Saturday. HcpiPtin,, TfcE DAILT NEW r We nrc m (ho mam. i f,(, i " , I u n. ami : i . " ,n- A Convenient Range Local News Aocs ri.j MADE IN 1 Hpnicsj.2 l lcar the Heller same lh H,,,k, ,a .' CANADA much 3ln. loom, tin, k b."J The Kootcnay Range has a ventilated Developing Alms !0c Velot nnd over wide, 18 iu tl, ,n prim. 3c to 5c- -.McRae Ufoa. j ng. Clear VerUem ura.n oven, with nickeled steel walls, drop as voti enn trii curt j , door, tested thermometer and a flue Captain .Nicholson, of the (. T I o- in reulv irij arrived' Steamship Company, f. nnlliiff alnolr system that directs the heat twice this morning from Vancouver w.... " quantities al oyering of the around the oven. The grates are I i.l sues and grade, wlH'J of the Tonopah and ; Mr. C. A. Heller, easily shaken, dampers handy and Delmont Company at Surf iniei, it is dry or green. .... fire always under perfect control. Write arrived in town loday by mo nlah any Hevcl 8ldlng. a Finl.h In No. 2 Clear Tl for booklet. Prince George. 'vief WESTHOLME THEATRE MINERAL AOT prucct Can you surface the bk Mr. M. Sheady, the well Inowii railroad contractor, was among NOTICE TO DELINQUENT PARTNER rder. f0f specified thicknet, Z the passengers arriving fmm the Tonight Pauline Frederick Is To C. W. Calhoun: grades? In naming yUP J' south this morning. the star artiste at the Westholme. Take notice, whereas I have done and price pleate quolo delivered KOOTENAY RANGE ... "Sleeping Fires" is the name of caused to be done assessment work on the O. H. cars Prince n,1A,,.tl P The Prince George did not arrive the ploy and in It Paulino Frederick Mtdnltht Fraction mineral claim, situated aboard vessel Seattle. Losooir toiowto MoimttAi wuiripio ruteovrtx on the llllanee river, about fourteen mile Wash I ST. JOHN. H.B. IIAM11TON CALOA2T IS this morning till half past has a glorious opportunity from tbe head of Alice Arm. in tbe Bkeena would like to have y.,UP p, bol! eleven. Owing to the slide up the for the display of that histrionic mlnlnr division of Skeena district, assessment .ays. PATTKItSON Lt MnF For Sale by E. A. Galland and Howe & iMcNuIty line, the train for the east will not genius for which she has become work for UK, Itlt. and lilt, and A hlte Hldg.. Seattle. Wath jj' depart until 7 p.m. internationally renowned. In this have paid for and work and recordinr same tbe sum of Unless you pay the actress Is shown In a play me the sum of I for your share Mr. J. S. Kmerson, of the Kmer and de. role of a self sacrificing of the said assessment work, lefttber with MINERAL ACT son Lumber Company, arrived In voted young mother, who is forced the cost of this advertisement, I Hull, al JX.HICKEY the city this morning from Van to battle for her own rights i be eipirttion of ninety (0! dyt from Arnold Certificate of ImprtiimMU Mr, Emerson will remain the date hereof apply to the mintnr recorder G. H. couver. thoroughly sc!flh and against a at Prince Rupert. C. to have CONTRACTOR A BUILDtH in the city for a few days. husband. The conflict ..... disloyal your latere!I In lb MhlnlsM rmtlon ravi.vm I .1 ...ill I i 11 Ml NOTARY PUBLIO -woir." "wolf rro. f. -woif no. .-,u,,u and Intrigues of the husband mineral claim veiled In me. in poriance Blore and oihc. o4 HWotertM" Mineral Claims. ituaMWnlcn he is Interested in al heal with their tremendous final situa of the proviilen of the mineral acL ri..:f -f, Ik. Hum Iflnlne, m.litnn . ri..t.. Dated it rrmea Rupert. B. C Ibis tttb Sash, Ikior and M- W.1 v. i WiWliUtllCi or ung-i form" powerful Uons a type District. I day of September. 1117. DII. We Sell Ileal Estate. Wnere located! About tO miles up the! Mr MrllnnnM tvhn rnttv In 'drama In which Pauline Frederick H. C. tntlLLirt. Oak and Hard YY ' t ' ............It. i iiu I ' excells. kinds. We wile Fire and Marine " I ..j 1 1.