September 21 IP 17- Monday THE DAILY NEWS NOTED MUSICIAN Don't Take Risks OF HOHTREAL If your stomach is stronf?, your liver active, and bowels regular, take care to keep them so. These organs u. 01-FRurr-A-Ti VES-, SALE OF GOVERKMENT LOTS arc important to your health. Keep them in order with ft. Fame. Fn.II M.fil Pert OltmtnU. Quit CfiarlotU Ulindt. I Beecham's Pills "T!f F. it twrtbr girtn Ihtt, tcliot on ,dr iii.irudion from lb Ofpuly Mlnliicr , it iJ$, I win on ibe 13th day of Srpttm i bp 417, t o'clock fa the tort nan. and avoid any risk of serious illness. A dose or two i fun cirrmnli. tlt by public ioetk.ii as needed, will help the digestion, stimulate the bile, , the luu of tb tbof lowiulM bf lour lor and regulate the habits. Their timely use will save i.rnwi. rrw upf price lor wnica Um lou will be offered It III per lot for much needless suffering, fortify the system and toll and 3 1 per lot tor corner Iota. l . one titir cih and balance In one Insure G Health tTJ j- witii inlerrtt it alt per cent on tbe : d payment. Tbe Crown Oranl fee be ISaslBBltli eta! L BLm St.M.Uae. Lueukire.Eatbal I 110 additional, rian of tbe lown- CmlmlU.LAeiHi. ha beset.IS seats. anil lit t or lota to te offered aa tr y n at tbe omre or the Anlitant Cora-m tunrr ttt La ii 4a, Prlrve Rupert, or of M A A. Mattery, Port aetneau, or In a r parwnent of Land Victoria, B. C mr, noscNouna II. MeUl'LU.X. Aialiunt Commltatoner 3 Cuf run 8t., Montreal. Landa. Sept is. April SOtli, 19) i. f r - n, tin '-' r tat jo Province of British Columbia i c j t euratiTe lor ummpm-tMNM"rrult-Ui,,( DUARTMtNT OS LANDS .. 3 - ' ' mmWmmmmmm niUMMmtup!ict..for i ;3 - t: l my scdentAry oceupt NOTICE Monday 1 r-iUght About A Liol of Re Overdue rtyntenu on ApplleiUont to rurrbaae Crown Landa In Brltlab Columbia. With r:i I) 1t J NOTICE U hereby riven that, onder tbe av&. .a rat, drewsinees after provlaloot of tbe "Soldiers' llomettead est-.. r.i Fain in IUk. I IrirJ Ad Repeal Act." any person wbo did not October 1, j u. (. Lcines of pbyaleUni, but MAE MARSH in "THE BIRTH OF AN NATION" apply under tbe "Soldiers Homestead Act, r it IB." to complete bit application to par ... i ! me. Tbea I was induced Showing ot the Westholme n -to ' Tonight tbaae, eltber by payment in full or by tbe - l'r.Jl-UreM, and bow for telecuon of a proportionate allotment. sit ; j I kivo been eatlrtly well. nay, by provlnr bia tatcrea! and paytnr lis Only Ten THE FRANCHISE ACT belween iinada and the United In rull jt one who suffers from that up tbe balance or tbe purcbate Me Chronic ConitlpaUon A POLITICAL EXPEDIENT Htates will say. Me for the United price aad tatea before tbe Slat December. Slates where if 17. obtain a Crown Orant if proof aatu vote is safe." my resultant ta , i ln1Ifrtlon, try factory to tbe Mlnltter of Laadt la formatted (Continued from Page two.. The War Time Klectlon Act is f, 4 ' nd fou will b Uat tucb persoo It aoffertnc Injury Days Away! i i - i. i i fraught with apprehensions for throw aft absence of notice or oUMrwise. .". A. KUSKMJiUJlUa presumably loyal male KliUetui the immigrant from Europe. He And further tbat tbe Interval in uncompleted for the sole that will naturally say, "If they take applications to purchase held by tbejr reaton are 0 t uu wif zoo. --, jOe AeUve any person on Service may be pro. After that dale wines and liquors will cost i t ;i or wntrwetpatfd by Fruit f foreign birth. The clauses away my vole, they may lake away tec led by notification to tbe Laadt Depart, than double Iheir