THE Daily News I'MINHR Ill'I'KHT, II. MONDAY, OCTOW'R 15. 1917. PRICK I IVK RltfTTS C7 77 11 We iii if ii 0 D I GHIWG BOTH SIDES STUCK IN OCEAN OF MUD - GERMANS RESUME ATTACK NEAR RIGA T j ; - 'WORDS BUT NO DEEDS i CAUSES A PEOPLE OF FINLAND MUD ! FROM FOOD CONTROLLER ARE NEAR TO FAMINE GERMAN ATTACK CESSATION OF i Stockholm, Oct. 11 "People In I Ottawa, Oct. 9. The general many seclIdTia of Finland nre eating ON ISLANDS IN opinion nl the capital is that bread made of rye flour and HOSTILITIES Food Controller lianna is a clear pine bark in equal parts," said .thinker, but not a prompt doer. fir. Chas. Ignatius, of Helslngfors, GULF OF RGA What the public wants is enme- today. . .. ... . on tlth.r Sid Apparently iMiijjr win in- prices, mil a "Dread rations ner caoita are IrmlM temporizer who feeds us from only five ounces dally, and if this wman Troopa Landed Protected gafrsln From Usual time to time with beautifully-Mimled inadequate amount is to be main, by Big Guns of tho Fleet- Counter Attack. essay mi the Daty of tained it will be necessary to import Taken to Presage Move Starvation. flour and cereals within a On Petrograd. -ha puijr ). Food Controller llanna's latest few weeks." IS. The heavy statement f that be cannot tlx ) Dr. Ignatius is on his way to (Special m Tlx Dally news.) L prices of the staple articles of! New York as a representative of London, October 15. Tbe most turned the bate rt. r , , s food without ruining a host of the Finnish Government. He striking military move made by riai Jrs into a pea of middlemen in hopes to obtain a license for ship every town, village, flAfwrt finv nn l ai f asn t pin UVl ItlMtl VII SJV VUtVI IS 1IUUI rr . t; cr'ier of the hostile city and hamlet in Canada. Tin- ' tnenl of 60,000 tons of flour al I since the attack which resulted in frr able to move. Is an exaggeration. The middle-: ready purchased. He declared that I the "PUm; of the city of Illga if help cannot be obtained from .. alher or the con-I men will stand a little ruining. They the the United Stales it will mean and its environs, wan started on und the aole use war ns an excuse were for making the peopl pay through actual starvation for many thou-Ubat same front, when the Ger i npelled the Ger- ands. and na mnrli siifTvrtncr tnr the nose for the necessaries of man troops were landed on the meeting tho (inland as for Belgium and Po ES. - j., from life. Their interest in the war is land. '.Oesel and Dagoe Islands, lying in It. :: 1 tiJvanee with their as a mean of getting rieh quick the mouth of the Gulf of Illga. They are in no hurry to have it' tnary speed coun-) CHINAMAN ACCUSED I Heavy units of the main German end. Food Controller lianna does usldered doubtful OF STEALING. OPIUM battle fleet were brought up to not want to nun these gentlemen, corroborative assist to this under-Won any and cover who could be docked of fifty per jtt. i ' ave been received g How, a Chinaman, was taking .some ot the dreadnoughts cent of their profit and still have : state of the morale brought Into the cily yesterday'appearing off the coast and covers a fat thing. He prefers to ruin i;i Arm jr. from Queen Charlotte City. He ing the landing operations with In Cast Africa. the large army of consumers, the was accused of the theft or 53 their big uns. Their guns out-out , n of an important toilers in shops ami factories, at of the trunk ot another China- ranged the Russian shore batter-man, counters and office, desks, the SHOWER KINDNESS UPON THEM and silenced them, flanking the Ger-" and three cans of opium ie soon etreat in German wage-earners who do not share in Flowers and cigarettes for a disabled UriUsh pnner. just arrived were also found in his possession,1 Strong opposition was put up v tbe llrilUb troops this artificial war prosperity m England from Germany. which he is alleged to have pur- by the Russian forces, which 4 I J Lj the War Office which line liuslnesi is now enjoy- loined as well. He was brought hampered the German operations 7 T i n news from the in ir. Foot Controller llanna's idea Londoners vote n. J. OGILVIE NOW HEAD ud before Justices Bante and in every way, but a considerable is mat tnese arc me people who FOR CIVIC COAL YARD OF GEODETIC SURVEY Leary at Queen Charlotte City and number of Germans appear to ViKount Grtjr Coming WmL ought to suffer. 1! 