- t. i n take NOTICE that I. w. P.imnr. curimrnn-u uio i niicc uupen There will also he Ham a an Insurance. free Miner's Certiorate No. tttttc. areniiHlack Cod Fisheries, Ltd., arrived We Specialise In Hard, Hud which will delight We have Apartments, Stores, for DoneM vr. Cameras. Free Miner's Or- n town today from the south. Mr, comedy wood Boat Ribs, Sih, uneaie no. hoi. muoa siiiy aT from ,n u j .....i. everyone. Houses, and Offices for Doors, etc, tha data hMf tA annlv In t K. Wlnlnl Stuart J. Martin Want i tracts for delivery of large Rent, and More. Recorder for CerUflcatea of ImDravcmcnta. a Plate and. Sheet Glstt We Deal in .Mortgage Loans. for the purpose of cbuimnr crown quantity of black" cod which will PLANT, ETC., FOR SALE tnd Grant of eaeli of the atwe claims. keep llill Shrubsall busy for some BT ASSAYLH Qlailng. We Sell Timber Limits. A.1D Fl'KTllEA TAKE JIOTICE that ae Corner Fraser lime to come. and Cth III, The Corporation af tha City of Vlctorla.B.0. We do Conveyancing. lion, under Section II, mod be com HAZELTON B. 0. menced before tbe lisuance of sucn Or-ttflcatea of Improremenu. f tf t I PHONE OREEN 269 Sealed tenders win be received by the H. O. HELQEMON, LTD DATED tbU find LEWIS day W.of June,PATMORE.A.O. HIT. IN THE LETTER BOX underlined op to it noon, on Taeaday, The oldest established Assay P. O, BOX 441 October tth. It 17. for tbe aale of a Urn Navigable Waters' Protection AcL quantity of plant, machinery, Br equip Offlot In the North. Prince Rupert, Sept. 28, 1917. ment, and corporation aupplle of various R.S. C Chapter til. To the Editor. kind. Ineludinr a team and taaoUne en 4 tinea I team boileri. ptoutpinf tinea, Tbe Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Co. Dear Sir: I should be glad if steam pump, air pump, ileel en ralla, Prince Feed to "The Daily News" hereby fives notice tbat It bat. under you would Insert the following in nth platea, bolts, etc. tcrap Iron, Rupert Section 7 of the aald Act. deposited with your neit Issue. bra, copper and rubber, raltanited pipe LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS the Mlnltter or Public Works at Ottaaw. and Dttinr. valves, rock crushers, cement It lias been brought to HOTEL PHONE CLASSIFIED ADS. my 58 and In Um otnee, of the Dlitrlct Retiitrar miter, tl-ln. raurt dump cars, wheel of tha. Land Reslatry OCBce. Dlatnct of notice that a remark of mine was and ailes, etc. etc Off. TO OUtSTS ON eVttl STM Prince Rupert, at Prince Rupert, a de taken exception to, at the meeting Specification may be obtained from the cnptlon of tha site and plan of wharf and Motor Stage will connect called on Tuesday to consider City Purchiilnr A rent, to whom all ten WANTED. plant proposed to be built In Prince Rupert with trains at Terrace. HAY, GRAIN, FEED, SCCDt der null be addreiaed, and marked on asking speakers from Vancouver Harbor, at Prince Rupert. Brltiih Columbia, outild of OWL WASTED for llrbt housework. Apply in front or Waterrront Block "0." to address a win the war mass envelope "Tendtr for tltellaat Trout fie i a la LalsUe and FERTILIZER suite 17. Beioer Apartments, tf. AND TAKE NOTICE tbat after tbe as meeting in this city. All lenders must be made for the roods lake. piration of lb from specified under each number separately, one moo toe data of WA.1TED Capable The remark that I have been and each lender rkee Oemeetle with Teeeeee. yoon lady to take the Brit publication of una notice, um must be accompanied by caarre of ProfTetile Needlework Dept. Crand Trunk Pacific Railway Company will, accused of making was "That a marked cheque equal to Ore per cent Rasa $3.00 per day Chicken Feed a Specialty Apply by letter to "OORDO.fS LTD. under Section 7 of tbe aald Act, apply to Prince Ilupert was doing nothing " ",D' r " ,B4r' W Victoria.- jt tbe Minuter of Public Work! at hit office to win the war." The remark I oJ IKOfUIVI. For rurther particular. irr7 to in the City of Ottawa for arororel of the .7. . . . . . - All material sold must be removed la not . BRUCE JOHftSTODE, Maite, 1 OTELUGEftT PERSO.f MAT EARJt aald alte and Plan and for leare to eon. al ma ana wnc" meant was. less than slily ) days from the dale Mall Oedar Ft eiSHJf AUaMel I. tUO monlnly corretpoDdUir for newt alruct tbe aald work. "That there are a number of men of acceptance of tbe lender. papers; its to sio mootniy la spare time; tiperienee unnecessary do can DATED al Prince Rupert. British Colum in Prince Ituperl who are doing Tbe hi t belt or any tender not neceaaaiUy bia, una 17 to day of Auruit, A.D. itiT. vaiainf; subject sotrested. Seod for nothing to win the war." I was accepted. e o. Sei sos rwi at. THE GR1.1D TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY PACIFIC particulars. National Preai Bureau COMPANY. Patmore k Fulton. Solicitor. very particular to mention Uie Terms to be cash peyabto to the aty CARTAGE, LTD. room 3174. Buffalo, ft. T. Trreesurer. and payment to be made be word "men," as nobody NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT appre fore removal of the material. FOR SALE. ciates and feels prouder of the I R. S. C Chapter lit. air HaiL W. OALT, women of this town who are doing Victoria. B. C City Purchaimr A rent General Teaming FOB SALE Lam belle rj also oil beater. US sum Arcnue. Weft. tf. Tbe Surf lalet Power Company Limited their utmost, than I do. September it. 1117. DENTISTRY hereby (ires notice thai It ba under sec Now I sincerely believe that the DOMESTIC FR SALE flew tion 7 of said act deposited with the Min Modern celiac. Ready early October.roar-roomed Apply uter of Public Works at Ottawa and In majority of Prince Rupert men Navigable Waters Protection AcL BLACKSMITH COAL tMtK B BK1PI MfOS F. W. Hart. tf. the office of the DUtrlcl Rerutrar or tbe would do more to help win the R. 8. C Chapter lit. Careful Attention lo Piano a SPKOULTT Land Bern try District at Prince Rupert. war, than give a few dollars now and rurnllure DR. J. 8. BROWN MISCELLANEOUS C. a descrtpUon of the si to and the Removals. and again, if they were shown Tbe Orand Trunk paeifie Railway Com pUna of wharves, bulldinr. etc. proposed BtStTltr how and paay hereby rive uotlce thai It has, un LD FALSE TEETH BOUOHT On vulcanite to be bunt at the bead or Surf inlet. that was the reason I der Section 7 of the said PHONE 93. Saieei mHm Bteea. Tkae Act, deposited or metal platea, alto crown and Prlncesa Royal Island, to front of Lot 4. spoke in favor of men coming aim turn miri.i ..r inKti- . .. ... brtdfewora k., Ranre 4, Coast District B. C r,, vM po1l ii uiu iaiicuurruu can pernaps i taa. and la um office of the DUtrlcl wltbout delay, casn bj return mtiK . And take notice uut aiier toe iiuti.ttua of leu us ways and means in which Rrutrar of the Land Reentry once, dii bunatootv one 1411 OeortU fL, Vancourer. Moat from (be date or the first tauldlsned t7 rears. ot. publication of this Dolce the Surf Inlet we can further help. trtct of Prince Rupert, at Prince Rupert, - . Power Company Limited wtlL under Sec lours truly. a dctcrtpuon of lb site and plan of wharf a M. Uumo. S.A. tion 7 or the said Act. avoir to tha Min ana Bin curiae punt and other work proposed . E. WUBaaaa. I.A, LLB uter of Publle Works, at his office In the II. O. CIIEWK. to be bunt In Prince Rupert harbor WILLIAMS A MANSON aty or Ottawa, for approval of tbe aald at Prince Rupert. BritUh Columbia. Is alte and plana and for leave W construct rroui of Waterfront Block -I," eccordin UrrlaUra. Solicitor. Eta. the said wharves, bulldinr, etc. MINERAL ACT to reentered plan or the towniiu of the (R.8. B. C lllll. said aty of Prince OMT TO LOAN uaiea at Vancouver. B. C this Sth Axr Rupert retistered In Boa Of Aurutt. !7. .I4. me aroreseia land realstry office a No. lrioa Bloea THE Sl'RF INLET POWER COMPANT HoUy Friction. Birch. Crocus Fraction, w, secuoo 7. Prtne Mart. . c AND TAKE NOTICE that LIMITED. and Plum mineral eUlma situate in the after the OllM CYii rlnl 1 ftl.I.