A Pound of Whole The Daily News ! Wheat contains 1700 THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA i calorics, says the chemist PuMlihad Dally and Waakly but it docsn t contain uny Guaranteed Largest Circulation calorics for you unless you TIMBER SALE X107 HEAD OFFICE: can digest it, It is what you not what you eat, ih am b rrralTtd by th Daily Nevrs Baildinff, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. TeL 9S. digest, nourishment LAMll UWr 1MB OOuH A that supplies rtTtna ott. Itit r. uti TRANSIEOT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 50 cents per inch. for the day's work. It is a f Contract Rates on application. time to cut out expensive !m SaNai mm fiw. Cedar rataaraaaa and UHakxk i"1 a , The Password to generally contain nuinri foods that huMl Oar uuad DAILY EOmOH Thursday, SrpL-S7t 1917. little nutriment. Shredded ran nv a,r1 tuT n nleasure, for tht Wheat Biscuit ts 100 per !mmti ruwi a taster.raraeaart at Um CUtt rrr lighters abroad whole wheat nothing ivwMrt. c, ar Witrttt ramwr. trmt FOM OUR SOLDIERS enable her to live in eofnfott cent, thrown mm. . C . and workers An eloquent plea for the sol and edaeate her children." wasted, nothing at diers in uniform, and for their The words am up the gtst away. It is real man-power i TIMBER SALE X105C home is dependents at home was made of the speaker's remarks, -and food. Two or three of these Um last In Naneou with the interest of of baked whole MM waaarl be reerivtd sy Sunday night no one tbej nc loaves maataw at taaai at uwr lata aweo c ver by an eminent divine. Ills soldiers at oarl. ami Htewtse with milk and fresft ia ties Cat af Oeaaaar. itlT t. Um utterance was such that it wiH nermeresiso. country -o, -. . c nourishing, aurraaa at Ueamea X It. I WRIGLEYS with of M, M UreSX III iia. wvrmm meet the approval ev baa C aa- ar sat raa a ra i strengthening meal at a , ar a aa araa ss taa ntmu uaa eryone. In view of the coming soaably eoasider that such de oaaH asrtfSH, few cents. iai. aaart t. election, when the destinies of mands are more than are com cost of only a raraa Si fat b anta im r Canada for the next five years ing to the men who risked their I Made in Canada. aaj at saaatar. The name of the famous will be decided by the popular lives, and lost them, ha naany I rataaae tartMlart at um caief rmw Chewing Gum that lias a C ar nutrtet Tvrtiirr. rnaea vote, the requirements of our cases for the preserv ation of I Vasaana. " fighting- men must be kept in the safety of us who remain at I r a patriotism unsafe has not . c won its way everywhere. the forefronL home. Adequate provision fori been Itap-ngaeai, eosning on the TIMBER SALT X MS. Threo "Whenever in the course of the welfare of the men at the I rv of an oieotfc a. signti human events it becomes ne front and the dependents all east. And it be accented frraM IrekSrri wW U rc4 by fine cessary for a democratic nation home has yet to be made. The for what it is worth, ftat wMfc ,ir af Lj-l aa tawr tbaa ano ea favours to defend its rights and present moribund Government I the wtnsua? of toe ymr. the faartaiii ia u Octeter. hit. far tb rt irtrm liberties against the Invasion bad their opportunity to do so.I welfare of all the people: "st SK af nr tram aa a Miuira of an hostile nation, the entire but did noL The supporters of I not be negiecied, partMNStarty tout MM. OM l SM resources of the country, moral the present Government seek the tgbtiag mes. Bat the rr i id. a X. cmii Dumet. "win the war" party eeM not r t fn k Mjmr l. rr and material, man-power and to impress their anxiety now. ml HBfewe. wealth, are justly disposable after three years of the strag increase the teadeqaal pen mikf Mnnlin t o OUf rrrir by the state, to the end that gle, for the winning of the war. sions. iMMi. a. C r Duuicl Ttmr. rrJKt each and every citixen accord. irrespective of the justice done airt. ac ing to bis and her ability may tM the sotdiers or their depend-1 Ym are certain of better pie- TIMBER SALE X10GS as nearly as possible bear their ents. I tare at less oast when yattr just and equitable proportion The present Minister af iKodak wrk s eo trusted to MsRae SV4 tea4tr I rctt4 r Um of defence. Finance nines out blatantly IBros. f Lisa m4 uwr tau aaoa "It therefore necessarily fol with the remark that be eamsot ka lta Ur af 0atr. HIT. far UM It is a Sweetmeat a Stimulant and X IMS M CM !,' )f Ihaif t LnC lows that when human life, the do anything towards the re-1 Saltation Army Health-help all in It itca tut t irrmca. oar im ctrawu a one. benefits one think of supreme value in vision of the pensions scale faa u Ml Mtuted la AM latH. UU the state, is conscripted, much mis year, out "next year I PHb4ie raeetintr. Tm4iti. teeth, breath, appetite and digestion. more should that of less value, sometnmg may De done about Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 p. It steadies stomach and the natural resources and the it. While at the same time, he m. Sundays at 7:90 p. tn. rwttft Mnmlin a tka CkMf raTWf. wealth of the state, be conscripted. can And the money to pay as Tanaru. a. C r putrtct lamltr. rrtavra nerves. It is ever-ready refreshment yet an unknown number of mil PLANT, ETC, FOR SALE Rer-c1. a.6. when you're fagged. 1) That as far as possible lions to the holders of the T TIMBER SALE X 1063 the burden of future taxation worthless watered stock of the Made ta Canada may be avoided. C. N. ft. Which of the two pay SaM teaOtra b nattM fcr tbc "(2) That the soldiers' pay ments are more necessary to ainr af laada aat laarr Utaa aooa Sealed Tight Kept Right may not be less, if not greater. the welfare of the soldiers and lemf4 0 M II xoo. aa Tacdt7. ib 1 1 fa Amv af OttmLtt. in?, far um ;ifaaa af Ltttocm X IS4S. la eat I.Ill (hin that nf IS, nun &-Ka m. the '"winning f the war?" lOcsiter tax tsir. tor tat salt tt Utf aa Sea af Setae. Cedar aa4 HeiaSata main at home. I The party ia the majority ia ""rT- W- faa aa art ms4t4 ss A at lakl. Lrti Tie Flavour Lasts "(3) That the life of the the Dominion Ilense know foil r itmu Wul. Ovraa caanatM IHaaa otasnrt soldier be insured against well that on the record of their fta. uum batters, pvmtmg Tar far was ba aaa4 far r oal af ttavbrr. death to the extent of 110.000 doings for the past six years, ur panpt. siei rails. rawaar Boraralira af Om Cmttt raraatar, and in a like proportion against they wootd never be re-eieeted. rteaM, Mm. cc ttn? Vataaru. a C ar Bttfcrtrt rarcawr. Priaea arm. aai nsUr. nhtaauetf ftfm partial and permanent disability. And it upon their record for tVr Kapan. a C a4 CHamn. Valrct, rscX Fruan. crsaral S. S. PRINCE RUPERT the past six years that they 14-ta. oart taasa can, aela TIMBER SALE X1071 (() That ample and preper shaH be judged at this coca ins tad axles. sc tit- wfceotabAT BMOMfbt , provision be made for the reentry eteeUoB. Not. however, if I bey Spwaaraneac dmlt a cauiard freca Cw 8ale4 trajari ba rreelT4 bf Om f mi hiV aa Sanaa tcmlri fa Wait.a i . of the soldier to civil IKe can avoid tt. That record is an cms rwrtaattar area, a vac aa um- MaMiirr at Laada ant later taaa auua aa 9 t adartaMd. ud kwlrd aa so that he shall not suffer because awkward thing for them. It aatia af en ilia day af oatr. 1 1 IT. far Um ear SS. PRINCE GEORGE cnaaa af Ucaaa X tall, la ea l.aaaaa of the service and sac-rifle wili take an awfnl sot of ex-pfarnhs. AM a for W Sraotra asatt snaa um eao4 fw af Iteaca. CeOar. BrmMfS aai aataaai MTvikoat Mida'tai noaoar a a aaava e be rendered to bis conn-try There is a big- bote aaorr eaca aaaabar Kpartutr. rraaa aa ana Mtaatra ta Mrarrtt lalet. faac , vi in its great peril. in the ground right here in tat eatO trader amat b irwnt'itliil tj avaaaaa fftaaal K I Caul fetal. Bnrt4 caeca ecaal M t cccl af S. S. PRINCE JOHN t "(5) That all ranks of soldiers Prince Rupert that cannot he pt Twa raart H ba aaawrd Sar r- rr !., aaaaanOa S ' i t at ta hraOer. mtate prtU u awu af Kant. may receive equal and filled wtth explanations. And ttm QT Trraaartr. f artbrr yarmariafS af UM caatf Trtut adequate pensions. that is only a minor incident in aa Btaarrul aoM aut V rrmorrd ta ao Vtcaana. a C ar DUVKI rartaiae. rraa TRAIN SERVICE That the soldier's the record. Hence kM Uua. atsty U) ttars tnm Vtm eau a. c ") wife, unsavory af aavrruae af taa tcadrr. aarru Maaf, Wadaaaaaf aad SMirSaf N II ' a ia lien of the patriotic allowance, the anxiety to forget alt those Tba atffetat r aar tcaorr a4 awctaaarfij TIMBER SALE X101S. 1 and all contributions troublesome matters. "Forget bearing the semblance of onr record,"" they say. "We are Tc-maj M k caaa pajvU ta OM Qlj braM aradera wA ba rmtn4 by ia. charity, receive an adequate wrliiap. nay anxious, to forget Trrwarrr. aai parmwu W a Maatttrr af taada ao Uur taaa aoca Agancy All Ocean Steamship Una. separation allowance. aH our party difference. Come a IT Hal.mal af Um aMtarUL W CXLT. Um trad CtJ af Septtaktar. HIT. far Um For baforsnataon aa4 raiarvationa aj-v tftbaaa af Uwara X ISIS, la rat MIS sH0HC ZM -C " City Tlckat OCJc. &20 Third Attnua. That the soldier's wodow on and "win the war.' Vicsaru. a C Otr rartaaaiat aatat. tta faat af Spraea. balaaai aad Hiaaloca . receive such pension as will Such excessive protestations Si4aaUrl. HIT aa aa arra Mtaalad ca Lift Lata, aaar S. Oaat DUtnct. v Tbrra it years fl ba aaraVa far ra- aaaval aX UaOwr. rartbrr (Mmcmlara af um Chur far- nl(nafe?inP aaiar. Ttctarla. B. C. ae DUtrtrt Fartawe. rrtaca baaart. -C atl CANADIAN PACIFIC RAI1M BOTH SUMMER riat AUUtM STSTXM. Lowaat Ratra o all Eastam PoinU via Steamer to Vancouver and tbt AND WINTER cmcurr no. I. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY r aa is ta si aad Ira at, MaaU t4 ImIIi irxludt 4 Tke S'EVV baa IS 4ia SL aad Ird ava. PERFECTION OIL COOK STOVE wQ do aaa 14 ia sl aad IrS aa. Prlncoss May for Oranby Bay and Allco Arm 11 ? rrU4 more work than a clumsy aaa 1S JaarUua af lit, fad aaa coal or wood stove of twice cs vox. Ird at, Prinbaaa May aouth bound via Oocan Falls C pjn. Sundtf bar ta itt at. NttM its aa4 Princoaa Alloa for Vanoouvar Saturday, September The Locr Blue Ckimaey Htxt the secret. IU Sla. IKAOS Mauu. Princess Sophia for Alaska tSonday. Octobar 2nd FanaS-n--alll!'Si Ail the heat roes into the cooking and tkc baa 17 lt at. aa4 TU St (Ca ruikfiime sup put," ml aalcll. J . I. PETERS, General Agent "''ia" cmcurr no. a. Ca arr Fotirtli 5tr and Third Anu. Princa RwimvL. aX lB Fiffr 11 baa Oaes.a ird a d Ird it. irxat baa a rt St, aad atarid IV bat 24 I M At, aad Mcartd SL J I V f 1 1 LJ'L-J II- talaa NarSaara Ca, - Mmt bai as ad At, aad tad SL I f B - Starfa Kareaara Oa, ai ta fad At, aad 4tb SL MnV aa X7 a t. r. .p I ,, - my . HV Launch Aliceb. raaBjy,iB- a. aaiiaaa. cancwTT ao. a IHSflHrlHPPLr a cv, ran a . a c. W bat 1 lift At, aad raHaa at baa at Bar. aad Taylor SU. LA" SO TNI SALT bat b Sib Ala. aaa raatoa SL at At, aad Ccaaat At, ttar, flaa 01 baa 17-ai At, aad Oadr riaet Ilia . J Wr" 'rnPriS9l0 Pffttun Mis tit inlftr B baa aa-aaa At, aad Tawaapaoa l arrvaa ra aaourr ao. a. "B I bai atam at, aad tmrntnem Twoaas. TUX lUPUULOIL COUfAKT Mara. Mr a bai at- aa at, aad Mcana sl baa aa ata at, atai erara sl " lLannnnaaaa baa at Ate aad faa SI bai aa tu At, aad tlwrta. daatannsnnnnt bai 141 its At, aad Taaar bt. Advertise In The Daily News EMPRESS CO FFEE mi tr Bumaiirna aaa -aaaa . .r. o. OAWUON