1 committed for trial at the higher,have obtained a footing on the FsMd Controller llanna's high ' : id that Viscount I nn.l.n tnf fW-l 1 1 Lanilnn Noel J. ORiivie succeed the late court. northeastern coast of Oesel Is- ' . of jMlytteal mind finds that seven a 4Vj . Maud, aud-also oa t ho.a uocta to tttj Ue ajr .Secretary ratn'sjw decided yesterday thal-iV: W. F. King, I.G. main factor the present govern MILITARY SERVICE ACT Dagoe Island. tw V . sn Affairs, will prteo of fd. These seven main a coal yard would be a good thing perintendent of the Geodetic Sur I Petrograd dispatches allude to faeliirs Mr. lianna places before!(0 include among the city's ar- vey of Canada. Mr. Ogilvle re- ! rspecui to Tbe pauy .few.) 'idi German movement as a stub the public In hi unual crisp way :joUi niunjcjpa enterprises. A by- ceived his eommission as a sur- Montreal, October 13. The born effort to clear the entrance COHOCS AT II EACH and I"1 cae !!... 'of the Gulf of fliga near the Cour- put" P -..ihri,inP ih Tn.ndliiir vror in Februarv. 1P06. In 1900 Proclamation calling the men lo a 1 v 4 s . t s. - I t t miinlontl nr4 rwisaifllV nl cn w f ir-i - - , . ..i. 1 1 1 .a a u he in charge of a survey we iors ucu Bciicrai).-- " - ' " was ) ! In port this seeks to make the worst appear ",":: ru.h of young men to report for'a forerunner of an ambitious pusa rather light. The !Hie better reason. The Food tin- ing mf oni; mwurr iu w . Vm,w Hen jce or lo appy for eiemplion. f0r Petrograd. I no imminence oi Use. ; i" ooo lbs. halibut; trailer has stated the premises 0n the numoer oi Dauois casi was aary mnrj oi mc u ...... . Quiet In Vancuver. 'the early nussian winter season and the Hureka (WriuJ. ml hu conclusions are ,,,11, The promoters, however, of latitude, covering all branches Vancouver. Oct. 13. The era of lends color to the assumption that i'betc were United 1 ronij. aeven main fac were quite satisfied, a it is a f this work, including triangula- Conscription started quietly in notwithstanding the German High JUL- and their catches nrw sto the public at Hinvnii ihina lo eel out a large .1 ..i.iini, in Vancouver. The real rush was .Command taking these steps as r 17 cents per Ib.l,arBe, M Food Controller Hanna vote belwfen elections, and es- ..... nnn.da for e Tasl week- whn ven-. preliminary to their inarch on to vessels were the i... ,in B- - euar thinker I. to n.iailv . . the result was so de- teen hundred men enlisted. Petrograd, they would hardly essay . . - . " " . . . . m t " II. D. M. Boundary Commissioner However, .vou mi "7 make them a little clearer, igic. cUlve a majority of m a campaign this year. Muirnaig with 3.- muannlied at t haL Is not what the fflVOP cf u,e bvlaw. The credit on the inspection of the survey II M the demobilized state ot the Kill 1K I nlA S . II- It n..I .. 1 I I . .1 .r.1. -ll-l ... Russian armies might make the mm, turn " topir asa irom .Mr. uaima uui jor joe movement is uue io " - oi me ivin paranci o amout STEWART NOTES I . t 1 I : c to 18Hc per lb.'oglc j,u oCUon. Little thanks ganjted Labor the Trades and from tne pacifle Ocean to the s m. .operation a snort 1 aim A easy uue m about 100 oohoes i Jue tu Mr. nanna for telling Labor CoUnca having fought for I comparison w ith the task tne J and also a limited ,eve.n thlng( that we know lh ropo9a, fro, Uie flrst. It of tne h,?!"'V Twenty men are at work under German armies might have to ' " ,n " n M V Frank Martin in the when they head- salmon. The f W(4 Mon. What Food earricd. too, in spile of very little c.hre oreman r.ce next goring, '3 e td up to 11.00 each. Controller lianna is asked to do is nelp from the local press. A series Iloundary Commissioner In 1809- construction or a roaa up me i Dai- ed for Petrograd, II the plans oi old Storage, and the U remeily a condition, not inform of advertisements in opposition 19H of the suney of the inter- mon river valley. This road will lhe Uu9Slan Govrenment for the for 16Vo per lb. us it exists. All the logic that lo Uie 8Chemo had a contrary ef- national boundary between Alaska provide access to a number of'regeneration ot the army are Food Controller Hanna has In his fecl to lhal totended. These ad- and Hritish Columbia, commonly mining properties on which work(Carrled through. for funds for "Our ... . i. .. ir. th fact i. .ii. ,,1.,1 .knnwn as tho Alaskan boundary, is now going forward, and overt will be collected un that bacon .ells for thirty-eight newB, a method which did not flndi In 1911 Mr. Ogilvie was given which the flrst shipments of high J0E GREER COMING h has the approval - Dound ln Detroit and for favor wilh the public, who alsa the title of Assistant Superintend- grade ore from the liusn mine BACK TO RUPERT f Their .Majesties nriv.nv. ni. a nound in Toronto ,iml,(rhi there must be something ent of tbe Geodetic burvey. Re- will he shipped during me coming Cia K, il Queen, and of Her L i,ici. , gir Joseph Flavelle's n the