. Urn"" 4 The Daily News 830- . . J'IUXCB nUI'KHT. 11. C MONDAY. OCTODHIl I. 1017. PIUCF. nVE GENT jlllSO- ITALIANS mm OUT A SU S'E ATT ACX U0 DISPATCHES FROM THE WESTERN FRONT - ARTILLERY FIGHTING ON AISNE ITALIANS MAKE MR. NICOL THOMPSON VISITS HAZELTON THE GOVERNMENT C.T.P. OFFICIAL PARTY !" - Mr AND THE ELECTIONS LEAVE FOR THE SOUTH Nicul Thompson. lhi Fuel A SUCCESSFUL IbMb XraraMaaMBaHrj ' ' r.ffullrr, returned to tbe city evening from llaiHion. He Ottawa, Sept. 13. The great Yesterday afternoon about ten MOVE wan ar oinpanied by Mr. Alexander Conservative party which claims minutes to four, the special train SURPRISE iarp. one of the best kmmn to number in Its ranks all the carrying the officials of the-O. T. mining engineers in the province good sports, all the thorough, P. pulled into Prince Rupert. LLvsmmmmmMmmB The purpose of their visit up bred, all the hearty fellows who Slides on the fl. T. P. are no rc- r-iver wan to Inspect the prorty rfn In An rfnln thlntra hp. ....... Maehlna aMMMMaMaCaMMMMafllK' ' of the New llaiellon Gold Cobalt caue it "ImTI cricket," is now spectors of persons and this one Cunt Prisoner Mine Hd., of which company engaged in putting through Par. happening near llole-in.ll.e-V'atl . . . Captured. a a a U.f &. I r Mr Thompson 1 a director. He iiauieni a rrancmuc a "ch ye,ier,jajr played Prince Huperi a .fl K la VerV onlhllaiaatl r-Irani int. kicks the nthep rnnlender .in the!- ... ... . nasiy inc. am arrai.gemenis this ankle, strews tacks on the trackl. in property particular an well ... . . .had been enmnleted for a dinner jr x I A surprise as trie oiner prospects on the ana men lens mm 10 go in ana er J out with com. livelier de Houle. run the race. 'being given to the railroad mag- ,mrt Kalian troop For ome reason other the nat" on Saturday nigbl on board .... Tb Tbe tunnel ia now in 650 feet or their lln Horden Government wants to wln'lhe "Prince George It is not LiKa'al" t rectify and has passed through three ere . 1 day that Mr. Alfred VvV 1 ha n.i .i..inn vt'h-iK every a ihf j advantage Miwn hoots containing 170 feel of high rS9tiBaMMMk. '"'-' bbMbI J V VlVtlUIlt Si V VMVl 1 . . nnrthern hook crook but by'Smilhers, chairman of the board r ...4 It. grade ore. The first shoot of 81 or mostly m Kan Oabrfelle feet la gold.Cobalt which averages i vR.av--aMMa. crook it has set out to win. Why of directors in London, England, teitti ana iwsiuy-iuur 1100 to tbe ton In gold. The it wants to win is a mystery. It'Mr. H. A. Kelley, the newly ap- . . ... WINNER OF PENNANT . nt v.--.... it v... 'nninteil nreairient.. and Mr. Hintnn m next shoot Is high.grade molybdenite .0 uwuw 1 b lias mtuc o w - - - r- CX.PREMIER CLEMENCEAU of Toronto Harry Lajole, manager Wice-presldent and general man-Iloss . ....in...l cltiplnir record for good government. The and Is feel long and of France, who. as a physician, twenty of Inter- ami-" - ball team, winners Itifle. the oaDer shoes, the Br of the G. T P, can be got .i. m ana kifii cuui two feel wide. They are now . . . national League all at In Prince ' IL spavined horses, tbe fuse scan-'gether once. lidtcus. .Miieiea upon me dtfr ,,nj lno batUefr.nt. working on a raise and also on aj- . . .. tne ir jos. ur --ijm"u iiicuuuuu, ui l - ILL I ..I I H 1 r. aais. pronteermg Dy fcte Adrians, ma new( iihuu una iiiw. """iCOal. SCOW CAPSIZE8- ... ... ... ..'IK. f T T CI... V 1 . n i J'y maintained rxh.p Inwlhor Ln ill l, of this ore Is all ready sacked and 450 TONS OF COAL LOST riaveue ana otner 01 us coia"" ouuii storage friends, all say no to thaL!,alo n town, having come up tfiaii F.