THE DAILY NF.W8                                                              Til i s.!;t I, t  II

                   The Daily News                                                                 a m   MAIL SCHEDULE       "

      THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA                                                  For the EasL

                      PublUhod Daily and Weohly                                                    M..inlays. Wednesday and Bat

                  Guaranteed Largest Circulation                                                  Mays at        m

                          HEAD OFFICE:                                                                   From ths EasL

  Dally News Building-. Third Avenue. Prince Kupert, B.C. Tel. 08.                                          5:30 Pw.: Tuesday.

  TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - CO cents per inch.                                                10 P, til. Thursday. 5:30 p.m.

      Contract Rates on application.
                                                                                                         For Vancouvsr.
                                                                                                   Mnnday                7  . m.
      DAILY EDITION                  u- Thursday, October II. 1017                                 Tuesdays              5 P m-

                                                                                                   Thursdays            10 p. m.

                                                                                                   Wnt iintn Vat           P til
  THE WAR                            diers and those of the Dumln

       One of the peculiarities of   Ions. Spite of your submarines)                                     From Vancour.
     the state of mind which Is to be our fleet is blockading you and                              Stmday               10 p. m.

     found prevalent in Germany is   immobilising  your    Dread                                    M.mdays              0 a. m.
     the hatred of Great IJritain and noughts. Vanquished on the                                    WednssdaTs        10:30 a. m
     the British Empire, which has  battlefield, swept from the seas,                                                    6 P tn.
     round expression as the result driven out of the colonies, what                                l-ndays
                                                                                                                      10:30 a in.
    of. the Empire's entry Into the have you taken in exchange                                     Saturdays
    conflict. This is not the re    Your greatest exploits against
    suit of the gradual German do. . Britain have been the cowardly                                         For Anyoi.
                                                                                                                         0    in.
    feat, but was noticeable fronr  murder of women and children ;                                  Sundays
    the very start of hostilities.' with the aid of Zeppelins and;                                  Wednesdays           10   m.

    The hatred evinced by Germany   avion, the drowning of crews                                    Fridays              8    in                                    Millions
    and tho Germans can bo no!      and innocent   passengers by                                    Saturdays            10   in.
                                                                     ALAS! POOR MUGGINS 1 I
    sudden growth nor outburst of?  your pirates.  We,   however.
    feeling, but must have been     llflVM "P .f .l fSlYYl vnn veil.                                       From Anyos.                                  of Packages
    carefully nurtured throughout   share of the universe.'            trdajr morning one of the   Sundays, a. m.. Mondays, a. tn.. P

   long years. Another reason         -That is what Britain can bol           h"act'"from ?ne Tuesdays, p. nu and Thursdays,             of this famous War-time Sweetmeat are
   for such a state of mind on the  say to Germans and whitl well. lnJ of   "ulkley   allcy to   p. m.
   part of a great nation such as   informed n,rmn. knn     nniv iotbcr met with an untimely death                                       sent to the soldiers,sailors and aviators

   modern Germany was In 10H,       too        frm    iht  hr,.i-       streets of Prince Ituperl Port Simpson A Naas River Points       at the front.
   other than national jealousy,    nv.nitn   rw        it,.     Muggins was his name and his      For   Sundays. 10 p. m.
   is hard to find.                 ,n.irn,nMnl P.rHannlaMnn'nanT '""lends Up river will           From   Tuesdays, p. in.               If you have a friend there, see that every

     At the end of the war, when    find imirnniui.. Ami ihi. i.  orry to   hear of his demise                                           parcel or letter contains a few bars or a

   Germany has been conclusively    nni all  Vrn      n.iv    r,,i Muggins was a fox terrier, which  Quesn Charlotte Islands.            package of IVRIGLEY'S, the great chew-ing

   shown that jealousy among na    Britain  are  to  have   their ,nRed to Joe Sexton, of Smith    Mails Close   OcL 10 and 21                confection that is used around the
   tions does not pay in any single .ironth  innM..H     a          . and lie was a terrier sur  Nov. 7th and Slit- Dec. Sth and
   way, it is possible that that   ehamnion whASAfVesniieeea anr! 'Ping Wise. In a moment, bow   19th   10 p. m.                         world.
   hatred may be a long time in                fn.Tf,..iihi ' t... ever, yesterday morning, while  Mails from   OcL 1 llh and 2ft                  Keep It always on hand.   It
   dying  out,  most   especially  rnm   forward                 playing with other little dogs  Nov. lllh and 25th. Dee. 0th and                  bclpa tcolh, appetite, digestion.