more present price they must ux - .1, Ottawa. Inch exclude naturalized aliens my properly next." And indeed, raent of tbe fact tbat tucb persoo Is on from as of fifteen years standing as Hrit- what's to prevent? A Government Acute Service aod by tbe BUns of proor come outside the province. of tbe Interett of tucb LAND ACT Hh subjects is not only a direct that will do the one would Further Information will furnlaned on Order at Once Don't Delay ssaull on our free institutions, hardly stick at the other. -II. F. request to tbe Deputy M router or Lands .. Telegraphic orders may be sent us "Collect. e.e e at. aw a s ve fladsby. Victoria. B. C but also a gross breach of faith. CASSIAR. Publication of tbtt sotlco without an. Our slock of wines and liquors Is the choicest in These men came to this country ibonty win not be paid for. Tu. Sep. is Salvation Army. the Dominion. Everything we sell Is pure and nder the promise that they would rut tc- wet orenby Gonsotidtuo true to brand. If you are not satisfied you can ::r. Ca: r rower CMnpeay. LttL. ate rights here which were de MINERAL ACT have back. Public meetings, Tuesdays, your money Vice :rjpuon aominr ana snavtt- nied them in their native land Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 p. SOME OF OUR PRICES nd the chief right of all was the CeetlScata of Inaeeveaaewia m. Sundays at 7:30 p. m. est- Jt pott planted (I the right to vole, to exercise a citi- We have everything in the line of wines and caett :jer or Lot ttif. cseiter DU en's duty in electing a respotu WATKIt NOTICE NOTICE liquors. It what you want isn't here, send for our CT : r nh ft Chains, followUs -BelJevtew No. I," "BeBevlew No, t; ible government. Another thing, Diversion and I'm). Special September Price List. r ii--J tjtrl la the N.W. Corner of let Belevlew rracUon. "BUnbelm and those men eame to Canada for. "Soew rracUon" Mineral Claimi. tiroate ii-t ill umti layui ua km as to escape the eurse of war TAKE 50T1CE tbat R. E. 5etU, wbotc Ua tbe Skeena Mlnlnc Dlvtaton of Catalar OCR PRICES cover carrUre to any point la Western Canada, for addrttt it Stewart. B. C. win apply for DlauieL aim ewsl of J lira, pacta tea, war tumps, etc They mean BVW VBatwtJ- MH I BA. MHWV-V hieh has hung over lkirope it: w um place of u fla Itrrnie la take aod nae seventy coble Wbere located: At tbe bead of nuance tbe Uylat down of the soodt at your station without any centuries. They thought that feet of water out of .Ion aod Eaat rorkt River, Alice Arm. additional char re -usr sad s.S acres. ir,tsT it tinirrn wttti awif r. Canada, guarded on three sides by of Cascade Creek, wtUcfe ftowt sostberly TASTE .tOTtrc that I U'm. T. Kerrtn. the Mia Sat&oo Hirer, Cuttar Dlitflct. B. C Free Miner's Ns. SITS-C tctint v tr wt compant. ltd. the inviolable sea, and on Tbe aiier wtu be diverted from tbe for myself and aa a rent for Gear re Eiadre. I tred Arrat. MUikM, fourth by the greatest democracy aboot tbooaand fm airrama at points two , w f M,,,t crlU!r tits. Canadian Rye la the world, would he free, of it. above tbe rorks. Tbit notice wit puttee? Ukleod, tlity days from the dtte hereof. Moreover, they did us the compli eet tbe rrvaaad on iba tlttb day of Asrott, to apply to the Mlntnr Recorder for I S (In bulk-t MINERAL ACT EXTRA (Cases quart ISIT. A cwpy of tbtt no lice and aa ap- choose Canada in prefer. Certificate of Improvements, for the par- bottles.) Joe. . Aes-tram's, ment to SPECIAL pMeaUoa pwrtaaat tberelo and to Um poee or ottalnlnt a Crown Orant of tbe