---ar and repeaiea 0OM peaw chancellor Michaelis rcaay lor snipping, id iram It must be thai tbe country hasn't from Vancouver on Saturday. But (wjWtUtHI'y the enemy, w no d.t(., ini he ever offered to '" whim nnisnea in me course, This inorninR at the Albert & been bled......white enough yeL Tnere. I Tl .. n. .l nni1i.l .. mm uiiii"-iuiiiir.w u.rman irnnni mini me w -. ...r oralors were denied their oppor-distracted must still be a few dollars in this 4 an I'atian ueience. oeeupled territory. jmenls from this property "lund fifty tons of perfectly good land for Ihe looters to lunity on this occasion.Tbe forces sir Opsrstlons. u Sw Wellington Coal were dump get. The goose hasn't raeched IU 01 namre rureu IW Toi aa airmen are again Ilueros Ayres. Oct. I Martial .,H,in MV. " """ w a into the water. Needless to limit of golden eggs. Being a In speaking with the president j i-. t periorlty over the law mar be proclaimed through-"narP are niginy piesseu i", wllh coal at 112 per ton, it goose it goes on laying. When it yesterday about this, his first trip lei " -a and important op- out the Argentine. Clrlsa? ' "vs v v v vfi .. nn niirnni. Rn far .11. 1 1 11 1 r i: nver the entire svsletn. Mr. Keller juiir laying uic ui(u wk ui in j " nLxi U ecen earrieu uflrt;aainf. wrk.... has Ilal progressed.I L 1 1 im a .la They Iais are a( '. can ,carnHl lhe 8CoW was- ing will quit too, and the Dorden IM what "e had seen on 1 this n -. z: a - sauaarons uavs aanurru u- ,fn condition on arrival Government and its friends will excursion more than Justified Ibe m:! srrt vr the Austrian MR. AXEL OARTLAND WAS n in Is property can no hefe ubfn t wag 1Ied up at n,e be willing to quit also, satisfied. faith he baa always bad in B. C mv a a V -la. lany Italian. laid TO REiT YESTERDAY :longer e regarurM . '("wviitrfr lt radaally filled tilth that lltere is nothing left worth The vast potentialities, of the inset ix.k part In this bomb-! jfbut will be a producing mine Mr. ni flna,y capBlieJ. The taking hinterland. tributary to tbe line of itti a 1 xienslve delruc- I v..i.i. .fiTtuMan the funeral Sharp regard It as one of the ;. ater.loKKed scow hit the tnnih.r r.nn ihe Hnnien the G. T. P. are more apparent .. ... ' . . . .. .. I.. I... In I h- nrov nrn U lis A 'rjan military nd seolees Xot the late Mr. Axel - VT. 7 ,wharf and damage! 11 ramer se Government may wish to remain now than ever. Having been over am nUl sbmrnls was nntlceil ...1 - .m. I........ WmL'Ai r""ll of this visit to liaiel- . Th. .nd-r Dlinr has hi is to see the C. X. It. dea!.he ground himself now. Mr. h li r lone, the Austrian were conducted in the parlors of ton. Mr. .Nichol Thompson is UieJ W .mashed, but the toUl dam. IlirOUgn.. 1 ne i.. -i.. n. urm,j i imi. i-'Kiir iu ean anoreciaie iuc cmuu- . jnrsk.. . iomrnii ......iarrc miwtt the 1IC. UnderUkera by the Hev. 1 more convinced J nol hf known untII lhp put too fine a point on iL is a dealjini of Mr. HInton for Central 7 attacked. I cVnonllli the unices future for this district In Central u UlorouffllIr ,mlned. in, i.k. over an insolvent railwar. Hritish Columbia. Csnsoredl Iwbieh n atlended by very many, Ilritlsh Columbia . This is one of the contingencies which the people of Canada own On their VrJva';"loD''" Uft&3 fie!. Her t. tin to at procession was formed by lue Mr Sham left this morning for which has to be allowed for In already, and give Mackenzie and I were in a U int Uit night tbe ban on Valhalla, Vancouver, but Mr. Thompson has fixing coal prices. w. i . k.nl nf Tnrnntn pariiuirrjucvii.. " members of the Lodge .'laiMI OlSVS SU MBM ' I ...... under ... . . . In Investlgai- n,,. nf h Hrvdnek. ii. - i a s Ik. been engaged today dollars for a naa iiiuuu v - w f vtoi pirates sLxty million iruiu Packers union. o;p-iLrnrfi Uli V front was not ."j .'reeded the cortege on ju ng into Ibe fuel situation here in SIR WM. MACKENZIE'S block of six hundred thousand the guidance of Mr. Pillsbury, the w S war information of oairvlew 0,c,, capaclly " n" LAST OFFICIAL TOUR shares of watered stock which is drydock superintendent. .,. .!... .. . way trrtller. .considerably less than in th fine weather. Prince Ru n -i mi us rn iiiuwnj iu ivmr i The pall-learer were .iucr worth and pert looked its best yesterday wr Tk world is left !!. Dbhavn and Casey. Messrs (Special to TbS PUlT Jwt). Financial Institutions . 7.,l FISH ARRIVALS i,h F1.V..I., I. Ih. d..t r "-.' lMtla m.... William .Web Sir for Ihls censor- f.i.,i.i..n Armstrong. Leroux. winnineff. Oct. 1-Slr Ytreberg. Many liarai oner- Mackenzie begins his last official land Yesterday, the Corona was In - a a.l S. rir Frsnch Jrv.brr FronL 1. There have !n.R?r"el ,MllV fl.5 and !Port with M00 lb., halibut; GJoa. lour railwav.of the The Canadian Brain movement ortnern K uv a us v InMtnnUlv",r rnnnecled- with "IfJ nf inr " ' 7. ' V', ,!,, ,7.; Mlien. J.wuu, u . this deal. Most of the plans re- --Biii irr aciioiiB 11.. .en.lrra oi wnicu rro ; ... . ., from the prairies Is now growing CARD OF THANKS - . . noma wun n.uuu iu. mtir volve around E. It. Wood, another -r-i, di,i ariinerr aciiuu t.-,. i,i.m .vie. ana .Mr., ... in value. All records have been c ile intense on the C. A. O. Armstrong, me .imrncau,. t.i. ihiiis.iiu nf siiu I A LI ..nil, - The-- smashed this season. The ton-nace ninnot in the Flavelle system, in Mr. Axel Gartland wishes to iisae f " nartieularlv on the Mrs. Louise V"" "" '" ample, and a thousand faeL a C. X. P.. train can t run on Valhalla. Mr. and the Guild- is convey ber thanks to her many Ptolhcon and llurtebise. Ii.i.r..ti Mr. and Mrs. C K. Ylr. Canadian vessels were ears a day are going out. I ho trark without SOilling Mr. friends for their expressions ana ford with 2.000; Hunter. 3.000; Wood out of Sir William's private Uuslaf-json, 'iibt bank of tho Meuse. Mrs. Lundqulst, ner recent berg. Mr. X. and 8 1.500; Doreen. 1,600. acts of sympathy during j.inlraenl continued vro- Mrs. Llndselh, Mrs. 8am unM ROBERT ROQERS bereavemeoL To Alderman land Deborah, 1.000 lbs. Government want a kub n.irs north of the Ness, Mr. and Mrs. iv. iiaiiurrs. the lirlngold brought in SIZING UP THINGS The ltorden John Djbhavn, the Fish packers I Today to remain in to see this highly u- n .inimuin Mr. and Mrs. j. Thelma and Mrs, Sidney Smith, she , and the Union .HI v.....- ,5.000; Cora. 7,000. imnnrUnl C X. It. deal through What BsHIn Says. and Mrs. A. Aker-berg. (SpecUI to Tb Pn Mr. for grateful. Irybhavn, 3.000 lbs. Tbe Chief Bkugald can't be gathered is specially . " i. -tin tne pres-Jcita4f Mr. and Mrs. II. Johnson. ih r.nl.1 S tors ire Company had to Winnipeg. Oct. I. The Hon. The loose ends general nest road yesterday, the and Mrs. A. Johnson, sir. i. linliarl llnorira atarted on a tour up until afler Ihe For New Welllnaton Coal and Mr. return to lorl for shelter, on ac . .. ... . . i. .i.. .... i k.i nlttrl inn Hence these desperate r"sa hranrd line was driven Van Oastel, and the Fish Packers count of tho stormy weawier out ol tne west touay io uf i . Ir Lumber or all dimension, the r!-aifr me Union. side. political situation. It Is.accepted aurnit . hon 110. Casualtlaa. as a fact that all hope of a fusion to remain uuuur. - - tsadon ftdober 1, The Hril- BELLS is now gone, years longer. of the WEDDING nKTAIL CLKHKS The first an-. fund in the c X ''ll' 1(1 .1. C.nl.nili. the?e two a big campa gn be or r . although one , 1 1 ... it,,... n-lall P.lorka may 'n I n I III..,II IU I ..v.... p;:rvj 0 tout 101.598 In Last evening between five and f,d ln(. .vennK n tbe national candidates. . ! " r" . Atw NOTICE OF TAX "ru, :i2niU,l ..! mlaalnar. six o'clock. Mr. Harry Colvln f r. aU al 8 Ocock. ernment miisl earn the money by U3lti Anothtp Alr Raid. Mobley and Miss Annie lllrnle. of pre,.nce Is requested. STRIKE IN SEATTLE !8llcknjr arounu 0ng enough to Commencing Today, OcL 1L aeronlnnes again ramru ii.,.,.. iinn-rt. were unueu , arbitrators who are ! ct it past the "wa u.i.i niauv. .o urinu"i...ii. matrimony. Tho wedding was a! Mrs T. U. Arnelll and family, ispMtai xTZaj ....i.e'to be called upon to value the Any person entering the yet been received of any nni.l nne. on W the imincuiavo accompanied by Mrs. Green, who Seattle, Oct. 1. Nearly . . ,.. iiv- that Westholme Theatre without cilties or material damage. relative 'of tl. bride and groom has been vlsillng In Prince llupert thousand shipyard worker a a ud squires a of guiJanc, paying the "TAX" will be Pswii for Peace. being present. The ceremony was for some lime, left on Saturday metal worker are on strike ,,ere. hy liable to a FIXE as provided 'jpenhagen. Oct. 1.--Germany conducted by the ucv. " . " for Fcrndale. Wash. Mrs. Green They demand an increase In n 0ov.rnment can iinger by "'lung llelglum as a pawn Wright, of tho Hapllsl Liiurcn. home. Mrs. Arnelll will be away wages. superfluous on the stage for some "THE AMUSEMENT "WJut the when the great day f,.,,l,..lin.v aiterwards. mo a m (V S Y I VI time lo come. Tne extension newly married couple made thftr.. . A CABINET POSSIBILITY ..wo this rnmine October, but TAX ACT" Ki ; . WESTHOLME way on board the Princess May. (Special W Th t"y .) !a Government that wants to wall Chap. 83, 1817. which left for Vancouver at o i. thanks and see may very well string cxno or nn nrtober 1. Tho name m. They are both very well know awa. ,MnBH aionP till next spring by Admission hereafter will OKRA IIOUSX town, ami they will of 1 IM'avies. ui .vu-.. ---.. tr,eY anothfr. If motey In n. and popular this and 25c. including the take - be 15c to TNQHT AND TOMORROW carry with them the ix-si wish ha. been very active in u.e w ;.; ,f -TAX" to thank our of their many friends. m opportunity and the public !.ori"JfVn voted by Parlla. WesUiolm Opera Houaa i Pallas Picture Mr. Mobley has joined me ru- customers iHiieiiig. . iuwr ... Mhau9ted. the Govern for thrir patronage r.. n,i..ih i iv " "" - generally N",,,",",' inn rnmi .mil im to report io. mni can manase on oroer-in- present tne past, and to Inform headquarters in about two wek" in council, governor-general war HOUSE PETERS th"" that the usl- CLKItiaVL WOllhHib UXIOX. time Afler tho honeymoon iru. Hotel muUonal ind Mr. Harry Mobley will return to, of the favoy .V mcetlug will oe new '"0;;rt:;fut.., K dead CAFE t-OUISE HUFF Prince llupert, where he will re- 9 will be carried F.on T.In How-ness. the .Crpenterf Hall on Tuesday even- JA" "A wU, LONDON -1.1 future by Mr. Ing. October 2nd . ..- AND DRILL ..VV" side. for whom we beg n tbo face of tho earth The liberal . against the will of the people, but Third Anue Lonesome of your cordially Chap uiNrrn roiuinuanco clerk" wishing to Join aro it serve. YeL tt 1 like .Mer Prompt Service of the Bt 231. Tle-makers. All winter' work. '"Tift SAVOY HOTKI. Invited. rulin'a wound it will SfrVC. At there Is to at at all hou. Apply Dybhavn A Hanson, or and . . . . . in.. ...... atinriaci ii.. aunt in nanir TOPICAL BUDGET Prr A. J.Jruuhomme -TI,. f-wnrlta household OOai IS'Mio Ki) -..V..V.. - - ----- Hanson' tie camp, Sheraton. v lifter- - ...-' iiii.nMt January and men BOXES FOR LADIES Admission 15 and 20 onta. MiHa s Wanted Delivery lo Uroj. 231