,..... , MAIL SCHEDULE J The Daily News THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NOftTHERN nitfTISlfcOLOlftlA For tha-Cast. Published Daily and Weekly j M..mla Wednesdays and al-rnys Guaranteed Largest Circulation at rM m- HEAD OFFICE: From tha East. Daily New Building, Third Avenue. Prince Ruptut, I. i unday. : P-" ' Tneaday. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 3j conu r inch to p.tti.; Thursday, :JKJ p.m. Contract Kates on application. For Vancouver. Monday 7 a. m. DAILY EDITION Saturday. Oct. 13. 1017. Tuesdays 5 P m- sse Thurdar 10 p. m. Saturday P- PROGRESS powers, now sanctioned by law Stale control or government Which enable Itig Interest t From Vancouvar. ownership of the means of production levy taxes on the puthe n lh-shape Sunday 18 p. m of the necessaries of of exorbitant r c tn Mondays m life not so many years back was commodities which th. v liav Wedneadara IBM a. nt looked upon as a dream of a accumulated, and which ihey - visionary. Faced by lhe stern have the pnwer In hold "lit t Fridays P- Saturdays 1G:W a. ifl realities of war and the conditions use. There are vsrwin remedies: arising therefrom in this a graduated income lax For Anyoi. modern age, the matter does that will return excessive pro not appear to be so dream like fits to the public; a'death duly j Sundays 10 p. in Instead of being a dream, It has that will rcurn arcumulaed Wetlnesdays 10 p. m corne Into the realm of very wealth 16"the public; the fixing Fridays 8 p. t Millions practical politics. In practi of prices by the State. None ..me bigger and small business Saturdays 10 p. m callr all the warring countries. of these plans is novel. In other t- become smaller. Dig pro this principle has been put into countries these remedies hav durlinn means cheap production. From'Anyoi. of Packages operation, except In Canada. been applied in time of war Hut the cheapness of Sundays, a. in.. Mondays, a. tn ?3 Faced by necessity, the action some were in force in a modi Tuesdays, p. and Thursday production must be for the of this famous Wnr-timc Sweetmeat are of the State has been found to m. fled form before the war. Sol p. benefit of the people at large. sent to the soldiers,sailors and aviators be'beneficial to the people. one of these remedies has been Discussing 'this matter, the applied in Canada to the extent Just becomes so soon so large as any that buslnes there no Port Simpson A Naaa River Point at the front. Globe demanded the abnormal For Sundays. 10 p. m. says: by con The existence of the evils dilions that now obtain. longer is any competition, then From Tuesdays, p. m. If you have n friend there, sec that every is the time for the Government arising out of the inequitable The sound common sense o or the people, to step in, for parcel or letter contains a few bars or a distribution of tbe world's great the publie discriminates be their own protection. Quean Charlotte Islands. package of VJRIGLEYS, the great chew wealth is apparent on all sides tween the legitimate Increase Mails Close Oct. 10 and 21 Everything points in that ing confection that is used around the These evils were not unknown In the earnings of the farmer Nov. 7th and StsU, Dec. Slh and direction. And the action n world. before the war. That there is and the worker, and the profits 19th 10 p. m. a greater outcry today against of the IHg Interests tha control the profiteers in Canada since Mails from Oct. 1 1th and 28 Keep It nlwnyn on band. It the has war began brought the bclpn tcelii, appetite,dlgeetloo. the Individual accumulation of prices at both ends. The the Vox. llth and Sth, Dec. 0th and matter before people a wealth is merely due to the fact public is not versed in economic 23nl p. m. large in a manner which makes Sealed tight that' the sufferings of the people principles, but it knows them take notice. at the bottom of the social that much Of tbe economic Stawart, Mapla Bay and Swamp Kept right jiX..sa 1WS r I meat - - x Jn scale have passed the point of teaching in the universities of Point. human endurance. Men will Canada will have to be revised Salvation Army. For Wednesdays, 10 p. m. voluntarily surrender their after the war. The State regu From Fridays, p. m. lives for a great cause; they lation of production and dis Public meetings, Tuesdays will endure the pangs of famine tribulion has reached a stage Thursdays and balurdays at 8 p Alaska and Yukon Territory. rather than yield Up a besieged in Europe from which Britain rn. Sundays at 7:30 p. m. For Mondays 9 p. m. city to the enemy, but why and other countries win not re From Saturdays, p. m. should the consumers of Canada cede' when peace comes. Al You are certain of better pic iw casjaam asaar patiently endure want and ready, through the co-ordinated ures at less cost when your Province of British Columbia privation In a land of plenty? activities or the Allied Food Kodak work is entrusted to Mellae True, tbe system legalises tbe Controllers, the regulation of Ilros. DtARTSSCirr Of LASlOt The Flavour Lasts profiteer, but the farmers and! production and distribution is workmen who are producers! not only nationalized, but Internationalized. The Daily News delivered by NOTICE must not be confounded with! The Utopia that hrrif, 50 centa per month. R Overda rarmeau on AppMcatloo to middlemen, who, although belonging men dreamed of in past ages is rare bat Crown Lands la British Coiaabla. PUT WRIQLCY'S IN YOUR FIQHTCR'8 CHRISTMAS BOX to a elass that is inseparable fast becoming an established WATER NOTICE BOTICK U hereby siren thai, under lb It mil. I'Hlc but RIN " it 1.4 tf !t,f f, in,t r. f. t from DUrrtioo tad Cm). proTtiloct of lb "Soldier' Hosneslead njy a li-ns; lastitig -i.T. i in.. b i ( .i i,. t. -i- , n. production. Canada is the fact. only country act Repeal Act." any person who did not have given rise to conditions that is holding back. apply nnder tb "Soldier Homestead Art, (jie nr In a p a oie-up I Aery iin.inm. .r..i uaa that enable some of them to Through the failure of the TAIE 50TICE thai R. t. Relit. dom IS II." to complete his application to par s -ftic WftK.U 8 (it M reap where they have not sown. Government to apply in ade Kllmi is S ten art. a. C. srffl apply for chaa. either by payment la ran or by tb nrense to take tod m seeenty cubic selection of a proportional allotment, When middlemen reach a stage quale measure the principle of reel of viler Ml of ."forts aad Eat I rortt atay. by prevUr bla lateral aad pau of'development where they se State control or production and r Cascade Creek, bJtn Bows somberly P In r0 tb balance or tb pttrcbaa cure a monopoly they automatically distribution during the war, at Salmon airer, Cassisr District, a. C price aad Uses before tb Slit December, S. S. PRINCE RUPERT Tbe water mm fee dmried from the 1 1 7, obtain a Crown Oram if proof aau obtain the power to fix there is danger that this country wtbsUAAV SMdmrhi fur stream al petals aooal two thoesaad feet factory u lb Minister of Lands Is far prices. It i with this class tin HMiV midaitM for Ori ran. of may lag behind European abort me (arks. This wtit was posted Ushed thai Men person Is saffertaf Injery -Sues profiteer that tbe consumer is nations in the readjustment of eo tbetpiMt en tbe sum day of Acruit. throe rh abeeoe of awllco or other 1m and BoatlK at war. What is the remedy? the social system and' the, IIT. A eupj of una aotica aad aa ap- And further thai tb laureal In an S.S. PRINCE GEORGE pUratMa pvrtiiaBt thereto aad to the completed applications to purchase held by Keeping wlthin'the law is not preaching of the of! new gospel aler At!, IS 1 1, win I Bled la tb office any person on Acute Service may be pre BATUROAT MhtMfhl for Aajol SBOSiDAV B a. SB for SAT the highest standard of con-doct. wealth. Under this new gospel ! the Water Recorder al Prlne Raprt, letted by noUflcatlon u lb Lands Depart uttmtt. Vktor a4 ian. There is a moral code no system will be allowed to! C OtjeeUMit to lb application may it or lb fact Thai sv person I which the law of the-land cannot continue that does not conduce be Pled wit tb aaid Water Recorder, or Activ Service and by the BUar of proof 8. 