Oooderbam A Hiram Canittata af laet aaatav enee to the better advertised vir W ater Act 1114, win be Bled In Um office above claim. Worts, bottled at Cold Bood Cans-ilsn Walker's Ooodar-bam tues of the United Stales, because f Um Waier Recorder tl mac Rupert. And further uke do lire thai action, un toe Oooderbam distillery, SIS Rye, It C Dietlller,-Worts, an.B.I ' nonce doubt they considered llritish C Objection! to tbe application may der section St, must be romsnenced bo. Wort's Special rears old. .'Ileal Guroys splendid -art. tie be Bled wftb tbe taid Water Recorder, or fore tbe Iseuence or sucb Certificate of Boltlmr SS-OO ' Canadian lire eb- old whiskies o t ted AVaurri-oct rractlcaa" Institutions more slablo than the Hiram Walter" torernment seed lib tbe comptroller of Water Rlrbta. Improvements. Sit a ! Ulnable. rer raee lines. tt-SO. S4.ya. aau t it nun nia.iirt American ones, and life and prop rtrHaaaenl BaUdinr. Victoria, B. C wltbla Dated thia IIH Jay of July, A. D. If 17 Olnr Special SS-OO Bol- SS.OO taZ9 ane Vr safer under the Union Jack tbteiy dart after um Brat appearance) of (10 case lou. fS-fiO $14.50 SS.7S per Imperial fatci oti tMrUa a 14 of Alice erly Tbe dau raiion. ism tMUre to a local newapaper. per case.) than under tbe Mar spangieu a tbe Brat publication of tbit notice it TUI !i S Uat L H, B. McOlaalt, Llsnner. Aerutl II, IS 1 1. 95 of Illness n aarra b-J Vardea rtifleat Mtaea tf. Coaspaay,II74-C area!rree All these years Ihey have been K K. SE1LL, AppUraBL law abiding eititeus of the country SkECNA LAiOD DISTRICT DISTRICT OF Due to One Cause BOTTLE SPECIAa. BOTTLE SPECIAL which thuy sought as a refuge. COAST, RANCE I. Very fine Scotch, Mackintosh' Marnier a Cle Pale Comae ar Reorder for a CertlScata not change a Dundee Old Perfection Brandy, Three Sur (Oold did rrrsarr." ' r tbe narrate ol Their vies on war nkies. Tike notice tbat i. M. Colllaon. of Nits rhjaicians a rree that St per cent of all (BUck Label), Rerular Label), Rerular price tt.Of. their when Ihey changed because of accumu Special et cs Special. tl " " '--Bat Vfl Um MRU MUW. Intends lo Ulnesa la possible only i.OU River. oceaipaUon patrolman. bottle " aisra TAtK .lOTICX tbal a- The hate and fear of ll was in follow lated watte In the Colon (Uwer IntetUne). per bottle per apply for pennlaakm to pu rebate tbe World's Only t dot. bottles to each Only I dot. bottlea to each the hor- In fact, the moat eminent of tbe their hlood. put there by lor described lands. Commenetnr at a cuatomer. cut turner. SnectaUsu cUun tbat If Um Colon we iinra x taca uerunttie bi of a thousand years, a tin mi planted on Observatory Inlet at Nara slwa'ja kept elesn tbe averar Ufa of nu-taanliy HiKian4 Sceuh Whlskf, In caset ot tt quart bottles, CAT3 But It i.m .r n lait now because they still hate war, sakl Bay, on mile below tbe old cannery would be doubled. per case . . 14, SIB, SIS, 17 aad SIS. tbenee south 48 cbams, tbenea west site; constitutional rights are to There Is now a new and simple netooo their IS rbaloa. tbenee nortb IS chatnt. tbenee Eatra Special Scotch 'White and Gold.' per case B17A0. UND ACT On the pretext of clean!or Um Colon of Ibis polaonoua be taken away. eaat IS cbalat lo point of commencement. ana that they arc not to bo trust., cwnuinlnv SS acret more or lest. wa.te. and keeptns ConsUpaUoa It dean, pure and tbe Highland Scotch (In bulk), John DewaTt.-DlsOller-t bralttur. Of curinc Oold Bond. Kilmarnock. Caledonian Reserve, I. MAXWELL COLUSON, Limited. two DisrtucT distmct or ihiur are dfDrivttl of heir volet antual ttth. ISIT. N.IS. 4eaTMtBr bllloul atUCU WMek vaake ua Company.Ushers oilbey's, Jas. Buchanan's and House of iir. iumce . but are still allowed lo pay me dull, blue and Inert without any aplrlt of Parliament, per sal, 7, S7.2S, S70, S. S0, Sa-TS, SO, 10 which make the continuation WATER NOTICE amblUoav. TtC CTlr .v., tax That method U Interna Balhlni with French Coanae Beandy Case of It quart botUta. per ' Civ,. . .. .... of the war possible. USE AND 8T0RA0L. warm water, administered by tho "J. B. rase S1MO, $t4J0 and SIS-0O aaifcAt, cktdj to apply for permUaloo Thai they are disloyal, uecue i cascade." aptly termed "Selure'l Cure. . . . TAkE NOTICE tbat Tbe Empire rulp a enlhusU or IS larre piare botUes. per traM Uaat r at.-..a - tv is noi over 100,000 people are now hUiia file, la cam awwini wvrru'ru they arc not keen on war. whose addreat it vtn ranee Mills. Ltd- water .' SU.0O modern warm Uralty ualov thla esse "raoaf at , um swat p,, rUoUj Bl of their ni.i iia.teinenl Many B. win tpply ror a license to eouver. are ii ntrty cure and onrsieiane prescruun r aaitr potai of Ut SOT tl or about have enllMed and arc ngni- Uke and use all tbe water and to ttore everywhere. It It makinc sick foua weu Lenoeai Dry Olo, In case of IS quart botUes. per taark, ibenca eaater- nortberly, lo.aao acre feet of water out or unnamea am riM) $11.00, Slt.00 aad Sia-0O more better, stronier. csiberty Canada and me and well folks tod weilerly, follow Inc tbe utg fr freedom. Wbaleo Uke. which also known at "eaai- Uke. and conndenliei. -7--.-ineBi,r tbe thora-line to a point of itriii.h Ktnuirc. There are many Bowt and drtlnt Into Wbtla Channel about blUoua.This euerretle letter from Mr. A. Msdsan of Oveepeeef Rum, Jamaica and Demerara, case of It QL flS.00 bia lacladiat all tbtt waur.fore-betweea Uaticlans in the ranks. Many one mile north from Rivers Dirua. Conrer Lumber Co- Parry Bount, OnL, a botUes. per case S14.0C, tS.OO, 'tea ,u!y HIT.water aod low S.St I ium eiiiitiia with (lerman The atorare dam win be iocatea at weai tufferer for tt yetrt from Constipation, u Old Pert and Sheeer Case of It quart bottles, per iota, tauiiMiaaiaia enJ of Uke at outlet of Uke. Tbe capacity valuable. SS-OO. ST-OO, S10.00 ad S11-00 SS.0O. :KA.1D TRW7IK TAOnC ItAILWAT offered, and many were re very WM nmriH of reservoir to be created is aooua ae.eoe parry count, uou It II. Ilaoaard. Solicitor, fused. Many who succeeded In aero feet and II will flood about t.OOo seres Dr. Chaa. A. TyrreU, Toronto. : enlisting were sent back when of land. The water will be diverted from Dear Doctor. I have used the i. n. -ND LEASE NOTICE Kngland. Tho enemy- ik. .ir..m at a DOint aoout aaaru w Caacade since I received It St days ato GOLD SEAL ihev unt lo mllet three tunnel front cut end of Uke with w-onderrul reaulis. Before I aurtel least as ,tlA U.tD blSTMCT riSTIUCT Of ctiens. so-called, were at northerly direcUon from loi i. this treatment I could not pats one day v 1" WIAHLOTTK ISLAM DS. iu. i,. .in."" tliftir duty as me h rrtaer Reteh and will do uaeo tor without laklnr medicines; slnco have not LIMITED Canadians. power purpose! upon me '" tsken one dose, and feel so much better L.J'1 c- occupation eoflneer, In-, native-born it . nf Buess that any tt la tppllcaUon to letM tl etit end of In every way. Established for to years. 