You Can Do Your Bit ' MAIL SCHEDULE The Daily News in preventing waste by demanding '-aooeeeeeeees THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA the whole wheat in ' For the EaiL keep ls nwuth and bread. ami -j losU foods Wtdnssdays breakfast PublUhvd Dally and Waakly noaday. Guaranteed Largest Circulation Shredded Wheat Biscuit pjay, m ttlt a. m. . V is 100 per cent, whole wheat USE HEAD OFFICE: grain prepared in a digestible I From the EasL . Dai! Newa Building, Third Avenue. Prince Kupart, D.C. Tol. 93. form contains more real nutriment j Funds. P-w ; Tosday. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 50 etnts per inch. than meat or eggs or .. i in.. PGLEYS and costs much less. Contract Itatea on application. potatoes For Vancouver Serve with milk or cream, Monday ... ' DAILY EDITION jt Mon4ay, OH. tl. 181" sliced peaches, bananas or l uesday p. in. 4 other fruits. Thursday 10 p. in. Pt ra- LET US HAVE IT ALL ktnM vfr to' private Urns "Compulsory military service tMeause. f'rsotM. H wuM From Vancouver. Is only one aspect of a-Uonal never oV for the country to g Sunday If p. m. war organization. It w Hite rompetitmn wsJti private Mondays a. ui only one eog in a machine. It capital ' edweday a. m. deal with what Sir William "And. mt aarvdl). now t ndays p. m. Hobertson estimated to be only that ttoe state is making miliary bsturdays !: twenty-five per cent, of the service rompulaory rt I) force of a nation at war. Tbe must make the surremJar of all For Anyoi. other seventy-five per obL re eioess tr prott oompnlsory. iMindny 16 p. m. mains to be mobilized and Una Sir Joseph Ktavelle's ooataany Made in Canada. Id p. m. must be on the wrnjmlry last yr made a bent ninety Fridaya .. , 8 p. m basis. A nation at war eannot per oent. on the capital invested. tar horrid tbinft on, far lemon- Saturdays 1t p. m. operate on compulsion for field Tee stale shoaM take every ad and an easy cbair on tbe etnfc- sen-Ice only. It eannot take cent above ana beyond a fair bou' verandah. rpAm A nil ai. men by force and put them on peeee preM from every Srwi Tii ik na causd ibe rani potato a. a, nu. MasaJsy, a. m. the battlefrouf and leave everything wltirli Ims been entrancta? it a . ft k. t rnaidnja. mi Tbnrsdiva MADE groi-rs t ours ur " as- p. nu IN CANADA else on a voluntary basis. wveitii out of tbe agnny of its of four dollar notMoe. aroma mi p. m. If it nationalizes its manpower nonqlry and its eoontry'e allies mons mm and lbr rop is an eiwi it must," says the Times, and use the proceeds in making a 1st- . nroni. coma... i u - Port Simpson A Naaa Rlvsr Points "nationalize its material adequate provision far sokJierti' resources; anartar. In fast a duller and a For Bambiy. Id p. m. It must nationalize its dependents, inereasing tbe pension dollar and a nnarter Frtim Tuesdays, p. m. food services, its munition scale and lowering th-burden albeit mentioned a tbe right price, WRSGLEYS services and the several fund of taxation and caet on timorously and under one's Queen Charlotte Islands. now being maintained by voluntary the country generally. tbe Government breath, becanse "These few essential Mails Clos Oat. 19 and St effort. are a doosn't like to do anything Urat ?tb and tlsL. Dec. tti and of national ov The Government Coel-of- features organisation will frighten anybody. As far Rives us a wholesome, antiseptic, ItttV-tt m. Lhfng Commissioner reports j for war. They imply sm. p. that In many items the cold- t puixion all along tae line and Food Controller Manna, he t Maits from Oct. Hth and SR. refreshing confection storage establishments of Canada in some instances to an extreme Sanaa to have beard anytMnr iov. tfth ami tHh. I Mr. 9ih and to take the of the abmrt potatoes at alt. Tbe eh nee place cave carry larger stock this fall measure, but tbey eon-! SSrd- p. m. are that tbe potato