THE DAILY NEWS 1911 The Daily tyEys THE LEADING NEWSPAPER INNORTHERN ORNISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and WM4!r Guaranteed ftrjeat Clrcutation HEAD OFFICE: Dally News Building, Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, D.C. Tel. 98. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 50 cents per inch Contract Rates on application. DAILY EDITION Tuesday, Oct. 10, 1917. til ' SOCIETY AFTER THE WAR in the industrial field is toward todef"ri society Is trganiied "large-scnie organifationl In on'a basis" of contliidaf' preparedness many cases' it is' stimulated by for war not only In plotting and scheming and the relations of one nation to lawless means, but economy another In the sphere of inter and efficiency make it Inevlt national politics, but also In able. After' the war the great the relations between CltUens Industries In each country will of a common country. The be in varying degrees national existence of trades unions, ly organized, with a minimum strike committees, employers' of internal competition, so as organizations, and the control to exert their full strength in oflhe markets by trusts and the race for the world s mar monopolies all these things kets. This process of national proclaim trumpet-tbngued that ization has been so far ad modern society is on a war vanccd in Great Britain that fooling. It is well for humanity nearly every great enterprise. "and civilization that this for production or distribution. idea of life and progress, as a is under Slate rontrol or super continual state of warfare be-Wrieinfiiat, vision. Concentration without and malf and between Government control would confer nation anil nation,'should on the few the power to conlinile't S'atfonal reconstruction determine prices. By subjecting after Che vaf"wilt rest on the selected few to effective foundations of sand unless State superintendence the some means are devised of eliminating' British public secures all the from our industrial economic advantages that flow organization the bitter con. frdrri "large-scale organlza fjiet between capital and labor, .lion" without incurring the two elements which under a penalties that are Imposed by rational"system woufd co-oper-aM'for uncontrolled monopolies. Lm the cdtairnbh' good. The ployers are working from dangerous results of this canker patriotic motives and in the at the heart of the com. public service, with no Incentive hrunity are apparent in the to pile up profits at the carrying on of the war. In expense of wages, since the Britain, and Frarice particularly,-the Government limits .the rate of essential unity of the profits, or takes any excess for nation in face1 of the enemy if as national purposes. Under such been - secured by the Virtual a system the workers have a overthrow of the old Industrial better chance to secure social system, with' 'Us Competitive justice, and far-reaching plans commercial principles and class of co-operation between capi strife. True, the solution' of tal and labor are taking shape the" social problems that kept Are the foundations of a new society organized for class war Industrial order being laid In fare'has not been completed by Canada T If not, if the old profit the revolutionary changes' tbaf system is to continue to rule, war has brought ln'Ui'traln Canada will fall behind in the Bat it'is equally true that the race and pay the penaltyv final solution lies along the Globe. . path' now taken. The disor'- ginfeation of the old economic The appeal for funds for "Our life of Dirtaln; for instance, Day" which will be collected on 1 wnico Mate intervention naa October 20th has the approval cansed, will necessitate continued and support of Their Majesties State intervention aflel- the King and Queen, and of Her the! war. "What 'were regarded Majesty Queen Alexandra and is For Your Sons and My Sons by many before the war a being made simultaneously Utopian dfeams or economic throughout the British Empire. heresies are'"now welconoed as LAND ACT a arwai but Of difficulties that formerly,It is seemed noTTorgotten insurmountable. that 8KEEXA LA.10 CA3SIAR.DISTRICT DISTRICT Of The noble work of tke British Red Cross knows, the"boas ted industrial wealth neither race, creed nor colour. Its "Quality of ofGreai Britain" meant that Tike notice tut Oranby Consolidated . Mini nr. emetttnr ' Power company,'Ltd nine-tenth oflhe weAlth was f Vancouver, oceopattoa mlnlnr and smelt- Mercy" is not strained. itf the hands of one-tenth of lot. "Intends to apply tor' permission M the population, and that a true the rollowlnf da1tl lindli quarter t the population of Ccmmeoctor it t pott planted at tbe. But its financial burden has become more than the, southwest corner of Lot JIli.'tUf Dis the'British' Isles was always on trict, tlMTir tiorth If enatns, fonowtnr Motherland alone can bear. That is why October th the lbrdeVland dr destitution. Man-water mark la tbe !.W. comer or Lot The old fndastrial condition JSIt. Ttiehee vcit Uirek ebalna to low has been set aside receive offerings as a day to have been broken up by the water mark; thence toatb and west ft generous war. Writ Canada and the new chain eat three feHowlnr chains,tow-water to tbe place mark:of tbrnce begin to enable the British Red Cross to "carry on." industrial world that Is open wt. ao4 eontalnlnr acre. ing" tijf eUln a aVstem that OHA.MBY CI..'SOUDATED MI.THIO, SMELT has been found so imperfect? io a power I. Fred company, rent. Sons and Daughters of the Empire, wherever they may be, More and more the'teiifdency Date, Aocost Itb, 117. OcltS are once again urged to give generously to this cause. And it is most earnestly hoped that, as was the case last year, S. PRINCE RUPERT . the.contributions from Canada will set a standard in generosity WEDNESDAY mtdnlrM for Anyox. that will be a pattern to the World. ... THURSDAY mldnlrbt for Ocean ralli, Vaoeourtr Via-" ' torta and Seattle. S.S. PRINCE- GEORGE satuhoav uidnirht Tor nrox. Monday I a.m. for awanson Bar. Vancourer, Victoria and Seattle. QiYe Nobly and G S. 8. PRINCE JOHN enerous For Oueen Charlotte Islands I p.m. Oetter 10th and fata. Fur Ketchikan, WranrelL Juneau and Skaa-way at noon Oct.' I, IT and 31, TRAIN SERVICE Paaaenrer Monday, Wednesday and (Murder at lt:)t a.El. for Snltneri, on Frlnre Ceorre, Kdmooton and Winnipeg, naklnr direct connection for all points' east and south. Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. Fpr fhYoVrnatfon"arid re"efvaU6'rts itp'pfj' to "Our Day", .October Olty Tlot OftlosMe Third Avenua. PHONE 280 6WMHAN. PACIFIC RAILWAY A Few Facts aWt the Work SENT OUT OP CROAT BRITAIN 3JSOpno,spent.en work in Mesopotamia, K tWaritale; 'o '.irUslVrn-Point. of tJat'Brkiih Red Cross $5,500,000' for purchase and upkeep of India, Egypt, Salonika, The iritiih Red Croaa Socittr U Motors. Malta'and Near East CANADIAN tbe only Inititution SWiich carries 25tO Motor Ambulances, cart, The Hospital Ship -NabtuVsent PACIFIC RAILWAY v6lunUry aid to the Sick and Wound, cycles, wagons and soup-kitchens to Mesopotamia. Maal and Berth Included on StV.nUr cd of tbe Uritiah forcet on land and sent abroad. 65 Motor Launches sent to Mesopotamia, - sea in every region of the War, 4 Hospital Trains running In Egypt, East, Africa aad Princess may for Oranby ay and Alice Arm ll.p.m. Friday Its work Is therefore the concern France, each tvtylng 450 vroond-ed. Malta. Prlncasa May southbound via Ocean Falls p.m. Sunday 0l,,.,tl.a,. of nritUh "Mecti. whe-ther have coat Over $300,000 to 22 Hospitals and Convalescent Princess Sophia Tor the south Saturday, October 20th. living In the British Tales. In the build tnd run. Homes in France, Egypt, Malta, Princess Alice for the north Monday, 'October' 22nd. Domlnioni and Colonies beyond the $2,800,000 spent on British Red Cross and Salonika. la seal, 'or foreign countries. work in France and Uelgium. $125,000 to French Red Ctou Society. J, I. .PETERS, Genernl Aeent Co ner Fourth Street and" Third Artnua, Prince Rupert. n.C. "OUR DAY" at Prince Rupert on, SATURDAY OCX. 20: