M ... :!, ThK. DAILT NEW HUNS CONFISCATE , i Do you ever have Local News Notes j ALL IRON AND STEEL Sunlighl Soap lifM a lnili Man FOR SALE b dsrdof rurit- which is hacked October IH. Thel toe'Triiies"? Copenhagen. by a Jo.OOO guarantee. If a ' cr.rwint dirSmlly of obtaining soap has no standard there is Wallace" BawmHI and Cold Storage That discouraged feeling often Shi..- for eferyooe iron and steel for war purpose-in no reason why it shoukl alWsyt I Men Attention I cornea from si disordered stom Denary by wanted Mellae (lertfMRy Is indicated b an! be of uniform quality, always First-class cottage and good ach, or an inactive liver. Get nrol. z Imperial regulation Jut proinul-raied contain the best materials or lot for sale very cheap n$ar your digestion in shape and in Berlin eonflseating all be anytliUutlikcas ajood as the new sawmill., the bile acting properly then aine Pathephones and records stork of structural Irtm and steel, the soap with a standard. House it 20 X 30, one story, the"brues"will disappear. You old ofi eay monltily payments reanrnon tubing, sheeting, cast-iron ta pile foundation, plastered, will soon be cheerful,if you take Wallace's. tf. a ixl east steel. The. -order hot and cold water, bath and prohibits the use of any of these electric light. Built in 1913 Mr. 1 jmnllt llMr3erati. of kind of steel or Iron exfepl by at a cost of 11.000. BEEOUM'S Narn-. inep, ha armed in me eiiy special pertnlsshMi. The order Sunjjght Soap A GREAT SNAP AT ,.n- f r4 irktdieat viattt. icees far beyond the original reg ulation Issued last July, wnirn $1,200 PIUS VU..P Mri'ffery arrtveiJ haek applied only to certain kind of . Xrmn the Hi. tty tbi.e mornrng structural iron. ,.uib n board the Prlfe A lie H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD the people's remedy for life's Sapphtre-pQlnled needles with A Convenient common ailments. They act I n. ladd of the Prtnee flHpert Ihe Pathe Pathephones "Wal Range wish to thank thoroughly on the stomach, Hoapilal Auxiliary tf- all th..e h to kindly helped to lace's, liver ana bowels,and soon regulate and strengthen these important tnak.- Ihe Bll on Friday a su. The Kootenay Range has a ventilated When you think of shoes you with nickeled steel organs. Purely vegetable oven, walls, drop tf. Wallace's. think of "TbeDaly News" contain no harmful door, tested thermometer and a flue f Oc-orpe Ma.r Perry Prlnfe drugs. Whenever you feel SAVt&ABLE WATIRS PR0TECT1OS ACT. CLASSIFIED ADS. despondent a few doses will wa atmiHp me paenre amv. . R. S. C Chapter III. system that directs the heat twice n? from the east oti lat night' around tho oven. The grates are Make Things 1 ram. He I on nu way l ine THE 6RAHA ISLASD SPRUCE AMD easily dampers aouth. CEDAR COMPAST LIMITED herewith five shaken, handy and WILL THE fAJlTT WHO TOOK THE PUR look eetlra that II baa ander aeetloa T of the fire always under perfect control. Write Of psilrtiiu'i clove trcta the etoak Brighter aU Act deposited with tba Minister af Mr-. W. S. Sanreant. of llatel. room of the St Andrew-, Society Han tt PabHc Werk al Ottawa and la the offlr for booklet, the Beaptlal Dim ea rrtly airat SL W Ar M.t.l.. fait-WWU Un. arrived in the ttty laat even f Um tHtlrlei Rrtittrar af the Land Rer kindly mm same to Dally .News Office. ing ami leave for the south to- Hiry Offlre. pmrtct of prince Rapert at Prince Rapert eVscrtpiioa of the alls and lay. Mr. argeanl will apend HcOaryS WANTED. plan sf sawaHl tincture aad other works NOTICE aeveral week in Seattle. proposed ta be ball! ta QaeeMtenn Har WA.1TED Warenonsecnan. Apply Stewart a bor at Pert Omeots, B. C, la freal af 4 JloUry. IL Ta Tli Ladies ef Prlete Rrt. Mia Humphries, and Ml lots Five' la Fifteen Inclusive, acesrdtnr t KOOTENAY RANGE Far the am llm a toi on civic mat retistered plan af the Tewatlia af lb iter of Mr. WASTE Position by etprlesd sleno ters l rtreo tm ladies who ray their Road Olady llamphrie. rtty" rfert nrmeau reruiertd la the tORDOa TOmOTTO MORTttAL WTJISTPSO TASCUtTll rrapher. Apply Bex 111. Daily Sews Tar. Aay lady wuhiar ta eierelse this Humphrie. of Orme'. Ltd.. ar-rivel aferesakl Laad R'fit try afnee as Plan So SI. JOHS.SAaXarOOS R , MAAtltrOS AXlMOSTOS CUiAT u OBce. Ill rlrht anal par ta Road Tax. It N. i hi the eity yesterday from 171 and take natlee thai alter the el WASTED by two Ia4i. work la car or mile a deririttia befare dm- mil month. Anjox. They are booked through ptraUeo of one menlb frua I He data at For Sale by LA. Galland and Howe & McNully Ladies sbnrM lata a deep an latere! la the Brst pebMcauea af Una aaUce the swr. Apply box 14 Daily Sews. tn'Vietoria. . Qrtt affair aa men: therefore, exercise Oraham Itlaad Spnrra aad Cedar Oeopaay. WASTED -Tanar woman as kltcnenmald. roor rraacbtte. Limited tQ noder Sectteo T of the laid apply ta Matron, mac Ripen General O. .f T lRED PETERS. CMy Clerk The total sum eolleeted on Sat Act apely la the Mir tier af PabHc Werkt al Mi emre la the alt 7 af Ottawa fee ap Hospital If. urday. "Our Day for the llrith VOTERS, ATTENTION I Ited Cro. was 1175.88. Thl proval af the said Site and Plan aad rar A HOT BATH THE WASTED Occupation by retired medical leave ta rorutract the said wcks. aaa. clerical or commereiaL QaaUfled amount ineludes 186.00 from the Dste4 al Prince Rapert B. C this I life Peracat. Htber male T female, entitled MINUTE YOU WANT eipert la borucultare aad pod try iu Seal Cove society, and 170.00 from day ar October. A. D. ItlT. Sit. IT la te Miner as kwatenolders. thai Is on baavxry. HI rift t reference. Mir tin Alice Arm. THE (1RHIAM ISLASD SPRUCE AD Rad Tat Grrtsstates. ar as boldera of Krorrer, Prince Rupert. B. C, IT( t tDAR CO, LTD. oa are aeeuat 1 llrenrea. matt make aad ftle with me a I Geo. Strfcersoa. AreaL r5-! gattilig mA4 wai- j declaration darter OCTOBER. " 1STE1UCEST PERSO.f MAT EA&S The.Theliwa i the only flahing - . Failure la comply wflt prevent reaistra stanlly. Thiak f the sit 1 1 a nvxiiMy corrcapondiar for news uoa at Voter. fl-l boat in port today. Yeterday, tafsetron ef gettn.g r. papers; III ta monthly la apart the Convention had 17.000 FRED PETERS. Oty Oerk. pound Wator ki Ik time; experience anneceaaary; do can October Srd. Itl?, Prtncc Rupert. B. C nf halibut; N and S, 6.000 lb.. DENTISTRY tsm mat vasalar: subjects sotretled. Scad for sltuodanow. regar and Ituria. 1.000 lbs. The i,-.f -the particulars. Rational Press Bartan HOW HHMHf DBS ! . . room JITa. Buffalo, ft T. LAND ACT price realiied wa 184 rent. OROWN ANO BRIOwt WOM efore. a BPKOUtTY for sale. HOT WATER (KEESA LASD DISTRICT DISTRICT OF Tlii morning. Wm. Sua. a DR. J. S. BROWN LIKE MAQIu yen SALE Sixty-live yards Cork Una- CASSIAR. Ruian. wa admitted to thegm- DENTIST Hanson Mum. Hie drraaert, Ota wasb-stands. eral hospital. He wa rtihel to oaitti mnh iimi, Tn'r-e a.i. Harry Take notice that Oraaby Consolidated arraia prices. Apply Empress rooms. Minlnr. Smeltlnr a Power Company, Ltd, Prinre Rupert fro mthe fuel In- Paewe aaa j Hot Water ervica brut rail SALE Jew Modern four-roomed f Vancouver, occupation minlnr and smell let mines on board the "Full ysyti tMa eonvemror tar. Intends to apply for pennlssloa to Moon," and suffering from cotue. Ready early October. Apply wa a PHONE 419 P. 0. BOX SIS leaaa the follow is r described lands: r. w. Hart. ir. fractured leg below the knee. Cotnmendar at a post planted at the soataaest corner of Lot Kit. Caisiar Dis Harry Atkins . MISCELLANEOUS trict tbencc nortb It chains, folio win 1 Th fire department had a rail nlrb-waier mark 10 tba S.W. corner or Lot after midnight last night to the etmtlr BaUAae, Prlaee Repeet. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT Oa VBlcaa tett; thence west threo chains to low- lie or metal plates, also crovn aad water mark; thence south and west tt house of Mr. II. F. Mcitae on lib brtd rework nirnest prices paid, post chains roUowiar low-water mark; tbencc venue. The roof wa burnt NOTED FOIl without delay, caab by return malL J. east tore chains, to the placa of bcrtn-nme through and considerable damage PRIME SAUSAGE Douatone. lilt Georgia St, Vancouver. and contalnta a.a arr done to the kitchen before the EstabUsaed ST years. Oil. CR.VABY CI..SOUDATED MI.M.XO, SMELT- Tomato Sausage a' Specialty. I-tO A POWER COMPAST. LTD. blaze wa extinguished. The Ins LOST J. Fred Ritchie. A rent. is covered by insurance. Date, Aurutt tla. 1117- Oct It Phone S74 P. O. Box LOST Small do, loac yellow balr, pari T- Mr. II. P. Plumptre. Honorary French Poodle; balr nil abort on feet. Answers to nam of "Dutch." Reward MINERAL ACT Corresponding Secretary of the lia.ao. pbooe lit. tr. Central Council of the Canadian S0T1CE TO DEUSQLEST PARTS ER lied Cross Society. ho will, ad. LOST On Monday. 00 or near McBrlde PACIFIC LTD, i're a fled Cros meetinar in the CARTAGE, black Street, bar eontalnlnr crocbet To C W. Calhoun: work, rtader please rttorn to Mrs. H.S. Take notice, whereat I bava dona and Council Chamber tomorrow even Parker, Its Seventh Avenue. caused to La dona assessment work on tba ing, arrived in the city by the Mldnirbt fraction mineral claim, situated Prince Alice this morning. General Teaming FOUND on the miaaea river, about fourteen miles from tba bead Alice la tba Skeena or Arm. Among the arrivals in town thi DOMESTIC FOl'RD Pair at brown leather (loves. minlnr dlvtaion or Skeena district, assess Owner can have aam by paytec for this ment work for tttl, Itlt, and ttll. aad morning by me rrincess Alice BLACKSMITH COAL advertlaemeat at tba Dally Rews Omca. nave paid for said work and recordist were Lieutenant II. W. Phillips. Give cadi of Yoik Cartful Attention to Piano same the sum of tltT.lt. Calcsa yoa pay of the lloyal Flying Corps, and FOCRD Caab rerlater key. Owner ran ma the sum of I itt.lt, for your share and Furniture Removals. Air Mechanic Mawby. of the In. hat aaaac by paytna; for this advertise of the said aaaeatment work( torether with Children War meat at the Daily Sews Omea. cost or taia advertisement. 1 snau. at structoral Staff at Toronto. They a PHONE 93. the eiptrsfAa or ninety tt) days from are here at presenl recruiting. taa oaia hereof apply to tba minlnr re Certificate. Lieut. Phillip hopes to remain Savings corder at Pnnee Rupert. B.C. to have Taa Warslaf i's Ham. your iniereau la the Mldnirbt Fraction here for about a week. Cadets . mineral claim vested In me. tn porsoaaca jre required to train a pilot. THE HUB or me provuiona of the mineral act and between the age of 18 and TEX them feel that they afe Canada's Dated at Prince J.L.HICKEY Rupert. B. C, this ttth . 30.. ill be accepted provided the t partners tuai mcy nave eacn ay of September. It IT. Dtl. definite share in the stern struggle ImmIIi, aetweaa aiiU A aaveau test a C PHILLIPS. are passed. Aviator mechanic P.O. BOX 22B PRINCE RUPERT are alto required, and CONTRACTOR A BUILDER the certain vidory and the free and glorious future. j "' men between the age of 19 arid Encourage them to save and buy Certificates BOWLINQ ALLEYS 10 are eligible for this branri Store and Office Fixtures, tliemtelves 1 You'll be developing their patriotism, FOOL and BILLIARDS of the serviee. Bash, Door and Moldings. their thrift and their butiness sense for Canadian War LUNCH COUNTER Stuart J. Martin Oak and Hard Wood of all Savings Certificates offer absolute security and excellent HOW DARING BRITISH kinds. interest return. More important still, you will be Rrpreseatlar: ASSAYErt OFFICER PUT END TO guaranteeing their future, for every dollar Taylor Enrtaeerlnr Compaay, Alice Ws Specialize In Hardwood lent to Canada helps win the war. ENEMY SNIPERS' WORK Arm, B. C, T. A. Kelley Lorrlar k Ltuuber Co, Ltd, Queea Cbarlotu I. HAZELTON B. C. Boat Rlbt, Sash, For each $21.50, $43 or $86 lent WE CASH PAT CHECKS Doors, etc. the Government issues Certificate, London. Oct. 20. neuter cor now, a Maka Tba UL'B jour beadoarurm, respondent on the British from Plat and Shoot Glass and payable in three years, for $25, $50 or lavs your mall addreased la our care, The oldest established Assay in France and Belgium Mi-graph Glazing. $100. This means thai interest is added the following: jfyutimu7n at over 5 annum. Certificates may PHaae Black BIO. H. E. Raaa, Prep. Office In the North. Corntr Frater and 6th Sts. per "The weather cleared up today. be purchased at any Bank or Money renewing opportunities for aerial PHONE GNEEN 269 Order Pott Office. activity. Nevertheless, the battle- P. O. BOX 44S. For the sake of Canada and your front is a vast weltering panorama children, save and Invest in War Savings of mud islets and rounlleta Certificates. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE green shell holes. . , . "A remarkable instance of the STEEN & L0NCW1LL The National Service Board of Canada, most cool Individual daring is be r FOR CANNERYMEN ing told of un officer who become "'OTTAWA. We have added to our slock of valves and pipes a complete enraged because a. nest of Her SANITARY AND HEATINQ line of Ilubber Helling at right price, man Kiiipera wa firing 011 British ENGINEERS FOR FISHERMEN alreletier-bearer. although A complete stock of the best (foods that money cau bur for Mlretctier-bearerH were working enemy IrollInK Spring Jlrata, ,gilver and lironze. alongside for a considerable time Agtnta for SafSffBMslW FOR THE WATERFRONT unmolested. After a number of McCLARY FURNACES "" The celebrated Maple Leaf Paints and wrfmm,wmM m bmbb VarnithetSpeclal boat British stretcher-bearer had been paint "FLOuLAZE" A complete line of Ship Chandlery. hot down, the officer,, carrying PLUMBING FOR EVERYONE a Ited Cros Hag. walked boldly to and T .Lut tti la AtttsKA laar Hs A fine stock of Hardware. Ounity a Oxford Htovca. the snipers' biding pluee and pro- SHEET METAL WORKS Gct"AIoroMniioy loryotirruti We Sell reeded in the most vigorous Herman I .... ........ . luvu Nothing But The Beat. t'hone 5, as 1 Becond Avenue. Nil II' Ttiajn rwM st iw. . to tell (he snipers what he' Nulil r.luaU--fWU. MlrlloMwltSM thought of th. m awl their barbarity. phones 67fl Wl trnt "l..ndtas Pur Oklrr" JtJiTi 0i.i FRED STORK'S HARDWARE He then returned and Blue 370 AKffVa.UTAHLa reteras. rnt ,lTi7wSW safely Tho 0e aaly lettable,xwerals atarksl Mp-rt aad and not a single shot feme afterward rlaht work, at the right tee It- JIOW-II-. '" yt from the enemy snipers." t'mt, and at the right prise. kW.ll.