The Daily News vip N" Hi HIJI'KllT. 1J. C PMDAV. SKPTHMIlKtl 21. 1017. PHICK FIVB KNT teen mm iRlTISH OFFENSIVE STARTS AT DAWN AND PROCEEDS WITH MARKED SUCCESS Uebattle of EXPERTS SPEAK OF FOOD SUPPLY HUN BUREAU menin mm I v .r''t'-uBMRRRRRRRRRRl'tiHMBRRRRRRBRRl liulau.-lphia. Kept. lO.-TIf AT STOCKHOLM I O Nau uia) 'inference of the woM DEVELOPES t pr litem under the auspice ' UNMOLESTED 1'B.BaMBBBBBBBBBHB of the American Aeadrmy of Ho-' From -ia and Political Science opened' .... cut Off Ensmy Sweden Permitted the Oerman Spy Z Wln Anolh,r here with discussion by pronu- ; System Flourish Unchecked- g PUn I in rf.- (lent uprakem of the general nub- j Worked Openly Gathering Ff Possession. jeei f comparative food value. Information. After riling the nutritive qualities u te Dtl7 ! HBLi f ;ABMPSBMfll (Special to Tbc Duly .vtvs.) of gralus, meal .and dairy I The Ilritmli London, Sept. 21. The Swedish allaek the Oer-jlerdar product. OifTord IMnchot, president I morning of the Pennsylvania llural Government has maintained a Progress Association, declared calm silence and was quite well (Tensive l pro-cnat thai the demand of the overtook war pleased lo the opera ked success, es-r-ucial CANADIAN SOLDIERS ESCAPE FROM QERMANY 4 sector be poinlrd to the necessity of livestock On the left. lte. H. Henderson. Toronto, C. M It., who with three tion of the German spies who am) Haulers rail- production as against grain companion ecapel from a German prison camp. The photo on have been thronging the country it c The Herman Tn "T""rnian or the Swedish production. thf rlht ik Pie. It. Disenberg. of lirighton. OnU another of the inee the beginning of the war. most de-,cb,net Mr landman the Kwed-. i War ha made the government daiinllrss three. . the of food in this The Hun bureau worked brazenly to retain this i ''",iffn Minuter, around the largest buyer i ....i it., n.r iwiioih rfnirw me rvrni wnicn country, and the cost of feeding SUNK ONE THIRD OF IHOW THE AMERICAN and openly prucuring information c eialialimx heav-D have brought Sweden to the brink the American troops will be NORWAY'S SHIPPING NAVY IS GROWING on the shipping of the Allies. ilith big guns, if war. 1800.000 a day, according to Chas. The Ewedish Secret Police never - jiai thfl Herman Lalhrnp Pack, president ot the Philadelphia. Sent. 20. More AnnaDolis. Md- SeDt. 20-The moteslid any members ot the or x.iy heavy. Great PILLAGE AND FIRE National Kmergency Food Garden than one-third of Norway- com-'.deveiopnt of lhe American navy ganization, whose ramlficallonsk Commission. ops were consecution merclal Heel has oeen destroyed , lh- ... M. H..rih.H hr were extensive. .',;. RUIN ST. QUENTIN "The United Slates will win the of the The mail censorship by the war b lighting it with food." Mr. .L n.,i it ih. , .n. SecreUry Daniels in an address nod they were ait a a iiiv t uawM t, continued. "Germany can . i i a a i a l al. United States would curb this of shells front Paek continues long the remainder will a avni Awuemj iooay u iuo uih The mu Part. Sept. 20. The Germans, not be starved because of her effective bn srnl to the bottom, according frradualinsr ensitrns of the naval system at its source. It is regarded hi . ... .according t the Franeh elaimi. auxiliary food supply obtained ito Dr. Fridtjof Hansen, of the retenc. ne credited President as certain that the stop st aewmio i . . . .. . wasin'u on,r uenueraieiy cueu m- from war Ranlens. which IVAM'.ffifln li..inn now in this ..... .. ..... of all leaks would mean a inutlitn " " " " page vv iison wun lue inmai liieh V V." . giving ruined the beau i.