Thursday ., , WBW8 c, THE DAILY g ( The Daily News THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Dally and Weokly Guaranteed Largest Circulation! HEAD OFFICE: Daily News Building, Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, B.C. Tel. 98. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - GO cents per Inch. i n n'cs Contract Rates on application. vxnmffi DAILY BDmOH j$B Thursday OcL 18, 1017. UNION QOVtNMNT time of peace. War conditions Judging from ineir com cannot be met on peace standards. merits many of our conlcm Liberals in England poraries appear to regard the who stand for pure, unadulter organiiatlon of a Union Gov ated Liberalism, a Liberalism ernment as the end of Canada s in comparison with which our troubles and the final readjust own has been a pale variety ment of the country' chaotic made wry faces when they sat political conditions. The con down at the table with Lords summation of the project un Milner and Curzon and Sir Ed doubtedly will simplify matters ward Carson and others whom in many respects In regard to they regarded as reactionaries, the election, but lime alone will but the situation left them no Jell whether it will Justify the other choice. Whatever may high hopes held out for it in be thought of tbe policies of other ways. The first Union these men in time of peace un Government in the United King doubtedly they were useful for dom. exceedingly strong in war. A democracy cannot make personnel, collapsed after a war without abandoning many series-of grave war blunders of its most cherished principles France has had half. a dozen simply because war, especially Union Governments since the this war, primarily arises from war began. The true test will autocracy and is therefore the be the policies and perform absolute negation of demo ances of the Ministry in their cracy. relation to war problems. It is Canada was the last country Imperative that Canada's re of all the active belligerents, sources be folly mobilized for saving the United States, to war, that the conscription of have a Union Government and men be accompanied by those In the United States there are other activities of which the no party lines as far as the conscription of men is only one actual direction of the country's complement. An end must be efforts in the war is concerned. put"to profiteering, and those The great advisory boards who are making most out of the which constitute the real dlrec war must contribute most of to rale are composed of the big its cost. There most be real men of all parties. Party lines food control in1 production went by the board in Congress and distribution- and the Food immediately war was declared. Barons must b e squelched. A Union Government in Canada Economy and thrift must be was inevitable. Whether it was practised by the Government as this particular Union Govern well as by the people. More ment or not time will tell, for B I generous provision must be if it Is not, the real one will made for soldiers' dependents evolve out of it; it will be forced and the pension scale must be by conditions throughout the repatriation revised. An and organized demobilization plan for country. Victoria Times. For Others' Greater Needs musl be put in operation wan- jt is hoped that not a man. wo out delay. These are the chief man or child in Prince Itupert features of a programme on will fall of their duly on October which the public will expect lhelotb. Union Government to take ef f'lf Canada fails in feetive action We believe that " the cou.xty court or atuj us October . r ...m.r, ...n th n AH. HOLD AT TIU.1CE RUPERT. v v w. v iih Tir w a rrra nw t n a kin t m iiuiiisiiaiion wio wiu press iori deceased this, and we know them well AID we .must curtail many of our enough to be certain that if I THE MATTER OF THE ADMI.USTRA-TlO.t through the opposition of special ACT. Dated tbe elrbtn day of Septefabr, A. D. activities." privilege or the Big Interests 1I7. Ipoa rtwdinr the tmdtrlU or John their representations iiuid NcMuiiu and cut. A. Errcrt u u Extract from letter from Sir Arthur are ignored they will leave the ordered that John Hurh MeMulun, Official ''It' Administrator for the County of Ailin, Stanley, Chairman, Executive Cabinet and' take their cause ba.II be b Administrator or all and ilnru- before the country. lar Um estate or Loals Baarllle deceased Committee, British Red Crow. In certain quarters in both Intestate, and that notlca of UU Order b parties there la strong opposition published In tb Dally .lewipaper for two Issues. to the Union Government Tbrs Grant I made upoe, the eoodlUon idea One Liberal paper vigor that ao porticevbf tbe iihii shall b distributed ously assails those Liberals or paid dnrtnr tbc War to any Canada's answer is, that the noble work who l ave entered the Cabinet brtwflelary or rredltor who la a German, Dulrartan. Austro-Hunrarlan, or Turkish and charges them with swat. ub)eet tmfr resident, or to anr on lowing their Liberal principles. on hit bHulf, or to or oat behalf of any of the British Red Cross must unfettered, It prefers a straight party line person resident In Oermsny, Auitro-llun- go on, fight. On the other hand Sir rary, Turkey, or Bultarta, of whatever 1 I ' nationality, without the Mixtion Ilobert ilorden is attacked in of the Crown actios tbroarn eipress Um Minuter unhampered, uncurtailed. his own party for the same rea of rinaiMei and If tor distribution or son. In war time political narmrnt la niada contrary'to this condlUoa leaders have to do a great many the tratton rrant will of be probate forthwith or letttra revoked.or admlnls Canada stands fast. things they would not do- In f. Me. TOU.IO, CO.. Its contribution on "Our Day", October h, will prove it SI S PRINCE RUPERT WEDXESDAr mldoirnt for Anyos. THURSDAY mldQlfbt for Ocean Una, Vancouver Victoria aod Statu. S.S. PRINCE GEORGE Give Generously MTURsar Mldnffbt for Aoyos. MONDAY 9 a. for Swansea Bay,, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. Tor Queen Charlotte Islands 8. 9. PMRGE S p.m. October JOHM loth aod 14th. The Need Never Greater for Ketchikan, Wrstf!), Juneau aod Skarway at noon Oct. I, II and II. was TRAIN BERWICK raisenrer Sanaay, Wednesday and Saturday at 11:10, for Seal then. Prince Oeorre, Edmonton and Winnipeg; making direct connection for all. points eaat aod south. Aganey All Ocean aHeamshlp Lines. A Few Facta about British Red $8.0O),0( worth of For Information and reservations apply to Cross Work. hotpital Surgical Dicaa-inga, lies and ambulance drivers now equipment, nccca serving abroad. OUy,TloWt.efnca, KM Third Avenue. t PHOME M9 The Brltlah arici and comforta of all kinda Rati Croaa Society la tbc 1HJ Women Ambulance Drivers only ioetitution which carriea voluntary ocepatched' mainly abroad. serving abroad. aid to the Sick and Wounded of the 6KOJQ00 Articlea of Clothing and $50,000 to erect, equip and maintain Britiah Force on land and aea in every bedding and Hoapital Furniture recreation and refreshment rooms ' reason ot tbe War, nd Equipment lent away, mainly in France. Ita week ia tbercfore the concern of all abroad, 7 Keit Stations in France for CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY cUaM ef nritleh aubjerta, whether livina 4I448J P.rceli of Food an Cloth-,?f wound'd men en route, as well as la tha Britiah lalea, in Ue Dominioni cnt 'fom London to Uritiah hosieli for relatives visiting an4; Colonies beyond the aaa, or In I riaoneri of War in enemy countries, wounded, and rest homes for Lowest Rates; to all Eastern Points forciga coantrieo. - nurses. via Steamer to Vancouver and the SENT OUT OP GREAT Invalid Vitcheni attached to liot-n 16 Store Depots for hospital BRITAIN CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Malta. Salonika and necessaries, etc Meala and Berth Included on Stumw 165,000 ipent on work in East Africa. Egypt, buffets, auu ahcltrri, bath 12 Branch Offices for Enquiries 1215.000 ipent on building and equip ing ibeda, reexcation and tea for Wounded and Missing. Pine St John Brirade Hoipitil, roomi lor wounded and $175,000 work in it 'rlnoeea MSay. for-Oriay my and Alice Arm 11 p.m. Friday convalescent spent on Italy. EtabUs, Prtncs (520 beda) and men. ritahllahtd In Kgypt, $510000 spent on work in Serbia and Princess SJay southbound via Ocean Falls 8 pn..Sunday $271,600 on equipment and MilU and Salonika. Montenegro. FKftoeas Sophia for the south'Saturday, Ootobee 20th. maintenance. Wl Surgeons, nuriri, V. A. U.'s, $J.V),C) spent on work in Roumania, Prlws s Alice far the north Monday, October 22nd.. Kicncr-uctrcri, hoipltal order $100,000 spent on work In Russia. J. I...PETERS, General Agent C ne PouHk Street anchThird Avenue, Prlrtta Rupert. D.C. "OUR DAY" at Prince Rupert on SATURDAY OCT. 20