paralea w4M man's pebble. than they did last year. Now striate the neoessary and in- j do tbeir worst again. Hhm is the time for tbe Union Government evitable complement of compulsory Stewart, Maple Bay and Swamp We help teeth, breath, wiU be done until I tie general PolnL appetite, to protect the public military service. AH election is over, which M be m digestion rind deliriously boothe against food profiteering during Canada1 should b in tbe war Far- Thursdays, 1 p. m. IieMmeer. or at latest nest January. mouth and throat with this welcome ...Q fh. . urinfop"....... hv'J tnlHnir. sa.a AVA-r w . Canada at bnme as well as From Saturdays, p. m. .those concerns. This affects a . Canada in the tranches." sweetmeat. Manna has not , Food Controller Alaska and Yukon Territory. of litei important part very niy negteetad to ni tbe peine of Cfiew It after meal seventy-flve per cent, of a na HIGH COST OF LIVINO Fsa-.Vambays p. m. every the f taanea. b1 aa priee tion's war organization and THE ELECTION ' ISSUE From b'atnrdays. p. m. 14-ead The prere of bread bns there should be no hesitation The Flavour ;dae noifamg bvt go un. In fat-t. in earning it ouL Indeed, it (Continued Frrnn Pace One. Salvation Army. concerns the most important j aspect of a nation at war. notjonre berain worth ite weight iu Publie mosiings, Tuesdays. Lasts! even excluding the army and silver. He also reenninfenaed to-navy. Thursday and Ftrdeys at p jHiatoes ttHnatoes are now etsty-Th ii Sundayx at 7:30 p. m. e Government sheuk five cents a small basknL Hsery- also ensure an adequate y thing Fid "mtroHer ZZtoM. of fue for the people ty if t f u lUvod intetHH,s t..v, .mph.h MmA ....4 1ft. r. ft I., mmkm Ik. It ru 1 1 will'the round. Food On- this other uui wueiu?r way iroiier, mast, too aapemsive tor Um- i solve the fu-l sunnlv nrobletn troller Hbbm aho held out tbe (Continued on three. the time will tell. If it will not do hope that potatoes would be ebaap page Keep up so, the Government must take f because s many Kweiety women AM assured that I over the coal mines of the!were osfng their limousine to po will respond my people country and operate them. And j out into lire country and ds pa- Food it should nationalize its muni- itato patching. ItafiMtuBateif. the Supply to every ccU tion industry. Incredible though society crop of potatoes lias been necessary to the sue it sounds, it is a fact that here a complete failure the hills show-is with cess of our cause not a national munition,ing either nothing at all or a TINISER SALE X10S4. and the indomitable Help plant in operation in the Do-'oolleetion of puny pebble-like same minion today. Even Serbia had atomies that looked Hie a bunch (MM tNBter WW b rcclTtl hf lb ardour and devotion several such nlants. and. if we of mistruided tieanuts. It seems M LswU wt uur Uua auoa ea that have with filled me nr nnt rnUtntpri Mnntpnirr that the' ladies let the bBs getiUw SttiawU ! nnl-r. ISIt tr lb had one also. Canada's mag- alidad of ttirm and soon dertedlJJJ TrU JrirJ17 Make Victory pride and gratitude ninceni rnacnine snops were me iiiw'iryi-nwi n"r"l ;tuiu lh ti m imk hnrr since the war began Lak. -. jm IMlrtfi Ont year will Ik ilhvt4 far r Hit Majestt Kim Gi ibs Btavsl of Umtier. Sure rurUwr psrUceUrt tt Um Chxt rtmkr, Vietoru. B. C r iHHrtct rrler. Mines S. S. PRINCE RUPERT fMl1. It. C Kit EDMESDY tnldnlftu for Any.u. THUnsbAY Mumisttl for 8tun Ui. occaa ru. TIMBER SALE X109C. Vucoucr, VlctorU sad Stmiile. soldiers must' be fed; the people at S.S. PRINCE GEORGE Mmtitf SM sf teederi land mm art tM later rwvd Uua oooo br Um on OUR must be fed. And in spite of SATURDAY Mldoicttl for Anyox. MONDAY tarn, for Iwiiuon Kr. th sant or of octoUw. isit. far in VaBCDaTcr. Vlcturu aod 8attl. I ! of Luxor x tM. to cat !,. Germany's murderous campaign to ses Umt of Mrea, MtoiMk. InrtMa and S. 8. PRINCE