10 Uke on Teaser neacn. I have been troubled with unaiipsiio.i tfly for leaae tbe i draerlbed pvrmlaalon landa: 'to onviny.alleit who Is bad enough tmi notice waa poaled on the sround for tbe iaai St or 40 years, and of course 722 Pender Street W mniMiiiDt at a poal punted at tht not to be allowed to vote Is bad on the lib day of June. ItlT. A ropy of at my are cannot expect a apeedy cure, at ""-" Nobody notice and an appiicauuu p I ant now lu my It to year, but tht relief VANCOUVER, B. C. crner Ut Aliford interned. ; of T. L. . .iwumh lo be wlU IS Iih Act, 1 4, ewand to tbe Water II btt already liven me It a promt aa or akldfiaio Inlet, tbenee wtat SO Act thence Que lb cbaloa, tbenea tl would object to a Franchise , nird la the office of the Wster Recorder I lie t-uud a will do for me. '-m la dlrac- which would exclude Interned Rupert. B. C. Objectloni to tbe I think a rood tutor orders wtu rum ta and toutberly eaaterly take alteration may be Bled with the said Sound as the treatment be- ';lloint abort line, tbenea wtat t niiuna nr urh as refuso to rmr.lll from Parry air.; to jio(n 0. eommeoctaMnt, con-;a allegiance when asked. uaur recoruer or ---" eutnea known. oath of 10 tho of Wiler Rlnit, ' '' "' " I e.iinot aneak too blrbly Of UO cas tertt leta. A SO. 'Ota. HIT.mora or 0E0R0E McHAk. To go further tn that is to irea-pans Victoria. B. -., Wlinm airtj - cade trvatiuenl, and will surely talk much notice In a local thlt freedom of on our charter of nrai appeiranca about It 11 Tll ESTATC Or CIIIUSTIB OIBSO.t llni!lo 'am. who has had ex. Tbe dtte of the Brat publlet-ITon Yours rrtteruiiy, (DECEASED) Tt IbU 0-l" u iiir mh. ISIT. A. Maclean. pcrienco with nil sorts of aliens The "J. B. L. Caaeade" la now belnr ""T'tt iienEBY oivkn t " f.p a hundred and forty years eiMalned and tnown at Cyril II. Onne'i itl"? nlnt claim upon tbe Eattte of back, has never dealt with tlio Drut Store, cor. trd Avenut ana sin sirrei. WOMEN 3 lata Chrlailt Oibaon who died on or l.w Inkltiie llmlr vole. lls Harry A. Harvey rrtnre Rurert and they will be liaa to CANADIAN I m' S? . V . i.ii.f ttwuy deimvc- eipUln Ita tcllon tod uaet lo you In deUlU BHOULD KNOW THIS for i. that the- cure Set-, oeaaaevaieire if ruu caiutol can. you snouia write to un active tervice overaeaa,. (Lata teuton. BFiST fttft It Ins required to send to t, ii. McMupin, 1 racy Is more democracy, but ,D" ef Stuaiai day lo Cbaa. A. Tyrrell, MJ.. tst couere "CASADA FIRST"MHk Uulletlo 'ineiai lansdowne oottell Toronto, for Iwaiet, "Why Man of sMJ by Your Crocer. Tha Covernmanl Adminiatrator for ina county of iiorden (lovernmeiil tliln ruriL or Street. COST3 TH E SAME, Hj.305 1 Us the ttory-IT Todty It Only to Per cent snicteni.- t.7X vr nb0.u.u UH w" of ru rui il Taken for viouncello aod satvtetatocttroataittasasua eesao riA?io, aass raatv-lailT '" atcurily held by tbem, duly verified. V mo iiiiramwmp. vioiJ IHflMONT. DoveloninK films loos Velox IfewaaawWhniJat.attWII,X.erii"Evstt4 taaaaiaa iH'J'r d4W xb underairne.1 wiu After the war Is over Uiwi" Uros, kt n . ul Imtmini. EXAMINATIONS 3c Mcftao prints. 3o to SlMi1lVr.,KUW ,h ,Ml ct b1Saiu will ho ublo lo say. "I U psile prepared fee (lamination Tiaa AYLSt Elf CONDENSED MILK GOwLve. P'Mr ""cirroi'awax noboU,-. vote,- Canada w. nMvelalad Baaed, Vtaaeuvee, Center Anas. OnT etataa hottce has in clad with him. ihiivtt lo say, "I did, hut It was i" Haiti oellatt ef Stuele, LawSen, Es SUBSCRIBE FOR t8??' ,,r"-f Hupn, , C. uit um cnuse Sir llobert llordvn vvaiit' -fiisiy, TERMS PHONE BLUE 278 News a,u. JrcMoLU!i u.wii, an el,ctlon.'' The .- The Daily ee oraciti Adiuinittritor. friend from l.urnpe, heslloti