3. PRINCE JOHN itb tbe comptroller of Water furuu. or lh in ures t of ssch person. rr Voeen CbarMM Istands S p m itraoSje itb tsia enforce. There is no statute to human progress. Who will arVaatrnt Batfcllar. Victoria, B. C. wllblo nirther toformauoa wtu be famished on ror attesHaan. vraru. janean aad afaai i iki I t a: " requiring a middleman to love say that society as at present tnJrtr days after lb Brit appearance of request to the Deputy Mialsicr f Lands TRAIN SERVICE his neighbor as himself. It is constituted fulfills this end? tMa none in a local newspaper. Tbe data Victoria, a. & nf tit first publication or this notice la rnbtlration of ibl oouc wtthool aa rassenrer ssa4ar, Wd4ay and Brtoraes al II I a. m. r-r -.thm. 'Imperative, therefore, to devise The logical tendency nowadays larval II. IftT. s.ll ibority will not be paid for. Tb. ap. is rune Oeerr. r.dsaonton and Winosr-r ntlm dsroei eonnr't - si some means of curtailing the' is for big business to be- a K. Applicant. polau east and seaiHl Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines, rina alarm svstiss. For Information and reservations apply t City Ticket Office, 62C Third Avenue. PHONE 2M CIRCUIT NO. 1. A n Ksib SL and Ird As. BOTH SUMMER Boa IB th SL aad Ird Ave, Boa 14 Slh 8L and Ird Are. Bet IB in at Ion or lit. tad aad AND WINTER Ird Ave, or IB 1st A between lib and CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Slh Sis. (Knot Hotel). Boa 17lal A, and 7tb 8L (On NEWo?ET10N 3f?ttlW PERFECTION OIL COOK tral Hotel). aiUYLwilldo more wofk than a clumsy Lowest Kates o all Eastern Points coal or wood stove of twice its. size. CIRCUIT NO. a. via Steamer to Vancouver and the i.j -J- - . - ,- .... . CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY BBBBBBBBBBBBanaaaa . The Loe Blue Boa 22 ird Av and Ird SL tfosl Chimneythars the secret. orac). Moat and Berth Include on Sloomer All the heat eocs into the cookie and the Boa 2 Ird Av. and McBrto SL vuble flame tUyt put" Boa 24 1st Av. and MeBrid SL Princess Way for Qranby Bay and Allca Arm 11 p.m. Frldsi ' Ask the feU0"'"? Boa 2B nd Ave, aad tad SL Princess May southbound via Ocean Falls 0 p.m. Sunday fi dealers: oa 2B nd Av. and th a" J B 27-0. T. t. SL Prlnccsa Allca for the south Saturday, October 13th. W m HOP1!' ,1 II CIRCUIT NO. S. Princess Sophia ror tha lorth Monday, October 15th T I . " Thompeoa Herdar Co., Frlot Report. SJjjl Bos SI lib av. aad rwton SL J . I. PETERS, General Aeent Boa S2- Rerden and Taylor Sis. 1 J SB Stork1 Kar oar Co., - LanW tb Av. ana miion SL Co nee Fourth Street and Third Avenue, Prince Kupeit. D.C. H 'ctk. I hows a sacNuitr, - - Iflf - Sib Av. sod Ccmoi Ave, jivy.'y fl a. j. o n Law Boa ST-sih Av. and Dodf Piar oa as 4th Av. aod'Tbuaupaoa SL CIRCUIT NO. 4. Bs 4 - lib Av. and Cmmerson JLkSBsnajaa fiat. ls 42 sin A. and McBrld Si, Bi 4s.-tib Are. aikl oreen SL -rr-4d oa 41 tut Av. and Basil SL M VOLB ! fc Ki r T tank Ik. t....J tMN SI w I oa 4- Tin Avs. and tberta. atallof tadauveljla AMIAICA4 aaw n '' 'MPHKIALOII. COMPANY I Bos 141 tin av. and Tounr Sl GefMoroMoiioy"foryourI;tM hiiip Tot'ii ruins tis -khi'iikiit- Pjjjsj i tmtiM. mtmlbt far llmiM Hlk u an '"iW!"., Jl.lbHiMlM:j lue rmroinanaqaanerMocwniar -llt Wul r-nrit.if iwltac far obIi'i troinr HA 1 AN Li iriTAHLK t.onia. Wrtio for 'Bht avaaSMi TJ SUBSCRIBE FOR kho ealr roiUU.au.arat matkol report aad prk Hit fKKKtttKUffn- wrtf'TstfTaawaaaaaaaaaaaaaT8" Well l.e Ir-MOW-IC. fllKK ii . . ; mm The Daily News A. B. SHUDERT. Inc. f'g, EMPRESS COFFEE F. Q. DAWSON a.-, sniftsTrtT. s-riliSMsn ew-