Labor men's allegations as cently he was in charge of the. winter. Mr. Jos. Greer, of Smithers, haa . . . . ... I r. P. -WW wueen .icxantira ana i ,,ome town to profits when so much money geodetic survey oi me uriusii uo- resigned as agent for the G. T. S. P. FiUgerald Is leaving and Tuesday next ade simultaneously Food Controller Hanna men- un. nvallah n to defeat t ie oviaw. . lumoia coast. smiihers on - a it the liritish Kmplre lions ns one of tbe seven factors Mr. Ogilvle has had his head- shortly to visit his molybdenite wiu ,eave witt, hia family for nu- ( for claims across the .aas divide, he will Join tne nryant Hia iinriti irainoil roninetttlon be-i THE VALENTINE GIRL" quarters near Prince Rupert neipert wnere THE CRADLE ii.n h irrat foreiitn buyers of i the last two summers during i hU expects,V. to return ..nMftAnlflffvM with a large company.. i . r .-.V.Joe will...Kam be I.much a lin miss-IiApn This be shown at me survey worn, and maue many nuuiurr ui iFir "f"" ,v eu id eimiuvr tiv. uv markets. to fooil stuff In our ,,i.,y Bora at the Prince Rupert Gen-' factor ha already heen investl- Weslholme Theatre tonight gives friend here during his stay. of the claims which carry a good or eeveral year. The best with of " " grade of ore. wishes from the district go i 'al. on October 15th, to irnin.1 Iiy t Ii Tmdes and Labor Mnrcuenle Clark another oppor Oml-neca "' iid Mi . Vlck. Port lUslngton. Congress, which has suggesled (unity to distinguish herself. And I (Ripy-- Charles Williams and Roy Ar- him to Herald.his new business from time to tiiuo that the army ln hi play she takes full advan-need-i mentrout who lost their lives i-aboye " be met flrnt, the home need tag of the occasion. As tho the Salmon river glacier; are not qualified for ac-u be met second, and that then the -Valentine Girl" she aols her part last week, were returning from a ni,:e, yOU can certainly surplus shall bo available for ex- to perfection and certamiy makes i Jt rfBBtfknBB" Williams trapping cabin.; Commencing Sunday, to J' ai fy f, r nilll HAY." Tim port. It should not be the privu- tl0 ni0l of u. Tho play itself trip overtaken by a snow-j October 14th fucy were '' ' -ii October 20th will eo of the food profiteer who , well written and constructed, alorm and perihed. The bodies. Drug Store Hours: ntle ynu t0 do something prac-11 squeeies tha homo market in d lhe plot is coherent through ....... i,.,.u,l vliApa Ihuv vvprI Sundays: 12 noon to 5 p. ards Victory el ready. times of peace to desert It Tor a oul. The photoplay is oi sui.ii un ' BFBBHlBKVlaB found, four thousand feet up in in.; 7 p. m, to 0 p. m. rr more remunerative market in attracti nature that It will he '; iBBJBJBJikBfc the mountains and a cairn ot Week days, except Saturdays Nsw Wellington Coal and for hi tomorrow night as well and before holidays: times of war. In return rcpeated stones erected to mark their last Lumber or all dimensions, fni ornfl to nrtrmnl times he has i nddition. Ihere win oe snuwn 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. hons resting place. lie. a duly to sell tho public what they a Topical Budget, showing scene V. J. McCUTCHKON. need at reasonable price i Mine of current interest oit .u In spite of the wet weather ORME'S, LTD. of crisis, I radius. which ha been far beyond the WESTHOLME A competent Department on average, nrosuecting still con Agriculture at Ottawa would knW NO OrtAIN FOR BREWING tiuue and numbers of locations OPCKA HOUSE to tho last pound what was thei are being made. The increase in TONIGHT production of Canada, and would . 1PUI W Tbs Panj .iw.l stimulated AND TOMORROW Cabinet active mining having LONDON CAFE rutriiinla Ha illamtanl unnnllV I niiswa. Oct. 15. The the search ln the neighborhood of among those who have claimi Coimeil has beforo It an order properties on which development AND GRILL it. tho claim taken in 'prohibiting tho uso oi grain oi Marguerite Clark upon being work is going on. Third Anua tlu onler of their A kmd Cannda by brewers or Importance. any PASTOR IN NAVY Prompt Service of the Beat "THE VALENTINE in competent lU-partment of Agri- distillers. The Ilev. Edwin Binfth, Cana A NNOUNCK M EXT for the famous there Is to eat at all houra. GIRL" culture would also see to it that household Coal It diau clergyman from Tillons La Camille Corset, phone favorite TOPICAL BUDGET lhe surplu production in me Lailsmlth Ths Wellington. Phono 15, burgh, becomes a liouteiwuit In for appointment. Mrs. Deiuers, BOXES FOR LADIES pruvlnrtt wai available in another 'Stephens Wock, phone Red B48. fleet. (Continued on page three.) Prince Ituport Coal Co. if tho