The Da ily News r'."i-u M , PRINCE nUPKItT. II. C. THU HHDAY, OCTOIlElt 11, 1917. PMCK FfVT? CENTS jglMS COUNTER ATTACK MM FLANDERS HEAVY RAIN RETARDING OPERATIONS IN FRANCE - SUCCESSFUL RAIDS MADE GERMANS ARE 'FURTHER PLOT HUNMONARCHS MUTINY AMONG ATTACKING KtVhLAHUNS TO MAKE OTHER CREW OF GERMAN FURIOUSLY1 BY STATE DEPT. PEACE OFFERS BATTLESHIPS attack la Succeeding Sabotage Proposed by the German Emperor William and Emperor Captain of "V.'sstfalen" Thrown Overboard and la Drowned General SUfT Disclosed Karl to Meet Soon Definite CwinUr ' Marines Refuse to Fire Front Vary Heavy German Mllllont Lost Peace Offer Expected Upon Crews. Within a Month. Lettes Inflicted. by Speculation. tSpeUl to Tti PtUr e(.) TIm Otlly 5twl. I (fpieui M ths Daily .1s. (SpcctU to Tt Dtlly 2wt. Amsterdam, Oct. 1 1 A mutiny J . Several coun. j Washington. OeL II. In Jan-re Indon. Oct. llOespalches 1. made by IbVuarjr. IPIO. the German General received here Indicate that a among the crews of four battleships , ,,. ,,-t.i, 'Staff prop"! thai the Canadian meeting of the Emperors Wllbelm of the German High Seas and Karl of the Central Empires Fleet ha occurred at Wilhelms-haven. vres-Staden rail- .ver, pm,, and other sabotage ban been arranged for the imme The captain of one of the ... v.. J a is were repulsed wa pr0p0(IPj at aeveral im-tie diate future. The object of their battleships, the "Westfalen," was railway, on a portent polnta in the Unit! meeting in to talk peace, and a ti sr- thrown overboard and has been be said to usand yard, the Slate. II was Count von Ilern-er definite peace offer is 6- ' forced back ! tnrffV. Idea to get a majority In coming from them to the Allied drowned. The crews of the four Governments within a month. big ships came ashore, when Marines pom nouses oi wjtirii i'di nice. Other coun-. THE YPRES CATTLEFIELD Th rutin? classes in Germany who were ordered to fire (able to Germany in September. re made by the I9l. according to fresh revelations Th lft hand black line shows the Mrituh front before the ar reported in be fighting now upon them refused. The mutinous . . . , surround .ta ft. 1 1 L- lin. inr II Pir lllfB. 1UC muiuiwu yw. sailors were thereupon of. Hryodseinde of the plotters, made by the nrst onensive in June. in. n.c i ; . ,, ed soldiers . a fighting, which rotate Department here yesterday. the Anglo-French front at the end of the fourth ollenslve Jast P.e re -v "" by nastily summoned. and in no mood when they surrendered lo super the truth are now j with very heavy MUllone Lot. week. The ahaded portion shows Ihe ridge, which from Messines 1 stories .: .i tnr avallnwinir any more ior lorce. u' lacker. New York, Oft. ll-The mil. to PaMrhendaele. Is tne .n,meovtjw.jjw , "' " erman vlclories. Thi. KmUrr Immediately icmr- .i several auecess- llona entruated lo Or. Ileinricb I fj which tut exist inn only in the imagina neyed to Wllhetmshaven and on WARNING .th of the Scarpe Albert for the payment of Ger, FRENCH SOCIALISTS A PERPETUAL man, ti..n n( th Government. The his arrival there, ordered V am is falling today .miin p.a and other propagandit CONVENE AT BORDEAUX 'Junsers are reaiumg iu ".4 mutinous sailors to be shot forthwith. . . . ! I. t I- 2, I.. ..-. lAtl till Michaelis made :j i my. m uie cni c-i- , ..'orivlleged position Is very pre Chancellor French Front. speculation in New York and Chi-eajro. (lUl to TIm DsUr ?t'. Athens. Oct. 9. " UV TV irious. Germany's allies are a vigorous protest against this II The Franco Ir. Albert, working with llordeaui. Oct. II -The So- is the House here. (MW,. .to we L.ui iioiuin eu in ttia"' action, and the Kaiser was con ,ade further pro-r Jlernslorff. directed Germany's eulut Congress now cnvening y.-ua.1 a u-nrnintp. Irv I Vif DMielli i' ;. .A anil raliitinn he- tent to have only three or the - - ..v. t fvaiprr n ii tt r -,3 -i of Dralbank. spy system in North America and here votfd by 1.552 to l36 in rvw - '7 . '" t. m n..1 . 1. 1 tl.t wi. rincteaiW shot in the meantime. the ruture- kingj oi wnw. tween lursey. ouisan., - ihad Ibe handling of between amy favor of their coiitlnusBee in itmi uie Palace or Westminster? 'and Germany are not nearly so The men will be tried by court tUOOt ILUiESS OF DR. ROCHE 'al,d etertty-flve million dollars. tunrvirlinit Ihe War Itudget In ..h ! iffia nnr wpre. martial, and it is only conjectural With this fund he to place Parliament. The comentHm al...Jl.a aa(it lhtwa e!a1b ,A TlfthlPL "lUiaf whether their grievances will be 5r ru vat .'). Lpiee. buy newspapers and lee-u voted on a resolution demamiingt,iaeeI lo aWupftuous'posittoltrj top ALL SUPPLIES heard. iWJwJIsIlurera, and Uo to pxevenl Oh tberrHkn t the- Allied TUWr'Tl y W(Tir?"fHpt- Ilrt V11 1 FROM REACHINQ GERMANY . - -- Jjenly afrleTen with shipment of munlllona to the - iwiieaueu unaries. aiuk ui TNE CITY TAX SALE 3 L j t be taken Ui the Allies. Kngland. for having usurped the Washington, Oct. 9. Officials I T,lfl ga,e of tbe cuT lots for I; - kidneya are anect. . THE UNION CABINET TERRACE TOPICS llWCrllCS OI 1UC bilKliau Jufic Dritain-- in announcing thel-, nnif fomnleted- - . ..... s Kvery time the Hrillsh ho'ee.'ffna lcompiete embargo on shipment, u-Li, un the auctioneer, and ttr i n rnun' rTlfiV proceed to the I'alace of THhe of Eu- AFFAIRS IN RUSSIA Marks arrived back northern neutrals ihe sale wts under the direction Mr. William Tuesday from the minster. to proclaim tne opening,- Qf the mogt ,roportant of Mr. E. D. Johnson, the city Tk PsSi ..) in Terrace on or closing oi ramameui, ., " , , ,,-- he United treasurer. Over twenty-two thou-..nH ri " th ta' ' with nis unue. .a i.. u. east , f t of tm, n8CrpUon. :i and amount rea II. The new ?. rinUara was the ict. at the s?lale8.en.,ertd..lhe. "01!L The new- friends were Miia.a ivtnber 11. ber of his mr lnUn.lon lo DroDO lo n. bid- anient has assum. wn cn - lized, and for inside property com them on their r- one . Union Cabinet is practically depot to greet NallonaI Assent- t s w a f llussla today, re. - ding was brisk, ror one iow ,i pleted now Messrs. i-aiaer. en rival, and a Hearty we.comc h a marble lablel set up it was ncil of Ave organ-ago. ' nd nal "q' bids were received before nt Clark will rcpre them. onV. rr.f accorded , ,hu hall, in such a position Bill The chief aim - ana final lr knocked The cneap- sent Western Libeealism. whl'c m Itoud and children leftl r , coming here shall nmarK , Tu mic and soelal will Iran-vernmcnt be lu the choke of a representative here on Tuesday for Prince Hu-,j jt, andU,at oa it be inscribed. and-"ra Z Germans "V" a a eV said to'haVe from Ilrltish Columbia has not t lhc5. wiU l,t Mrs. ,KnB o.nantine. having dls- . is tmaer here that the Lorapried the fewest number of ytt been made. It U t,ot known JoUP uleri Mr. .vilislone. lorM,ved for Uie second time the tor some Umol,, nu. ,1D than at any other tax united . . here ct whether I,"m,,r;t"re1- some weeks. Mrs. lloud hopes loi,aialnber of l9i5 in order to im- a iiaiiain inni t..l,u - ar ' r.. ti.. a nnis n v wati THE COUNTY COURT . i ui lie included, nuuw.,.. return accompanied by her inolh-k. a personal policy, tost the ufgea upo fop u uUng lhU ,tePi andUied wa9 tne 8maUest also. Quite yesterday. everything points that way. er. Mrs. Clark. Throne,while the dissolved Cham- n.Miiati0na have been car-L nnmber 0f lota in Section one J Young II I. nmnntnl to CIatB B ar Gordon returned thither, again convoked, continued to Government vdthlp the city, J. K. tt 4.- Hex vs. Joseph Alex-Sminson Mr. Qn fay m laken up Dy Indian, who Council, composed of Ave mem- week after a three weeks' visit tn1M.rriirm us constitutional duties. ltaiy and other countrlesl , . .hn u til have coiilPieie Ore. . Germany! SERita "... -- Portland, against WORLD i 1 relatives in lhe aniance THE i f stealing a the of 1st g. a was resumed. Ill trot. of.the.prosecution i . .mil..llnn nf war,all n K. A. Green I now lilting a THE LATEST utwm o induce them to take a similar k r-.tetlH iramA anil aiso '" " the greater - i eaan i ni a liir iuuiim 1! -- fine of potatoes, 3 crop - aequitled. of (pi.1 to Tb. osiu sws. to the championship is according -orld's th- s. ... P tnt. To" -... ase of I. O. Klewart vs. K"' U. Another 5to0. Oct. circles. . by Admlnr- adjourn- . ... . i. ik rah. Inert. Amsterdam. landinlf Jn offlclal .in for the Giants an .aid to be llieiy to enire r ,., m.,rk i nro- Prussian Mcheme has been ais- nn,.ntA to abrogate all of ThA niants made ten hits and the ade until Friday aftef- net without portiuiw. UV.VwVn"the claims lately closed for tne t tationofthe U., . . . -P--menu - with the i White' Sox 7. Benny Kauf made 1. b clock. world by Germany. The Cologne neutrals, thus probably mountain, con- nur,hern two home runs. .taked on Copper THE CRADLE Zeltung dwells upon iur un;i the share or tneir proof Mi of Olm.r. forfeiUng old timer to the property Andrews, an tiguous will Hussian ob- CLUB such a German. Japanese. nich it has heretofore THF HOYS' OW,V . .... showed If ihlrh K v in Umn for a few i-n.i n ti,.iii it ILirn 111 Mr BHO .'irs. -iu alllance to ensure the aowiuau oi : .)eJ XhU ,hare. In almost meet tonight at Suite l; Uy manv friends will be and to below the organization pur the llritish Empire, '..,.- Instance. wtjs far Apartments, for . . . . Andrews ' i tarn that Mr. --- the same liS Princ. Ilp.rt CI,.r.. . the world uciBiriiiuti" amount received from poses. J. . uariim.""- 1 the appointment U'l . .1 i Al ft In.I A liaugiurr- l nui'Fn " Germany, anu An-,.i Umernmenl Agent. An "V""'." , -n,l Mrs. Uobert neutrals by has to depend almost The favorite household Coal Is i i iiir ii a.1 a - Germany ms kind will be a great L'..... hi reel, m as these neutrals for Ladjsmlth Wellington. Phone 15, acisoii. ... entirely upon - i'i the catim and Mr. Ait- .- in Involved. Great Coal Co. tl. General i-.. Prince Rupert Ilupert essentials Prince the I w.n nil all the requirements on 1, e , j a daughler mn the War Meeting Ilritain and the other allies of the .! Mho ti.tUion eminently. - United States will be able to obtain NOTIOC them from other fields. Sunday, For Nw Wellington Coal and of a Challe Slates Government Commencing Under and by virtue The United October 14th 'I' Luirtber of all dimensions, i.-m tiv tne ror agreed to bend every effort hons 110. th THURSDAYNEXT AT(S pRQQnkmmz has obtaining these Drug Store Hours: to -bi- allies in Oeorge Hotel Company to aid its Sundays: 12 uoon U& p. off gary Ilrewlng Mailing Addresses will be given by supplier which may be cut m.: 7 p. m. to 0 pV m. Ltd, I have selieu anu MASTER SEROT. by the abrogation of the agree- except Saturdays AND Week days, WESTHOLME sale ths Furniture, rn.u MR. C W. CRAIO K. C ;ancouver i.innint.. ui.tviil th he npnlrals directed of and Europe.tne and before holidays S SHOULD COME States 8 a. m, to 9 p. m. EVERYBODY United Tuesday, on the orcsA HOUSE Hotel, Prlnoa Oeonja, W. J. McCUTCHEON, October 18.1S17, either In rarcels regulated with this point always TONIGHT ONLY "" OHME'B, LTD. lor as n whole. , .inir 1 in view. ..... For further particulars a,in7 , ifl Metro presents to the auctioneer. A. K. ltourchler FOR SALE NOTIOE MARY MILES MINTER Prlnc George, or to C. U- uainr"-prince The Canadian Red Croaa Society (Utre, ballitT for the ri.u Annual General meeting o Supported by the popular gary Hrewlng & Malting... iahih'i .nnV Launch AliceB. In." rnnnritati rted .Cross. .Society.... LONDON CAFE Juvenile Actor t ....lln.l 'mhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmvmmmmm! for the purpose or hearing ine AND GRILL 'annual report for the past year THOMAS KERRIGAN J. of the' Orl Ism condition, Third Avenue lllsrv tu land the election of Executive IN Hospital i sioo ensuing fisea Prompt Servlca of tho Best Ooncrnl the Prince lluprt juit iim iiul fur uua I Committee for will hold Ihelr nnnuat ball t tM rutnt IBM tM buii. L- ttiii lm held In the Court thara Is t eat at all houra. "Lovely Mary" 8t. Andrew's Hall on Octonr - rr ruU psrtieuUrs. phone 1 House on Friday. October 12th, at ' .. ... ai 0:30". w, 4, tMOMAS. r. s3-;' BOXES FOR LADIES I'UIWIHI Will tWIIIIIIOIIVV - 0r4 sat. !8 o'clock p.m. p.m. The Westholme urcuc.-j J. 1. H0KI11G, Secretary. COMEDY la.ill lias lis a.1 1 ttfA Adnnssu'ii