Thf n a 1 1 v NEWS vol VHI NO. pittKci; hupkrt. n. d, tujrimy. ocTOnKn 16, lot?. p.uci: nvK iKKrt FIGHTS IT POELCIP Eu a La tp 4 4 E KAISER WANTS A KING OVER ALSACE-LORRAINE - HUNS DRIVEN OFF DAGOE IS. ENEMY ADVANCE !NOTES FROM COUNCIL THE CHAMBER "T THE BREWERY AT CAUSES EXODUS j POECAPELLE IS The regular meeting of the city r v nrTF)A1!) ATVcoun" hr,d Iail evnn. A,d- tA riiinuuiuii,MrClymonl being acting mayor In LOST AND WON the absence of Mayor McCa firry in me soutn. C""B rt,.'.v . ... .. O- .i The first matter brought up Fair Weather Again Permits the Hid to Wiwori" was a letter from Mr. Mcol Resumption of Attack on Wtand Russian Position Thompson. Fuel Controller in II. Plain of Mud Take It Precarious. C to the council staling what be Many Prisoners. bad arranged during his recent IMlober 16 The Pc'nfr id- visit to Prince IluoerL The eoun. ! rograd which ha cil knew it already, of course, and I London, Oct. 16 The weather the fall of - since accelerated by the the letter wa. filed. I has cleared up again today, renewing S,rt S t Electrle Power. , ag on Oesel and the opportunities for (Ur3 A recommendation was read It bis been an. ..,. .m.. M J greater aerial activity. .Nevertheless, that the "nngart,ng lbe ei)atirveUon of a new, H. M. 8. "DRAKE" SUNK BY SUBMARINES the battlefield is one vast If--" t'. ' landed on uagoe transmission une from ghawaU1 rre' a sister ship of .he It-! Hope, sunk off Chile in weltering panorama of mud. with a equidistant from . n q ctrfy 9ln otd re.;i9l. was torpedoed eft the north oast of Irrland. She has often " a few islets of firmer ground, and a and I inland,j by tb Kmfon ,awrnin ,t; v'iled Canadian and tolled States ports. covered with countless green shell nn themselves In1,: . .. . . , . i hole filled with water. Anr nl- Wlr- "c ww "" ,... .,. . . t itlon put by! ...i-..w -a.--....-. Mr; up dier falling into these holes has ...u. f A' -- ps a nd tbore ,,, m,Ar.,j SUBMARINE WARFARE IN CELESTIAL EMPIRE i little chance to get out unassisted. t were coiiiwiicu 11-.4 !". . ... " I Desultory fighting is being b J.: s . ighting continue Th, w lhe bjecl of qullc continued today under horrible discussion. Aid. Montgomery Pollen, the famous Hrilisb writer uients of importance bearing on conditions. s uded at the ltl-r! . . . , Tha b(n on naval affairs, says: 'oerman plots to influence China's Brawery. ,c, i? fp'nded, as the late superintendent "Two significant facts about ... . . - . I The brewery In PoeleapeUeula 1CJ t S I j bae placed a. . . . . undrr i.v it ii n tit sympainies lowaros me leuiorac still the centre of the fiercest bad led me eommmee io "' .r. IhM lln slan, I.,. ihi mtiUnT In wpre in'ii,; rnrid's uar are qn 'fighting. British and German : Und that little or no extra urn. me ries in the dis- ,. , , (Wt nA nnl in the armtr. and lbt,f w Wa.himtUin, federal IrooD have renealedlr eantured ,g.ttbesMthern thi.TxtrTload He neit that it look place nis'weeks ."W Jr.Th T r BDIPIIMI FMFMi I 1 the position, but neither yet have ,d. and esneeiallTl r"' lD.,, , , .i,.,, taken from the Dutch steamer who has tn lo noia lu IWougn me .. '....- wantea me mauer pui up w r. -e tthih vrirl.iv Sir Douglas Haig. . , unern city's consulting sli weks ago that there oeeurreo " ' " " " " 1 gained the greatest Dritlsh victory rm.wpcMr .u her. that .J bringing a party of Austrian an J BriUsn Tne Brlluh predkt th.ilhe opinions a turn in the tide of the German po, the Oulf f Itiga S jh.Tfe.t ff wrfre. One is im. man offlcial. who left Ch na assumed main P8in n th maln rid J by the develop- ff. '"Ymf A a?a?Z, m.d.aielr f.ced with the auestk.n. 'l"n lh1 counlr lnwl the fml wl.h ih. .nmr, - 'south of Broodseinde was heavily tne main-. lUtTIIMi ni' Ul Utlllliva v ,, - AllllM. i ... . .. . " mmhanlMl Hninr th nisrht nv jsi.h ei Tl.. .UaAiltalAfl m-tlM af. WIIKI IIS llir WUUrKiiuit. S sails. rx - pminn nr mm m mnr iiaa ninp - u tj ar.j al of Kslgonia. h a t mnlinv ainl lha HaJtlfnA i.ftfs!l YS i"? UP d?ie' lhe toward triaal and trans lormera ano " '""""J "- "" to Pr the .Nieuporl .eaxly. In the aummer. Sir.British I-have captured pns- a., attempt C., "voltage" were mentioned glihly. m we """"1 '.