(, t-.. . titration of one month from the date of the near Ikeda Kr rn..n rv..i..,. ........ 1"' Publication of tblt notice, tha OnH Province of BrlUsh Columbia. lawfully held I!?,. fl? RUF Company v.Ill, under A HOT BATH THE by fktda Mines Limited (Noo Personal ,1 1 .V MW WF lo the uabtuty). I . ' " ruuuc vora at bi once In the TAKE NOTICE that I. John A. Maclane. .,," Tor approval of tbe said MINUTE YOU WANT IT Solicitor for Ikeda m... ...?l'l.K. ..I.and plan t and for lean tn Personal Llabtutyl Free Miner Certificate 1 You are accustomed to No. II4IIC intend, after the expiration of ht,DATED,HI. at. Prince k jm RuDert.... Brtii.h ri..-. titty days from the date hereof to apply i.u, uaj m ma a. D. ISI7 getting cold water instantly. THE Q RAND on Behalf of the aald TRUMf P,fiA Company to tbe .s. Think of the satisfaction Mmlnr Recorder or tbe aald District for COMPANY, Patmore 4 Fulton, Sollttors. of getting Hot a Certificate of Improvements for each of Water in the the above elairae for tbe pornose of r.h. same way In abundance, regardless of lainin-AND FURTHER crown arant TAk'E thereof.NOTICE thai acUon Give each of Your how much has been used under Section tt of the Mineral Act must Harry Atkins before. be commenced before the issuance of such Children C run cite of Improvements. ramUy BtfUhee, aft, stMMrU a War HOT WATER LIKE MAQIO Dated Ibis Ittn day of June A.D. ST . A. MaelNNES. ' KOTKD FOR Harry Hanson Personal,ur Liability).eaa nines Um led Umi 8 PRIME 8AUSAQE Savings Certificate. Hot Water Service brings you this convenience. Tomato Sausage a Specialty. T ET them feel that they are Canada's Navigable Water. ProUctlon Act. partners that have each a SLOJ they PHONE K.S. C j ASS Chapter in. P. O. BOX 3S6 Phone S74 p. 0. Boi definite share In the stern struggle u r uranor conaoUditr m.i.. the certain vidory and the free and glorious future. hereby Rmeltins rives and Power Company Umiied' Encourage them to save and buy Certificates ooUce that it h themselves I You'll be developing their FRED STORK'S ' ln Mia Act. deposiud patriotism, HARDWARE wiu their thrift and their business '"'r oi rue lie Work, n,t. . sense for Canadian War and in the omce of the District RerUtrar Savings Certificates offer absolute security and excellent ... . FOR CANNERYMEN . nensiry office. District of STEEN & LONGWILL Interest return. More important still, you will be We have added to our stock of valves and pipes a complete crlpuou of the tit and plan of wharf guaranteeing their future, for every dollar line of Ilubber Helling at right prices. wmt nun. ana oiner wnr,. i SANITARY AND HEATINQ lent to Canada helps win the war. FOR FISHERMEN ENOINEERS For each $21.50, $43 or $86 lent v.., u, urcom is and. tinii. m.. bJLi A complete slock of the best goods that money ran buy for trlct now, the Government issues a Certificate, trolling Spring Urass, Sllver and Hronie. rilratlAn AND TAKE... NOTICE. that. .ft.' ,k. .. Afltnta for payable in three years, for $25, $50 or FOR THE WATERFRONT i... V... L.TTT trosi the data oft $100. This meant that interest it added , yuvucsuuD or in i a ivnti.. ew. I McCURY FURNACES v-BPcW Orsnby Consolidated at over C per annum. Certificates may Mlnlnr. nan! boat Smeluor . . and be Dank Money 1ma purchased at or complete line of wawtui UOUiea Will. nruU. a.. any Ship Chandlery. Hon 7 of the said Act. amir PLUMBINQ Order J'ost Office. FOR EVERYONE A fine alock of Hardware, and For the sake of Canada and Ourney'i Oiford Stoves. m tea.w IUr KDDKiVSI air that your We Sell Nothing But The Best, 8HEET METAL WORKS children, sava and invert In War Saving! ere WVIII, IJhone 5. 834 Second CeitiftbtUcs, DATID at prlnse Rupert, BriUsh Colum Avenue. bU, uc uii dm juiv a n phones &7 1IT FRED STORK'S HARDWARE tiik on A.i bv 1U.IIUUDiTtn yiii I "n,l Hlue 270 Tho National Service Board of Canada, nuiTrV. ruwm COMPAJIY ins rlaht w.l .... OTTAWA. 33 Pttmors a Fulton, lotiuior. riyni price. eeej