THF. DAILY NKW8 - Wednesday--. . Join the Home Defence tfsee,,MAIL, SCHEDULE The Daily News movement for the conservation l"'7 THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA of food. Help to prevent For the EasU Publiehed Dally and Weekly waste by demanding the Momlays, Wednesdays anil Hat-rdnys Guaranteed Largest Circulation whole wheat grain in breakfast at :30 a. in. foods and bread stufTs. HEAD OFFICE: Substitute whole wheat for From the East. Daily Nowa Building, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Tel. OS. ment. eecs and potatoes. Sunday. 5:30 p.m.; Tuesday, TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - CO cents per Inch. The whole wheat grain is the :30 p.m.; Thursday, 5:30 p.m. Contract Rates on application. most perfect food given For Vancouver. to man. In Shredded Monday 7 a. in. DAILY EDITION l Wednesday, Oct. 21, 1917 Wheat Biscuit you have Tuesdays 5 p. m. the whole wheat grain made Thursdays 10 p. m. by steam-cooking, Saturdays P FINANCING WAR ORDERS means; the adequate taxation digestible Tli Yorkshire.' Post recently of excess wnr-proflts would be shreddine and baking. From Vancouver. remarked; another. Every particle of the whole Hunday 10 p. m. m wheat grain is used including Mondays 9 a. m. "Hitherto Canada has dons GOVERNMENT the outer bran coat which is Wednesdays 10:30 a. m. well In providing credits for The tardy move of Sir Robert so useful in keeping the bow Fridays fl p. in. ourpurchases In the Dominion Ilordcn, on the eve of an election, els healthy and active. For Saturdays 10:30 a. m. but the increasing demands are o f reconstructing his meal with milk,and fresh any i Cabinet and leavening the mass For proving a source of embarrass Anyoi. with the leaven of Liberalism is fruits. ment ta the Minister of Finance Sundays 10 p. in. causing conjecture in many Made in Canada. Wednesdays 10 p. m. hence the vislt-of Lord Heading The Is be quarters. question Fridays Hp. in. to Ottawa. Canada, unfortu ing asked why was this not 10 He'll Be Happy Saturdays p. in. though by doing, they are excluded nately, has built up no reserve done at the outbreak of hostili so during the past three years of ties? The from ofllce," Oh, dear no. necessity for a When He Gets largo war profits, and If she is strong Government at that This is not Sir Robert Borden on From Anyox. This Conservatism. Canadian politics Sundays, a. rn., Mondays, a. in.. to with the United 'compete when time, so much had to be States- In getting a full share done quickly- and was not have- long since been cured of the Tuesdays, p. in., and Thursdays, Whether "Jim" in on a mnnof.wnr or In a of further orders she must be w-as even greater than it is malady of class Interests. This p. m. trench, he's going to have Iong.lasting enjoyment prepared to finance them." now. The lineup of the candi Is merely the idea of the new-National and n lot of benefit from Port A Naas Rlvsr Points In the British Simpson Lord Reading's trip to 01-tawa dates at the coming election party resulted in arrangements will be Interesting. There will Parliament. Canada is so far For Sundays, 10 p. m. for the financing of Canada's apparently be no change. There ahead of the old country that From Tuesdays, p. m. export wheat orop for the use will be Liberal Unionists, and politicians here adopt new prin WRIGLEYS of Uritain and her Allies. This, Conservative Unionists, and ciples rather than be excluded Queen Charlotte Islands. Says the Times, was vital and there will be plain Liberals and from office. Excluded from ofllce, Malls Close Oct. 10 and 21. Tho Famoum Chewing Gum simply had to be provided for. plain Conservatives. The differences forsooth. ov. 7th and 21st., Dec. 5th and But the orders for munitions between the Ideals and 19th 10 p. m. It's one of the The war in Europe Is the out out and other supplies are on policy of the two parties will Mails from Oct. 1 4th and 28. come of two ethics which standing features are of different basis; For these remain relatively the same. If fov. llth and 25th, Dec. Oth and eternally at war. on the one the wnr with its Canada with must th compete a majority of Conservatives, or 23rd p. m. United States and the determin Dorden Unionists, as they now side, privilege is entrenched and tonic effect on stom ing factor is the ability of the prefer to call themselves, are insists on its 'divine right' to Stewart, Maple Bay and Swamp acli and nerves- its mould the destinies of with, country to furnish credits to returned to the House, we may men Point. welcome refresh, out to individual regard rights the purchasers.- All the money look for no change in the policy and moral interests.. On the other For Thursdays, 10 p. m. ment in time of need the United States advances to of the Government which has From Saturdays, p. in, the Allies is spent for supplies ide is Liberty, safeguarding the cursed Canada for the past six rights of individuals as of 8lates. The in the republic. years. Alaska and Yukon Tsrrltory. It is impossible to believe that the If the1 Canadian Government If the old bunch same are re For Mondays 9 p. m. struggle between the two can be had exercised little Flavour a foresight turned. Prince Rupert's drydock ended in compromise, Prussian- From Saturdays, p. m. it would have laid aside a re plant will continue to rust. We Ism cannot be negotiated out of serve for contingencies from will still have to pay two prices Salvation Army. existence. It be rooted must out Lasts! the commencement of the war for our commodities. The Food by fire and sword." at- least. Instead of doing so Barons will still have the peo Public meetings, Tuesdays it plunged into all sorts of ex ple of Canada at their mercy, The evacuation of Belgium and Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 p travagances. It purchased and the high cost of living will the restoration of Alsace-Lor- n. Sundays at 7:30 p. m. defunct railroad system from still go higher. What did a raine to France Is but the first the Forget interests for mil Tory Government ever do for instalment of the settlement to lions; it lavished more millions Prince Rupert except throw a be demanded of the Central Em upon railroads; it overloaded whole lot of money into a hole pires. Montenegro, Serbia, Rou- the Civil Service and devoted In the ground? mania and Poland are all nation- large amounts-to expenditures allies whose rights were put in the country could have done NOTES AND COMMENTS Keep the me rorerronl or the Allied pro. up without. A great many war gramme. In addition, Bohemia AM assured that orders could have been financed The fact of Prince Rupert be. will demand freedom from Aus I out of the enormous sums ing rainy ana dry at the same trian tyranny. The throwing out my people will respond wasted on military equipment moment was not much appreciate of the Germans from Belgium and Food Supply to every call in scrapped England. However, ed yesieraay ny some or our Alsace-Lorraine Is but the beginning that is spilt milk. What the isltors. But they'll get over! of the Allies task. necessary to the success Union Government must do is that. oj our cause with toicut out these extravagances On the Italian front in the and Help the same indomitable and unneeessaries and try to 'In a healthy political condi- mountainous Trentino, the Italian raise sufficient funds to enable lion, political parties will be based I communications are largely "upl ardour and devotion Canada to keep her munitions upon principles, and not upon in the air." The didlculty of road that have filled m e with industries in operation. The class Interests. And they will building in this precipitous re Make Victory Pride and gratitude forthcoming loan will be one stick to their principles even gion has been overcome by thel since the began." war Teleferica, the aerial tramway. Italian engineers have wonder-1 Sure Hu Maiiitt Kimo Cioaot fully improved this mode of transit and some of the cables S. S. PRINCE RUPERT used are two miles long. Bring WEDNESDAY mldalrM for Anyoa. ing up supplies under shell fire THURSDAY MidnltfU for Btiuoi Bay, Ocean Fall. Vaaeouter. Vie tort, and Seattle. In this manner must be rather I soldiers exhillarating. must be fed; the people at S.S. PRINCE OUR MTBrmv Hianimt lor Aujcx. Monday a.m.GEORGE ror Swanaoo Bay, UtEA LAUD COAST,DISTRICT RA.1CE DISTRICT I. or must be fed. And in spite of Vancouver. Victoria and Seattle. 