rn,!. II.. I itw Miiiiiiitirii an, ktand On Inelr Thursday and Saturday at 8 p. hair silken and healthful. - ......7 " . . ' uiucr iiaier.icci and in emnhnii ...i.. in. .1 a It unJayn at 7:30 c ,s-:iieeoaiuootiiT0. r 111117,wt p. m. LUX it won't shrink Jrc t.j try "Frult- tlTeiM. SAt wlthou rf;u7 Vk" r' "." ondemn the gov woollens either. wn;rKo -'iin--iii ior Hie present bill fyf L ilu imfrmtmrmtalrr n had , i vii.iuc, uii u iioiaDie raei that until MAIL SCHEDULE Britieb tasde, by 34 UHrtt. las short y ur v time, seeond readlnir of th lim- . lb; is; "J all g one down sod Ler Chisement ..III .".l IT" Hnol WW LEVER MOTHERS LIMITED i.kmorei4tMrl. Sow 7 imii -wiio spoke was a eonerln TORONTO For e.-i' j Mr. Ins EasL Speaker called for the feel- tlonlit. ids u tt iMiikml t i Utimilj Mondays, Wednesday and Fri. told try Coot) Groeors, t u sjfsi of the old ailment. .r ?.nd lhe lh0erL ,''"nment f. compete at days at :30 a.m. Wa ji mIm mneli for Traits - - nuiu. .licovrrnmeniiuiiawa siue was met with sHQaainy.Soft the answering! noct iafrarre;.w5)ciTi) l$ saj would nerer bo ullhout From tho EasL inuiioer on from MINERAL .ay- the oppo ACT tka" Biuon. Sunday,--Tuesday and Frl- WILLIAM WAitnn.v. day at 5:30 Hevwal minuter after th dls. CfrMIScaU f InsraiaaiMU p.m. e. a boi 6 for IfcfO, trial site, Xc It u .. .' rs or seat potlpaM 00 Ilngiilsbed members of tho House For pneoby Fruit s tit rt Limited, or Lords had taken their seals. OTICE Vancouver. Letterheads f K "Btklw .19, 1 - Monday 7 ! Tlw CUtts. mere w a a division and ten min Ka. I. a. m. Envelopes Balltrlew rrscUon." Bleolwtiii Tuesday utes later the 5 p. m. Statements premier hid demon- mow rriCUOO Mineral rXilm. ih,.ta baturdaya. . . . 7 a. m. A. 4 p. m. Cards, Etc tratH tho lb prntle art of squelch-11 Kiaior dituioo or Cauur LAND ACT fW9S inir an opposition by a malorltr . . . at 9 I ""rr ". ai ue ntaa or nitaoee From Vancouver. IIIMl 1 lD DIITWCT DIITWCT Of -a, - . I I RI... a 11 a k Sundays n p. hi. vnanatgineini BDAMh. I TAIC HOTir.E that I Wm T Krm WAfter lislenlntr to tlm neh nt rr xiner! Ctrtiflcau .. m-C stuar Monday Wednesdays 0 a. m. The News Job Press L 6:30 a. fw m. Jnhn Ml Ustfrt. Slnelalr. "r.M vac t;- " UUI Orstkby Coosoli4att of fltfrshor h.. " lP'" rres aincrs CrrtiBctu Friday 9 tU, Ux t k rovtr Cutttpasr. LH, ul-..a ..vij .10. tilt. a., m. eer, of Ml enough toltaieod. tiny un from ue data wror. Priataf Dtscriptissj Dae a V xnptOa s&talor so4 smlt-tn, cuzii l sndy.rer (wrmttiloa la uiirariinan ancient uprKh of the10 'WT ue Miuar Recortftr for a ' For Anyox. Hw Q ' ' KfiI-l Uttdii prime minister" of the disfran Ceniacaio of improeementa. for Um txir poao or oouininf s Crown Orant of toe Sundays alO p. m P.O. Bat --- J tl S PO tUBlM SI Uts chlslng of the "Oullanders. ' which 89 ibore claim. Fridays .... 10 a. m. & 8 m ProKTtuns fcSci sf Lot II If, Cauur Ola- p. .-trf led to the Houth African war. Sir And farther Ute notlco that acuon. na CsUlogs l tirCI C t t CtMlB. rU0lBt HoDert thought that hit oer aecuoa si, matt to coaBmeoecd Im. tit iw svart to Um 5.W. corner of Lot guests From Anyos. Dodgers rare Um Ittoaoea of aocta CeruScata of 1 . tVc. m Uvrr ctMttu to la fiaa nod enough, and escorted laproremenu. ait Sundays, a. m.; Tuesdays, p. m Posters,etc. ib? ihM sooui tad tl ft them without the chamber. Had Dated Ums IIS (Jiy of isly, A. D. HIT, nd Saturdays, a.m. aS ' of few tir Saartu tbrtx they remained to listen, they Nti ttrr- Uan, 14 um put or Urta ti, icj suauai arrrc would liava heard a round dozen WATER NOTICE op Port Simpson and Nans River. t;t:r ...iw. udho mi.m.o. imilt member from the. opposition t'SE A.1D fTOrUOE. Saturdays, a. m. 1 wta oonriM. ltd. side, who within th past,month t: :r j: r.ta, hit.rr4 tUKkJa, AamL Otiu r so broke with their party and TAKE 50T1CE Uul Tba Emplra rain k For Queen Charlotte Island. tolcd with the government' Jnr raper MOle. Ltd, wbooe addreat Ii Van 10 cotitcr. B. C . wtii arply for s license 10 p.m. July 18th, August lL MINERAL ACT eon script ion and manyofisshoni lata sod e all the water sod to 110 re sin and 29lh. CANADIAN WOMEN since that time bavt woraediwilh I a.SOS sere feet of wtter oat of aonamed From Queen Charlotte Island SHOULD -KNOW THIS Ctita af laiKStaataota. late, alto known st WbaJea Lake, which Bows and drains tola whale Channel abost July 22nd, August 5th, 10th; "CANADA FIRST"MHk fs the BEST MHk sonct one mile north from Rieers Blsht eptember 2nd. sold by Tour Grocer. The Government Bulletin art ati Wiwrfro! rrartloa Tba 'ton re dam will be located at west No.305 tells the story-IT COSTS THE3AME. " siiaato la Um timi end of Lake at outlet of lake. The rapacity tamart, Maple Bay and Swamp aieTeeaatactareareitctaitii evaia f pnx ji r.r cauur DUtnrt. of reservoir M be created la aboot It.SOS PolnL IfrwaarSiiTWCTMakClun'CaWafve"S-wparaiad caateua atta eeeaecT latitr Vj acre feet and II will Hood abost I.StS seres 1 asr4 oa sntU atos of ABra For aaaa vaip at wits rrcaa cream. am. f land. Tbo water wtu be directed from Wednesdays, 10 p ni. 'TMajATLMKIVCONOCNSCOMILKCOLTw. TU SCti a U t, R. B. MeOlaatt. the tire am at a point about. . . Taken by From Saturdays, p. m. Aruiaa.oht Canaoa lunorl from eatt end Of Lake three miles rra liars-i .niStala Ma. UTt-C. ateml Alaska and Yukon'Territory. Btf vartka Mlora Cootpasy. rr SALE OF GOVERNMENT LOTS northerly dlrtcUoa from Lot It, Botedels. For Mondays, 7 a. m. awt on rrater Reach and will be need for jt 2-ai ji. UHS-C, Ultoda rod CteaaeaU, Qaeaai OartaU lalaaSa. From Saturdays, ? ,r power purposes upon tba land described p. m. heer. to awJf m at at In appUratioa to Irate at estl end of i.f WorOrr for a Car u 8 rata NOTICE Is berrby (Ua UwL tctlst en- Lake oa rrater Reach. M a itr lattrncuon trao Um Depnty sttnliier Tbte notice waa pooled 00 the troond fa of Um ata claUsa. "a r u tais noTiot uat a, af Lands, I will oa Um IIIU day of Sepleav oa the Ith day of lane, HIT. A copy of Iccoaa bar. HIT. til 11 e-ebxk In Um foreoooo. title notice and an application pnrsusat rrj It. araal be ocauorAcaw Batu-a of tscti Ctruocata of at ran Otoeou. tQ by public tsctioa thereto and to Um Water Art. HI I, wUl ", Um lota of Um above towtulte beloort'if I bo Bled In the office of Um Water Recorder (If to Um Crown. Tba upset price for wblcblai rrtttco Rupert. B. C Objections to Um r of lsy. A. D. HIT. Um leu UI Im offar4 it III par lot for appurauon stay be Bled with Um said UNO ACT iBJltM lou ao4 III pt lot for comer lou. water recorder or with the Comptroller And Prohibition Terma. 00a oalf raia sad tataocs la 00a of Water iutfcU. rsrSasrst B.!lirt, More 1 Two Weeks WIU Be In "" rear wufe Isurtti at tit par cent oa tba Virions, U. r... within thirty dtyt afur the Only U.0 tllTWCT-DHTWCT Or dererred prro"1' TIM Crown Orant fra Brsl appraraaco of this notice In s local Force In B.C. ST. RAJIO I. win t-e III aJdiOooat rUa of Um town-lle new ipaper The dale of um first pobllra as4 Hit of loU to tM Offered: ran be I Hon of tali noUc It July loth. HIT. then wines and spirits must be secured from outside the province, which means ,!!" ihtl iba Or.tvd Tniaa a at Um efflto of tbo Aaautant Com- that their price will be more than doubled. aaa.-A.r"' Cofnw of winaipfr. nllrr of La o4t, rrtaco Kapert. or of Mr. A. It MaMorr fori Cteaenu. or In kTJ83 rtiy for pamutMoo the Prpertmeoi of Lands Victoria. B. a A. ORDER Lay in a stock of reliable liquors, purchased from a reliable ORDER r oaacnoaa uoai Harry Harvey Swtt.-ii.' P0' st Um moat I. It McMCUXl, Aiiltuat Commissioner NOW! house, which has a choice stock on hand. QUICKLY! Wt of Ul ist st or atxxil of Lands. pi II. (Lata LeaSeo; Es-. Oeeietrvatelre & T- ' Ueot" ooruvarly. aiter-fmL' of Matte) TUB fiOLD SEAL LIMITED have what you want. They deliver it at your ' 1 104 w"rtr. fonowtnt ttw Province of British Columbia PUPIL OP LANSOOWNE OOTTELL station, all carriage charge prepaid, with no charges for war stamps, jugs or lo-JTV toora-uos to s point of DEPARTMENT OP LANDS Papnt Taken for - packages. V'e bear all these charges. LZZlrr. iDCludtna all Uvat tt. nou.i, riAXo, iou.cello and n.,-7. " ur ao4 low-water. ROTICE 1urtMO.1T Send-Today foe-Special''Sep temoer Price List .SI I Rs Overdue rajnenu on Applications to EXAMIMAtlOMS - .1 .v Tt:,K wane RAILWAY rurcbate Crown Landa In Briuth Colombia. Paslls rreparad fee EiaramatNoa " SOME OF .OUR-SPECIALS'IN CHOICE LIQUORS - 1H lltnurd. Solicitor. ROTICS U hereby liven that, under tba Aaaaclatal Board. Vsaoosvar, Oeatee UD provltloot of the "Soldiers' lloroetleaa Nefal Oeilesa af SKala, Lea ex.Ea Scotch-Whisky Old-Cognao-Brandy Canadian Whisky LEASE NOTICE Act Repeal Act," any person who did not and'Overp roof Rum (In Cate) apply tinder I be "soldiers' Hornet lead Act, TERMS PHONE BLUE 278 (In Bulk) Per Case DISTRICT or ISH." 10 complete bis sppucsuoa 10 par per Gallon Martin(In Bulk)k Rosea XXX Per Oalloa OU Searram'a. talker"! or 0 A v- :iuaLoTTS ISLA.IDs, cnate. either by payment In full or by tba Dewara famous $7.50 tUirna e Brandr ...$7.50 W. eeven-year-old . $9.00 for te lection of a proportionate allotment. Hishtand scotch.... for ti.. ocror"n eormeer. In may, by provtsc hit microti ana pejus 1 ee a f a.. o I ttbert O. V. O. Oold Band t-jrer-old Pah) OoM Seal raraout Brand elrht-year-old ud In full tba balance of the purchase 1 airiis- ,JclVlIli A3 $7.50 Corner XXX .