The Da ily News V ' 'ii. PIIINCK HUPKItT. H. C MON DAY. OCTUHFJt 22, UM7. piucr. fickntT" v W -V. I0TMEE A ACI 01 LONDON BY i II 11 IV Jl nan ii 1 rv ii OUR RAIDERS RETURNING BROUGHT DOWN IN FRANCE - FIGHT IN NORTH SEA OTHER AIR MR. A. WILLISCROFT HIGH COST OF LIVING TONS OF BOMBS DIES IN VICTORIA 'r''" THE ELECTION ISSUE MADE ON DROPPED ONTHE RAID Old Tim Resident of Haielton I Gadsby Tells the Food Controller District MmU With Accl-. What He Thinks of Him. With LONDON CJTY dent In Shipyard, 1 1 ' $1.00 Worth Only 60c. HUN POSITIONS i maw a. on. to. t p to date Tin ml new ha bsen rereived f . "I control in i Canada ha Uoen Mas Pat 0r In town of lite delli of Mr. Walter British Airmen Carry Out Daring Bt onir un "-" A. Wfllierifr."who Tor about ten! a ghaolly joke. Fooi fVnilmllt'r Raids on Enemy Positions Boast. Hanna i.a iuhI a etatenK-nt, a hi! In Flanders French London er a has been located reiiWkaijie of clear and Injur Many. llie"t(niinera country in the Pubhr j example Get Zeppelin. thought and wrong ooncluniou, in Work Department. About ibree uhii h !) ay he can do nothing The Gerruaii month ago. Mr. Willlnr.f l ten i London, Del. 20. An official inliMut ii To fix prieeA w-ouid be the .o-i raid over Telkwa. and afu-r paying a iil! to bring about commercial ruin statement iued by the War of. . 4.if Htfffland. here Prince left fur iu Hupee t. that i Food Controller Hanna'i flee nlatea that, "On Thursday v have been lost Victoria, where he bad received verdict. He promise u other ni.p-ning the weather was brilliant person Jlljlired. alt appointment lit one of the kind word to the ame effect ever,and fine, but al 9 o'clock, low,, al damage done shipyard there. Apparently on! and anon. We mut make up our thick eloud lifted up from the At elgb o cluck afternoon, lie ntet with Friday an niM. le to tare until the war i'wet. Artillery work and photo- al l-al seven artklent. the nature of which i vr and then ome. igraphic work werecarried o'ut by en romg tli nut elated, and he died larr from The food profiteer are too lour airplane and in Ihe course tie direction f the injuries receive!. strong for Food Controller Uanna.jof the day two and a half lona of finjc high Tt Mm. a Hit Mis- Willlseroft ftr- F.viMi if he' were dipoedl 'do,bomb were dropped on a large dtal-iy sent torted In town last night fr..m anything they wouldn't let him do'tgun position in Ihe rear on rail-it. j l people look Telkwa on their way south to The Food Trust i probably way iding near Ohent and on lb Zppellll Victoria, where Mr. George Willi, the Mrongest trust in Canada, various hostile billet. At night (t- -xperted ltek croft, ton of ttte defeased, la alo SOalE OF THE MEMBERS OF THE NEW UNION CABINET and Sir Joseph Flavelle, the guide,'another ton of bomb was dropped I h- ple Irav. located. The Maonie order, of In Ho ui" 1 '"W ar. i:. Hon I. x fi. Kir Jau LottRheed. philosopher and friend of IhstfOtt the Courtrai station and a a '.- 'J liig thai thrjr hkiti Mr. WillUorofl was a member, llmi. J. ! aul. Maj-'t M'M'iirn. f.ow , th.- Hon. A. Meighfii. Ibirden Oovemment. i the key-ierman airtirome in me icinuy. g ( tthrtl without will take charge of the funeral Mr. F II. ilarvell. and h" "on. f.. i:. Ilallaiilyio-. stone of their system of pillage.I 'In air fighting six hostile ma- ... . . .. ... airship .'-i.i .i i & any arrangement. Mr. Waller A. Fool timtrfiller iianna is the paiu " ?ii in the WlHfft wg an usule or Mr. FLAG OF POLAND ON SAYS PROFITEERING representative in Canada, and a'driven down out of control, while i ll0 I'll mi the Win. 11. Willleertift. Summit Ave, large shareholder of the biggest lanomer wa noi aown oy anu- f I udon. I he Zep. In this THE WESTERN FRONT IS THE REAL ISSUE i..i in ih u..ri.t Tli Stamford aircraft gunfire Seven of our K f" .!- thai it Ttte numerous friend of Mr. Oil Oimiaiiy. It I not the policy machines are missing." a licit t- l--rreied. WMIUMToft. ami lie had wany, of one trust to buck another French Get Zeppelins. .mb Army of Poles Is Hartley Dewart Declines to Fight Paris. Oct. 20. A large w dnippetl will h mm t- lienr of hi de. Autonomous eonequiiitly Standard Oil does num. ' wn. Already In Course of Cut the Election on not with Cold Storage. ber of Herman airships, mostly mlse. M wat widely known akmg Conscription. quarrel .. .... . . Ihe enaet and in the interior, having Organlxatlon. They are bfith in the conspiracy dirigibles, made an excursion into IT McOONALO GETS tieeti with the lwWle Work i.. .t-i oil ih. imnie will hear. The JFraiicftJn the difecUoji. of.Uie THE MILITARY MEDAL IlejMirUnenl f the provincial go, Freoeh Front in Franoe. TfeT. "rmtmr rt. 2.-- N4 eon. ......i Mie i. viaxii and hi vosge Mountains, rour of tho rpment fr nearlr Iwenty.fivr JO. nc national flag i hrt-y scrittion. bul proHU-eriiiii. will election, be friends w ill get from Controller'enemy raiding fleet were, brought the iu in the forthfoimup aown oy toe rrencn gunnre. . n iia...,-. i. irtv. tan f"..1- and aniualH. trail fcoe of the ftrt in the Frwrli year. l unfohted .w to K. declared Hartley Ilewart, is said that this squadron of Not tro line Mint on it. si ItaymotMl Mr. fkeena lilriet were twilll ny to put a the Hubert, will In and for Ihe front lhat of I'olaiMl. ine iit C. M.I..A.. at a meeting last night Food Controller Ha.ina is a bluff. Zeppelins was composed of the a n of hi being him many yeara he ag.had been rood eagle on a maroon new i u inae of Ward One Lilieral Assoeiatlon. Mr. Hanna ha given his service same machines which earlier in lat ten yer. ' Mr. Dewart. who is one of the men the evening had raided the Eastern M utary Mela I "for in the Omineea. It nlaee lieide the Fri-neh tri- for nothing. For nothing he i tr eld." With uirinlendriil hit m year. eolor. Ihe Fnion Jack, the stars in the running for the Liberal expected to do nothing. His ser- Counties of Fjiglahd. A report tile wa in ... -fourth . leadership in Ontario, declared has beeu received of the a and Stripe, and Ihe battle nags ices are commensurate with the y"' " will be regretieu uy Pral .MeiMnakr ntt,j in,, of of the other allies, and Heiieam that the dgtil wa between the salary he gets. It is true that capture of a fifth German airship wkle rirrle ac)uainlanee. e for what par. a its fold will fight Polish xolun- profiteer and the? people. Food Controller Hanna. in' pur- at Kourbonne les Haines. haa been award. teers from all part f the world. The Military Servire Act was tut of the thrift, which he advo Destroyers Sunk.' !FAM0US TUQ LORNE the law of Ihe land, and must Loudon. Oct. 20.. While convoying now two Polish army i cates for the ualion.Jias as but all who An ulonomsj ..n. PURCHASED BY O. T. P. would be obeyed by the peo- a number of neutral vessels and will know that j iMa.u ri.nru of unranlaation sistant in his office at four thousand ay .... vL,u .n .,! its ranks liave ide. It should not be made an dollars each, neither of across the North Sea, thetwo -rvfd. - , .... . j The Urand t llritish were" i- oond Melkmald I "v t JO. been openerl lo Plhh ritiaon issue in i w'ii's .o.... whom knows anything about food protecting destroyer .ther f WilfrM Trunk Pacific has purenaej tne who lav. wandere,! abroad in The mesitiog put on reo .rd i control but Food Controller Hanna attacked by two large, fast and welt tug Ime niKl two barge far -f rriiim Hie - coniinneo esmuuenoe in .r-u- doesn't get any money nlmseli. heavily-armed German raiders. i equally operfitton In the, Mtwiie trade LmLii. of Sir Wilfrid Laurier. and bt which had eluded the British pa Huperl arid who nreshiu to which the Polish an All he gets is the' advantage ' between the Queen Chaiiolte l- . t.w inncp iMiaw uhieetetl. ititndemned "th makeshift Union being in a strategic, position trols further south. The IJriU&h nt.Ut Pffineere.lfore join-he latnU ond Prince llupert. OapU -n... ,r.. u I.. Iw. entirely In- Hov eminent as a wean of pre when he can tell the public from destroyers' immediately vngagvd C. II. XlehoUon. manager of tlie .. . r ,.ih-e n..v all venting Ihe people of Canada from time to time that absolutely noth the enemy vessels, and fought a n the engineering 1. T. 1. eoat aleanishtpa. la in .M anil Laaitlir rtf tIinllltiR Vmllft Hi th ing be done about it. One delaying action, to give the con 1 the O. T- I lirre. II nmrri f ain "'m"e- - can N mm I u-n aat m tft i Ihe eity completing the detail of Polish birth or deseeHl. Tin mi- iH on It stewardship, almost wishes that Mr. Hanna voy time to make good their escape. (I... ho.4r on lhej1.r,rchtt,e cleu of the new army i on- would late money for his services lWilb destroyer were sunk st The IM-ne l n fanwiu tovvboat of Pole who have WESTHOLME THEATRE then we might expect action by the more heavily armed enemy her day wa the most pose, lie.i vessels, a well as nine of the and in in the Frwvch army since the Kver since Sir Joseph Flavelle, our THE jHiwerful erafl ued for deep-eea elnitinir of hostilities. All grades Ti. unxtieeted nequisition of greatest gratuitous patriot, was neutral vessels. The Germans POLICE COURT lowing uurroie along tin - of society are represented among '.t fortune spread dissentlon and discovered making four profit on made no attempt to save any of Hon ill the coat. About three in three the crews of the sunken xships, these Polish volunteer. In Uie m tu,Jo Hertelli family, Ik-iron and dodging taxes 1 i-ourt thi morn. tow but tied, 'leaving the men struggling while sears ago the l.orne, rank nohle have fought side by a(u KivM rise to many alarming countries, the average Canadian Magitra(Q Car. the in the icy water. The total ' intr ih ira America aero .1.1. uiili artisans, meu oi ine,aru i!tUinihiiig situations, as has his suspicions of the high ' aiming. wa fined t50 fJulf, wa blown aahore witli lier lilieral profession with farm !culdft Uwrtelll. Oowrge IWOian has mimksl genllemeii who come for complement of the two destroyers 3 tuor In III posses- ow n ,,e rMf(1 of ijaIl juaI, lalMir. rs. and Uy not yet sixteen i another of those, roles w hich suits ward and offer to do sometning were lost. ' iiiain oincr iimu linn laud and was badly battered uy .liMiilder hi shoulder with gry- i i,(hi oerfKtly And he make the for nothing. 1 Ihe Act. ureive storm. She was even hairml v. t.TQns of sixty. uiot f it. too.' He has a mug- Food Controller Hanna is sev SCARCITY OF SUGAR 3 1 Weskey.f-i an Indian, was tually salved and towed to l-lorin. home f them have serveti in : ,ilewut ..ppontuiut of displaying eral shades better than Sir Joseph THREATENS IN U. S. being Intoxicated. being aeipiired by Alexander oeaial Polish eomiianies of Uie ,,, KetiM as n eoiiiedian and as FtavcJle. He doesn't lake profit. 5"t lo f.,r bottle, but he October 20. The 1 ' a McDermolt. of the Victoria A Vitrei u n Legion; others were dis-!a dramatie actor in this play. An but he enjoys privileges ine Washington. t the man who sold Stevedoring Co. being to stop the Food Administration today appealed ' Vancouver among their Freneh coin- iiadan truck gardener, coming main privilege Hi memory was bad. oonfirniing the deal this persed rrom moving to the American people to in mile in line regiment. Kvory- in,, the iMseisiou of vast wealth! hand of. the clock rr New morning. Capl. Nloholsoii stated where they have gained by their i-rt,,. pmy ts a splewlid one. There forward. Food Controller Hanna' reduce their consumption of sugar, and ef Wellington Coal mitigate the that Hie Lome will be rebuilt and negative siaim iieiwceu in order to inr uum a nne specious througuoui pe coniei,. 1,n Umaer of all dlmonslans. used in towing lumber between bravery iiitliiiiia the aiinreeialion of i j the food, pirates and destruction. fects of the shortage which 110, Charlotte Islands anil ' r-' . ..... .... .. a hi ,..!, Controller Hanna idea or threaten to extend over the eastern , Fo4d the Queen rlili fs. Losses in unir rnnw. i,Mll.l.r. ineao ii'''' their is .In" sight northern terminal or the o. is really self control. states. No relief the i. to hNe such a favornWi(.l,r,etiil and prfeetly at ease food control ' T. P. lSncli of the barge will .... ee.ruiiiiiK tliat it v?n'ie a4rial fitting. Mrs. Demers From tjme to time he issue a before late in November when the WESTHOLME have n carryliiR capaeily of ahou! re. ..iillv ilecided to give Ihe t'f Stephens Hlock. Phone 518 manifesto full of kind word. He Hawaiian and Western beet.crops QOO.OOO feet. ..rgaiiitatioii ..r lluor OMR. tell th& people to draw their reach the market. OPERA HOUSE The Luriie. which since her an j , The fayorlte household Coal Is belt tighter and face starvation TtNIQMT AND TOMORROW uitsUnp of three year ngn. has Ameriraii uy ir..i,-Viit'Lrf?smlth Wolllngton. pnone i cheerfully. What If bacon doe Gossard Corset Wallace'. been lying at Hagle llnrbor. ha If.'Prince Hupert Coal Oo cost fifty-seven cents a pound? GEORGE BEBAN been Purveying iurlng the past lace s. Ho without it. Chew gum Instead. Tn few day, nnd Cant. Nicholson derided (ium increase the flow of saliva Marcelllnl Millions" that she was worth rebuild- and aid digestion. If there Is Broughton & McNeil COMEDY itig. The engine and boiler nr? nothing to. digest it stands to itv Kood shape, hut her hull ami IMPORTANT NOTICE! reason it will aid digestion that TELKWA. B.O. superstructure will require a mi much more. Cum will "" he Offer tin special pneo on of attention before sM oan Ih Mr. H P. Plumptro. Honorary lUirreepomling Sre-ia. ten Cents a package instead of fresh killed Hulkley Valley London cafe made ready for. servjee). of the Central Council. Canadian llel Cro Sin-.kly. live. 1 Heef: Toronto, will apeilk ti nemlmf of tip- local lUmadlan At one stage "f the game Food No. 1 Sleer. side 16 AND QRILL Comforts for Men In the Trenches. H...I rros Soriety nnil n oilier mtreted in Kail Cross Controller llanuit mentioned that No. I Sleer. hind 1So Third Avenu The I. O. I). K. will bo gnd r ..ik at the Cminell Chamber. City Hull. Tuesday. Oetolnir spinuch and other green stulT vvu No. 1 Sleer. front, ... 12rj0 l"rt)'"Pi Service of the Beat ttiination of old rubber. ox. i. il at ! 'loek P- m. a good ubtitule for real food. The freight rate lo Hupert lh,r I to at at ail hour. lo-ns. lead nnd eoiper.v Phone Mr. Vrailre i an nble and aceftinpllhtl paker ami The net result of Mr. Hanna' I tfdo per 100 lb. 10. ii i' urwed that as iiiunyas tsissihle be present good advice was that spinach al UOXCS FOR LAD I ItS (Continued on Page Two) M0'OHWW Parisian Corset Wallace'