   against  Great  Britain. The       The loss of her Colonies    h' trc?L ln,fronl of th? KmPress 23rd p. m.                            Scaled
   reasons for this is shown in    k.       ,ii.,i.,k-           iioiei, .Muggins got in me way o f                                               ilStti

   the recent writings of M. J. M. Germany's   haired    against the fire engine, and is now no Stewart, MapU lay and Swamp              Kept right

   Rosny, senior member of the     lli-itoir, llthni.trh ... ti U.n niOTC.                                    Point.
   Goucourl Academy, who in a      beaten bv Ihe French mnr        Muggins   had  many   friends   For   Wednesdays, 10 p. ni.
   striking article contributed to lhan br anv  ther Knint   nn. hoth    ton and in the interior,  From   Fridays, p. hi.
   "Le Pays" recently shows the    Uon, she consoles herself with " ha         the shadow of Joe

   superiority of Great Britain's  the thought that she still holds fetlon for Ihe pat six years, who Alaska and Yukon Territory.

   position In regard to the war   several  French   denartmenls M        ,0   af h,s companion    For   Mondays 9 p. in.

   as compared with Germang.       within her clutches.  Nothlng.    "Ci!ic                      u From   Saturdays, p. m.
     "In 1915," says M. Rosny,     can console her for Britain'!         ""

   "Britain's participation in our  successes. She has nothing to   ou are certain or better pic   Province of British Columbia
   offensive was still of a minor   compensate for either her pride ures ai less cost wnen  your
   character. In 1916 it became -formidable or her material interests. It Kodak work Is entrusted to Meftae DtrAarracajT op lamos        The Flavour Lasts

              on the Sorame. In'    is consequently comprehensible Bros.

    1917 it is mowing down the!     that her fierce hatred has hesitated                                     .lOTICK
                                                                   The Daily News delivered br
   Teuton legions unremittingly.         at no transgression, no                                 R   Tertu rotnroU oa Arp'lcsUoo
   Britain can say to the enemy.   act of cowardice, no crime. carrier. 30 cents per month.      farrlMM Crows Lod la Brlllta Gtlaa&bta. PUT WRIQLEVS IN YOUR FIOHTER'S CHRISTMAt BOX
   'We have taken 110,000 Ger      The Germans will not occupy a         WATKft NOTICE             .lOTICK U krrtbr rl'ra lb I. oadr lb ll costs Mile but sjiv. m lot of .mf. M and re fr. . H
   man prisoners      have                                                                       prorltloes er lb "Sl4Jrt' Uaatnu4 only a tiinir-laslinB Poufertioit. b i i a nre-st.a i    r.
                            only          British islet.
                  you              single              They will         XXtersJen and I'm).     Ad Rrprsj Art, say prrxw bo did mi
   53,000 British. She can also    see the whole world cherish                                   trp'r SMlcr Um "Solrrt Hanrttfkd Art. quenrher. a pi i rne-up livery linoimaa parrel
    ay,-'You have not taken one    heroic, humanitarian  France   TAKE .VOTfCE Uut K V. Xtttt. ttbott HIS." to compklo bis trvUrsUoa la pur WftIiLFY8 c.L'M.
  yard  of  my   Continental or    when they themselves will be   Mrr  u Slovart, B. C win trp'T for cbM. ettbrr by pamral la full or by Um
                                                                   mn   t  ui  and u  Mvrctr cubit fecuoa. of r pruoortioMts tlVounvni.
  Colonial territory. You meant   .the reviled horde, the nation frol of itr oat r .Torts tiul bit forks sy, by prortaou uumi sad ptrtar
  to invade KgypU but ouriol     tcacrursed on all the continents of Cx-iJ Cmk, waicb Aovl anuibrrty ap u ran um miasm or um parrbAM
  diers are now advancing to      and throughout all the a'rchi into Salmoa lurrr. Ciuiir Dltirttt, B. C price o4 ute Mfwrt lot 1 1 it Dwraiwr,     S. S.    PRINCE          RUPERT
  wards Palestine You threaten                                  It   aitrr win bo diTrrud rmaa lb ItlT. obuia a crova Oraat If proof Mtu
                                  pelagoes . Their only hope of                                                                                               tOSfHY SMdalrkt for a
                                                                llrrtnM at pilau about lo lboMn4 tti (Mtory to Um Mtauur of Laa4 Is far
  ed India, but we are invading                                                                                                                     rtli rt-HT awdMfbl for Oraa ralU, Vaac
                                  redemption Is to          the
                                                   destroy      itxitr tlx frk Tbli nolle vu pnatod tubed tbst nth jwrtoa Is saffcrUv lajsry
 Mesopotamia.   You had opened    dynasty."                     on tho rroBl on the (lith Aty of Asrail. mrwisa abicsr of Mtic or otbtrwtM,                       irta sad Soaille
 your mouth wide to swallow up      Knowledge of human nature ISIT. A cvpr of tbU Do lie sod n (   Ad farther Uut Um laurrsl la aa                   S.S. PRINCE
 the Belgian. French, and Portuguese and the natural  unnatural HM'ttoa (unuul IVrrlo tad to Ik tuupl!  arplUauoas to parcbaM btkd by                                       GEORGE
          Colonies                                               Vr Art. Itli, win U Bfcxl la tbt Oc ajr prrsoa oa Actlro Srrnca nar b pro, SA THROAT MldBltbl far Aart StOKOAT I ia for tt."
                   and a good     Jealousy which will still rankle f lb Wiirr Rrordrr
                                                                                   l Prf  Hsprt, bwtrd by aouflraUoa to Um LAodi DpArt              Vaaroatrr. Vlrtora sad SoalUo.
 part of our own, but the French. in the German mind for years B. C   ObJUoo to tHe r(imtloa maj bwbI of Um fan tbat sack prreoa It
 Belgian, Portuguese, and British make it all the more necessary be litd tm It Mid Wtr RreorOrr, or htUtt Srrrlf sad br Um Alias of proof             3. S. PRINCE JOHN
                                                                wiia tlx comptroUrr of Witrr lUtbU. of I be inurtil of aorh prraoa.  re Qwm CkarWlu lilaadt I p la. U   Mth aad lit.
     occupy   nearly  all your    that she be thoroughly beaten I tr:irwal Bsfliltnrs. Victoria, B. C. vlUits ranker laforauiioa IU bo raraiilMd oa tt fccKbikaa. Wrsarttt. Jatxaa aad kiir at mm ot . -
 African lands. Y'ou have been    and put into such a position iWril Otjt utter Um flrtt nxaraars of rqoel t tbo Drpaty Mtautor of LAada
 banished  from   Asia.  Your     that she can no more menace 'w tUr la a lorsl BpaMr. Tb Ctl    ittoru. B, C                                            TRAIN SERVICE
 carefully secreted                                             of the SMI MiblltattoB cf UUs aoUra If Pbblirattoa of LU aotiro vtuioal iu nrrrr stoadar, wdaodar aad atrda, at ll:M a. sa f-r
                   strategic is   the
                                            of the world     of
                                      peace               or
 lands                                                          UstiH II, ISIT.             i.ii ItKMilr IU not Im ptid for, Tb. Srp. Priar Ororto. tdraoaioa sad Wtaaiprt. nukiaf frml run r
       are occupied by our sol-   the British Empire.                    R. r. ciLL Appnraat                                                            point al aad soctk.

                                                                                                                                                Agency All Ocean Steamship Llnss.
                                                                                                        pirk Auutai avrrtsa.                For information
                                                                                                                                                            and reservations apply I-City
                                                                                                                                         Ticket Office., 626 Third Avsnu.        PHONE 2t0
                                                                                                          oncuit mo.1.
                                                                                                   B  12 lib SL aad Srd At.
                                                     BOTH SUMMER                                   Boi 1S tb SL aad Srd At.
                                                                                                   St 14 lib SL aad Ird A.
                                                                                                   m   isjaruoa of lit, tad aad
                                                     AND         WINTER                              srd Ati.
                                                                                                    or IS lit At Utvrra lib sad                 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY
                                                                                                      lb SU. (kaot Hotel).
   NEW PE                                        Snv?V.PERFECTION OIL COOK                         Boa 17KI At, aad TUl it. (bo
             OIL                                             do                                      tral iioult.                                   Lowest Rates     all
                                                               more work than a clumsy                                                                             o    Eastern Points
                                                 coal or wood state of twice its me.                      CIRCUIT NO. a.                            via Stoamer to Vancouver and tho

    JaiaaBKSiSafiaSaBHBaf                        TLue B'U' Chimney-that- the           B            oi X2ir4 Ato aad Ird St. (ret I                 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY
                                                                                secret-                                                             Moala and
                                                                                                     Offico.                                                   Oorth Includtd an Simr
                    l'      fcaaaaf                             int0 the               i 2
   Ff1                                              1,1   tW,f         cookine and tit              oi t  Jrd Ao. sad McBrtdo St
                                                                                                    oa as lit ao. aad MeBrtdo St.   Princess May for OranbyBay and Alice Arm 11 p.m, Friday

    HPB I                                 - Wl      k ue follovrbg dealers:                        oi aa Ztad tad am.Ato.aad and tad U SL It Princess May southbound via Ocean Falls 6 p.m. Sunday
                                                                                                      170. T. P.                    Princess Alice for tho south Saturday, October 13th.
                                                                                                                                    Princess Sophia for ths north Monday, October 15lh
   T                     I                '                                           H                   CIRCUIT SJO. J.
                               .    .                       Hr4ut C. Prlac Suprt.
                                                                                                   oi 31 Itn A. aad Pulion SL                 J. I. PETERS. Geneml Agenc
                                                                                                  Boi aa Bordra aad Tirtor Stt.
   J                 bB-b1                           SUrk'a tUr4mrt .,                ItV             as Tib Art. aaa raiioa SL     C  ntt Fourth Strott and Third Atonuo. Print Ruport. B.C.
                                                                                                      SB  Ui Art. aad Cuimi Aa.
                                                                                                   oa ST- lib Art. aad bodto Plato
                                                                                                  Boi as - tu An. aad
                  S3BjBSH9HHp                            T    a CH Port SlmpMM. at c  W                            Taompooa SL

                                                                                                          CIRCUIT RO. 4.
                                                                                                    i  1 -lib Air. aad Cauucnoa                    LaTr 1 1 1 bbH I i i I        1 it J till

   4DiEtL iBT'iSi                  tSCaByy               Ptrutitm (uii tkt muilftr    I           tr I'Utt.4--4- Kb b A,.A. aad aikl Xrbrtdr Orrra H St. BUS

                          BJlL-JIfcSMJ                      JnmS t 10 timet.          I              44 4m Ato. aad Utui st                       lO 1MB fta Sl-UkUS SJattT IW Urant   ,sH
                                                                                                  Boa 4 -Tib A. and Cbcrta.                                OtoU (iilwlMijr M AXIAJCAS SiW lit)
  flHSSSSffSft                                       1112 IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY        I           Boa 141 Tib Ato. and Young si                    GcfiMoroItmoy-loryoiirrritq

                                                                                                                                I Jf VlPto. TZtsIV) I    Mill TtlUlt IX-HM Til "lillUIIKUT-
  PHi?                 'PSI'W                                       I                                                            4 roliatlo-rwuiotiflj Par IIoum with aa aab!nbkd rr
     nW'Mt                    "                                                                                                  "aBBBSaaSISaMBBBr JBBBB                                 ,'jk
                           -     w   k ',ala                                          H
                                        'amaBaaaMfe                                   tai.           SUBSCRIBK FOK                                lANtt I'KorlTAllLK rlra Wrlto for "Ckt Skn "'S'l
1 alBHLHHHHilHBMaHaBkk                                                 -.bBMBbBbV                                                                 hha oal roliAUo.amiralo aurkol rvport aad prko Umt

                                                                                                 The Daiit News                                   A. B. SHUBERT. Inc. ittWAAWSKl


                                                                                                                                                                   prilfVCE RUPERT,   -