$8,00 itplrn. nn tot J!mtoJ frrml"' blended Scotch to IfiieUn .. m . .. a.. u ....w ... ruMmh....I " trade did whitky) 5IU.UU 1' " wr'bed lan,H:- pricw anv i.av. wive. Kliallw XXX Special -..-MTU,,,,, , s pott ptinted at ttM HIT, obtain s Crown Oram if proor taut- A Handy Thing Cold Setl Gold Bond It-year- Mark $8.50 Oold Seal Limited Reserve Imperial, - nrt factory lo the Minliter of Landi is for- old IllfUland "wr $8.50 of T. L. Ul 111. Allfanl Mall " llennetya rttuout Three Sur oval quarts (three nltbed thai sucb Is tuffcrtor Injury IVnV ,U", lbtM person wf ..$10,00 for10U,..,0.f"., $16.00 ltU otherwise. ANY has lost his ' (hrouih abtence of noUce or a man I lleoderton'a I year-. MiM chalna. thence It Stuart' And further thai tbo Interval la un -Md'lloute of Cold Seal and Hudson feay I ? ? M,urtr sod sostbeny dlrec to purcbate beld by M chance to become ' I'artlauteol $8.00 Old Demand snd Jamaica Oold Bond ll year Canadian rumpleted sppllcsuons ri, ! ! .hor, ,,M ,bDf any person oa Active Service-mey be pro. independent by not overproot Kuni, Rye,(three Imperial tattoos 1 lo oval quarts , ' -IIU. af7,,uor All. lecied br DoltSrsUon lo tbo Lands Depart- having the ready money to a ea -lohn Kilmarnock.Walker's. $9.00 $7.00, $8.00, $9.00 rate) .$18,501' mrnl of tba fad thai such person is on I II Till Vctha Servtoa and by I be BUnt of proor take advantage of 0 really big Canadian Whisky tin'Bulk) - "lain or ClirUSTIK OIBSON of tho Inieretl of tucb person. opportunity. Per Otllon Per Otllon (DECEASED) rurther InforaaUoo will ba furnithed on Seat rami. Walker's, 0. W, Oold Seal. Three Seal...$5.25 rsquett 10 the Deputy Minuter of Lands,I "Fortune knocks once at Curbr'a and B. C. PUtlUery nine years old.... 0IVyi tbtt all victoria. B. C man's door". Greet her (imperial ration). for Oold Bond. IS-year-old every $5.75 EtttlS Publication of this'"notice without su- $4.00, $4.50 $5.00 snd meilow. . . 0( and ttdi Tu. IJ with a Savings Account, ,L"I h T l,., imaon who died or Ibartir will U paid for, Brp. d' or ready for what she brings. la, whiu Noember. A. D. bo OfRESERVE CANCELLATION One Dollar opens aa account ,1?GOLD SEAL limited All goods shipped In Telegraphic orders on m TrVr"r ,or wur noTicr is ntrttBY iive.i that im (n the Savings Department retervs eiiniur over is small Itsnd In lbs plain case same day may be sent us MI lieu- !'L 7S- CUU.S. harbor of Prince Rsneri.- known' ss Lot THE BANK OF 1 received. 722 "PENDER STREET "Collect" tihi sfteV th.: -. Djr ,l,ln ,ur rtod. lltt, Ittnts I, Coati iDiatrtct,- by reason order !"fed la ,M "0lned wlll r nallre appearlne In lbs BrIUUv Oolm Brllfc Nwft Aserka VANCOUVER, B.C. It Otiette of the Hit AbrlL I SI. J dated Hit) April, -Hto, IS Tsscelled for T YEARS IN ttUStKISK. UM purpose of hiaklsc s salh f too laid AAD SCKfLUi, 7t,S. ti,."r tt Iwen CAPITAL a-d win. him ui 10 um arend,Trunk Ptftfls pevewp inesl ConipanrfsLviulied. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH Otn, LsndJ. RNADEN, Deputy siinittae of III ornciai MtMULLlil. Departiuent of Lands, Vlclorls. B. C, W.J.SMITHERS,Manager Adminigtrstor. n. Ml?. M.Attl. H-