Saturday. Hr-pi. tMf, ifjt f ' etrrr( i j Local News NotcsJ A Coiivecayent Range ,..nnir court Tho Kootcnay Rango has a ventilated Westholme Opera House Monday, October 8lh. oven, with nickeled steel walls, drop Alma 10o Velox door, tested thermometer and a fluo PRINCE RUPERT tirmU. 3c lo SoMcltae Hros. system that directs tho heat twice 3 Days commencing Monday Sept. 24 Mr It II. McGlrinls,- of Alice around tho oven. The grates aro Arm. arrived In th city last even- easily shaken, dampers handy and WITH MATINEE TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY fire always under perfect control. Write Mr. Olaf Hansoti returned to for booklet. ty special arrangement with Wm. Cranston ..r. ini evening from Lake is - - - THE UNITED PRODUCING CO., LTD., PRESENTS Kalhlyn. MXtaryS Th lied Crdss aale of home . . ii i rooking held yesieruay ream KOOTENAY RANGE the um of 161.55. 3 toiroon Toaoirro uoiiTtiAt, whiiuwo rmcoirm Mrs. J. W. Edmunds, of Seattle, ii. JOHN. Jt K. 11 AW II TO n CAUiHT " The secur-This i it n.i.i. ii uAiAIOOn BXIMO3T0N Management o itihw u- 18,000 People, Is paring viau 3,000 Horses, Great Picture only pert for a few days. For Sale by LA.Galland and Howe & McNulty 5,000 Scenes, by giving a large cash Mr. E. O. Delong. of Surf Inlet, j Cost $500,000 -:- :- guarantee -:- -:- arrived In the city yesterday on a visit for a day or two. Don't Stop. IIH .1 . . a,!.,..It. Mr. Cyril Orme was among the L iorneone ,iopt buying. When, J.L.HICKEY passengers arriving in iown on . buying, someone! the Princess May last evening. 8(op$ Btung. when mmtunc OONTtlAOTOR A BUILOtH The full musical score will be played by the Company's Musicians telling. omen"iop mak- ' Mr. A. I.. Carruthers. the dls. ng. When someone stop, mak. Flore and urn. .. 4 utUfei trict engineer, returned to the city , Special Bargain Prices 50c, 75c, Boxes, $1.00 from the upper country last night. ng. someone sl..P. earning hn , Sash. Door and M -Uines! . . mmixinf slops earning. someone Oak and Hard . u .if Matinee Tuesday and Wednesday Mrs. C. C. Ilrand was among stops buying. Keep going. kinds. m the passengers returning to town by last night's train from up river. Wo 8pclallio In Hart-wood Have you Boat Ribs, Sash, Mr. P W. Anderson, of the pro Doors, etc. DR. O. B. GORDON WILL vincial public works department. Indigestion? Plata and Shsct 0.1am BE CLEAN returned to the city last evening. LECTURE ON MONDAY Qlailng. G. H. Arnold Mrs. Howard Bteen and family Your food will continue to di. Corner Frassr and CUi lu. INTERNALLY Dr. O. H. Gordon, of the University returned to town last night after agree with you, and cause distress of Pennsylvania, will give several weeks' holiday in the until you strengthen your PHONE OnCEN 2S9 NOTARY PUBLIC Over 500.000 People Are Now an address on Monday evening in south. digestive organs, and tone and P. O, U0X 4U. Doing So. the Presbyterian Hall. Dr. Gordon . Bwccten the stomach. You can has come west to visit his brother Mrs II. K. McMillan relumed do this quickly and surely by FOR SALE for many years pnjslctana bare arreed Mr. J. K. Gordon, the deservedly to the city last evening from To. promptly taking 9 few doses of Double corner Dear Um new mi-mill. that St per tent. of human 111a mas caused popular hotel owner at Terrace, ronlo. where she has ben since Block 10,Tby Section are 7.lota Price 17 and for pair IS. by accumulated watt In the Lower Inles- and the subject of his address (he spring. warns Prince Rupert Feed &!, tlne; that In our present way of llvina- SJ60-00 CASH. will be "Canada' Duty lo the Aalur could not remove all tbl watte wtibout assistance, no matter bow rerular Empire." Those who havei at Mr. Harry Hirch arrived back PHONE rs FOR RENT t mlaiil be; and that I be puisuns from ready heard r. Gordon speak, again in the city last evening by SU-roomed bouse completely and this watte circulated Ibroutb lb blood when they were in Terrace recently the Princess May affrr a holiday mis beauUfuUy furnished. Including a pulled ua away down beluw par and were will realize what is in store In the south. Una. Beit residential district. Has responsible for many diseases of a aertout MAY, GRAIN, FEED, SUM for Monday evening, when the Dr, furnace and all modem conTenlencea. nature. Their natural action relieves Miss Katherine Pillsbury sailed U months lease Dunn tbl time tbe B. L. Ca trade comes here. of and FERTILIZER stomach the undigested food, fur Internal Batbinr baa. becaute or their His qualifications as a lecturer for Vancouver this morning by the Seven,roomed bouse wlta blh. partly stimulates the flow of gastric nirnlshed, SOS Hall Street, Section rrcouudeixlatlon and thoae of ita users. will ensure him a large audience, "Prince George where she will the of activity 7, S1S.00. been steadily trowing In fsvor and his subject is one in which attend Normal School. juice, renews Recently, bowerer. tbe aiarulor newt. the liver and bowels, and Chicken Feed a tpKlaltr Four-roomed bouse wlta hetn. (OS all are interested. Another brother, wnicb baa been covering tbe country tbal strengthens the digestive system. Seven lb Arcane. Eait SIS.OO Lieut. Maclaren Gordon, was Mrs. Frizxell announces her rreat aurreona and specialists bare been Take them with confi operatlnr on tbe Lower Intestine la such willi the 102nd at the So mine, milinary opening on Monday and dencc, for GO years experience Stall Orders Proaealf AtUM la. H. a. HELQER80N, LTD . serious disease as TubercvloaU, and attribute where he was killed last opring. Tuesday, the 17th and IHth Hrpt prove that Deecham's lllls sucb eoodHJon of chronic 111- "Mac" was equally well known Thprs is a large slock of the bealtb at Aerrout Debility and r.biusu auti liked, aiiu vas very pop. latest pattern hat to choose ilsm lo thie cause, alto saving tbal tbese Are good for r. a ss su. S TWH Its. favorable ular both here and at the front from. 218. poisons are to tbe development of Cancer and Tuberculosis (as stated In with his men. "He Daily News" a recent article In Tbe .lew York Times), On tbe night before his death Mr. II. C Nunan. of the Atlin the Stomach baa caused people id become thoroughly his efforts were responsible practically Fisheries, left for the south this awake to tbe Importance of keeplnr Ibis M.WAn McJtctM as tka WerU. LAKEISE HOT SPRINGS CLASSIFIED ADS. Lower Intestine free from all poisonous for saving his whole com. morning. He will visit the lower liilwiitm. hs bean.lis. waste matter, and over 109,009 are now pany, and for which he would roast cities and also spend some HOTEL uslnr Internal Baths. have been recommended for the time on his farm in the Yakima 0?KJl TO OUfSTS On Mail ITS This enthusiastic and grateful letter Is Military Cross had he lived. He Valley. WANTED. ,by no means an exceptional one amcnril Motor Stage I COBBKt . the hundreds on our Die: spent his last night in the PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. with trains at Terrsts. WAITED By lady enrared duiinr day, ' 70S 7th Ate. south. Uthbtidae. Alberta, trenches with Dr. McNeill, who Mrs. J. C Knight has received furnished bouse, rooms or flat. Pleatei Dr. Tyrrell Toronto: speaks very highly of Lieut. Gor word that her brother. Pie. Wil taeeHeat Treel f Is U sute whether with or without board. I Dear Doctor TirrelL After utln your liam White, has suffered don. grievous Ula. Boi IS7 Dally Kews. SIS. "J. B. L. Cascade for four months. I feel General Teaming gunshot wounds on the western rheee Oeetles fta Tw u my duty as a inanirul patient lo ea- Dr. McNeill will occupy the SIM. WA.1TED for Ufht housework. Apply Press my enthusiasm for tbe treat bless-Suite chafe at Monday's lecture which front. He left with the 52nd. an DOMESTIC Raes SS.60 per day 17, Besner Apartments. tr. ' 1 nsa been lo me. You cannot feel my will be something well worth go Ontario battalion. emotions aa I write this letter In praise BLACKSMITH COAL for tinker pertlrwlers, areH Is to hear. ing 1 lJITaXUOE.1T rEHSOM MAY EABJf Joa ln J'MT tret I work. Words tlm-1100 . anvee aomhstomc. monthly correspoodlnt for news- 5". ru P m' thankfulness for Mr. A. D. Gillies, of the Cana Careful Attention to Piano papers; S to ato monthly U spare nnt nUn ot W Cascade, rrevloua The Daily News delivered by dian Express here, has just re. and rurnllur Removals. times exnerlenca nnnecessarr: no can-,u "'nr 1 eoukl not w a day without .arrier, 50 cents per month. ceived word of the death of hi SUBSCRIBE FOR ... a drut of some sort, and since ustni II I t stunt: subjecu suttested. Send nephew. Pre. Iiruce Gillies, of I PHONE particulars. Rational Press Bureau ua.e not, m my wora or Dooor, swallowed 83. romn t7s, Buffalo. H. Y. ,ne ten is' worth of drut. I toenl oer WATKIt NOTICE Cornwall, Ont, "somewhere in The Daily New; 1100.00 In tbe two years previous to hearing- Diversion and Use). France." He was wilh the Glen, or the -J. B. L." Would that all tbe MISCELLANEOUS yotmr men and women I see in this town TAKE NOTICE that K K. BrllL whose garry tlegiment. With their faces eoeeeed milh hrrlit tin. addreaa Is Stewart, B. C win apply for COOD HOME OFFERED TO HIGH SCHOOL sightly pimples would use If. ThT wuild a license to take and use seventy cubic The-unfamiliar figure of Kenny Olrl ln return for senrtcee. Apply DayJon get rid of ,inem, as I did. 1 must reel or water out of North and Eait Forks bmiin was to be seen at the Hotel FRED ."lews Offlce. - -tf. P. or 1 will be keeping you from your of Cascade Creek, which Bows southerly STORK'S HARDWARE work, but 1 rould. all Prince Hupert last evening. He ten more pages.if into saimon River. Cattltr Dlttrtct. BC. Aka n. Hanson. B. my past condition of health, also In praise The water win be diverted from tbe has been out fishing off Dtindas W. R. W 11 11 am t. b.a, L.L.B of tbe "i, B. L." May you enjoy this Ufa streams al poiole about two tboosand reel island and in the Wark Channel FOR CANNERYMEN WILLIAMS A HANSON k ine run. above tbe forks. This notice was posted since the spring. The unfamll-tarlly We have added lo our stock of valves and pipes a mplft Sincerely yours, on the ground on the slsth day of A u rust, BarrlsUrs, Solloltors, Etc William Dor. 1017. A enpy of this nolle and an applies of his figure consists In his line or llubber Ih-lting at right prices. ONZr TO LOAN ir you try toe l. . t cascade" you Hon pursuant thereto and to tbe lack of inclination towards em. FOR FISHERMEN wm una yoarseir always biigtt, conn Water I ill, will be Act, Bled H office uonpoliil A ttt Boa list nowadays. complete stock of the best goods that can buy aeni ana capable toe poisonous watte of ihe Water Recorder at PrUee Rupert. money Ulgwrsoa Block Prtoos Rupert, B. c makea us bilious, blue, dull and nervous. B. C Objections lo the application may trolling Spring llrass, Silver and llronie. Internal Baths are nature's own cure for be Bled with tbe said Water Recorder, or ir. u. n. uordon, Ph. D.; P. II. FOR THE WATERFRONT Constipation juil warm water properly with tbe comptroller of Water Rictus. it. , or the University of Penn- The celebrated applied. Drugs force future tbe -i, B rarliament Buildings. Victoria. B. C, within Maple Leaf paints and Varnishes Sp-nsl DENTISTRY L. Cascade" gently assists her. syivania, win give an address In I paint TLOOLAZK" A Chandlery-FOR winy aays arier the oral appearance of th. pr,.ivipian complete lino of Ship Call and see It at Cyril II. Orme's Drug this notlre ln s local newspaper. Tbe date i . . . Hall on Monday store, Cor. 3rd Atenue and Cch 8L. Prince of ibe first publication of this notice is'"'"1 al ociocic, under the aus EVERYONE AMD WOM Hupert, AUfUSI 11, 1117. s.11 pices or the I. O. D. E. Ilia .uh. A fine stock of Hardware. Gurney'a Oxford stves. BfSOtALTY Ask for "Why Man of Today Is Only to R. K. flEILL. Applicant Ject will be "Canada's Duly to the We Sail Nothing But Tho BssL DR. J. 8. BROWN per cent. Efficient," a booklet of rreat In terest which Is riven otfequesl. if you ..)(;. viumiasion zoc. 218 DKMTirr prefer, write at once to Chat. A. Tyrrell, Beei asBHh SHoak. Third At mm nook.D., Its CoUege Street, Toronto, for this Harry Atkins We are in tha- mnrini. ill.,i FRED STORK'S" HARDWARE eamlly BuUhse, relate Huns., m and 2 In. No. I Shop I rrrrmijjjj,,,,, ...itrr- mo, uie same inickness in No. Navigable Waters' Protection Act. A.8. C Chapter 111, THE OLD COUNTRY 6 wear & Hotter Spruce, and as I 8AU3AQE MAKER mucn jm. to 6 In. thick by 8 In. STEEN & LONGWILL Tbe Oraod Trunk Pacing Railway Co. oer wwe, is n i0 40 In. A HOT BATH THE hereby gives notice that It baa, under Tomato Sausage a Specialty. long, Clear Vertical Grain Spruce Section 7 of the said Act, deposited with as you can get out. In IT SANITARY AND HE AT I HQ U Minister of 1-uMlc Works at Otteaw, MINUTE YOU WANT Phono 674 1'iwse give spec He ilolnlt. and In the omea of tbe District luglttrar P. O. Bo ENGINEERS of the Land Registry OOlee. District of gardlng stock you have on hand R You ore accustomed to Prints Hupert. at Prince hutieri. a det- cnng quantities of the dlffer-nl Ir . i cetiinn- pold waler in crtptton of the sit and plan of wharf and AflomU for sites and grades of the -isfactlon piaoi proposed to be built In Prince Rupert and whether stantly. Think McCLARY FURNACES Harbor, at Prince Rupert. British Columbia, urr or green. Han vn.. r... of getting Ho in front of Waterfront Block 'O." way in Wnter in Ihe saint? PLUMSJINQ -"iD TAKE HOT1CE tbal after tbe attrition Stuart J. Martin! Hnlsh n No. i m... a, n-n.- abundance, regardless oj of one month from tbe date or and U nrsl publication of this notice, tbe anHUrf n"nyu'fce tho Shop how much has heen uei SHEET METAL WORKS Orao4 Trunk fscloe Railway Company will. ASSAYLrl before. Under Section 7 of the aald Act, apply to MAOI0 Phone 5, 834 Second Avenue. Ihe Minister of Public Works al his offlce HAZELTON B. MOT WATER LIKE 0. Night In lbs city of Ottawa for approvel or lbs phones 678 and Illue 270 said site the and aald plan works,and for leave to con-struct S i? ,iM,e,1ut delivered F. Harry Hanson The right work, at tho rig hi., DATED at Prince Runert. nriiUh ' Ths oldest established Assay Hot Waler Service hring Ma, this nth day er August, il5 lll."?'l8MU,e" W"- We a. D. time, and at the right price. THE OHA.1D TRUXK PACinC RAILWAY SI7. OfTlcs In th North. 1 kri" your nrlce both you this convenient COMPANY, I-ttmore k fulion Solicitors.! 7 PHONE 49 P. O. BOX 35 j TrmtifMMf,,,,., 1 m I """tUe, Wash. tf. seeeee ttttttSSSSSS$SSStHtti llfff