-v. I n.oinla.n..! in a flros thai oartir --- - .'eiainirr. ne was one oi uie orin- blow- to the U-boat undertakings. troops. fcZ I'p'Hiing tlfdl and famous ealhedral of tft. late of emeleney since the ouU .... . fc.M .... ,hl pelus to the movement that has Tfc Bslalan Coast. OuenAn. but oillaged the elty le- breok f war." be said. i.,a, National rvinfrenee of the resulted in a great expansion of No Safe Conduct. iteration are fore they flre to a part of IL Ieclaring that bread is nul$,rid' Kood Supply being HHhe service. , It has been learned that the J"Vlan!"p f ln The vanAlIsm Is laid to-tbo ionlv to bulleU as a war essential, lfa, fiff.ler'thT-Sttlptcew-oriHe Mrr naniels-sart-tbat fcinrc'lm? Government -foes not at present Charles J. llrad. chief of ' American Academy of Political flrsl of AutfU.l 1916f Congress intend to approve of any applica Ik. Ih" l6lh aud l!7th neglmenls tion for a safe conduct for Count -Imit 'a, 'had appropriated for the support " M..! Ilon. and ,.ni f ABrleollore. said that a .,,. "f lhe 'von Luxburg, the German Afnls--ter ' TSi ! or le directly to the earn- relative searelty of food supplies n.itain and her Aiiies was not of ",e nayy 1.I.1I.8M. while m elimale pending lerore in-ereated to the Argentine, whose pass already exists. This shortage is wJth friendly by f J-.mander. of these unit, rupee- eon,lderrd eyes fMM the w Kjtn. Cm. KloU. ami partly, he said, by un- oermans." said Dr Nanen, !'" an "d,JI,lon of P,ar,y ports have been banded to nun heharfewtHn. who favrhl. croo conditions and , lh-i. n.iw,,i arfaM. has to " m ar p- by the Arenline Government. Frsaeh Front. General von .. . .. .. -i .u. r rM.a . . . . .... nmnriation in little more than a I More Denials. are charged with having ordered a tiariiy oy me tinui a crcai exiem oeen uirrviru In Thr Is....nolli flTtiia nlli.n. nt fit Ollffnllll f production into forces of de- iMl our ihippilxs, and our f". Th 'S. nrS . Mexico City, Sept. 21-Folke aruiiery ., enlerwJ ihe on, structlon. The outlook for he UieMf hav. 5 n heavc pregnab e Croneheim, the ex-Charge d'A'- kffcv ulh .... faires of the Swedish Legation. u hi ine, ....,; i.. .., it,. urmuyear no rr - than oi any oiuer neui. . of Gomlllel ijiiirm, i ii .f.uiw moje denies that he aided Germany as t. - -t- .knill III.-flilr mere neru i n nation, i oeueve more wau nc- - - - - - J SI luttll ""y win., nc... ...w-w..,. is ' ' ol publishing a military. Eckhardt afflrms. The Ger 4 and on aiiiiu.l nml mrrif.1 off fur- ... r.r America', nopulallon ,lf .,nP nun.rcial fleet has von ii i. Mr ami eonVerncd. he added. been destroyed." 