ii THE DAILT NEWS rTTrnniijn nc , II nl I U HI r An I mi U J'-r AIIEALT1IY BOBV! fa .jmi LYNCH .8 McMEEKIN THrd Avenue PULLER fl& McMEEKIN have . - a- u a -r Sana! ariU'tf their More on Third Avenue, near Scroti Street, and their business P" aaaBSsaW will n w be conducted from the LYNCH i VLB BROS. STORE on Third Ave., under the new name of Phones 56, 106 Lynch Bros. & McMeekin ( HIQH COST OF LIVING. 1W LI MINERAL ACT THE ELECTION ISSUE UMIII MR MARRIOTT -I I' OartlflMU af ImpravamanU. OtUwa, Ont, i "inimuwj from Page two.. sjusl OOi. 101.Y mirih "O THI vnaiisrm NOTICE Letterheads du.v to tell votl what ainiiiaU. Who would IHInk lf TEi liu tk for me. (titling tn hunt bran nt lrn lid Um- firftih d) nf arpMaakr. A. t Baaca- mb "WtterfraM rrtetloa" Envelope il CM4BH, MNMM Hi tlx) SkrCM ll I rrttHmw -,r Statement pm v mMnftf jnfm I liefts to feel run- etiiU th hbI1 inaf? viniini Plrnenti at (SMaMf IMttrtrt. i... -- .IT and Mtitrwl rtty muh J'tNNl frfintrollvr HaHiKi tatoot II,j I J.,lm llllttl HrMnllll. ,IHn.. Wr. -. i. --ri oa aartta M af Alice Cards, Ktc. PIlOK 98 ( r ........ emliargK m un eHiit voar-tnlilmi. lnni..irii..t r. thr ' '.uni) nt kun Am Itza Thf pulilir mnt not bn Inn if- I. MminMirin,- r nil owl imtn kki xitick at t. ft. B. MeOinnU. lit..i - Ttr frult 11 Ittr nub .,f u,ui, Blllllr lW-!l l-rw HaT , rniMM M. M14-G. rBI 'k tliae.! dl . U litem. Tlijr nrr rrvxJ ff tlif HimUlr. Hd IMI mAIrr ,,r tlu iinW-i If rr tiv IkU Varrta MkM Oarapaoy. Free L army. If tp want innni patilutrd in Mr btlly .IcvxpatM-r lor lw.. Miner or-WIra Ha. IHMC Intfodt The News Job Press AtufT thwjr inuot ilo thfir own canning. MWM m iuy rrnas Uf otta jaf. M apply ml v .:.. for taflllf Of. rkvt Thc niUMt can all thy ran Thi. firaai w mmtr afwn um- rowMUoa h. ia Ml Mr Kmrlir tar a Ccrtlfleat Printinf of All Dcscriptioos Done L sr iutfH Abate I corn- Umi m awruoa at UM mm nhali Br M of Impfirnami, far Mat BMrfMiae af ob-uimut ruit-A rHr at4 I and wltat Hip? itan't nt tlicy n IfNNilrtt at paid ikirta UW War in My a i.rnwn Oram af MM aiwm euim. run. A mwrry tlaiHv th rood IW'lilll i or rnHUiar bt l ' i l II II. AN rWtTTH TASK MOTICE ttui , t kirn for I liet a aulaanan. VaMm-HiiarMn, P.O. lot 89 Cfmtntllw lstU h MkIiI up to nr Turklak , aaoar laattaa St, bmii be eaoimrscc4 Program -Uwu u. tlieMetr uti)rrt iM-rrrr MMM in ur aay aMr bafnrr laa UlBBari of aah CartttHUte of d cifr tbiaafog tli eon can. The ooniHfr will ae ho bHMtr. r ki ar m huBarf or aar 1m0rnt0mnH. SIT Catalog ll all ttmir MlulT atmiad and at raMal M aerwai Oiranay. Aaatro-Haa nvTKft HtM M tr of lair. A.D. 1117. Dodger U J. ii AltniOTT. war prta. Tliny eon ilo till rry. Tarka). or Balearla. of komr Poster,etc alio llli. ninwal MM atpraaa aMrMan with rfit ifiiuunlty. because 2iQ, tmt Xjc :riem aetata larovcfe tt MMaalrr r f2t t .-1 mi. our fnty per ent tariff iwwrtrtu T Haw aid if Mjr iti.inlMiUae ur i w g wiwtiao. a a., i.t-a teni (utMihioa reeetft u buyw flivap from thr fattal i" BMate a ITOIT la Bat inartiaVB uil-A-llve Limited, taa aram r iiroanlr r Mun of anaii-naw WlLLIAWS A MARSON HiatfNi. The hmue mariH will Ite m be forUralMi rrtukaa Oarriiteea, Boliattoea. Etc. AUn. inturl wtirteer the rannr MeB. TOimO. C. O J. rtitMe to oowie back to it. mtmr TO loan lm Ithiitmda oqh Dn a man The Daily New delivered by Bol llll Advertise In The Daily News flfn A Harvey tz;.500 fur rharginK mueti .arrier. W centa per month. fMarraan Btor rrtoru Baaan a for potato. but Food ContnilW HaniM diin't pult any of that fvftl Or UHIMWNI OOTTILL rough aluff in Cifada. It wn'i -j -tut for done bnre. It bati form. i r " -'AS VIUUJICMXO ud Fnwd (UtHtntlter IttanttHla ke- -the BiSM !' rable Not iHlina FomI Mti-lrier I la una to tut urn at hie 1 errW ' tailaatlaa fim OMllt4 , CMW end of the and lietp uul i 111 CH . t 4 Nothing doing. Foot! Umtr-olHM