JOHN CftMlar as as aea ta Um Tkinrtr f Link cut off the Allies' Food by sinking supply, for Ouern Ctkirbrtte Islaadt S p to. October to(fa ami Si lb. Lakr. Hantr i. Coaai UMinat. For Ktlttukaii, WraartU. Junean and Skarway at noon Oct. a. IT and St. TSr. i 3 an IU Km aHd for rs the and TRAIN SERVICE tUfita) .if ItmlM'r every ship on High Seas an ample paMcnrer MmOi, WilH4ay and Stturdar at 1 1:3 a.m. tor smiiters. V tciant.ruriber a parucsUn l . or DUtriei t tba Purvalar.iUcf ForMlcr,Prtoca unfailing flow of food to England and Pnurc Gcorsc Edmonton and Wlnniprr. maklnr dlmt eonoMtlMS far all polnu eaat and aouUL tiupmrt. B t OI. France must be maintained. Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. Internal Bathing's For information and reservations apply to This is National Service City Ticket Office, S26 Third Avenue PHONE 260 Rapid Growth Not to the Farmer only But to YOU it bat saiural to riport Dal s rswaf to everybody, fr mt imiimUu sad Uai bmhi ill aui' ii ii rauam. abirti u as affarlual and This appeal is directed aaitiral i latanul Ha Hums. MmmiM CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY quirSl Makr uuitf aart. amaBBBmasBBBmmmmaaMBmmmBammmssmm Bui im sasarsl ur Imi Ma-rasM-d ao unite Natkm SERVE small t'tilix must lrg. as a to u Karden or inrtuntdiiual) la U dmI tvw tmn at u WE PLANT Lowest rlates all Eastern Points -o tbe usvi olmwr n4. a Ml tSaar arr rauatl to PRODUCE. Men. back yard. Cultivate via S'eamur Vancouver and the to a lla- fummnt at Own last lary ri women and children; the young, the middle vacant lota. Make tliero all yield loud CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY a if ' ntttte war saw" ta srsMi aftor MaaU and Barth ioclud.o en Slaannar an lolrrast it Mr aged and the old-all can help in the Tnv iHaasSw if Iter prmiluas and Nation's Army of Production. liijaua Vvaalr wntrS la atrr pal Is TT TOM EN of towns can find no better Princess May for Oranby ay and Alice Arm 11 p.m. Friday lar taiwsr lalaauar fii .Vaiun- a taiiuc their Princess May southbound via Ocean Falls 6 p.m. Sunday l aratk MlMiai-rd. And uw- arlaiM in EVERY poujui of FOOD raised, helps Vt or more hnortant outlet for Princess Sophia for the south Saturday, October 20th. Uv uxxtiuti leaded, atilr. ansM. the cost of living and adds to energies tltua In cultlvatiiig a vegetable Princess Alloa for the north Monday, October 22nd. nrtWdral Nr. r r.aad siuilli aasrr itniaa fur Utr dat Saliag the Food Supply for Overseas. garden. J. I. PETERS, General Acent M MMH burtur.of km- ai taw a,, of t mad Mr a Be patriotic in act as Co net Fourth Slraat and Third Aonut Hitnc Kupart. R.C uariod m Ur. u iu tar trraiiiMaii u, For information on any subject tttatinff and K. U ha aaliar bralife tlian r lwfir marr lar aar uf n -i. to the Farm and Cat den, mite: well as in thought. raaV a aawiM batter awl ami mtia fur ttil UHrwr rtWHWC HU INFORMATION BUMCAU iur tiMuNw wiMdiiim of Ma. Bai Iep&rtmtmt of OUi Apiculture Don't merely smother your cougli 4ii' nuns 'Hi Utr bin a, frr sad drias Use every means available 4ii t' rratwi iHttrt aul lai ruM warn OTTAWA imwi; ai raiar dwa Overlook nothing. nyTWTV yrwi Matbiro's Byrup of Tu and Cod Uvcr OU not only aul saar mi I 1 1 la I. II promptly itrau couching, tat tbanka to its tonic aad lar 1 Ii I inxaik. ilw maal JfMwMJ (ftUaoftitcnlng jryrrU it belpattieiystrai to tbrv cd HS HHii tfri.. r... Ska cold and thus (fleet s (xrmanent car. It U tbW quality vtikk Uaa aa tar hiimai Haihinv l la tacgeat sals of any cougto and cold remedy in CanaiU. una'auWW 4IIII in,,, .Mm.1 .m.., i..ft)l n,i ( aaM( r, aiai; Dominion Department of Agriculture Sir i'i h.,ji! . CANADA. ;,. i.. TTAWA, J.X. BSATHIKU CO, rrak, swraaaaaar. r. Win Mas at Tn ' KftK-jeas. M a ,.. ami. i bt. jHa. A trt.n HON, MARTIN BURRBIX. Minister. i l3 l.ifttlfBr lrrt. Turiiulii fur .4,,,. v