11 man minister never offered him silverware, pianos, lUulin Front. .nilure. any decoration and he has re of- valuable pictures, and shipped SOCIETY 1 few months has far surpassed tne ceived none. Croneheim has been -The SCANDINAVIAN them lo Germany. They even took CTaRICC QF ntrn As in matrrial. there are Club here. living at the German ti Kurds in Ar HAVE A FINE. EVtninu mviu. uaviuuw v. safes filled with vnluanle. ami nnnuni miiriTV three times as many ships in com- Argentine Decides. I iree fighting did It openly, piling them on to " . . lif.KTlftN LIyULLI 1 ..i. . ih. ,ix 2t Argen cold .. . .. I... ii.. Kinnni- I11I39IUU mu , Huenos Aires, Sept. bitterly In midday. The oftieera and I lie uaucc i" i .. ., .lu. ... . ft l; vans nveninff was monms obo, aim may sever rtiauuus w.m ' feel of snow.' Kiciely lasi a number of soldiers were iiIk navian . -n snwial .i.. . . andiV. ..,u t n,...... ,i :2 X have made nlaant function iliere .t .-.... -- -- uiuio uif". iicruiiu7 as w. - u F' :w.- tl. rrvrd. 11 Is said, as they altempU a very P'"" . . c,b,e dlsnatch to The New ork .... . enlarging shipyards. areclaion of lhe House, which will tr in this re- ess .t in alrnncr boxes from a .in!.inir the business World from London, says: coming to afford a place on naval uote on the war question today, cnt. and was ...n m ahich . .k. ii r nirintir.U.. . t ...i rrt, hr.ntlnc n(I - T. muiime v.u.. cran iu iuuu.iiuj i uie muaw " The WeslllOime China. 1. worked f Hi. .voninir rrcnj plllaglnK trops V i..i i.rnviilMl the music urumu prisouci yiiuntt mni " v.u". "-ireiauoaa. nrti,n ttabh a depot camps since me can. military If in German naVy hh belter than ever. J J r";; I l"Z r on lhe route lo Cambrai. such could i. be possible. Every- doscrlbed. by. .rcpatriaieu suiuier., WESTHOLME THEATRE -nnds" various towns from Loudon retrwitly. prince RUPERT BABIES . . t .irniM. nrnvlilMl -. "" fit: ' ere cincentraltH ine www" hody eruoyca Wivalo GeorKe BtMt ot a Welsh. MAKE & FINE EXHIBIT Tli .hortest distance between Uh the approval outfliiy. aim sue , " . Z . inf lake ,n.irilcUons to ony- . Mir-. line. A, lining pleased or that looked a close all loo quickly, witu gooo rr , r... r ..........ZTTh... K,h... tnnk'LW0 points .n .the straight "C they nepicmucr. ( jup juunmn ...v is wnai aiary uuu T.n MHMnni a line floor, and pleasant .xnis IIHISIC. I mint . . it.- L'.I.IKllinn v..laril.lT ' . . . . t. :: .. hept. SlTcn; of Hi wimi.anv. the Kanuumiii" .. '""""': "f.hjtsi unlp fur r " our the elty - a i. Hii iirvii i nr ""-- - ii u-ne n rniiiswr hiiucuil iiiancit whom she had rb nlUIUUI l mm l i nut u iuti self upon a man, Z" (I'rie, - well et' .1..,. uhsn niM nf IIS boffffetl ( llnnllv HaIiv 1011 WflJI ad f Ouenll... loved vaiesxa euraii. , of their efforts. , . once proud .. . . iac-. Numberless men d ,k Ul0 nur,e ,,,. lrt b. best looking baby trreat Ilussian actress, appears as v; vr. m actress in this plar. funoug., re -aid for lhe relief of a sick mem , the star l w tl.i. hnniM Il1n. Willi are ,Vii.m Hum second. Under u-i.ih u nno of great aireujnii will flnanco China's intra lit mrn i.uvr ui.r in isv -w----rnriPiT. i"were removed to a hospital t .one year. liahv Dernr won the and power. The motive of revenge 4 dclared Dr. Nu Nor has been overlooked Alitvarin u.'hnrM we Were treated nrt nlace. followed by Daby . .. . b0ii0m of a plot which III Chinese atalesman in the vandal money hunt. One soldier HOPES TO KEEP RIGA 'well, and later still to the Gu-'Hampton. la wrongly accused wife lays to '.tuna had the f t. muii lleRiment is sup "Only tniw Internment camp, wliere we The heaviest oaoy unuer '""humiliate the man wno w i i'd imive troops at uncovered 30.000 Amsterdam, hept. .u. n vas aby v c. Rtewart. and h husband. ner revengeful plot St' ooo nine days. posed to have fools believe we shall ever give ui the Snow. the next heaviest was Baby Jacob- acta aa a boomerang. francs while and entailer to have aums nppropnuiru are missing lliga." explained i Dr.