3K DAILT NKW Subscriptions to he Our nay of cl. 20lh fun(1 wilt,,.,..-m-d l acknowledge!in advance in the Ideal For Wash-Day & h. AmM ; felLLETT'S LYE Pr.-ss. . . ." NOTARY PUBLIC ii ii MfiKinald. the lira Tho Kootenny Rango accommodates I...I a nasty accident ort HAS NO EQUAC a...,en aflerniKiii. from the ef tho wash boiler and still leaves four We Sell nenl Estate. not on! oftent the reels of which he will be online.! holes freo for cooking. This allows water but doubles tha cleans for little time, some We write i., ik. (muse to servo wash-day dinners Fire and Marine you that Infl power of soap, and makes He had the misfortune la fall are Insurance. everything sanitary and Iwhile laklng a short-cut to the just as good ns other days and doesn't We have Apartment, Stores, wholesome. nr hall, and U suffering from interfere with your Laundering. Ask Houses, and Offices for MIPVSC USSTITVTtSu Rent, and Want More. severe bruises. our dealer or wrlto for booklet. We Deal in Mortgage Loans, f nat evening about nine o'clock We Bell Timber Limits. Leonard O. Mude, engineer of lha McCIaiyS MINERAL ACT l!aysporl,,, was admitted to Iho We do Conveyancing. .ocal News Nolcs reneral hospital, lie nad met NOTICE TO DEUMQL'EftT rARTOER board the KOOTENAY tviih an accident on RANGE H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD I To C. V. Calboon: hoaL being caught In the tnachin Tike notice, wtxr I b doM and Mrs. W. K. Draney, of Haysport, r when it was running. AI. I tamed to b dona MMtunecl work on Um Is visiting Prince Rupert. though the accident was of Hldnltbl lna ItUaoca fraction Hrer.mlnrtl about claim,fourteen aituated mile Ilutedale serious nature, the pallenl Is pro For Sale by E.A.Galland and Howe & McNnli; Ion Mr F. I). Huntcn of In tbe Bkeena gressing satisfactorily. tbe bead of Alice Ann. J "Tbe Daily News" Iaumnr diriiion of saeena dutrlct, was In the city yesterday. for 111, till, and If IS, and Salvation Army. I bar paid for aaid work and rtcordint Mm. II. H. McOinnis, of Alice CLASSIFIED ADS. liaise tbe turn of U 07.10. I'nleai you pay Arm. accompanied by her little Tuesdays. . . . Public meetings, I ui kuv iwii vi iiv(.tv, iwr rviir auarv I sr tbe uid aiictsmeat work tontber with son, nave arrivea in ine city. Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 p uh cost oi uus aartriiMincni. i inau. ai WANTED. Ibe uriraron of ninety (10) dart from It is hoped that not a man, wo m. Sundays at 7:30 p. m. I tie date hereof apply to tbe minlna rm man or child in Prince Itupert LYNCH BROS, a McMEEKIN Vf ANTED Oood (Tajnopbone. Hull beltorder at rrtnee Rupert. B. C. to bare will fail of their duty on October The Daily News delivered ty JM Apply boa ill ffewa. cap. Daily fttrur IntertiU In tbe MidniaDi Fraction arrier, 50 cents per month. Avenue claim veiled In me, in paravane 20th. 1 I.1TELU0E.tT PERS0.1 MAT CARJt Inilneral proTiriona of tbe mineral act. IISS monthly corrctpoodior for Dewt Dated at Prince Rupert, B.C. una SOU Mr. A. MethoL late of the staff paperti 140 to 110 mootbly la aparcl or September, 1917. Dtl. FULLER CB. ay of the Iloyal Hotel, has returned DENTISTRY McMEEKIN have time; experience ttnneccaMry; no cm- H. a FMILUP3. vaaatnrs tubjecu aucteated. Send fori from a visit to Seattle. He leaves vacated their store on Third Avenue particulars., national Preia Bureau I MINERAL ACT tomorrow on his way to his old oMoww ano bdm woaa room SIT. Buffalo. It. T. home in Montreal, where he has a satotALTT near Second Street, nnd their business FOR SALE. Cartlfleat of laipreiemeate. not been for twenty years. DR. J. 8. BROWN will now be conducted from the LYNCH 10 R SALE sutr-nre yards Cork Lino-leum. NOT1CS The case of Wong How, the esarrtrr BROS. STORE on Third Ave under Ore dreaaera. Or wailnuod. "Beaeb" and -Wilerfront Fraction" Chinaman brought in from Queen aesaei tana snees, twin aes the new name of Mineral Claims, situate In tbe Skeena Darrain price. Apply Empreas rooms. 4 Charlotte City, brought be was Mini or DlTlelon of Casalar DIatiict. FOR sals Mew Modern four-roomed I bere located: On nortb aide of Alie fore Judge ioung yesterday at the cotue. Ready early October. ApplyAnn- 'rnuM hnnae. The) accused rWtHl Lynch Bros. & McMeekin T. W. Hart. tf I "tASt NOTICE tbat L R. B. McOltmU.I, . M' and lhe . . Pte 56, 106 rree Miner-a Certineate Ho. HTl-C, ittloT 'P Harry Atkins yon sale Soda water plant complete:I for tbe Dolly Varden Mines Company, rrea.was nxetl lor toe Z'Jia curt. aypbona, caaea. boltlea, eaaencea, labela.I Mlnefa Certiflcate .to. HtlO-C. tntenda Prle Be eamltr tar, seel. etc A bargain. Apply Prince Rupert I sixty days rrom tbe date hetor. to apply The collector of the fund for Importtnr Co, Ltd. 140 1 to tbe Mintnt Recorder for a Certificate. "Our Day" Is in charge of tbe NOTED FOIl let ImDrovemenu. for tbe oursoaa or ct- MISCELLANEOUS I tatnlns a Crown Grant of tbe above claims. Canadian Red Cross Society. The PRIME SAUSAGE A.1D FURTHER TAKE NOTICE tbat IC burden of the offensives on many LD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT On rnlcaa-1 tlon under Section IS. muit be commenced fronts and the number of casual, Tomato Sausage a Specialty. lie or metal plates, also crown and jurors tbe Usuanee of audi Certiflcate of ties so heavy that more Dnarewora nirneat prices paid, post I Improvementa. SIT money A HOT BATH THE without delay, caab by return mall. J.I DATED tbia tb day of July, A.D. 1117. must be supplied. Make up your Phone 674 P. O. Box Dunsiooe. tait oeorra St, Vancouver. mind just what you can afford to MINUTE YOU WANT aaiaouiaea it yeare. Oil.I THE GRAHAM ISLA.1D SrRUCE ASD contribute on the day set for the IT CEDAR COMPACT UMITED berewttb five LOST collection or better still mail a You are arcual a4 to notice tbat It baa under section 7 of tbe 1 AIM AM fTVMlt4f mrlth th. Iffnf.i.. nf cheque now. Belting cold a er to. roaaMr or "w Public Work! at Ottawa and In tbe offlee ttarttljr. Think Prince f theiiL Feed Co. Direrw bc oai coniainior erocnet Rupert of th4 Dlitrlct Realstrar or tbe Land Rer MINING NOTES FROM ruioc-r pwasc reiorn K jura. M.S.I i,r ln ni.in.-i r (Hn nnn.rt . isfaction of g.-! ,f Et "'""O ATenoe. Iprlne Riinrf Uu-rtnIlnn tit lha .if. W'alor in the sams war la OMINECA DISTRICT PHONE SS abundance, reprarHen of trwwnv InMMiuH. In K. Kt.1l... tn . ....II. .'" v mr-v or I. .M u V n hot much has been ce4 bor at Port Clemen ti. II C t fmnl nf FOUND Pair of Drown leatber rlorea.Iiai. rir ta rifi. mnn.i.. immi,, t The Ilocher de Iioule mine is before. iucr on wfi how j miuj ior lira rftiiund nlii fif Um Tn.-n.lL. rj uv. shfppinf? ore daily. HAY, GRAIN, FEED, SEEDS HOT WATER LIKE MAGIC HmuKionii ai we uaiiy news umce. Icily of Port Clement reentered In tbe At the Oolden Wonder George aforesaid Laod Reiiatry offlra ai plan 5o. and FERTILIZER FOUND Caab rerliter key. Owner can MOTS and take nolle that ari to .. Mcllcan fs malln? great head Harry Hanson bare same by paylnr for tbia adrertise- IpiraUon of one month from tbe dale of way with the shaft contract. A aoenl at tbe Dally Neva Office. tbe Orl publication or tbia notice tbe lot of very fine ore is being taken CD ggf Hot Water Service brlait Grabam lland Spruce and Cedar, Company, out. There Is a big pile of ore Chicken Faed a Specialty you this contet.rcce Ale It-lmltMt wilt n rul. wiim h. ..it M. Hanson.W.J.A.K. Winiaaaa, B.A, L.L.B Act apply to tbe Minuter of Public Work sacked ready for shipment. PHONE 48S P. O. BOX JM at bi omce In tbe city of Ottawa for ap Alex. Chisholm has staked a WILLIAMS A MANSOM proval of tbe said Site and Plan and for group of claims near the Tom Ssell Orders Promsilf BUenSed U. UrrlaUra, Solloltor. Eto. I leare to construct tbe aaid works. Forest property. He has a ten Dated at Prince Rupert. B. C, tbli 1 1 lb day of October. A. D. IS17. Nl. fool showing that Is uncovered Boa tsst THE GRAHAM ISLAND SPRUCE AND for twenty feet. It