8. 8. PRINCE JOHN Take notice that I. M. CollUon. of Haas r9Tm?I?i3!r,s. S1"01,0118 campaign to ror Queen Charlotte Island I p.m. October lOin and I lib. lver, occupation patrolman. Intend to cut off the Allies' Food ror KeteMkao, Wraortll, Juneau and Skat-way at noon Oct. I. it tad SI. pply for penniaaton to purcbaae tbe fol- supply, by sinking TRAIN SERVICE vwiu uocruiea laoaa. conunencinr at a I every ship on the High Seas-an oat planted on Observatory Inlet at Nan. ample and Pataeetcr Mendey; Wednesday and Saturday at 11:10 a.m. for Smitten. aakl Bar, od mile below tbe old Prlaea Oeorre, Edmonton and Wlimiper.- makinr direct connectloni for all lie) I hence aooth 40 chain, tbence cannery vest unfailing flow of food to England and point east and tomb. so cnains, i&ence north 40 chain, tbtne east 40 chalna to point of commencement. France must be maintained. Aganoy All Ocean Steamship Llnss. oniammr acre more or lea. For information and reservations apply to i. MAXWtU. COLUSOIT. City Ticket.Office, 536 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 Auruit inn.WATER n1T, NOTICE wu This is National Service-Not to the Farmer only TAKE NOTICE that Dollr Vsrden win.. uaspanjr wnoae addrea I A lire Arm. B. But to YOU to everybody i., ui eppjy tor arena to laka and I use ten niDie reel or water CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY um or ttooi creei, tributary per of second Kit- lu uppeai is airectea aim wver nowtnr MM Allra Arm. Cas. alar District, The water will be diverted I.nwcit Rates to all Eastern Points at the head of the Falls on the Silver XTE n"t unite as a Nation to SERVE TLANT a garden small or larce. Utilize via Steamer to Vancouver and the iioroe Mineral ciaim. Lot 1104 and &m to SAVEand to PRODUCE. Men, A. be nsed for your own Lack Cultivate the power purpose on the Wolf I yard. CANADIAN PACIFIC women and RAILWAY children; the , na weiiy varoen Group of Mineral young, the middle vacant lots. Make Uicm all yield food Meale and' Berth Included on Steamer Claims belnr Dts ITtl to IJT irw.,..i.. ged and the old-all can help In the and tote list to no; inclusive and Loll fHon's Princess May for Qranby ay and Alio Arm 11 p.m. Friday . uiiur msmci. Army of Production. Princess May southbound via Oeean Falls 6 o.m. Sunday ni-i'iic.iion w in be made a ait f, ,h-1 TX'OMEN of towns can find no better M Princess Alio foP the south Saturday, October 27th, Lake rlrht aud to store MOO Sis err acre fret feet In in Second.rirst Trout Third pVERY pound of FOOD rsfaed, helps v or more Important outlet for their rruibwa eopma top vne nortn Monday, October 20th. and t'ourlu Trout Lakea. The water will 7 reduce the cost of living and adds to energies than In cultivating a vegetable "" vi Trout Lake by the con. the Food Supply for Overseas. garden. J.I. PETERS, General Airent un i in outlet ind In I SecoiKl, Third and Fourth Trout Lake Cm net Fourth Street and Thisd thaw f. f..ll,. ... vl Avenue. Prince Rupert. B.C. .wiuuuillUH U OAIO ftl that kittle I Be of Second Trout Lake. Tb estimated tor information on cny subject rtlating patriotic in act as are of land to be flooded at rirst Trout to ihm- Farm and Cmrden, mitt: well in com. Third and as thought. iruui uin is INTORMATION twenty acres, BUAEAU Dm'1 Merely smtther your cough on ma lha nonce llth day was or posted rt-t,.h..on the.... DHwtmeat of Agriculture A copy of this nolle and an anciu.iu-1 OTTAWA Use every means available-' aTITDI? IT MathUti'a Syrop of Tar ao4 Cod Lire CXI ftct'oadr pursuaal thereto and to the Water an I I 1 1 wll h. m.. 1. ..,.'I .L l.l Hlj prompt arresrt coarhiag, bat rhansa to R tonic aad W.I..--"' "...r, w...unu.. "id. in, nm a, 1 I Overlook nothing. and ttoa effect permanent ear. It U taU quality vfakk haa csa la th." A..-. ine nrti. tntiearanm nr ihi.I a lamataaaf of ay csowa and cold rcmcdr la Caid. IIAtl..' I ocai newspaper waa the'"I flrd day of October, ,y. tai ohleeii.. Dominion Department of Agriculture fll'1 "h lUt Piroller or J.c ha i aim os nan, i Water Rerorder wlibin tWrly 6, OTTAWA, CANADA. -vrvi ...,. .""i", VAWIJII mMBS COkll-ANy. "ON. MARTIN BUHR2UX, Minister. -cu.nn,i, Aeni, per E, A. Cleveland.