V The Daily News wijiKtin- t'Y l'HUT Pitim nmcttwTg gill COVERliffltMlTOlED AT LM! BRITISH ADVANCE AT YPRES ON 6-MILE FRONT - HUNS ATTACK FRENCH LINES Turnum in (RAIDER SEA ADLER IS T I'I '111-1 II U I SIR WILFWD AND FORMATION OF wr, vntij iv m m j WRECKED IN SOUTH SEAS MILITARY SERVICE CONTINUED IN W'ahinglon. October 10. -Two UNION GOVT. IS . Ottawa, Oct. 6. One important ilerman coinmerre raider, man-ikhI effect which has resulted OF MUD already ( OCEAN by the crew of the fa moo Sea 1 ACCOMPLISHED irom me announced intention or Adler, which It now develop the Liberal leader to consider ...... Bxailna Enemy on Front trandeil on Mopeha Island in the j placing his resignation in the The New Members Include Messrs. of i" ' South Pacific, after roaming the hand of the party in the inter, ftowell, Slfton, Crerar and prgr Bln0-Satisfactorily. ea for weven mouth preying on est of national and party unity Calder Parley I Now American and allied hippitig, are ha been to strengthen his appeal Commissioner. operating aomewhere in the Poulh lo the extremists of both sides of rea, according to a report received (Special to Tbe Dtlli news.) i 13-Tbe Hrilltli luniabt at the Navy !-' the conscription and Quebec L Ottawa, October 13, A Union i m have attacked ttartment from the commander of Issues for moderation of views Government has been formed and Tl9 L.. s; 'i a front of tlx the naval station at Tululla, Ha-moan and wise counsels to secure the f Ypre. The of- Island. tbe following ministers have been .1. utmost possible unity of war effort ted to be making Tlie deapatch. transmitting Hi- worn in: Premier and Secretary in Canada. The Quebec ex. gress. Wry heavy it lory of Captain llador Smith of of State for External Affairs, Sir a. 1-1 . the night, eon the American schooner O. Hlade. Iremists, who would have Sir rtobert Borden; Minister of Mill. . sodden ground Wilfrid come out in favor of the t jdy one of tbo cea Adler victims. tla, Major General Mewburn; Min f muil. repeal of the military service act, was sent on September 29, several ister of Overseas Service, Sir Edward French Front. week after the two now now realize that neraislenee in Kemp; Minister of Immigra ' IS Last night that altitude would strengthen Sir i'uj - raider left Mopeha Island, where tion and Colonization, Hon. II. A. Wilfrid desire to the ei r. .. J 1 i-real ariwery o-jt th?y had been captured by the resign Calder, of Saskatchewan: Minister leadership. On the other hand. . i r a series of Oerman Herman. The first put to ea of the Interior. Hon Arthur the difficulties of Sir Wilfrid's it point on our on August 21. and the other on1 Melghen; Minister of Agriculture, position are being made more T -.met Herman aU September 5, and it probably was ' non. i. a. urerar. ot ManiioDa: . clear lo the etronR Liberal con- with the object their operation which led to re- : Minister ot Customs, lion. A. L. and the danger of r round In Auber- cent report of raldera in the ! ecriplionista, Sifton, Premier ot Alberta; Pres the Conservative clan of cam. rrfftoa failed. On Pacific. ident of the Privy Council. Hon. racial lines is being -f the Metise on 1 1-fore coming lo grief on paign along Mr. Howell, of Ontario: Minister to v - n( artillery fight August 2 the Sea Adler had added emphasized.Refuse lo PromlM Repeal. of Railways and Canals, the Hon. ,a m th region or the Amcriean ehooners A. II. Mr Held, late minsiter or Customs; The Ouebec end of the situa It. twl. obhson. Manila, and Slade to the Secretary of State and Minister tion is well in edi expressed- an Cut Holland Off. allied of Mines, Hon. Martin Hur- list of at least twelve ves torial in The Ottawa Citizen to ".-uiber 13 Great, sel wuleli she tank early this rell. late Minister of Agriculture; day. in part follows: Th a- t eiMl all oommer- South Atlantic Ocean. as Minister of Public W'orTts, Hon. a - in the year fact are that a Quebec wing of i: "imaNkation with C. Hallantyne, of Montreal, ex-President c. lasi from In the IHg period the piDTiiem miT rnNrrarm a HUN OFFICER PRISONER the Liberal party insist upon th ,of the Canadian Manu eueh time an last heard March, whefi ahe was kic eminent plate from, the raider probably ent Tin vouir .nicer wa among m- i , mai capU ed by the leader agreeing lo rescind the facturers Association; Solicitor H tc:ut reslrKUotuupon- U dawn other craft encountered in Canadian during the flahlitm twM- or JuhoM Xroui in 1c..fL0fk,C"P"on m.ea"irtV a"U l?i Genera L,I'oiu-II ur b u th r ie it ' j J giavel and meals oasslne through the Atlantic. nrwiinn. il.r m.r m (i.,eli.. . n lu'oear.. t.. be m-re ....contented a mis I .r.,promise Ik. -!.lo the i.tn Quebec!U' th The Hon. Frank Cocfirane ; 1 '4 ;rm Germany around Cape Horn, and crossed with hi M. and lo have n.. r.