ll. 1917 tuber ri TIIK DAILY NEWS nf TONIC THAT ff and the BHH6S HEALTH -It LUX way to TIMBER SALE X 1033. use it Builds Up TAB -fnilM-tlKS" ' " will bs rrrrlt rd by h Wbore System ''' UtuN OetoUe,iitrf imiii 7. noon tut tta on Pour boiling or very hot rr for ItassiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBalslsssss&sni , Umm x it, i. mi i.tuo water over the LUX flakes "rruii i n'1' ' ' Th a.. .iitin!i J at u'. Ifemlark, SprBcc and pure essence ol soap." trts la Um rn dihih iHnHjr of Link . S, Cmm IHMHtl Whiik into a lather. At er. u, tifowtd for rt once vou get the richest, HHIIHHiiHI Li i.t ,f the i.Tiwf Former creamiest lather you ever tt" V, ..n.!lp-ltoa. Ind.XrtUon, I saaawwl C.lfl! r,Mlr, rr!M aw, which dissolves dirt . it, . '.,!. or -orc', Oil. laaaaaaaaal BaSa SM? I 'jH without robbing.! r ' . ii, ..liar Trn.i.I. Ilheu. ubbbbbbbbV' WM'ffiW i.I n . ra.. I-.M) ACT After coolin,9tir the clothes frult.tlfW lit eared the about in this heavy lather. . .ca they feel 'oeiicr a -hu.B I ASD Ol- IftJ T IHSTIUCT Ol KIM f KM lOVIK HMI'1 Do not rub or twist them. ,, ry wty. TWin uww ' ASSJAR I Knowing at ilie Westholine Rinse in two or three relays ' ' ,p ui hnit trjrtl of lbej i nnnmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH llieatre tonight. of water of the same temper . I. m.i 111.... atura you washed them in. k J,u . ... -MltMr fM GxnptRy, 1 V trill ia. SSe. ut. a wi U - ' Fruit' ' Vtit. '..rr. oeeatiailM m4.r .mm. Sk.tt.1A LAID DIITHICT DISTRICT or So thoroughly is LUX dis-solved : ,r ot rottp-id AN IRISH POET ttif iitKiHt M tfPlr far trn,ua la COAST. RA.1CE I. that not a trace re alioiraciar tl t Mil bUniMl i th. mains in the garment to dis .-i anil uiic ori'ial, who ha aiapti tomr of Lai lili, ctuur Df- Take Mtlca that 1. M. Conitoo, of Xaat color it. LUX won't harm ! n killed in France. IMMB tl rhllai. fallawln. 4ar. oacHtMIWa patrolman, loteiMli lo anything that pure water Mt-iur aurk to um .i.w. eoravr or Lm Maty for permrstfcMi to partbaia Um fol-wtas alone will not injure. For HELP FROM Um writ art chain. u low VKnLd lands. Cotnroaelnr tt a THE ir naiki Uwrn muUi and ( oat punted an Obtcrratory !Dlt at fiin-Mki silks use lukewarm water. PATRIOTIC FUND CMM Mtoaiar tow-wiltr mtrki uwact Bay, mr mil tckiw Um old canaery ftl taee ebatai. U um pUr or Ufla-oinr, Mte; Haw aoath 49 cbaini, Uwnee writ and eaauinlot . itm. is ehM, tbtnte norib 40 chaini. tbrnea All British I CONTRACTORS Ottawa II i now known that, 0 HA IDT .. ..SOUDATtO KLU11. SMrtT. rati IS dMlnt to petal or rammenctmrat, grpctn tnadt, by I BOTICE TO tut far lock, a June. 1017. the I.H WVitn C0MPA.XT, tTD. catatair t aertf mm or kit. Lever e i ecu I he coriiinftlee of the Cana I. rre4 hllfhl. AitiL J. MAXWELL COLUS0M, Brother k-st sat school -Tut- dian i'atrtotte Fund had decided Ule. AirMI life, hit, orilt AHiaat ftib. HIT. 5.11. Limited BaLi22HLJuVjl'T metn aprTibl to grant the ame assistance to st Bl- AoWttoe," IM b r-t IltC.tA LA AD biSTftJCT MSTIUCT or ti I! nttirtbl lfc XlnlfWr of the men aeleelisl under the Mill. COAST. IU.H0E I. Taroato 35 tV V rts t l TBtfr, lary tvrvif .ti a lo the men Harry A. Harocy 'Tir. HIT. for Um a ft: already enlintel. In the matter of u jupinwi of i roi TAIE iloTICX thai lb 0ru4 Trunk (Lata Laaaaa. t-. CaaMrtalalr payments U dependent. On June rirtflC lUll IT CMSPtDr Of WlBalnar. at. J af siuaU) Don't smoflier coagk merely HaDHaM. ifiKadi to apply for your ptrmiMWo li. 1017. at a meeting in Ottawa. f UeiU' Of LANSDOWNE COTTILL IfAM Um rUo1ar deacribed Uadi: lh eiecutlte committee of the Cusraraerar tl pott plaaled at Um motl rapUi Taken (or aflf TUT' W ataibicTt's Sjrap of Tar aad Cod Urtr O0 not ecdy K L i'B M Ml IKJ uwr w Fund pasted a resolution provid. aoriaeriy puinl cf txtl t(T at or aboai riOUM. PIA.IO, VIOUXCELLO and -UVSTkJJ 1 1 K I. II prompOy arreaU com&ing, tmt thaaka to tta tonic aavl rtl3'.-j -Art 1T. tl the Offlr of in K IhaL in the eent of the Gov. kiiu-kticr tuark. ibtoet nortkarly, tuitt- HARMOMT. 11 etrnlhiIof proU ItbelpatlMtTTtra to throw cat Hie: uraiwti Ar"C True eminent' pasaimt and enforcing ly. otiibarly as4 weittrty. felWawc Um - - EXAKt.1AllO.XS -Papllt Ova cold aod tkaa eflWta a pmnaDrst rnr. It M thto "foality TJtakki haa vmbi far Ir2 MtlaC4, TUrr M Uw ilaoosloet of Um iborc-liM to a petal of PrtaarM far Siamlaatlea SI ISm larjiat aaka of aay cxmgk ad cold imiity im CaaacWu : Xi. aum- lefcislation providing for a measure warrairat, Inclodiar aU ibal rora- JUtatlalM BaarS, Vatoara Catr of "elective drafting, the dependent hcre tielwrra taito-aalr and low-waur. Wil Catlas f '. Laaa l. aM r W J II. TKMCU, of the men so selected the on a.id trum PAanc railway jl.r MATirao oav. raap-aarawss)aB-,pj Co . IL It KaiiMrd. SoUdtor. TERMS PHONE BLUE 37 S "be entitled to the same asiit Dtleit I m. ,.o frr of Um ialy St. HIT. SSI! a nee as the dependents of the an attrinl tlar. nhtrti men who have volunteered." Under I, ;t . rriara la rwxl orW. the Military Kerr ice Aet of til . ; J. L II U WMCflSlKl by 1817. of eourte. with the first .aatcr ptyw M ID Ilea class unmarried men and widow-1 v ranK wf, rarier wunmii einioren, not a great 3 5 tr el " rnsnr are eirrl-1 to require as- IED1CAL ZThZ Uae for deadenU from the BOARD if h fa sa awa-1 1'atriolie Fund, allhouith each trtrw far. tm tfciraeaae will he eonaldered carefully. . oOfrre mm Ur ratarawd With aaltaaee. where neeled. -lc Han f U from the ! trio tic Fund, the men at 1 r t W eeadr4 aalrtt aelerted under the Military Ser- 'r Htrtated. aie4 viee Aet will receive every convenience rir af Um tderr. and right of the wen al . fmtrtufrt famtbrd. a. trtalrr ant tMraelly ready entitled. Their statu will he atsured. a l IjS.U1A1. ri.u,' WMki tafinr. C artaarat, VKtarU. JL C.I SPEEOY SHIPBUILDING fn hit til IN THE UNITED STATES v Bathe Vatlnnst4in. Oct. 10, Suclr re Internally markable priMi-fv ha been made in the quick building of the im-meiite and Keep Well ! lilla of American de- alroter to cmnc tlh the ubma- i-ur MHUMa at ait bUlrine ramoaiicn that the Navy l- r- ; dteae -a)! tta r partmenl nm la attureu 01 rmicn r " her tbaattt. auleker delivery of the ship than 1 1, r t aaar If pnoll MC tTC to t wT. wa eofllemplalc,! at the latt es rauUled tl Tl Uul timate, tkhicli in uteu ir -d!Ui today, at li protea ahed .if Ilie urlKilwl tC I'm- ; a, ' tatiuta drart thai art 17 raw at iktl nrranEemetit for oilier u W tt : Xalaaa la X.laro'l aBMt I and 3tr tatorul Haihlar. aad la! f.,n it an sakt today at ine " - lUI fiiM. mav Imb tta)i X.w loarltnenl. are ueh that 'e- tl i -rt aaa aa alaral lead the r4 I 1 he American navy wfll tar i-ffl haalih and 3 tttiatt tuautlMn. 0tr I uiili iia detlroyer within S3 etc va brittiL bealtby !? I elirhten months. 3 . 'Ull I 11 i aa.rlnln that all ll. S .1 k .a ini w U Sum on rtinioll, of . i,..im.t will d0 'J: - . 1' 1 I.. . a ...! lam 1!J1 ta t- ... aava. ..tH.il. I III afeftftal rJlllT IUT UUIJ III - ... 1 y tuia astva tvtttaj 1 in t, - t " um mrmt of Um I. . Uli.nn uater early next. year. beta ualnt II Bow far tl,. ... i., 1...1 nut been ex- CaUiAXW 1 ; t-saar peftH until the winter of li. ' ray health It ao lmppU I . a , ... ffiAa l M, m 1 . .... -r I lnnMlntlllalV 11-11 111U1111I" ..mv J.ni ira vi m. I.H'J'i "rf II .A-- I na nir addraat to tai-1 l.u.. .avail 1 : .ti I he h. iatada.may detlr lo rtM to Salvation Army. These Men Will Help 1 t: ,r L Orma't Dnil llapa. i, and ttb mretl. rrln- te '.oiwal fraa houklat. "Will lubhe meeting. Tuesdays. Decide at t t: u. only is Prr OoL imrl- Tlmradflvs and Saturdays ai r p. You 6.' m at fmrlrol dtlc for la- 'aw a,; it TIm "J. a. L. Calf id1 m. Sundays nt 7:30 p. in. lv.n tod etpltlned to yail Senricc Act? ... t '" If you preftr. writ for a i:.li. ..!-fe for service under the Mailary "-ai.-j t, 'ihaa. A. Trrrtll. I Colltrt " Juu uauiv w ' . . a . J-l ri.LU fnc von. Ti'raoio. TH. answer to this question is .being maae rZ'SU A Dollar Saved is Re-mber that the ntc a Dollar Earned" S1LE OF O0VERNMENT LOTS Medical Boards are I DOLLAR to your credit Part Cltmaata, Qttwi Ohtrlattt leltttt. tarill examine. free of charge A in the bank, is yours. 1 - a at.. ' ? 'I L.aw tkaa 1 1 tatkl skrnKvsical fitness for military service, mcy - - r , .ai.;n. You don't have trltot un to MiTICE la twrrb Hrn Hut. -B the call or maKe. you from work (or it all over in.miriiivj, rnun I lie vrFlll NlWiwri Jour physical condition absolve, you or Landa. 1 will un tbo I Ilk Ur f Pl this informaUon as ioc u 'Jf,,n-i you do for the dollars u u WnfA that vou obtain har tilt, at It o'rlurk In UM torri--- "lit have been ." ' - ma i r I iU afiir trtr VOU IreeUUlIl Ilvl spent. tHMh r r. f tl I'otl Clemenla, aril by public rneaicai uuoiu . I lOW" ataaass manaj UUIiai I evil ItAtrA liaTt V ar vrtii wu iha L.i of lha abuta luwnallt ueiooiiua i Aeeraf5" w T'T ui , Act from any ExempUon Tribunal. to Um Crown. Tba vpacl prlrt rr V0U Can cal1 'our own tba Mt .Ill bo e?d li It pr ror "hy not start an nrmnnt in lol fr roro e" " W malda loll tm! lit pr our Savings Department and T.rin. i uia half ruh ami btUnra in ou may be able to plan your future vc a part ol the money you yrtr ilb lourrat tl tit per wnt on possible tobesdectwd. Board soon a. JE fe Medical as carn r A few dollars saved dtfcrrrd i-ijiuralt. Tba Crow Ortol CtChWeek.ammint liliunilrrila talll ha tlS additional. Man ol IM vu Voat faVsUy and your employer are ill and llat of lull to b ulTtr-d ctu bt n the course of a few years. an at lha uinra of lha Aiallltnt Com lund by ailaamnvr of Laudl. Prlaca Ituiwrl. Of 'l THE BANK OF Mr. A. R. Mtlktry, port CUmrnu. or ! Th Military Soviet UM iH-IIAtl.t of UoUi. tct3tit. I. c i "rUlsli North Aaferlca i.r I lauda.II. MfMUIU.l. Aiiliunt Conmiiinoo"Sort . m ccit.vl aku cue rLua. rr jt,ss, SUBSCRIBE FOR PULNCE RUPERT DRilNCll W.J.SMmiERS,Mttna8crTE DAILY NEWS