-session of Arnold, for ind. which Is Anton oners since the last advance, in. pro-' No one. however, seemed anxious i ,"ih. Zr 7f "er German financial, adviser to P olds. These the to spend so much money unless, .- lnXJiiZ ji chln"e Oernment. CANADIAN MINISTER TO I though the bombardment of the ar.s d have to sweep : absolutely necessary elibrr on a Xew York 0cU l5.,ndicUllent. nr jt tlACUIklfTnW Broodseinde position was heavy, of th"f Hussian are nrw line or new transformers, so DL if nWIllilUlUil mere was no successful infantry itrt T rtnani wfll thus it was decided to get Mr. Ander attack as usual. Successful raids p id direct by land son's opinion. (SprcMI la Mm Daily .Wl! were made by the British at two mg KronstadL Street Lamps. Ottawa, Oct. 16. Canada will!point. Ntval FlghL The mircbase of &JS ampere arc or success ana tne pros- , h Peace. ?ect . be represented at to ? TTJLl and decoration- of honor, ."M5frth limns for street lighting in cir London, Oct 16. Officialdom t .Jr rrport her- J cult No. 2 to replace the 7.5 am- ,ur V" !";rhieh""."'Bugene neisler. Joseph Zeffert. Yt'ashinffton. and the Canadian,in Germany is striving desperate- f kenl 0D!rere lamps now In us was alsoj'le: second, very ra e,Waler uhde and iionford jjo. diplomatic business will be hand- ,y to creale a peace atmosphere x IaiUr. prrnumablr reimmended by the utilities com-'of PX offered I to those h0o,-,fac Three of the men were led directly by the Dominion in by bringing up again the question U-.ii -ku:a 1 imitlee. This was lo safeguard 'unteered for the service: tniru, ny ufcen jnto cuglody Wednesday by fulure. At Washington the Can- of Alsace-Larraine. The Kaiser he German fleets transformer which would not the i of prlie money ror pQiee bomb squad.. and lbe eommUiioner will be asso- now proposes to convert these two ksHIn Report. lit un so during the long rjrr.j j ship sunk in aeiauu oi tmK,.- provinces in;o a separate uiouar- Bnl h with the smaller nmP j "From February. 1915. lo bept. .Ly were sent lo jail. cUtfd Wllh,1l1h? f lchy. Independent of either France Ui de the German,. of the same year there was no dor. but will the initiative. by recommendation was adopted I. ou involved in the con- or Gennanyt to be ruled over by a - : landed on the Mus- lack of volunteers, but In August;Pl'll previously indicted The Hon. J. D. Uaien will remain Klllg ' .i; j itei German war- was aIon.d ...,r-a -J Krn von nintelen. a Mmisier oi avai oervice, .uariuo Silence From Franca. i: .. . ' A roommendation . .. ..,., .i,i. 'inciuuea n from the utilities com- iie" ujr,iuff.Mii. c.Dlain in the German navy; Dr. ana runenes. Paris, Oct. 15. No Information T.: Kvifil peninsula has, 4'g.rding the hire of the ;fan -rrr Walter T. ii. - The New aovemmenu has been made public regarding from the northern ""V . Ho- me new union uuuruunm . the progress of the Irencn arms i lZ riSoB.' a 'formdabTe. Just how many sub- Kipi" in JaVor of a whirlwind campaign, at the front. Trip Abandoned. 1 , .hi ?"'ch marines were sunk ha. never and wishes the election to be over Difference With Holland. i; iber tflv The Km- '.SbSi M Tb. no tool. oJ PublUhHi but it W S-mJIS &t Schimmel bad by the time of the Christmas va-i-twas London, October 16,--Fp.llow- f Austria haa aban ... hM percentage, probably 50 per cent? . ,h. ,ll!W.iniy nt imi,. cation. Their first move will be communicition with H6Iland,Jm. oe inun o gterdam papers say mat an.snip .t.1..;'".r ping between uoliana ana ureai .V"- ' " :ir..m member, of not he concea eu iron. u.e .er- Schimmel Britain has been .topped Thte Ths S.dl.h CablnsL Vhu .nn.r.ntlr was man personnel, ine result was - - . Yofk pressure is being placed, upon Oct. IOM.WIdeiV"- volunteering feu ou ana ka(? fonlalninP bomb. a IN THE LETTER BOX Holland until she stops the transit hargbyKingGii.tav ; to be placed aboard esi of sand and gravel. alo food ' u"1 the High Sea Heel at Mel from Germany into .Bel rmation of a coalillon .h from ships. l'rince Ilupert, Oct. 16. 1017. stuffs, gium through Dutch territory. Editor. Daily News. f op, a his task. ....- i.i and tools, if UNFOUNDED RUMOR HE ! Dear Sir: In your issue of Ship. sunn. ia VU wua '" . i nrRMIN Rail.WATS article The British armed merchant j Tte ... ha.i hn aotd.- to whom ana NOW SHORT OF COAL PRINCE RUPTRT OLD TIMER Friday last,... you have a . an 11 .. cruiser Champagne has neen iprni u urgent. The cause nn hA iiiun eoa. oi eauuK. tit 'r Tup Oct for whal amount, ana Dy - iiipm 1 . ..... . . r.m. n.'1nnfc. and the mine sweeping object money. ...o.nriiv .inrincf this rear. German" Infinite newa receive.1 regara- wnicn you mrmW -;r- "' ,.,nr(.irMu a! t ve on October 20th. " -.. Oct. 15. The ii the of a certain goose. A 9 IUUI I'B va-ai w " - rnmmnilallon i " . ...1.1. .. ins- t lit wbereaoouis anu cohui owner Ule ral.ways are - - to out that you losu M the city purchase ; ,. k 9hould ue rr Foodstuffs. Nsw Welllnaton Ooal and nfePdrum.,'olf ''f UmUr or all dimension., go.lne.rotee- fr . From a reliable source, it has bona lion asainst a probable snonagr. .fhliiir here, with the colors in rrance. rr.ui - lanmorl that the. German , -i-. ci. ... rinw'K . , ,- rirrulated thrOUKnOUl WUS noi a BiHJBc, uui e-...-v.. T- ...The railways propose io - -crousinK" over crop this season Is far below nor- , ine ooara . ;r" heavy excess fares on eaprraa - - . .,. OP ralher gander, mal. Great Britain has a potato unonnn application irom .Mra.r-.-- ...., di.couraBe all ex- mat one - v . .u., ,,!.,.. . The British food con- Empress Theatre . . nn Ijvlrniti". .- . .......,.! Kr.nro. Til S Was llie I)Ul 1 8UOUIU k" Bilk tnwev r a ' 'g vii.n aim iiir n u n i u n u. - - i n.a.'a nouiiu. - --- a IJ..II.- m laflnn I IVU Kill III . ... . . ii i tIi-i l-ifiril rl,fc rumor circulated regarding D.n of your readers wno ou.a go iro.r - ... -j a. iiiock prciiuit t. FRIDAY, OCT. 1S, AT S P.M. star tracklayer of the hunting, w on. siuuy v.c ' eng.- W'a had reports from the city .- reaches THE iMnpsey. " P and regarded h one of law and the law game, as the: coft'r.a also protests O T An Interesting necr. the fire chief, HIGHEST PRICE YET -game" high at W the Toronto. OcL to ui rillwavmen in comes from Messrs. M. M. Stephens ana r-rr. r.::I As I remarked before. I here .ay. lhal uioyo LECTURE J. Lorno McLaren, and they de the Guildford brought In l"r..:. .V... Dei or"n..Vt. m ,.- .... not -Krousing.w the "game" .George of Ureal uruain my t elded unfavorably on the PP"-,1oool 1M. 3.000 lbs jlflved lb halibut; . 0.a whiu it lasted, and'America shortly. ' By E. J. BAKER lion. II was ml and aeeondl '"j l 00o; Corona. 7.000.1tal. but he is U slltl Ull UUIji usava w w C'"- - , , , , .. n i i AaiiHrra of lh i that tho report be adopted. 1 ' 5 Oo0; Hegert. H.000. und is now holdim the rank of cap- judging by the last t saw (.anu. , , , ,,rf rr -- - Blbkt Slu1rntt. EnUIHsl: the llall- smelleUi oi It, it wtis usriy u m i.llni. Hi. , tlnnla-. tha eltyHerk ,b. Tlie tain. He is serving in , - ,,rce "from Paradlaa Lost to I.RIIIII ..." l ao00 -..lled;w,,,,",. Hattallon. Another well- last a long lime, as it wa. going J Tf jNUIJJN UAi.Hi "Vou Ibjway asked cent Innocently. tK per Jaradls. Restored" ..u-ed was .rtf ..f .1. l (lunu ni. 'strong." ll.larmnn Mi.lMVinT Ii.. .....i.,. .. , i im n snesi price everi'"" - ; : : AND GRILL SUNDAY, AT 3 P. M. never did." retorted Aid. Mr-Meekin. . ..-iiriiipn- iiuuri i a md pi,i-sia iail,,,. Maior" Angus Stewart, is Yours, eto, Third Avenue UBirrT "I should .ay nol. It also arrived for the Cold recovering from the- effects of an GEO. HILL. Best Wine In Old Bottles" ncit the fire hall, too. Huh." Z,tiia tympany. operation which took place re Prompt Service of tha storage ANNOUNC11MKNT for the fa eat at all houra. EVERYBODY WELCOME I A recommendation wa. reeeiveil cently in lingland. there Is to fr 4 Na 0lltU. I from lhe board of work, harms' favorlt. household Coal Is mous La Camilla Corset, pnone I Ths Mrs. Deiuers, boxes run usuim EMPRESS THEATRE revard to the possible shortage i .Htamlth W.lllngton. Phona 15, Delivery boy wanted "--Mcllaa.for appointment. 54. lied 'OSV. S. m. SUNOSV, S S. , coal. It was thought that teiulf is . nuptrt Coal Co. f. Bros. til. Stephens Block, phone (Conuaoatj oa rata Tbr)