THE DAILY WEWj , """'lay rj, The Daily News THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Dally and Waokly Guaranteed Largest Circulation HEAD OFFICE: Dally News Building. Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, B.C TeL 98. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 50 cents per inch. Contract Rates on application. DAILYJEDITIOIt Monday, Oct. 15, 1017. RKG OWBTRUCTl O H honorably pledged to maintain it has been well said that inviolate The wrong done to the naturalized citizen who has : there is no clearer sign of Intellectual I been deprived of his vote is a Inferiority than an wrong done to Canada, for ' unwillingness and an inability which this country must atone; to value criticism. What is before she can take tier stand ' wanted loda) In Canada is more before as the cham- ' constructive criticism. Any fool plon of democratic liberty. We ! mayputl down and destroy, but have strayed from the path of f the building up of the .e on Iemocracy. Tbisland of ours' the ruins of the Old calls for is not enjoying the fullest mea- J the constructive thought of the sure of liberty. statesman and the vision and Canada bas missed the mark ' faith of the seer. Canada of her high calling. The op-; stands on the threshold of a porlunfty Is hers to build well! mew era. First steps may make for the years to come. But be- j or mar our nation as she fore she rears the hew temple ; emerges on the new road which of freedom in which to en-1 her fighting men -are hewing shrine the great idea of a through'the debris of old-world world-wide Democracy, she must divest herself of the belief i-that have fallen amid the ruins of the dead past. trappings of an obsolete age. What are the signposts along turn from the baubles and dis- , this road, and whither do they Unctions which the titles of a i leadT decadent aristocracy confer, Canada cannot afford to rest and think democratically. There i upon her reputation as a fighting is no place in the New Demoe- j nation only. The deeds of racy for the barriers which ' her soldier sons have resounded wealth and a titled class seek throughout the world. Canada to erect between citizens of a ) is proud of their achievements,! common country, mats uis. and will hold them in Unctions and the worship of remembrance while the nation the golden calf are foreign to endures. But, great as these the instincts of a true Democ military records may be, it is racy. A country whlcn creates not given to Canada to claim false standards of citizenship, a-monopoly of the bravery and in which the accumulation of wealth is regarded of great vaerluce shown in una war. as Posterity will judge us not by er worth than civic virtue and the pari-we played in the fighting national service, is predestined only, but by the measure to failure as the exponent of of the - abiding results won the democratic idea. Canada -through our sacrifices. Not has strayed from the path. Her tbatwe helped U destroy German troops are fighting that autocracy autocracy only, but that may perish irom the earth here on Canadian soil we and that peace may usher in 'strengthened the foundations the reign of the People. But of democracy; not that we slew here in Canada we still honor -in-Europe the dragon of Prus Demetrius, the silversmith, and sian tyranny only but that at rear altars to the worship of home we lengthened the cords the Golden Calf. If Canada Is Of Canadian liberty. The mem. to be regenerated in the fire of oryof our military achieve War, and the reconstruction of ments will be but Dead Sea society to be of lasting service 'fruit unless Canada takes her to generations of her people, place in-the.van of the Canada of today must learn -human progress. like Years agesChamberlain ago it seems almost think democratically The ":Let Me Help You Carry the called on the British nation to nhink Imperially.' Today from LAND ACT the 'stricken nations of Europe Burden, Mother" the voice of Prnsrreaa rails to USD. DISTRICT DISTRICT or us to think democratically. CASSIAR. e This is the first step in this trarof reconstruction: Canadians Take notice that Oraaby Consolidated must learn to-think democratically. Mlntnr, gmelUnr a Power Compear. Ltd., Canada falls us in October, ws must curtail r Ytncovwr.ftenpatkm mlntr tnd smelt tar. Intend la apply for permluloa to i mamyf our octivitUs." Is Canada a democratic IrtM Um foJlowtnr described land: eountry? No country imbued CoauueBdar at a pot planted tt Um 6ir ARTHUR scuUivtii comer or Lot Itlt, Cassiar Dis 8TANLKY, with the .spirit of the things trict, utenee. varta ts ciuioi. following Chairmaa, Harcaur Coanmhtre, that really count in our war bicb-water ourk to Um N.W. corner of Lot Brttiah Red Crou. 'with Germany would weaken tilt; tnene writ three dulm to low the foundations of democratic iir Brt) Ukoco touU and west tt chalne (odowinc love-water mark; taroe freedom at home by removing em tire cttl. to Um plare or b1n- It the- landmarks of immigrant onir tsd coaummr. . eeree. now costs .S300.000.00 a week to the work on of-the invited to settle in .Canada by GRAMBT Ia.t.SOUDATCD MLM.IO. SMELT- cany unjustly IJIU k POWER, LTD. British Red Gross, depriving them of the or $16,000,000.00 a J. rred year. futcnie, A rent. rights which this country is -very Dite, As rust lUl, tt7. OctlS minute orthe day and night it costs S30 to minister to tne sick and wounded and dying. Ml S. S. PRINCE RUPERT wed Jits DAT midnirbt for Aorta. 'wi's. g?ificent contribution paid for the entire 'THURSDAY tutdsirnt for Ocean fell, Vancouver Victoria n4 Seattle. ' of the British Red Gross for nearly seven weeks. "S.S. PRINCE GEORGE lMTtMOv jtldnlcbt tor Aarot. BtONDAV a.m. for Swtosoo' Bty. TJl,ScSPnnt.VifW i 6 ?Tater need- h is earnestly and Vancouver, Vlctorts and Seattle. that Canada's contributions will be 8. 8. PRINCE JOHN as - ror-Qfa Cbarlette Islands p.m. October loin sod ittn. 7 48 he maffnificent of For Ktttblkan, Wraorell, Juneau and Skarwty si noon Oct. t. 17 tnd 11. hryearP0 offering STRAIN. SERVICE riisenrrr Monr, Waeneeeay sod Sterar at 11:14 a.m. for Smlthers, Vrivr Oeorre, Edmonton and Winnipeg, uuilnr direct ooaaMtlooa for all point east and souln. Aoency All Ocean Steamship -Lines. For Information and reservations npply to City Ticket Office, SM Third Avenue. PHONE 280 stT TT 1J DAY IP CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Lowest Kates o all Eastern Point IN OREAT via Steamer BRITAIN t233flOQ tpenl on equipment of King to Vancouver and the George Hospital (1,850 btdt) and CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY $1X1.000 a year contributed to cost of Meale and Beeth includ.d M Its maintenance. of th proWd with $223,000 and building equipping spent on Princess May for Oranby ay and-Alice Arm 11 p.m, Friday tWioootthtWar, ", ""7 Nuriiog Siaff. Netley Red Crois Hospital It Princess May southbound via wotk i therelor. ik-. Ocean Falls 6 p.m..Sunday MO (Un) bed); and Princess Sophia for the south Trained Nnr' working at maintenance. Saturday, October 20th. home and abroad. $623,000 spent on Princess Alice for the north Monday, October 22nd. 1 175,010 for Orthopaedic Curative f.S V, A. Ds helping In Army Workshops and Training Fund. J, I, PETERS, GenerMlAsrenc I'llOlf, $185,001) for Fsclal Injury Hospitals. Co ner Fourth Stroal and Third Aitnue, Prince Rupert. B.C. "OUR DAY" at Prince Rupert on SATURDAY OCT. 20