The daily NEWS VJf Vllf N I'MNCK nUl'EllT. II. C, MONDAY. 8KPTKMHKR 17, 1917". PHICK FIVK CENTS M lb BRITAIN REMOVED KORNILOFPS REVOLT ENDED RUSSIAN TROOPS DEFEAT ENEMY ON RIGA FRONT BRITAIN THE CLOSURE APPLIED GREAT TO FRANCHISE BILL GEN. KORNILOFF DISMISSES THE IS ARRESTED-REVOLT Ottawa, Pepl. H The dying Any of the present Parliament SWEDE MINISTER and of the present Government ENDS are witnessing a panicky retort to cloture In Ha most high.hand, . .. D.nio Rnardlna Araen Russia Is Proclaimed a Republlo rd and almost reckless form. tin lnelJn n,1""' Nsw non.Party Cabinet of tory British Gains Faced with the possibility of Five is Formed Crisis In Belgium. failure to get the franchise bill Is Averted. Hi polish both Hflusaa befnm Par-' M lailj .1wM liamenl dies at midnight on Oct)- ' (Special to The Dally Pcwi). t-.i. 17. Count A. ber Oth. Sir ilnbert Korden has Pelrnirrail. Kent. 17 Genernl Hrdili minister to capitulated entirely to Hon. Hob. KornilolT is now under arrest and u r ert lingers and the extreme parly 'hi revolt from the authority of bat been dismissed men. Closure will be invoked all the Provisional Government is t; 1 oovernmeiiL The week in the Commons, and oper-j now ended. The question of adequate i ,j..Q after a lengthy aitfd lo Hie limit, with the least punishment for his offense Ii the Under Secre-gn nossible delay, regardless of fair 1 is exciting public opinion greatly. Affair. Great play or the necessities of careful1 Premier Kerensky's attempt to 14 consideration of a measure dis. iform a coalition government has -satisfied with the franchising many thousands of not met wilh success. The crisis , , regarding the Ar- hitherto free cilliens of Canada, lias been temporarily solved by .. ..i. enfranchising some four hundred me lormaiion oi a camnet oi live. asks Ciplanatlon. thousand women voters, and with vinuauy oi a non-party charac --tl. 17. Sweden a radical and far-reaching change ter. Kerensky, as president, has MoumcM of the In the whole Dominion franchise. issued a manifesto proclaiming, i. the existence ot the Uusslnn He-public. The Government intends lo a . - .1 by the dlsclo. ibe Washington force the bill through the Com. Russian Success. Hie traiuinUtiun titons this week, and get it over Pelrograd, Sept. t7 The nus-:aian lu Germany hat to the Senate with the least pos-sible t.j. forces yesterday, after some delay, so that there may be . ;ii.l an explanation hard fighting1, defeated the German fflianN fnr a f.lhral lait aland nded by Sweden troops on the road to PskolT GovernmenL there which would last out the re. man on the Riga front. The Russians three weeks of Parlla FOUCTrt WEEK. f..r ibe contiiiu-r.laHons maining ..- rune have occupied the small town of mcnt's life. with the Krnberg, and also the towns of Llbsrals Admit Hopslsss FlghL Keilsen and Sisseral, which had British Front. There I talk even of Iniroduc Drawn by Gunner Jamea Trise. of the Canadian Field Artillery. previously been held by the Ger-mansr -!-t 17.-The-llrltlfh in the closure rule In tt nala 4"11 - " tiii made a slight ,n luo .v. RAISINQ FALLEN SPAN GRANBY COPPER CO. THE POLICE COURT German Methods. luigwn front east" " '"' uPn OF QUEBEC BRIDGE EARNS $35 A SHARE Wnahinirtnn- Sent. 17 A nil. a..4 improved their Commons three year, ago. The Ilefiin Mairistrate MC.Mullin inlaCnn nrianner. vhn haa bnn n. Cherlsy. the chances are. however, that IhU prlal U TtM Duly . I iioilon, eepi. i. nesuus oi the police court this morninjr. An-fcenlly exchanged, says that the .ted the German b unnecessary, as Libera s Montreal, Sept. 17. The rais. .luc uiaiiij wovi.tu vww. inn.111 n tr.i ui. rnarvpn wiin i - - ding wperallons now umimna; u..i mcr Inirof the centre soan of the Oue- Company for the past fiscal year , . ... , ,n.n,riin. handling of prisoners of w-ar ar. ts4 i ue German de- practically no hope of "'h brldw Ii loUUpliw Wu.'wlll be known to stockholders I ' I A " " extremely cruel. He asserts