llanna ha a rmm1 iett. Hr Tf RMS PHONE BLUE 278 (!oa nolti-ing tt-i nolbiiig and fw Nothing for tkotlting. an ii MEDICAL werf t.HMt ontrolltf- Hanna wilt ul-!timatot BOARD S TBI na Ui, im). up hi LSGLNIKUIVLMDfJl .mind to diit)li- the (Sve4 of 'people who have tMBW to eil 'imhb- tftaUMt and who think ittey aaa eell-ttteni for thr prase heMiue titer ' a war oa Uanada. I itmW . Hi wMhin lw wee4a f a IM. 1 1 -4 -4 I. , 1-S fe, War Fa, HlltlMMl.Wkle fMd ritl ii MNM- ,W !! It. I k thiK ! wot h. The peole icttn tuti be Kit off wrtli moallMMi 'day mueh bniger. foine iU1ibm rV further Information 0f peite are m the vwea ' Apply to atarvatiwn. and M will Kite ml) ... ime wore little tuoh U ed a w wiLLtscRorr oottidralt eevtiwn of Umii Iff travelling in lite direction of ir isac '' riM Rupert, B. O. Jph Flavaile'a hue in ue "7 Part. Toronto, with weniw.no aid !irehe. Aw fw the pfoim iar.ri ,httront lie will te lucky l" ai fwsfluperl Feed Co. !with til life. The lg BHiltiply ihaU' n )Hir Joneph l beginiiinK to qua l. PHONE 58 The priee of baetin tumble!. Ha-JlaeHiua on Hir Jonepli i he f --l ;ick at the Mtomarh mIikii he Kr GRAIN, FEED, SEEDS think of what the peoplr miglil nd FERTILIZER 'do to htm if they caught him .at night. Sir Joeph ie afrai.i CANADA go liouie in the durk. The di.-' -icnee him and the thi-f u Chick between n Faad m Specialty ! the crtMM i that the thief i .-lo ni.-d " whereon iicarml. Kir Joseph no-r.-iy Medical Boards are Ready ! fmmi AUm44 U. Hr hn Wed the rounlr for three yeom. nud i full or plundei . Medical Boards are now ready to examine all men who anply as to Uieir physical 0. IM. Karon -8ir Jieph'e liartm will fitness for mditary service. These boards are established throughout this diftncL Ih the iue at the next general Upon examination, the medical board wiL classify each applicant ouftfcriplion The B d fit for ejection --not into Category A if he is fit for service in overseas fighttng untts ; Category ervtce th.Mi-iiJ xote of Bve Undrel C if fit for service in uADdlar Saved is wonieu. Hiotl ! women III- overseas in Army Medical Corps, Forestry Battalions, etc ; Category iflitHTn. mother .tnj Canada only, etc. a DoUar Earaed,, intern of the aoldiern. will i"l i places them in Category A will be included amongil thoe iBve a liovertimetit which i hum! to your credit in glove with Kir JoMeph Maxell. . ADOLLAH i yours. in, iiimu who token every dnr have to tliey can frrnpe iogether fnr f t work (or it all ovr to put into the mouth of Ihenr Uin-ai vou do (or the dollars little chlhlnnu. Tl ii "'! wt have been spent. uiiMiittu hi iIoIIhi- tin n ik'!0w n,any dollars have you duy. with blood and I ! lo S you can call your own ? woman at home IhwU lhl dollur "ny not start an account in worth uily Utty cent., largely auvmij Deportment and iliriMigh the alforU of tin Ib.uh u S port 1,1 the money you lioverntuMiii il W" H'ollteei ing .J? ? A few dollars saved fiiemU. Il Will thee lle lain, with success. Swvic CmmneiL Military lumtd by Th "Chwcck.amount tohundrcdi died thuunund vote .go". V iti i 11 a i i ltiK course of a few years. one yue. ii. r. nqni.ii BOARDS IN THIS DISTRICT AT THE BANK OF gttKNA UA0 PITIUQT UIITHlUT Or THERE ARE MEDICAL OOAllT. IAMC I. British North America Tk uuilc Uul I M. CullUon, of Prince Rupert Fort Gaorge Kamloops Vancouver ,if. culin palrolioaii, IntriMla ta 'IIAI AN It KUMI1.1IK, I.0. Plity far panulMliM o furcUaM tba ful nmnn Cm Halton New Westminster Vicloria iwinf ilrllaU UniU. 4uinicnclnc at a a PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH ui. iiui0 uu 0brtaiary lalai tl fit Uft ok i tuy. tut WUU balaw Iba old cannary it ihaaca MMin 40 chain, lltanc al ; 411 thaw. luc arih 4( rbalu. thtt 8UB80RIBE FOR i aai u tttint u pmrn of awMaueMeiuani aake:-v:'N I .muimnf tar inura or la. The Daily News 1 ..ik ,VVIU tuUJ,u!' N