-Kret- living tne struggle uemnu. '"'v; tbe Canadian Board of DirecU Chairman of the . ... ih PaetOe to the Society group Term In Alsace-Lorraine. which Mo- GERMAN AIRMAN THREW AUSTRIAN i SOLDIERS . . Ir, unc .-n v.rw...n. . of of French Islands, - M a. 1 1 1 1 K. tm-n,tl r.-kf. Iha I. hapalB. J WREATH FOR BROTHER wnipptu Tusviiun nu.u Irnmr. Canadian Jiign ioum- H. I i -r'reeh evidence peha la one. but Sir Wilfrid has. according to sioner in London. at 4 nnd every day of Sea Adler ToUl Lost. the best information, absolutely A Rebuke. t i inpalgn of terror--Vw. according lo Itehiiid the British Line in Italian Headquarters, Oct. II. The Sea Adler. refused to agree to this proposi- Edmonton. Oct. 13. The Hon. i thfjr have been Captain Smith report, arrived at France. Oct. II. A German aeroplane lite la t Italian advance is mem. tion. He take the stand that,Frank 1 Oliver's newspaper, the Ed- tm " Alsace and Lor Mopeha on July 31. Two day was brought down In the rtrable for the rapidity with which conscription is now the- law Oft I IllUIliUII a ilUIICHIlf n..llAl2 ivwumo MKuVa 4h T.th- be beginning of she stranded on the island it aMw.miilitri I h fiiiantitv l)i Iflnif, that. . it must be nbeved. ' u ka ivr.lan later British line a few day ago aft I evwe v x--t - i f Ta I S HUU UdtC JUHlru laat? w.m Oerman court and was abandoned as a total los. au mwr. of booty seized, and the Import- and that, come what may, it must caDineli as Borden's policy has i ,g In the annexed and crew, with twenty- a battle lasting neany . ttnnil nn th slatnta books SO far'., i ..v. 1 1, rh the master The next morning a German wa- anee of the positions won. ine ,,7 ' ih'aiwaS " i L K inflicted tentencea seven while men ana -i'vrrn as the calling to the colors of richer and the poor poorer, which surmount- 4!' uand year' im native prisoner, making hore in ehine came hovering over the mountain conquered Is lmnili.A.4 fhrktitnnrt men is altogether at varience witn tne n the citizen of ..r.tv Tim eomnany remained same spot and manoeuvred for a cd by live peaks each 2,500 feet u concerned. tenets of Liberalism. 1 whose ole when the k 1. ....I fnkininif salncrlA PaWK llll malum f nilARAA Wlnrl . vince, 21. 2 i i there until August position. It was promptly attack UIU OIIU AVlIltlUft oo wiMiiiaiMiii w ww The Hon. A. L. Btfton ha not aeen the expression Adler master, aceompanieu rn ..... niMu.i viwfv!iririAft T1ia Liberal leader bas Dlacedl tnA m Amirahln nf Sea but returned to the German "j avorable to France by three officer and two men. put ed,in after dronning wverboard on oach of these five tops, from allernatlye before the Quebec Alberla. Thc Hon. Mr. Stewart, Russian Front. motor Ioop with machine pigment will notl i lll.l.u. nf UnMI. WnA : : u t. 13, In Kurdle. to ea In guns,a rifle, bombs and something which was seen to fall whiel. they were able to observe ; . Vil.T. n t one VrVeiL . " lv-iTi,. r " 'be village of the about two months supplies. near an evacuated village. all the lUllan movements in the . down 0nly on condition!,h- neu, Alherta Government. - "en taken, and the The remainder or in crew Two British soldiers who were va'lev and the ravine roads lead been driven to the nn the island until Sept. sent to II nd out what had been iug to he Bainslzza Plateau. respected and obeyed in Quebec WESTHOLME THEATRE Zob lllver dropped returned with a beauti . Wilfrid retain the leader- J Oreat 5. when the Frencn scnooner i .- k...i.i.n will Sir - ' r- aplive have been t ..!. hnnnil nut of Tahiti, So. ful WTeath nearly wreath three was reel at in trenches filled with dead bodies; hiP- This uUIroatum of the Lib- Tonight there will be displayed To the t at are being taken rare Li.i t.lnnds. arrived at Mopeha diameter. era' .r they then pressed '-'-'r";"'- Westhnlme Theatre a the British crossing these, at the tached note asking r7 p. Oerman in the n.i iv se ted. Tne scnooucr a of two hundred yards forward over present crisis in the ijpholopiay entitled "The Years of wanted to fraternUe un. niiinnd with machine guns, airmen to place it on the grave the hill-top and reached the that party. Ills not related Fannie Ward is the :ian troops. rille and bombs, and the German the dead pilot. i caverns where the Austrian had any way to lhe appointment of gap artis and she ha9 always Demoblllxlng, Immediately put to a in ner. ?lr'f"?.rZ. "I ,V litre ther found a certain nominal Liberals to office . a . favorjte fn Prlnce & t luatlon of the u Tbo Sea Adler prisoners, oi was my oroiucr. : ': . ' lirtlin. in the present Administration, ana - , -.hft YpaP!, ot lhe p attached to the tthnm flantain Smith wn one. 2 t,r.n,,nk.yCrr!ni..;ea7d .