IftK DAILY NEWS WmI, "Jay : T needles,with Hapi'liirn-polnted FRENCH AIRMEN BLOW Eat Less Meat tat the Pathe Pathephones nl-larVi. He UP RHINE BRIDGES used .i G. H. Arnold More Whole Wheat . . . pc,,0 o Lausanne, The "Hasler Nach-richten" that is the way to save Mr. II. H. Calms, of Vancouver, keep his mouth niohu NOTARY PUBLIO stales that French nvla-tors money, save strength, save Inspector of Indian school, returned are making persistent raids hpnlth and save food. Cut to Ihe city last night by upon Rhine military bases and out the expensive indiges the Chelohsln from Port 8lmp0n. t We Sell Real Estate. bridges. tible foods. The whole will be r.acn ntgui nying men drop a If you don't think you We write Fire and Marine targe quantity of bombs and in wheat is the most perfect able to contribute oti October 20. Insurance. some cases the damage done has food eiven to man. But be send cheque novr add It will be We have Apartments, Stores, been very extensive. sure you get the whole wheat acknowledged ill the Press. Get Houses, and Offices for One of the Rhine bridges at ready. Rent, and Want .More. Mannheim was blown up last grain in a digestible form. We Deal in Mortgage Loans. week. Shredded Wheat Biscuit Every little bit helps. A con ,We Sell Timber Limits. is 100 per cent, whole wheat tribution Is expected from every. MINERAL ACT soul Kaien Island, del reauy We do Conveyancing. and is made digestible by on shredding to do your share on October 20th. steam - cooking, NOTICE TO DELINQUENT TARTNER Tag day coming. I To C. W. Calhoun: and baking. It contains i H. Q. HELQER30N, LTD Ttk notice, wbertae I have done and ' more real body-building Tha case of Reginald Skldeen, to be done aiaearment work on tb Irauaed Fraction mineral claim, altuated nutriment than meat, and an Indian of Gillakdamiks, on the! the lllianre river, about fourteen miles Naas. will come up before Judge Ion much less. Delicious the bead of Alice; Arm. In tbe Skrena costs Young this afternoon. He Is ac- . Iminlnr dlrltlon of Skeena district, aaaeia. for meal with milk or "The Daily News" work for Itll, till, and I9lt, and any cused of stealing an amount of. Irnent paid for said work and recordinc cream, and fruits. money from the borne of Agnes! I same tbe sun of I10T.I0. Unless jou paji Made in Canada. Gogag. CLASSIFIED ADS. the sum of 1101.00, for your share ... Iiue tbe sal4 assessment work, toretber with ) The Ladles Auxiliary of the, cost of tbls advertisement, I sbatL at I toe eiplrat'xu of ninety (SO) days from Prince Rupert General Hospital, WANTED. tbe date hereof apply to tbe mininr re- (7 ocal News Notes will hold their annual ball In the, I rorder at Prince Rupert. B. C, to bare St. Andrew's Hall on October iw-! WANTED by two ladles, work In cafe orlour Interests In tbe MidnirM rraeUon store. Apply box lit Dally News. mineral claim vested In me. In pursjance Dancing will commence at 9:30, I of tbe provisions of tbe mineral act. Shoes for everyone Wallace's p. m. Tne wesmoime urcnestra . MADE IN CANADA WANTED Good rramopbone. Must be Dated at rrlnc Rupert. B. C. tbls 10th will be in attendance. Admission ""mi- cbeap. Apply box lit Dally Newsv t0 ay of September, 1017. Dtl IL C PHILLIPS. Delivery boy wanted MeRae 1.00. 237-8-9.3-4 i 1 INTELLtOENT PERSON MAT EARN Bros. 2(1 1100 monthly correspoodixit for news MINERAL ACT When you think of shoes youi papers; 1 10 to' ISO montnlr ln.'spare Certifteate ef ImarevemeeU. Mr. A.uMethot left for Montreal think of Wallace's. if. i lime: experience unnecessary no' can rasstnr: subjecu surrested. Send for NOTICE this morning. WRIGLEYS particulars. NaUoaal Press Bureau room 1174. Buffalo. N. T. Beacb" and "Waterfront fraction Mr. George A Sweet arrived GOOD BLOOD Mineral Claims, situate In tbe Skeena Mlnior Dirlslon of Casslar District. back In Prince Rupert this morn FOR SALE. Blood will ten." Blotches and Where located) On north side of Alice ing from the south. Arm. blemishes, like murder, will gives us a wholesome, antiseptic, POR SALE Slxtv.flve yards Cork Lino TAKE NOTICE that I. R. B. McGtnnls. Pathe Pathephones and records out, unless the blood is kept refreshing confection leum. Ore dressers, lire wash-stands, rre Miner's Certificate No. SI74-C, arent pure. Its purity is restored ana Barraln prices. Apply Empress rooms. for tbe Dolly Varden Mloes Company, free sold on easy monthly payments protected by the faithful use of to take the place of the cave FOR SALE New Modern four-roomed I l"Dtrt Certiflcal No. IIDO-C. Intends Wallace's. tf. man's pebble. cotlae. Ready early October Apply! 7 irora ue aaie ftereor, to appiy Mrs. Captain Maitar. of Port BEECHAM'S r. W. HarL oi improvements, I or toe purpose or oo- Simpson, is among the visitor to We help teeth, breath, nppctitc, MISCELLANEOUS I talnlnc a Crown Orant of tbe abort claims. digestion and Prince Rupert today. deliriously soothe AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that ac- PILLS LD FALSE TEETH BOUOHT On Vulcan-1 lion. B0'3"' Section It. must be commenced mouth and throat with this welcome Ite or metal elites, also crown and I before tbe Issuance or such Certificate of Mrs. 'Arthur Spurr was among Wart a Gstaca a Bas sweetmeat, brldrewak Wrbesl crtrei nald. nni I taprorrroenu. 817 the arrivals in the city this morn. iiujrihm w i nili without delay, cash bT return malL J.I DATED this Its day of luly, A.D. 1017, ing by the Prince Rupert. Chew H after meai Duniloot. ItIS Oeorrla St Vancouver. ' every EstabllsnecT tT Tears. 'Oil.1 NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT. Mr. I-red Gilhuly returned to R. 9. a Chapter lit. LOST town this morning after a holiday DENTISTRY The Flavour trip to the southern cities. "lhJ?"" "'"1 CEDA" COMPA, LIMITED herewitt, v. L Lasts 1" : V" -T. :' ... I nolire that it has under section 7 of tbe Superintendent Kilpatrick, of CNOW nb BRtoaa won I Parker,rwurr Its Seventh mum Avenue.Hf jar. n.s. said Act depotlted with the Minister or the O. T. P- arrived In the city a ercouu.Tr Public Works at Ottawa and tn tbe office last evening from Smithers. DR. J. S. BROWN FOUND of tbe District Rerlstrar of tbe Land Rer Istry Office. District of Prince Rupert, at OtSTliT Prince Rupert, leseriptlon of tbe site and Mr. O. Desner was among the Meei tank Bteea. Thiee aiaaea FOUND Pair of brown leatber rtores.! plan of sawmill structure and other works returning travellers on board tbe Owner can bare same by paylnr for tnis I nrr . k.-,. .... Prince Rupert this morning. " vurn. I bar at Port Omnti. r In rmni t I lnls rive Ln nrtMi f ns-lmi. .a of the Mr. O. K. .en. deputy mini.. have same by paylnf for tbls advertise- city of Port Ocmeoie resuierrd in 'the ter of land, returned to the city Atkins snent at tbe Daily Hews Office. Harry aroresald Land neelttry office as Plan No. ast evening from Alice Arm. 1070 and uke nouce that after the ei- ramn, InUAv, rtne an. Ales M. tteaeoa. BJk. piration or one month rrom tbe date pf Mr. W. E. Dudoward. of Port to Shubett- w. . wiaiami. bju. L.L.B tbe Oral pubUcation of thia notice tbe mm C 4 .NOTED FOH Graham Island Simpson, accompanied by his and Spruce Cedar Company. nitMnif M WILLIAMS A HANSON Limited -m-in BiMfp- StlAn V Af fk. a.(. family, are visitors in tbe city. PRIME 8AU8AOE in f a k Barristers, Solicitor. Eta. Act apply to tbe Minuter or Public Works f I mmi to Wm .twn OMT TO LOAM at bis office In tbe city of Ottawa for approval Mrs. and Miss F. Mcll. Young Tomato SsvMga a Specialty. - of tbe said Site and Plan and for returned to town this mom In a oi mi leave to construct tbe said works. ntiswwa Bloc Prmce Assert. B. C Dated at Prince Rupert. B. C this llth from a holiday trip to Victoria. Phone 674 P. O. Box Am B. SHUBERT, Inc. KbSS day of October, A. D. 1017. Nil. TUFT GRAHAM ISLAND SPRUCE AND Mrs. Fred Stork and little Pat CEDAR CO, LTD. returned this mornlnc from PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. Oeo. Nlckerson. AtenL holiday trip to tbe southern cities Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Johnston Geseral Teaakg and family, of Inverness, arrived i in the city last evening on a visiL BLACKSMITH DOKtTIO COAL Mr. C. L. Monroe left fdr Mon. Careful AtUntlon to Piano treat this morning, where be will BRITISH RED CROSS APPEAL and rurnttura Removala. TIMBER SALE X 1066. join 4? 1 the-- Inland Water Transport ocn ice. Sealed tenders will h miii i the PHONE S3. Dlstrtrt Forester. Prince Rupert, not later i Mr. II. W. u noon on the flth day of October, Fouler and family, o mi. I or ine Durehaia r un t mas the Canada Railway Xews. arrived to cut ta.000 feet of Spruce and Cedar In the city last evening from Wini and 11.000 lineal feet Ouiar pnm. in area situated on Princess Royal Island. ' OUR DAY nanre 3, coast District The Worklaf kUn'a Hen. One 1 1 year win be allowed ror re Mr. E. J. Baker, who will lecture moval of timber. in tbe Empress Theatre on Fri THE HUB Further particulars of tbe Chief Forester, day and Sunday, arrived inXhe iciona. n.u,or,District Forester, Prince aeoeed Av, betweae Slsth SevenU city this morning. I October 20th, 1917 P.O. BOX 225 PRINCE RUPERT Mr. and Mrs. W. C. C. Mehan BOWLING ALLEYS ieri ror Edmonton on the train For Sick and Wounded POOL and BILLIARDS this Ii morning,i . and. will be away r Sailors and Soldiers LUNCH COUNTER Stuart J. Martin iur ououi ien oars. For New Wellington Coal and Representlnr: ASSAYEM Ir Lumber of all dimensions. Taylor Enflneerlnr Company, Alice Ann. 8. C, T. A. Eelley Lorrtnr k 'hone 116. Lumber Co, Ltd, Queen Charlotte I. HAZELTON B. C. lave Make your WE Tbe mall CASH HUB addressed PAV your CHECKS headquarters,In our care. Tha oldest established Assay TWO LONG YE $1,000 WAITED Office Irf tha North. rt Black no. H)L Roaa, Prep. HE SUFFERED From Prince Rupert STEEN & LONGWILL J.L.HICKEY "Frcit-a-tfYBs" Made Kim Feel CONTRACTOR A BUILDER As If Walking On .Ir Prepare to contribute your proportion on the day set for the Collection or SANITARY AND HEATINO Mail Cheque Now OaiLua, Owr., Nov. 28th, 1914. Store and Ofllee ENGINEERS Fixtures, "For over two years, I waa tnuUed Bash, Door and Moldings. with Cunitipttion, Drourintit,Lmik t Aganta for Oak and ilard Woods of all Afjxiit and Jeadthet, OoedarIMr THE REAL APPEAL StoCLARY FURNACES kinds. yoursijB which rea4 "FruJU-UTes Wo Specialize nuke you feel like walking on sir." "If Canada fails us in October we must curtail many of our activities." In Hard-wood This appekled to I PLUMBING ma,so decided to and Boat Ribs, Sash, try a box. In a very short time, Sir Arthur Stanley, Chairman Executive Committee Doors, eto. teaa to feel Utter,and iw tftttfit. British Red Cross SHEET METAL WORKS Plate and Shoot Qlats and I lave s good sppeUte,rellib every thin Pbone 5, 831 Second Avenue. Qlazlng, I eat, sod the Headaches are CWJ, Night phones 570 entirely. I recommend thla and Blue 270 Corner Fraser and 6th BU. fruit$ufdteimt to sJl my Wends '. The Collection in Prince Rupert Is being made under the direction of TheVlflht work, at tha right PHONE GREEN 264 We. DAN MelXAN. Mrs. A. D. Mcintosh, Vice-President, Canadian Red Cross Society a box, fl for 2 JO. trial site,Mc. lima, and at tha right prioa. P. O. BOX 441. At all doftleaoracnt poalcald b Vrit. Ues Limited, Ottawa. Cr-veW.,