wicmbrr 17. IP"; THE DAILY NEWS Mi ft''3' IIF.IJI ST ONE LAND OWNERS USE THEIR MUST HOLDINGS fiily Victoria, 8-pl. 14. -"The tlmr in f ' aaBnaBaaFiiC yaW!!'' jlSkllkB. a fully ripe for legislation (o rr-1 mnvfl th mnnv ilifflcullle which exist and for providing the ncccs latw sanr Imnctua to a movement whirli USE will ffaiilt in the palnlillnlimcni of prosperous agricultural com munilles. The ilifllcullie- a manv and varied, but they can be r vw; hi ' - i overcome. The greatest obstacle after all is an artificial one ami has bri ereatH-by allowing tho '. t - aa n bulk of the most fertile and easify accessible lands to nass into Hip ,4, hands of non-users and eons I'M qucnlly non-proluccrs an ob stacle which will ultimately compel r. l land owners either to bring their holdings under produc io, ' s OAP or to dispose of them at a price which will permit of acquisition.'' ; Robm.n.Ot,July 8th,1915. An inaoiral on for Full Bannnti. I ... .. h i. Tli foregoing was one of the , B n,i. niivi- I11IH-. HUH V? ..! "Frolt-aUcs In bonnet return as a most welr...me -.vK. ,,. ft 0r Mark veltel statements made by Hon. John! with feathered brim. A large til niivep. rninlitpr nf acrieultnrn and pin m nam. of g..( adds the con- f.,ud them a rowl medicine. ii .i . at . i . . ., who arrived in the irasiuiK iioio to mo aiunning rr anon. railways, city last nigni iro.in ms iouneen-iay tU)""' Tba Doctor said sba tour or many or tne nortnern ais-trlets .ulhrealenedwilhDropty. "',imU on the rt. T. P. railway. ynon&y can May and l-ean swollen we ..J body wcreall MAIL SCHEDULE I he minister slated that the -tint in tr aiitiniion from lh ncri. lid "Frult--li-. Si, to tor For tha EaaL cultural standpoint is one calling pktrafmUMttt. In ihort time, Mondays. Wedneadaya and Fri for Immediate remedial measures, mid an a ineatia nf aehievincr the hid all roodonnJher day at t):30 a. m. 11110 0 oMa oaPaS1 j 0 lb Now end the government had in view- flrtb bef to look wore natural. SALE OF GOVERNMENT LOTS when the Premier arranged the kfUkuU thmilj From' tha EaaL Attt the Pft CUmtflU, Qhm CtMHoil ltM4. lul ,,,e ,HnL Fundasa. Tuesday! and Frl. ministerial tour, the first essen Letterheads mub for"Fruit-. tial must be energy directed to Envelopes My too days at 5:30 p.m. , can o. KATirC I. W....v rt.M IK.t II-- ti-.' lli.1l nnn.nrrimirtiv tint ml. am Statements would never I without g-' toi A.. Inif HHW Imm fk ff-tn-lv M Ini. nenlly fertile lands are placed at Cards, Etc -r I Arl I I will m Itia tlih At tit intfn. For Vancouver. Pbooc 98 tw . " the dispoial of agriculturists who WILLIAM WAilHIUV. urr. it 1 1, ii ii vetoes in itrrauoB.( Monday ni I lf flww ml. ll ti ttihll -MflftAtt i not only know now to farm, but for 1J.M, trUl alt, s. V .tail. 6 Tuesdays 5 p. m. rotruid UM loll r UM Ibota lowaMU tlCU.f who are eager to obey the D- n ni ,fitn or aeni oo .... 7 a. m. & m. ta IIM crova. TM Vptrl pnc I or nico Saturdays p. L mfnion-wlde exhortation to . rruil 1.lite Limited. pro The News Job Press n - - UK lau ltl ha uttmA It ttl ear lot for duce more. DUlll HuMa k tnd lit fwr lot ror coraar ku. From Vancouver. Tli aMwinil alert umild he In Tarmtt mm ua m uuki in oo -air Fundays 11 p. m Pibtiaf af All Description Dsie LAND ACT Ttr wtia lnumt at ill pr east oa tba iliaaeminatf ihe knnwleilirn In the ram4 armroli Tba crova Onnl fr Mondays 9 m iandseeker thai acreage w as avail . aM ffvia VBktJ- at Ut Im I0 4d4iUoaI. riia or u Iowa, ViJnaHara 6:30 a. m 1UM LA.IU .a.lIB PH.I"-le v. tl U uwl im or Iota ta Im o9arr4 caa Im Fridays a m able for bis use. and as a final P.O. Bat 89 CASSIAR. mb it ika Am or tba aHita.nl Com. mean to an end Ihe nrovision of Programi MtHoaar or Uadi. rnnca Avprru or ol roads to make settlement not only CaUtoga tae toll' thl Orenby ComoH4.u4 nr. A. n. Ntuory. run atatiu, or in For Anyoi. profitable, but to ensure success Dodders Iba tvruucvel r Ua4aa Vlttorta, B. C Sundays 10 p. m. Poatera,cU. .xaiptUoB ratalst and emeu- MtMl'UJ5. Aaiuuai CoawnlMlotwr in every particular. Those re- Tmrnr I It . Friday a .... 10 a. m. & 8 p. m. ujB V Mml..In. IA - riirmi aeeomnlished. the minialer UCI, UVIHI ' " - Of Ua4a. SapL II. ha nn heaitation In savintr thai ftrisr pott puatrt ti um Protlnc of Brltltri Columbia From Anyox. the desirable establishment of the Sundays, a. m.; Tuesdays, p. m. sort of agricultural community rlktor r i (krss fr'fth If ctaini, esfAJmicxT or land nd Saturdays, a. m. now most needed will follow as An." tl ttrr CbtiM U lav- .ioticc a natural- consequence. Irr ma1 m mw ww and Naaa River. Simpson Port a Oiardna NllMlU OO APDUcaUOOl 10 1 or tttu r .ik...f w iwr mil rurrhi. enm LukU ta IrtUik OolaaU.ll.I Saturdays, a. m. Salvation Army. rul aim nun. to u ihk vi vtvui- CANADIAN WOMEN SOTICX U aaraky ata utai. aaoar ia nil IM r.ouwsr m. Public merlin?. Tuesdays. KNOW THIS -ao-Mara Uao-Mtaa4 HiUtM ! UM SHOULD uUUX iSHU0ATU MISIO. a,T- Foe Queen Charlotte Islands. ! Hm-aI Art." LfiT MfUl tW Ud BOt I Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 p, latha BEST Mirk iv t rwia ooxr-T. ltu. 18lb, August 1st, "CANADA FIRST-MHk Art,! July i rr4 iuum, ArL KJy aa4ar Um "aotdiara UstBMUa4 10 p.m. m. sunuays i j:ju p. in. ibyVoarCrocar. The CovtrameBt Bulletin lilt." to ctMsptala at appucanoa m pur-rh.br. Slh and 29th. COSTS THE3AME. .urut Ilk. It IT. Oflli tUs tha atory-IT rltbtr br payiMt la ran or by Um Fmm Dunn CharlotU Islands CANCELLATION OF RESERVE ,? 4 ttutona or a DrvDortloaau anotaait,. .......a........IMlilT MINERAL ACT "bit uumt iM payiac July 22nd, August 5th, ltn; TT Kpmnud vi by proTtar crmn.thmC 7. wtUnW NOTICE 19 HERBT CIVLt Uial UM I f m wast -n ran uta ttaUata or Um tvartbaial eplember 2nd. &r- -tUlln AV-r a immll IllBif la tba prl a4 Uin bffora tba I III t-raUiar. TMiATLMIRCONDtNSCD MILKCOLvo. harbor or Prtoca Raprrt. kaovn aa Lot Utiaia a Craa oraat u prow hu-r.rtr- ATt-aia.CT caaaoa HIT. tswart, Atapla Bay and S-amp llt. aior a. coaii putnet. or rcaaoo fur- a iba Miaitwr oT Laada la nonci r a Botlra anoaarlna la Iba BrlUlb CDlam m4 Wiurfroel mcUo" alib4 UmI tb prraoa la aafftrtar tajary PolnL la Oairita or tba Hit AorlL ISIS, aad tbroara aoaaora o aourv r mr -.. Vnr Wednesdays. 10 p. m la caacaUed ror tarttl ohm Mtaiu ta UM dated ItU AprU, III, if-4 fnrlbrr thai UM UWratl IB BB- From- -Saturdays, p. m. um purpoM or miliar a ttM or um mu bU by "Wrt torn) 0a aorta ! of Attn rr.--ul .roUratlooJ to oartbaM and Yukon Territory. Lot to tba Oraad Truak raeUe Davelop. uo acuta nit mar v- Alaska tm. any prraoa naol Company, Limited. kll b MiUBraUOB M UM WW t-rv-i.- For Mondays, 7 a. m. httnlttcr or Lands. CEO. R. MADETI, Drpaiy The Daily Nejvs . tk. ri um aacb raraoa la oa Subscribe for frta tmtri niAru Xa. IITt-C in ml From Saturdays, p. m. pepartmeBt or Land. Victoria, a. c, iiuj or proof bb4 Um Bliat A(U aartlca by oa, HIT. m. ant. J9. or UM tatarrit or aacb paraoa. rarUwr taronMUoa wui oa ir-r cia ti:i rna i dtu Kvror. u rMi -Kvaai to um Dapaiy aiiauiw or Uadf, Harry A. Haroey trvu. r. ita parpoM or ob-taiatM VMtona, a, - ...KiiMtiaa or tail aoura wiwwi (Uta Laos-, las-. Oaaartavaira n ;rut o UM Umva CUlnu. Ta. l aa Mala V uuriii 1U not ba pakl tor. V- ruriu or LANaoowRC cotteu. t Wa; . moil tx roounrorrd tta -Mt U lucb Crtlfl(tM of MINERAL ACT ropUi Takra tar - . BIT woux ruso. V10UJI CELLO and And Prohibition litTtiittuiti dr r iiy. a.d. hit of liarotaaiaU HAnMOKT Will Be In OeMIScat rviwlllTlOMS Two Weeks More LiHD ACT - ... awaaaa fa U"" Only Force In B.C. noncr Aaaaataltd BaaM. Vaaooar, Caatar .M..1- I " Baiiavtaw Jlo. I." Collaaa af Blaaia, ua . whleh means Mtal the province, iin MTICT DI1TWCT Of .ii.M raiLfhtvH BlarvJMtm"" Uta I ,ki .na .n.rit. must be secured from outside ' "AIT. IU50K I. 1 a... . a4.aabai all tl B tal I BLUE 27S doubled. anAta arfBBfBBBB' M BFru -saiaaaaa i TERMS PHONE that their rriee wilt ba more than Tll . . . ta um SiMBA Mlniar DItUIob oX Caaiur . ... reliable rAift in.ut iul um oriaa Truo Dlauitt ORDER Lar In a stock oi reliable liquors, purchased from a ORJR ""it QDoipiBr or wDtupi. Wbara lotaiad. At um nroa oi cho,ce n ' whlch h&9 a !. uwimi to tpply ror pcrniutoo mi..-'" ,1i Am.- . I NOW! nou'e- " um r - i. I ,iiour drtcrtUd Uo4.t 1 MlltMllIf I. ... ... . ..... Aa. acUat GOLD have what you TJ1" fJnZ . r.mnr.la Stll-C J. Martin TIIR SHVL LIMITED n Pui or Lot tar at or ibout ror myaair and aa arBt ror Oaorira I Stuart station, all carriage charges prepaid, with no turt. umoco oortbrrlr. r Special rra Minara wni V'e bear all these charges. "ootttrtx aad tttrly. roilowlBf Um tU,r aijl from tba data baraor. ASSAYLH packages. "awuM ir um tbora-bna to a point r M ,p)l- M tBo Mistar Raoordar for a Send Today for Special SepUmoer Price Ust "KtrMit, laclBdiai all tbal fo"' Ir.Minrata or IaurMnaBU. ror Um par- Mun Sk.. Kiowa. htb-tur and tow-air. Ip,. or obuiniof a Croa Orant or um HAZELTON B. C SOME OF OUR SPECIALS IN CHOICE LIQUORS .""V"" ", HIT. cliim. Whisky UBAXD Tbl'jtK PAOflC RAILWAY I jijJi rartbar una no Uta Uut aeuon. utv Whisky Old Coonao Brandy Canadian Scotch aa iiaaaaaui ataiiajaa ... at muii ba rommeneea sa astabllshed Assay and Overproor Rum (In Caie) oldsst Caie Tha rar . . .1" . nf lueb carttecata of (la Bulk) lura iih - - ... i Eauert or 3 LND LEASE I Ill North. Stimm'A. NOTICE Offlca In tha Oo . Oalloa XXX Wnr"V n par Martin Rosaa V. acreo-year-old .$9,00 DiUd Uua am a ' ' newtfe lainoai $7.50 Comae Brandy $7.50 ror '""A USD Or ScoWB.... for DISTfUCT DISTRICT Ulfbland Oil rv ....... OoM Band 4 ytir-old Till Gold Stal raroout Brand elrhl-year-old V4nbUI II UUI.lUSi WATER NOTICE Is Urr O. V. O. $7.50 comae XXX $8.00 ipln- J 10.00 U JiiiTiCt tbal of Little Saving . did mhlikyi t, Caoisa Mclue, USE AJtD 8T0RA0E. "A blaiMled xUb. . Kra.uv "will. R. I" ..1.,. ...f. la. Miitti'a xxx spaciil $8.50 to tpply rr pamuuioa to Iraaa Um k Gold Saal Oold Bond i r: ll.ab . . . Gold Stal Limited Raaerre(three lm-MrliU rulP ---a TAKE R0TICK Ibal Tba Empire A Handy Thing uM inrnlaod 58.50 Ilenneaya' ramoua Three Star oal quaru oairribad lindi i I u vn rtllooi to caie) $16.00 . "mt at a r.i t.l.ni1 al tba rapt r MUlt. Lia. 'auo- Mail rale Cotnao $10.00 for ra.l torn,, of T L. lit lit Aliford ucr. B.C.. -Ul spptj .or a - ANY a nun has lost his ftuart Handaraona "?f-nld Gold ror Stal and H0" B. Canadian Bond H-year Gold llouia of $8.00 and Jamaica become Old Damarara Imperial oiu Quaria !. M chance to I'arllaawnl overproor num. ration to 'a in ,..rly and aoutharly dlrac- Uka. alao knoa as J, independent by not lohn Walkar-a $9.00 $7.00, $8.00, $9.00 llirr $18.50 , 4'.wa. --ra o, I.... a . iim wrsw ' wd aJvantai!c of a really bi kllinaroork Canadian Whisky (In Bulk) r.a Hilton um. It land ar Lata ai oiui """ Tar Oalloa 17, 0EOR0K MrRAK. .ii Taoisl Oold Seal. Tbrea Seat $5.25 T Lr raaarvolr to ba traaiad la nnrortunity. .",c.6uVueVry nine old " THE ESTATE or ClilUSTIE 01BS0 .era fct and It UI flood about l.oaa .era. . - year I nri a i a m, a, a a ak u.....ilaa a.1 1 1 nal Ell III'him a a I'lll IUIIV uuitrlal itUon). for Oold Bond. tt yar $5,75 IUIV.IA51U) I CI 1111 J. turn . .Takes by . Grcethcr old and malkiw tba uraam at a polat about door". $4.00, $4.50, $5.00 MiiTir. .. ...I.......I ...i .n.i af Lake ibrea oUlaai. . cvviy . -.. . i 'iiva aa ians:nv ni vi.i inatH atti Biaiiaiaja was - " i a a a.-., a-raii I si biili Uta Ui ttHi.n, tla "poJ.r,!..5 o noribrrty rraatr-'rtcuon ntacb and from will Lot It.ba used for Wltn. raJv for what she bnnfiS. GOLD SEAL Limited Telegraphic order All pomls shtppinl in ba sent us are r.n..i .. .. ..:l n o.r Baatb. I . . - c..:n.i. 1 Vnnrtmcnt. may ---,. w aann u J. II. MCMUlliu.1 ... i illegal ma' day ',raai AdmiBUirttor lor iba county of Thia notice v.ta poated on we srv plain caso same 722 PENDER STREET "Collect." AUIB. nn . t...... ... -r . V- I ih- llh rta af Jun. 1B1T. A CPy Of I THE BANK OF received. ' order is 7. t. a run utanl.Moi ihtlr euims. iWa aoilc. aad an aillcalloa purauaBl B.C. VANCOUVER, .......... . . .. .... lit... 1.1 .n.i l.i lha IL'.laa...... 11. Itll. U Aaerlca new oy inam, amy vennra. inn.- Brlllsli North after that date ihi undartlstiad WIU ba 0I1 in tba omc of ihe Water ordar I'rortad to dutrlbuta u.a anaia or tba al l-ilnre Kaptrt, U. C Obiacilont a um a VCAUS IN UUSINKSS. UDfriu I " . I II..- i...w K tmA Ilk tha lam la.. hiii.i .""""'i. um. ...paruaa aniiuaa...uwrv.i...i.. .. .i&.- n- .41k k.--fsmt n I roi I r CArltAL .VM bUaPLfS. I73.. -.,.. rviirq only to IIM cuiaii 01 " " "" ',". lcli rwtlct bat Uxn tiled Ub blm. Waiar Hlibia, rarllamant Ba'"18. PUINCE RUPERT BRANCH UATED 11 ti.in.. I.. . i. - ihi. mh Ivirlurll B.C.. ullhln Ihlrl diva afltf UM aX f July, A.t). HIT. flril appeartnre of Ihi notice In a local W.J.SMITUERS,Manager II. McMULU.1. uawipeper. Tba data or tba nrti pu" 11 Offlcial AdiuiDijtrttor, Uon or Ibis uotlca U July 10th, HIT.