Tit'.- ii TKK DAtLT NEW Local News Notes Makes Cooking a Pleasure LYNCH BROS. & McMEEKiN Third Avemie Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Kngllsh have W mmmmmI No bending over a hot top to reach 'arrived In the dir. i . tho dampers Kootenay controls are Mr. Hud" Gorier returned- from all on the outsldo-In front. And tho FULLER m McMEEKiN will vacate Vancouver yesterday afternoon. I sTSmbI oven thermometer shows the temperature their store on Third Avenue, near Second without opening tho twllnir films 10CI Veloi C VMsMBMSBBEMM oven door. before the 15th Inst, after which Street, Bros. This saves fuel, prints. 3c to 5c McIUe range time, trouble their business Will be conducted from the "Writo for and temper. booklet. Inlet your Surf of the , Holler, Mr. LYNCH BROS. STORE on Third Ave., mines, arrived In the city yester under the riew.name of day. MXlarjfc I Mr. O, W. Morrow, and Mr. H. ph01Es56.ioB Lynch Bros. S McMeekin j !tj.south ftochester yesterday returned afternoon from by Ine the KOOTENAY RANGE Prince Rupert. lob dos Toaoirro sr.Jonn.ua mortbeal iumiitoh wuiriwo caloabt abcjctxi SAiXATOOS EOasOflTO.1 Humphreys, of An- Miss Norma yox, passed through Prince Itu- For Sale by LA.Calland and Howe & McNulty LEGISLATOR pert yesterday on her way to An- A SOLDIER j t former from the south. Captain Ilobert Pearson, yox secretary of the Y. M. C. A. G. H. Arnold "The Daily News" The sale of home-cooking to be in Calgary, and a prominent Canadian MINERAL ACT held on Friday In the Bed Cross snortsman. He Is now- J.L.HICKEY NOTARY PUBLIO CLASSIFIED ADS. tent will be under the charge of overseas with an Alberta battalion CertlStste I U Mrs. Healy and Mrs. Starr. nti.l leads the Dolls in tbe vole of -Bettevlew 5 NOTICE I." "StlKw ."to. I." CONTRACTOR A BUItOtR the Alberta soldier to elect w Belvtcw Fraction," -Blenheim" sad We Sell Ileal Estate. WANTED. Mr. T. II. Johnson, manager of soldier members of the Alberta toom melton- Mineral oauo. We write Fire and Marine the Canadian Fish and Cold Storage legislature. m lbs 'keen Minier Dlrtaloe ef CaaMsr Store and Om WAITED - Good fTncphoo. MBit bo Insurance. Company, returned from the DUtrtct Sash, Door and cheap. Apply box. Ill Dally flews, f 1 Where located i At the head or miane We have Apartments, Stores, south yesterday afternoon. The Prince John brought many River. Alice Arm. Oak and Hard W 3 fk 1 INTELLIGENT PERSO.t MAT EABJ1 Houses, and Offices for south from the north on her TAKE BOTIC h I, wss, T. lerrn. kinds. 1100 monthly correapondint for newt Foggy weather to the passengers rree Miner's CertlOcaM . S4TI-C sctwi Rent, and Want More. papers; fio to ISO monthly la pr was responsibfe for the delay in arrival yesterday from Alaskan for tayseU and as sral for Oeorrt Rodte. We Specialise In Hard, We Deal in Mortgage Loans.- vasaicr;lira ; eipertence aubjcta annecetaarys sutrested. Send 00 can for the arrival of the Prince Rupert port, among whom were Mr. Joe trwclal Fre Miner's Ceniflesu .to. l. wood Boat Ribs, Sath, We Bell Timber Limits. particulars, national rret Bureau yesterday. She did not get Into Sanders, of Circle City. Mr. T. J. m Intend,aoolr silly to the days Mlniat from ine Recorder aaw hiwi,for s Doors, eto. We do Conveyancing. room 74. Buffalo, H. T. berth here until 2 p.m. Corcoran. Circle City, Mrs. C. 1). CertiBcat of tanrsttmeota. for the par Plate and Sheet Coo ev. Dawson, and Mrs. ii. itou. hu of obtaihlai s Crown Oraat of tbe Qlatt lm FOR RENT Mr. J. II. Pillsbury, superin. inson, Dawson. above claim. Olailng. M. a. HELGERSON, LTD tendent of tbe drydock, returned And farther Uks notico that action, kin Ccmsr Fiassr and (Ui ttt, rOR REJIT Comfortable formatted rooma, der secUoM It. Saul be rosamenced be. with breakfast If required. Pbooe Oreen to the city yesterday afternoon