. Imo Less Meat Eat Eat The Daily News More Whole Wheat THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN DRITISII COLUMBIA thnt Is the way to save Publlthed Dlly and Weekly money, save strength, save Guaranteed Largest Circulation health and save food. Cut TIMBER SALE X 949. HEAD OFFICE: out the expensive indigestible The whole i" ' N m""d Lr1 Sealed Daily News Building, Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, D.C. Tel. 03. foods. .7 . i. Mt utrr IMS wo on wheat is the most perfect rU. Zit Ortober. lilt. 1st TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 50 cenU per Inch be But food given to man. I" . fM. in area sllseled er contract i tales on application. whole wheat of the lb sure you get Mr roint, m grain in n digestible form. Tid win i a.w.tl fr r DULY KDITIOH K Monday, Sept. 17, 1017. Biscuit r" Shredded Wheat w,.ttl ol tmr is 100 cent, whole wheat rrur paruewtrt ot -" per virtoria. B. C, or omntt roreeier. File TH ATTACK ON DEMOCRACY more potent, that its enemy at and is made digestible by B.C LLL Itusslan like the Ameri tacked it in 1914. Ono reason shredding The steam - cooking, TIMBER SALE X1067 Hie Kaiser made this war, can democracy sees its exist and baking. It contains probably, on the whole, th enee threatened by the spirit real body-building Mied WKlers wttl b rtld T Um main reason, was the rear o more ct Uad. aol UW Uut aa oa and organization of Germany, the rising tide of radicalism in nutriment than meat, and mi. . r niAtr. 11 IT. fer UM Its gigantic conspiracy against Germany itself, stimulated by costs much less. Delicious .... .t u.. V 1111. I lUmLtfk Mil f.t.-fid free institutions. Nothing is the growing freedom of Latin for any meal with milk or aa tret reel a.or.ailed rtw.on hltbtrdtoa lalet, tytll and Anglo - Saxon countries generally ridiculed in leuad. 0eea C&arieiie itumu wmni. fruits. more and The majority of the German cream, Tare rear win be allowed for re Germany than the democratic people stood, and still stand, Made in Canada. dk)U or timber. To systems of England, America behind the constituted Govern ..itniiin af ihm Ckir roreiler Victoria, B. C or DUUlct roreiur, frmc Somebody and France. ment as a winning concern and its immense poten Rsperl. B. C real, For the soundness of the They have been taught by at the school, Church, and Press to tialities new nearing fruition TIMBER SALE X106S Somewhere Front British cause it is better that hate and fear democracy, ex. beckon us as no will o' the wisp the war opened in 1911 than but a star. "Globe." wlU be NceUed by Um amples of graft and inefficiency Sealed leader day boxes from home In 1901. At-the earlier date the being1 assiduously out uiaitiM at Laadi aot later Una Booa oa Every are going South African Confederation a tht result of self-governing pointed You are certain of better pic porcbat lb UU or day Ureac of October.X IMS U HIT.Cl for Um to the boys in the trenches. And of had not been created as a countries of want of organisa lures at less cost wben your fMt at snrucw. Cedar tad Hemlock the things they get, a great prize U triumph of Liberal principles. tion by a dominant caste. Their Kodak work is entrusted to Mcilae fruni aa tret M tinted la AU1 tsk L)U WRIGLEYS the Gum with In 1904 Britain was still in the idea 1 is that the governing Bros. liUad, Qoeea CnartolM liiaod outnev Lasting Tare jeart U1 b aiwwea io rm thrall of Toryism, though ths Flavour. class in uermany has given Af itmh.e stirrings of labor insurrection faithful and competent direction, Navigable Waters Protection Act. -nhrr narueular oTUm Calef rorener. were already heard. The privileges a national organization R.S.C. c&apter tit. Victoria, B. c or DUUKI roroeur, Prtoc It takes the place of food and drink In of wealth and caste, the which has beer successful be The Oranby CoaaoUdtled MUUor. Bopert. B. C case of need which is often. It keeps - unreformed Uouse of Lords, yond all dreams in the develop Smelllar b4 Por Company United TIMBER SALE X 103 spirits up gives vigour and vim. A the ubiquitous sweatshop, the menl or material resources, hereby rtrs notice tnat II tu, tader Setuoa 7 of tbe laid Art. deposited miia packet in the pocket lasts a long time. mass of pauperism, were serious military power, and intellectual scaled under wlU b received by Um Work tt Ottawa, the Mialiier of Public drawbacks to democracy achievement. uinHtee r Laadi aol later Uua aooa oa tod In Um efflr of um DUlrtrt Retutrar ror Um Tho Flavour Lasts I of OctoUr. ItlT, Um Ilia day in Britain. Home Ilule was described There is doubtless a chal. tj me Land Reentry one. DUtrtct or nurrhiu nf MnM JL Ittt. 10 CUt I.lit. as dead. Then came lenge from Germany to the free Prior Rupert, tt Prior Rupert. a d- ! feel of S pro r. Cedar aad Hembxk Chew It the meteor years of Campbell-Bannerman, nations to show that national tenpuoa lumber or mill,tao ttu tad sod otber pUa works of wharf pro from aa tret aitatted la AUI laiet. Ui after every . ySX A&k Asquith and Lloyd efficiency need not be sacrificed posed to be built la Sprat Bjr, on Um Ulaod, Qaeea CbartotU Itlaad Diitncv meal Tare tear wtu fc aliened for re George, seven years of a political in any degree under democracy. hi rout of Larroca itiaad. Cattiar Du BMtal of Umber. revolution greater than that They have proved this by their trtct rurthre nartlrmUra of tao Caief rorIUr A5D TAKE SOTICC tail after Um el of 1688. In 1914 Great Britain adjustment through the indi pirttloa or tot Quota from um data of VKiorta, B. C. ce Duuici roreiur, rnae had the right, having curbed vidual's free play to the cir Um am pabUratioB of uu aoue. um Ritpert. B. C the Lords, taxed the rieh, es. cumstances of the war brought Grtaby Cooaotidited Miatar. Smeiuar sad TIMBER SALE X1071 lablisbed old-age pensions, inaugurated on them by the German bureau. rower Company limited win, aader See Hon T ct um taid Act. apply to Um Mia a great scheme of cracy. utrr or Public works tt ait effleo la um Sealed leaders wUI b melted by Um social reform, projected sweeping Germany can no longer de. Dtjr r Ottawa for approval or Um said Miauur f Laadi aot later Una aooa oa changes in the land and spise the power of democracy, lite tad pita tad for tear to root tract tit day of October. ItlT, for Um Pf raaM of Lire ore X 171. to rat Me.t Um u!4 works. educational systems, and pass-1 With the strength of despera Balaam aad Hemlock . .. . ' DATED tt rrtac Repert, Brtutk Colum feel of Sprac. Cedar. m.A u n 1 i r j tion the Potsdam Government bu, uu m uj or Jty. a. d. hit. from aa area tltatud la Klewasrrel laiet. as a real democracy against still struggles to destroy the THE GRAJBT CONSOLIDATED W-M-IO. UreoTiHe Ckaaarl R. I. Coat I DUtrtct the assault of the Huns. The freedom which it still de SMELTHO A.tD rOWER COMrA.1T Two year witt be allowed for re, ameal of timber. same may be said in a less de nounces as unreal, but it must LIMITED, farther particulars of Um Caief roreiur. Pttmor ft rslto. Soil U lor. gree of the United States perceive that the democracies Victoria, B. C, or DUtrtct roreiur. Mae There a beginning' bad been have become even more genuine Rupert. B. C MINEPAL ACT S. S. P1UNCE RUPERT made before 1914 of checking than in 1914, developing under TIMBER SALE X101S. the trusts and their debauchery stress of danger more equality CeetJftcat of lamiwMU. OR - of public men and assemblies. and yet at the same time a Sealed leader win be received by UM the graded income tax came in leadership by the best and most NOTICE Miaiiter of Laadi aol laur taaa aooa oa PRINCE GEORGE through a change in the Federal capable element. The Germans -Stfrer Beir Mineral CUtm. titatu U Um ttad day of September, ItlT. for UM portbaM of Ureac X HIS. to cat Mil. SOUTHBOUND constitution (t13 and Ihe must see that democracy has DUlrtrt.Um Skeret Minis r Dlrltloa or feel of Sprarc, Balaam aad UemtoU Moaday t a. m f or Sataaoa Sty. Vaarier. Vtetoru tad Self low-tariff Democratic party grown more self-confident by Wbr located: On all rrooi Um oa aa area tltatud oa Link take, Raaf Saturday I a. m for Oeeaa run. Vaaueweer. Wteeii aad t M. held power through a reformer success, and determined to continue, brad or A lire Arm. 1, Coail DUtrtcL NORTHBOUND Tare (S) win be allowed for r like President Wilson. when peace comes, the TAKE NOTICE Uut W. MUet Donald. nova! of Umber.year WED.tESOAT it aooa for keiekUta. WrtareH. lawa tad surJ In their jibes at the "insecure gains achieved during the war rre Htatrt Ceruacai 5a. Jlll-C tod rartaer partlcalar of Um Chief ret nUDAT It aooa rr Aayat. Joha M. Morrltoa. rre Miser t Ceruacat democracy of England by the spirit of equality and So. ttlt-C tatrod. tuty din froca Um eiur. Victoria. B. C or Dtttrut roreiur. TRAIN SERVICE and America the Germans are fraternity. Against the enemy's dau kwreof. to tpplr to Um Mlatar Ro- rrtac Rspert. B. C Stt ratietm Moaday. Wednesday aad rndty tl II M tm ' - fmi. a decade behind the eorder CertiActi of rrlaee Edmootoa tad dereet oi r f a time. But last frantic effort to achieve for t baproeemeatt TIMBER SALT X1070 Oeorr. Vrtaaipif. aviUaf i if they despise a make-believe the aim of 1914 we are sum. for Um jnrpocc ct oetaiataf t Crowa totau rati aad soota, Mited TaeiJay a.m for KaMfcer a. : t. av Ortat of Um too claim. urmeduu poiatt. democracy, they dislike and. moning all our strength for no Aad rsrther tak aotir tntt trUoo. aa Sealed lender wUI b reeelred by Um assail the real thing. Whatever illusion of freedom and right. 6r ectioa IS. matt fee commeaced tx M tauter of Laadi aol laur Uua aooa oa Aflsncy All Ocsart SUamthlp Linos. they may say, it was because It is the foe whose system is a fure Um UMiaoe ct tick CertUcaW ct Um ttu day of September, ItlT. for UM For Information and reservations apply I latproTemeet. porcbAM of Ucrac X It J, to rat 7l.Mt Z democracy was becoming reactionary, mediaeval sham of City Ticket Omca, 520 Third Avenus. KHONC naled UUt Seteatecaui day ct lair, A.D feet of Spruce. Cedar. Hemlock aad Balaam ever more real, and therefore aristocracy. Our freedom is ItlT. S.tf rm aa area tltatud la klewaarrel lalet. Great Ule Ouaael. K 4, Coat I DltUiCL Oa year wtu be allowed far re- atofal of Umber. rartaer parUcalart of UM Chief roreur. Vlciorla. B. C or DUtrtct roreiur. prtar A NEAT KITCHEN ssptn. 8. c. ftaaamdMaJ CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY WITHOUT A BR00N rtRE ALARM STSTESL Lowest Rates to all Eastern Point No coal-hod, no ash-pan, no via Steamer to Vancouver and th dirt, no bother. You never have Jon. goV'aj ancurr ao. t. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Boa 11 Ita SL tad Srd Af. Meali end Berth Included an Sle.mef to sweep up after cooking on a Bet 1S u IL tad Ird Are, NEW PERFECTION. It Bei 14 tta 8L aad Ird At. Princess May for GranbyBiy and Alice Arm 11 p.m. FrUkj Be i IS Jgartloa of lit. tad tad cooks more quickly and more Srd Aei. Princess May aouthbound via Ocean Falls S pjn. Sunday conveniendy thana coal or wood oe la til At. Utaeea llh tod Princess Alice for Vancouver Saturday, September 1Slh. ranee, costs less for fuel and takes Bei tta 17til Sla. (Kaoi At, aad HUI).7Ut IL (Ca Princess Sophia for Alaska Monday, September 17th. up half as much room. trtl Houl). J. I. PETERS, General Asem These dealers sell them: CIRCUIT NO. M. Co ner Fourth Street and Third Avenue, frineo Rupert. B.C. Bei Z2-jrd At and Srd SL (foil Offlc). t ird At, aad McSrtd SL Bei 14 HI At, aad McBrto SL Thoaaaooa Mardwar Oe, Prlac Report. Bei s fad At, aad tad IL f ) Bei IS fad At, tad tb SI Stork1 Hart aire Oo, " B 170. T. r. How A " " aUNoitf, Ali' CIRCUIT NO. a. Launch a, a. allaad, - - Bei 11 tu Ate. tad rulloa SL ofd.Vooaf Oo Port Slapeoa. B.a Bei 32 Bordea tad Taylor BU. JbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbBbI Bei 14-.Tib At, taa rulloa SL bbbbb1 - H rOR THE SALT U" Sei B ttb At, tad Comos Ate, I,er flee 0i f Bei 17- life At, and Dud re flat Itaia Witk RoyolUt Cool OH tk Nrw Bei is -ilk At, tad Taomptoa SL BtBaBaMBWaV i' 'laaLL. : RETUBN r Ptrftttion unS cool your wuol CIRCUIT NO. 4. for from 5 to 10 etntt. Bu 41 lib At, tod Emmcrtoa r" Hire. w. . TH0AS. THl IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY Bei 41 (tit Ate. tad Mr Bride SL aree S1 lhmhc4m Bei 41-tin Ate. and Orra SL 4 u Are. tad BatU SL RANCKtS IN ALL C7T Bei ta At, tad Etoru. Bei 141 tm At, tod Youaf SL Advertise In The Daily News EMPRESS COFFEE taWtCLKAALK aHSTftl BUTOK F. Q. OAWSON - PRINCE BUPErTT,