that fa" combating ine Druie-iorce when i"auors. The charge was found out of a baUalon two thousand ttac JM nrl.onera ,f ,u-fll, ,he OD.railoil wlM during the coming month, U4 3 .majoriir Jieiiance win p. be lhe lel feal of a kjnd on ih. .nnioi r.!wir fnr th vearlnroven and the accused was sen slromr when taken prisoner, only Frsneh Front. m ine re" on w,e Juu,,,':," record ended June 30 last will have been 'fenced to six months' imprison- three hundred and fifty remain. others have died of starva : -The German PP' oi oan.aa. prepared for presentation at ine ment. The haul made by the po-annual The ... lD,p'?UlMVU;n RUSH OF CONSCRIPTS meeting in October. It w"'jce on this occasion consisted of tion, disease and hard treatment. -.- . . . near the InverJ, The which show earnings of about 135 per, . . Italian Front. lb measure is being rushed Vienna, Sept. 17, Very heavy isperui to TtM taj ncva.i share, against 19 paid in dividends!" hari, .ipmi ifliriast hrun '?nifleant of the des- with earned n! 'nX'r fighting continues against our A compared tea -et Toronto, Sept. 17. There was a. l, tiermLn': Jer'i grateness of the need. Be.far .. . .m. positions on Monte San Gabrielle the previous nscai perioo. quite a rush at the armories this M. M be. east ot Gorizia. d from a great .... "? .! '""l: ""Z'lmornlng by the first applicants Construction and improvement tween Sixth and Seventh Avenues n k u.iiri. r n i 11111. heavy during nes wnicn tney ; ; ; . ...t,... n.rla nf lh; 'for medical examination under the exnenditures were will be near Fulton Street. A NEW PRESIDENT and these Service Act. The author- the past year, .nnliiil .Inrlncr lh nrent Tear. iVMnlnlon . - r,ere. Wood in;',"Kblt her, generally admit the llIIMIUtU V. O " " WESTHOLME THEATRE (Special lo Tb Dally wa.J . 1 ll . mure and in., U is not improbable that the fiscal' Two surprise : d cations are that some definite VnrV Rent. 17. ElihU ItOOt . I the ill k .k.nTA In rd r.w pur- slead of accomplishing s: i. - i by the Germans wh ch it was ,,,.ltnted ;j"official Bc(on mU9l uUn lo year m wr kiittuu w ' Tnnicht there will be shown at,has accepted the honorary trel for , ember 31. - in the Cham pose pro,PecHvo draftees. Uw Westholme a great comedy-1 dency of the Xnlinnnl SectirltT management has w name r. to insure me ucicm The Granby 1 re repulsed by enough Liberal candidates to rounded up some.xcellent mines, drama entitled A School for League, succeeding the late Jos, bring the present administration ELECT FOR JURY TRIAL ii ,-v. 'Husbands." To those about to U Choale. Ottd or Alive! Is likely 7 -V ......'m.rrv th a nlav may prove to be i general command. back Into power again, feeling (Special to Tb Datty Raws). or even. . near......eav" oiurr,. ... "w.i , i, n .mnanhti- eiiir n"i nature. ANXOUXCKMENT Mrs. Frilled lo stir such, a strong extend from iiriusn ioiumuia, uv .v . i ' up v , Reserve Division Montreal. Sept. 17, The doings announces her Millinery opening n lh eminlrv as to deieat ine site of the original propeny. in;o u a t rice of four hun. v.n, of the dynamite gang which ar. i.lnpallon 7 a husband Is :,, on Monday and Tuesday of "ie first American ends of Its perpetrators. i -i., Vance.i to blow up Itorden and present thing, while to those who next week, The latest pattern Liberal members today - - ' Practically all of these mines " f -.Ui m. dead or alive. mlnenl people In Mon- nave a oeeu....--.....uiarnru.4 S)rilas"ilkV m SI V hats will be on view. 218. are now furnishing ore Tor the Drumfire In Flanders. .. . ii Innaaihlv ahnw UD SOme OI 106 W K, , t Wt. All! ..V.O m. , w - - Wellington Coal and j - who New i ' . tue ariiucry front, and Grand Forks, in the in miatakes of the oast. Those For 6 which attained to r..-, ;.".,. nf this to lake a trial oy jury. terlor. have no Intention of being-married Fir Lumber of all dimension. i. ii ity this morning,1MV '". ' . . A... " ' a.. comes will also see something or ine hone 11. uucfront '" " l " fZZTiZ THE CRADLE The main ore supply of the matri In Flanders from the Hidden Creek mine, joy and the sorrows as J by a llritl.l. atlack"'nce 01 11 Maladministration e" -- I Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Y. secured several years monial estate. Tanen an rounu. -an Position, at Bt.i""r.n,nfni; a". Nol.hlkaie. of Seal Cove, at the which from were Thomas M. Hodens, for- ih. ninv la one that ought to ap WARNING!! tn cn mark was repulsed, - d f Prince llupert General Hospital moi-lv an active factor in nuiw.p to -"".no matter vnnni.what ana B c 1",r of liritish soldiers - - . . ... iii i mii insi. a uauKiuci. """-ViT For the Exhibition week, tors with this vole, in regaru u. mining arrairs. With reserve of, a're both of the management prisoner. disfranchised, reports m,r ?n not).mm inns ueveiopru m - the the foreign vote .- - - to the playgoers In NOTIOE or well known Westholme Theatre have arranged The favoriu household Coal la Indicate that if anything the The merchants of the city are a it comparatively lerritnrv. this small mine portion nas ne- tho city and as artistes have great for five changes of JjMmlth ..ik nr ii u-nt for me uo em decorate In addition, there Wsliinoton. Phone reouesled lo Monday 15, ...ifullv most important personalities. as follows: of tho programme Mup.n Coal Co. tf. ment candidates In the mi In elec ome In i honor or me or. to UlP conie in the one far northwest. The old will also be shown a Topical mid and Tuesday, Fannie Hon, and consequently get of the latest happenings. "School for Husband;" constituencies at least the Con- air. property at Phoenix, which ships Ward in a a to the Grand Forks smelter, constitutes Wednesday, "Blua io commencing WESTHOLME servatlves are BENEFIT DANCE the next largest factor In Uird" feature; Thursday, ii, timt thev have perhaps a will IIHIIVV """ - The Scandinavian Society the company's operations, but "Metro;" Friday, 'Fox;f and OrtRA UOUSK wiped out their own majorllles. -i.- n .innr in the K. of P. Hall, onlv under existing; high metal Prince Rupert Saturday. "Famous Players.' TONIOMT .. ih. nil, int for the can it be made to "how a Special Fair prices 10c 26o AND prices o TOMORROW of W. Martin, Mr. It. g Vlek member. Dance of Features In n profit. Exhibition Great Stare and Big river, near Stewart, arrived Westholme ,0 com m nee, Augmented Orchestra. ibition Feature city this morning. He brought iiMon g;0 PATRIOTIC FUND ullli It Im aevernl aaiilliies oi CANADIAN from lilt property there, which INHIBITION SALE i m.a . as Mm 1 1 a'aa ff Branch. Ceremony on. Wednesday, Paramount presents run over xuu in goui auu urtlcle In the tore to be Prince Rupert Opening FANNIE WARD vnl ii.a 111 tlin Inn. The samples livery .inrinff Fair week. Sale Knhterlliora til the PatrlotiO SepL 1th, at 1 p. m. CAFE and are al tho Hotel Prince Rupert, rem"". --F(.ptember 18. Piimi umild trreally help In the by Mayor MoCalTery. LONDON JACK DEAN "where great Interest Is being taken JJ,M. 17. work of administering, the Fund AND GRILL - IN In them. Mr. Martin's mine it nOI.Diu. hv nnvlntr their subcriptions as ADMISSION 25 cents. Third Avonuo 'A SCHOOL FOR HUSBANDS' 'about seven miles from the Hun .. ,ii a it t I ririiinrlv s possible, either to oi anu the R. K. Neu, pposane, Service of JJ'HhCoiiiedy.drniiin. property. Mr. the credit of the Fund at any of AH Exhibits Must be In Prompt II. W- wood, or rernie, wno all Mr h.A iianka. tn the local treasur Wednesday thsro la to eat at .,. interested In the Hinh prop. nr Place by 8 a.m.on topical budqet Mrs. J. A. Thompson and famll) Stewart, have been in er Mr ll. Bevmour Wright, P. 0. Morning. BOXES FOR LADIES HH Admission 10 of Seal Uve, arrived back In In- for lha latl few uay, ttnj In39 Cllv. - "3. and 25 oents. cllv vnatenlnv frnm Terrnee where i"" ' south this morning. W. Ii. COLUKOrr,' Hon. tec. I., i..n lur lhe HlAU llA.A I.. .. ..H I...t I I I' mhiij uroii ill) iiiiiiuu