-i I i literal , "'Although we were hadly son. Under one year. Haby How- iback to lier. Hut in the end, the r..rr Wnflton Coal and it. uir..ninnn. taiionui -ivni ni Gus- si.n ua the most weighty. ... . ,,nrnvllrd to every- t v of home. . "n,T15;r of dlmnon Today from a there numbur remains in n. inember of the Itelhcslag. in a - -laiuiK (n the wii, uaby Dcrry coming next. ii,.wv. satisfaction. It is certain old, broken ly a line nlar. In addition, mere homes only Quentlu nml worthies furniture, mery- rai meenoe ... ,0 O.clock t niPht. several new tosrs is a slde-spllttlng comedy, which , vnluo has been carrieu day. . ....ii,.- nf ii nearly died of starvation. - will do you good to see. thing of (Spcul to Tim D4iiy ntwii. WESTHOLME nwny. miaflk uiwn Presiuenv . - h.llI1.i. n New York. Sept. 21, -Mayor The favorite household Coal la lo Pope llenedicfs peace e iner v T ; MH.1,,11 has the Republican OrtKA ,lv ven won Ladysmlth Welllnuton. F-hone 15, . - ., . ..... HOUSE NOTICE i- ii,. ,i iT.rniiL me i. ikiii TONiOHT ONLY Tim iiiiwv.fiiril niuiunl meeting " Tl:Z :d defended us a reason for the shortage o nominal on for mayor ny a p.u. Prince Huperi Coal co. n. of the Northern llrltish Columbia ...HII..I.III n. n necessny nu. . . .... -- .. William Ao-oliillon German nHi- - . wUi, vermin and wo slept on straw iJcnnou Judtce John P. Hylan. WANTED A flrst-elas steward. Fox Industrial Agricultural and ui w candidate for the hall un the grounu the Democratic The Prince Itupert Club, Ltd. presents will be held in the city The g,groplupal poltion. -.Aftcr weeks of thi hell we 'mayoralty was unopposed. ureal HOsilan Star on Saturday evening nt P-'u All iiimiiherH rentiested to al P-ace set to work to build a canai. Valcska Suratl" are A ,u'1 rZ KuS mSo 'K'AII W. wounded men with arms Subscribers to the Patriotic tend. ,,"MM,;:V' J I sic UKoir(!f liW lW had to work, and I a Fund would greatly help in the LONDON CAFE -i.i II adoi i the administering the Fund uL.n .laeVrd off he received work nf grill The NOTI0E r!loi.' The sword alone Dae day we by paying their subscriptions as and rllle. Straight Way All Oddfellows in the oily and ne ucviu. bulUend of a Third Avenue either to in ,!, jaee. several wounded men stauneu regularly as possible, K ''lioh.piay Masterpiece. district lire requested to attend n saw und they were the credit of the Fund at any of Prompt Service of the Beat ; special meeting to bo held In l'" Suit, Waist, dress. by their guards, tl. ..hi L ... . ... ....I... ..n..-.. n,.i. nrrlpi! to a hospital. the banks, or to the local treasur- there Is to eat at all hoursw K. ot P. Hull I'ri.lav. Kont. - - on ..i niiviiunir ui IIIO lauica HIKIUkim. lDE.8PLtTTINQ . Ill - to work was r. Mr. ll. beymour wrigni. r. u. COMEDY rofused who Wi ol 8 o'cloak to meet the Grand . ... nine.' Uxhlblllun One man - " BOXES FOR LABIM Jilm 3, AJnl0n Master on his nMainl tiit to r Tl iOTnd 20 per cent, taken away and we never sa ox 1032 CltT. Sec. f-T--' Hon. 10 and 26 eenta. W. E. GQLLIBON. ...JJJJIfll local louge. izi unldbloom'a, Third Avenue. 'again. B MUSSAI.LHM. N. 0.