-fume ha no reference whatever to ;j; . p,ay ot a very hlgb or a: a my ha begun. The were left on the almost d-so.aie ... - j- r - - it llw,i,n r. union uovernmeni. n iu vuC- der and one that will pleace every e'"5 189 I-95 are being ent i.inn.i imt mi Senlembcr i.'in, honor the dead. J-iease uo mis nr uu wer ad 'but U o jounger ber Liberals fall into line Sir Wil- one who sees it. There will De a dirs Tt-.r: Workmen' and Sol- Smith and three other ol mo ttle th-...service UPnth for was me."denos teJ os Mddicrs raj JO)ful at escaping m Travelogue shown also, giving ' aril have requested M departed In an open lie win uuim uir. somo very nne views, ana a goou V s M isler nf the Interior, to prisoner boat and reached Tuiuua icn reiiuesled on the grave of the dead further ganger iimalion ,ncr.. R.,pet for Him. comedy. J-'Mhr vernmenl. at he fail later. Smith reported the prison German airman. ' """" . .I.-.ki- r,,rim. The public will be interested "w: 1 f " .. . knowimr the facts. Mr vvu- Coal Is the .Ionia nf IIia Work. nu . ik- in The favorite household er badly in need of food w , nior n n..a i L- cuiiiinifiit ru. liiu " C!"- tiifi. Luis u r 1 11 co. credit for a J Soldier' organliatlon. water. frid must be given Ladyamlth Welllnaton. Phone 15, Coal Co. tf. Prince Rupert r. ... ... . new Wellington coal ana IE" COMES BACK . ... "SMITH 1 1 . nn.l 11 1 T V vimips llll 11 111 17. a Mv ' - Umber of all dlmontlona. leiirrs, HHiliv - - - . . , . ... ,.,, nositlon in this matter must im ) -..i...n.i L.ium.r iii ineir ironnu-ku n 1on no. pulled measurably increase his influence Whii IIia lrinre GeorgO WANTED about in all parts of the Dominion oul-nlde ' morning into the wharf this the postal autuorities w iwm uum and with today by the Province of Quebec, ten o'clock, a familiar face at I.iveriHMil. Kugland. with the com. " even in that part ot the country Loggers, Chokermen, WESTHOLME seen unfamiliar clothe was could FISH abhivau Cooks mint that the addressee his stand must entitle htm lo trie. Swampers, Firemen, I "SmitlUe" in me the rail. It wa located. not the support of the and Bull-cook. . OPERA State sol not te , wns in resnect. if HOUSI United uniform of a LTD. j!j The J. R. MORGAN, -tmiihiit: element. to do ! . . . aa ik- ..r nll-conscriPtion dier. Mr. W. G. Smith used ... -- nri TONiQHT ONLY general meeting . The anaual ha8 d,ffcred wUh g,r wiu secretary to Mr. W. C. C. the t e C,ra will 3,ooo 1 . private th. PruiM Hupert braaoh ,.f j iu? lh con8CrlpUon Apply Williams A Manaon Fannie Mehan,Mm a T.general P. here,sugerlnlenuonv but the minute oi i:OIiad,a.. lied Cross in he C.ourt cole lies wre sold or " H cen measure, but recognizes that In Ward evening he la.t oresent Instance he is show. the, United States declared war. w. ins ,,,, ill Honor Judge lounger i himself above party Influences of wn olT to Join the forces 11)the was .llea pre.weni i wo linj thal he i, prepared to leave country. "SmltM" is a Mr. n. ?4. 'S, 'lion. rather than preclpl- CAFE suing nolitlcal life LONDON uThe Years of tnirlt. mid Prince llunert has been ident; Mr. John Conway, M' v,o.-pr. Tim I.nitlAS l...tU. . nt lha... .tnte COIlfUBiOU. If UOt WOrSC. ill duller slnco his departure. u 1 1 1 " - - - AND GRILL uru-urn rritary; Mr, voouianu, t.u n Anil.a nf amile lit the iiutiert General Hospital .this genial absolutely up Mr. Clancy, uperintendenl Third Avenue The Locust" wharf thl morning, Tva come supplies, vvilli Mr. Dawson a will hold their annual ball In the. power.' Semico of the Beat j home, boy," were his first wwrtis. ,,f Tl total um rjillect- St. Andrew' Hall on Octoner t.l Prompt I And Prince Ilupert looked gooi to asitail. Dancing will commence at 0:30 ANNOUNCKMENT for the fa. ther la to aat at all hour. TRAVELOGUE for Hi lU'U urusp iiir m av him. HJ . . - r.,v. i ' .,i.. tv..lhnlmA MrrliBSlrtl 'IllOUS I.a ijOiuiuo lAirnri, iiiivun Ho will only liOierfi for BOXES FOR LADIES COMEDY or two, when he vvfineavfl ffi lu begun It.ou. . - ' 944tt ft' Knst. war