by Mr. O It. Naden. Deputy Minis for the laaaaaco at sscB certuuaie at IIS. the Prince George after a trip to ler" of Lands, arrived in the city Imeeatementa. BIS PHONE OREEN 269 and Victoria. Dated this ia (Jay of jsiy. A. P. hit Vancouver yesterday afternoon by the Prince P. O, C3X TM Work In f Bus's Horn. FOR SALE. Hupert. His many friends in the MINEPAL ACT Mr. C. W. Craig. K. 0. and to him again glad see FOR SALE Mew Modern roar-roomed city were Youhill THE HUB eoliae. Ready early October. Apply Quarter Master Sergeant Mr. Naden left laler for Alice Arm CeMlStete of laiaeataaiMU. r. W. Hart, tf. arrived in the city yesterday from and on his return thence, will be OOII4 Af., fcOtWOOfl Slstll SevSflth will at the Prince Rupert Feeflft, the south. They speak nonet in the city for a few days prior to P.O. BOX 22S PRINCE RUPERT ron SALE Soda water Dlaat complete Win the War meeting this even -SI)r Berr Mineral Claim, situate la his south syphons, rase, bottle, eaaencea. laoeis, going again. ths Skrena Mlnlar Dlrtiton ef Caislsr BOWLING ALLEYS etc. A barrtln. Apply Prince Rupert ing. Dtatrtn, PHONE SS ImDortinr Co. Ltd. tiO MINERAL ACT Wliere locaudj Owe aalte from ths POOL and BILLIARD The St. Andrew's Society will head ef Alice Arm. LUNCH COUNTER MISCELLANEOUS hold their regular monthly meeting S0TICI TO OEU.tOUE.1T rABTJIER TA1E ROTtCE thai We, Miles Donald. tomorrow night. Business Free Miner's CeranreU .. SIOI-C snd HAY, GRAIN, FEED, SUDS RepresenUnt: OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT On vnlean torn K. Morrison. Pre Miner's CeruBcate T trior Ent1nrrlnr Company, Alice Ite or metal plates, also crown and will be conducted from 8 to 9 p.m To C W. Cathoaa: !a. 1111 C latend. sltty days from the and FERTILIZER Arm. B. C. T. A. Ztltoj Lotflnr . brldrtwork hirbett prices paid, post after which a musical evening will Take Douce, whereat I hare dons and date hereof, to srpty to the Mintnr Be-carder Lumber Ca. LlL. Queen Charlotta t. without delay, cash by return malL be spent. canted to be dona siaeaament work on the for s OruSraia af improertaenu WI CASH MT CNtdS Dunstooe, tilt Georru SL. Vancouver. . MidnirM Frsctioa mineral claim, situated rer tbe parpoee af nbtaiAnf s Crown EstablUned ST years. Oil oa the Illlanca rtrer, about fosirteea miles Oraat of the sbnve rtalm. Chicken Feed a Specliltj Make Tbe Hl'B roar hridjuarlr. Although dragging operations from lbs bead of Alice Ann. ta ths Skreaa And farther tak noUce thai action, an. lr your mill addreised la oar care. LOST were conducted yesterday in the mlalnr dielalon of Skeens dlitiicl. sasess dr sectlos) II. matt be cesnmeaeed before harbor for the body of Ina Chris, meal work for 1(11, ISIS, and till, and the letaanea af such Coruscate af Mono Black BIO. M. C Rooa, Prop. nave paid for said work and recordist all Oedera Pfrtlf AttM4 ta. LOST On Monday, on or near MeBrlde lian who was drowned In the UnproTements. same the sua of 1107.10. Unlets you pay ftaied this Seventeenth day of sly. A.D. Street, black bar eootalnlnr crochet canoe accident on Tuesday even ma the stun of 1 1 It.10, for roar a bare HIT. BIS work, rinder pleaae return to Mrs. H.S ing, they were not successful. f the said assessment work, lotether with rarker, irs Seventh Avenue. the cost of this advertisement. I shaO. at P. a Ms BBS. SOS TMM ths etptrsraa of ninety (SO) days from PACffK CARTAGE, LTD. j FOUND The many friends of Mr. Proc the date hereof apprj la the ml ait)r re- Atkins Harry ter, the old time architect here. rder si Frtnct Rapcrt. B, C, to bsea FOL'flD Pair of brown leather owes. will be sorry to learn of his death yoor lauresu la ths Mldalrht Frscuoa rsmMf Bettnee, Prlate Reseet. Owner can hare same by paytnr far tola mineral claim vetted In me, la part Ji see . DENTISTRY month in Wisconsin. Cetera