assays 41 ozs. L p. o. Be ssa. OS TMra At. Advertise In The HalawrtMis) Block Prince Banert. B. C CEDAR CO, LTD. of silver and 18 in gold. Daily News On the Wilson Uros. property nine men are working two shifts PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. and making good progress. Mr. Haines went up this week He expressed the belief that they Geieral Teanbg have a sure-enough mine In this Doswrno TIMBER SALE X 1096. property.The Chisholm boys have taken BRITISH RED CROSS APPEAL BLACKSMITH COAL a lease and option on a property Catroful AtUntlon sealed lender will be received by tba on Grouse mountain and have be. to Piano DUirtet Foretter. Prince Ruoert. not Uur work. run They rlgur on shlp.1 and rurnlturej tbaa noon Removals, oo tbe tttb day of October, mi. tor tne purcbaae of Urcnce X lS, ping a car or two of ore very PHONE S3. to cut M.0OO feet of spruce and Cedar soon for test purposes. They will and ll.eeo lineal feet Cedar Plllnv on an tiaul six miles to Barrett station Miuaiea on Prince Royal Itland, , ui uutrict. v&itT Klggans came in from. one ii year will t allowed for removal me iiaDines this week after OUR DAY Tbe Werkutf Sasn's Hon. of timber. good season's work on his claims r Further particular of tbe Cblef Forester. He has a good deal of ore ready. Ictorla. B. C, or Diitrtet fomur, Prince THE HUB nuperi, o. U. ror tsriipment and Is working th property with the Idea of opening October :Beced A, betweea Slitb 4 SeiMlk up the ore for a big sale rather 20th, 1917 P.O. BOX 33 PRINCf RUPERT than to make small shipments. BOWLING POOL and ALLEYS BILLIARDS Stuart J. Martin this Maria The year road road although has work been about on finished the six Santa miles for Fop Sick and Wounded Sailors and Soldiers LUNCH COUNTER at the far end were left undone A83AYEH One gang came down Sunday and Tajrlor Enrlneerlnr Representing after fixing up a snow road on Company. Alice HAZELTON 8. C. Arm. B. C, T. A. Kelley Lorsinc. k the hill the other gang came Into Lumber Co, Ltd, Queen Char lot la L town. The work was well and ceo. WK CASH PAV CHECKS The oldest established Assay nornically done. $1,000 WAITED Make Tbe HUB your beadquarier. W. 8, Sargent made a trip last lave your mall addreaied In our care. Office In the North. week into the Dablnes to examine (lie silver-lead property that has Pkei Blaak S10. M. K. Rose, Prep. occupied the attention of C. O Harvey for several years. Dill says that Harvey has a very good From Prince STEEN & LONGWILL J.L.HICKEY looking prospect. He has con. Rupert shlrrahle high grade ore sackei Prepare to CONTRACTOR 4 BUILDER and can get out enough more to contribute your proportion on the dny set for the Collection or SANITARY AND HEATING . ,. make a substantial shipment this Mail Cheque Now ENGINEERS Btore and Ofllce Fixtures, winter. The property Is worthy Bash, Door and Moldings. development on a larger scale. AgsnU for Oak and Hard I). I). Morkill came up on the Woods of all THE MoCLARY PURBACES kinds. train Wednesday night from the REAL APPEAL New Ilazlilton Oold A Cobalt prop. PLUMBING We Specialize In Hard, eriy on ilocher de Iioule moun - Conada faila us fa OctnW must curtail mnny of our nctivltles." wood Boat Ribs, Bash, tain. He reports the mine In ex Sir Arthur and Doors, eto. cellent shape and producing very Stanley, Chairman Executive Committee SHEET METAL WORKS Plate and Sheet Qlass and ricn ore-, a wlnz Is being sunk British Red Cross Phone 8, 834 Second Avenue. Glazing. one one of the shoots of molyb, Night phones 570 demnlte and some beautiful ore and IiJue 270 Oorner Fraaer and 6th 8ta. In 1 bHtig the secured. Arsenical Iron ThMU,f ii Pri"Ce Rupcrt ,s made under the direction of The right work, at the rlohi PHONE GREEN 288 same shoot carries very . D. Mcintosh, Vice-President, Urns, and at the right prlaa. high gold values. Mr. Mnrklli Canadian Red Cross Society P, O. BOX M8. (brought some excellent specimens up with him. Omlneca Herald, 01