about a ago hsmmg advertisement at lbs Dally flews Ode. of the preelstoos of the mineral stL I In the early days here, he was Paled at Prince Rupert. B. C. this toth NOTED FOIt DOMESTIC rOL'flD Cah reenter key. Owner can associated with Mr. P. W. Anderson day af September, HIT, Dtl. PRIME SAUSAGE onowsi sjbo SRioAS WON BLACKSMITH COAL bare same by paying for this advertise-meat in the building trade. II. C PHILUPS. a SPSOUITT at tbe Daily news omc. Tomato Sausage a Specialty. DR. J. S. BROWN Careful Attention to Piano "LOVELY MARY" ADVERTISE IN DCSJTIOT and Turnlture Removals. OWNER GOING TO THE FRONT OCteei S Phone S74 P. O. Boi Sna BteeS. TSirs PHONE S3. The story of "Lovely Mary" The Daily News Selling at a sacrifice of course, hich Is to be shown on the but offers a chance for others to screen at the Weslholme Theatre Do their Hit" here. Fishing is CtawrSyeei wvwr' isyw, eQ tonight. Is one of the Southland, eesreet' Ales at. kuasoa. BM. our only industry. Here's your and most of the scenes were W. I. wtniama. B.A Ula chance to jump into it. A fully the photographed in picturesque WILLIAMS A MANSON and half equipped forty-one a everglade o f Florida. Liltld Barristers. SollottorsY Etc. foot beat, capable of carrying Mary Miles M Inter, the youngest sMxaarv to loan 15,000 pounds of fish to port, is star of the stage, appears in this BRITISH RED CROSS APPEAL Boa till offered for 11,200 cash. Weigh play. She is supported by a Btoen Scales. Prince apart. B. strong and capable cast, who will delight the audience. Mary Miles Minter is just fourteen and made tier debut on the slae a when Ave A HOT BATH THE years old. Despite her success on the speaking stage, she has aU OUR DAY MINUTE YOU WANT IT tained even greater success motion pictures. And in this play You are accustomed to 1 sne well Justifies her position i getting cold water instantly. i id. i i her profession. In addition t Think of the satisfaction October this five-act wonderplay. there 20th, 1917 of getting Hot will be a good comery as well.. how abundance,Water much in the has regardless same been way used of in have Although been issued no for war the tax last tickets night For Sick and Wounded Sailors and Soldiers Pel before. or two. this is explained by the fact that further supplies Iiav HOT WATER LIKE MAGIO not yet arrived from the south Notwithstanding this, the West. Harry Hanson holme management are compelled Hot Water Service brings to pay the tax. you this convenience. WANTED WIMTED PHONE 489 P. O. BOX 36 Tie-makers. All winter's work "ppiy uypnavn uanson, or Hanson's tie camp, Sheraton. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE From Prince Rupert STEEN & L0NGV1LL Prepare to contribute your proportion on the day set for the Collection or FOR CANNERYMEN Mall Now Cheque We have added to our; stock of valves and pipes a complete SANITARY AND HEATING line of Hubber Helling at right prices. ENGINEERS A complete stock of the FOR best FISHERMEN goods that money can buy for Agents for THE REAL APPEAL trolling Spring Brass, 81lver and Bronze. FOR THE WATERFRONT McCLARY FURNACES "If Canada falls us In October wc must curtail many of our activities." The celebrated Maple Leaf Paints and Varnishes Special boat PLUMBINQ Sir Arthur Stanley, Chairman Executive Committee paint "FLOOLAZK" A compute line of Ship Chandlery. FOR EVERYONE and British Kcd Cross A fine stock of Hardware, Ourney's Oxford Stoves, SHEET METAL WORKS We Sell Nothing But The BesL Phone 5, 834 Second Avenue. Night phones 570 The Collection In Prince Rupert Is being made under the direction of and Blue 270 Mrs. A. D. Mcintosh. Vice-President, Canadian Red Cross Society FRED STORK'S HARDWARE The right work, at the right tlmo, and at the right price. ieeeeeeoeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee