THE DAILY NEWS i IT' I 7lt7 Older Than The Internal Bathing's L Dominion of Canada Rapid Growth implies, the name Hank of British 11 AS TIic natural ii eipert that a r.i-.r North America woi trum mtii-ailon rx1 ttM irany wfc. J io. Mca la bo erfeetual and long before the a natural i internal naibitir. hvl Evinces united and , is k un maiijr era tee te. fral mm fin inereaied an the Dominion of irrir. a iv in ih pM frw yeare a i- became 'una, ami the art found sound, Canada. The , m i..s atootrni of nun thai tbey reel management aa If ma .,r sew- tt avwiHwr Mrr progressive aa ;... rath which has made it n power T . i m uatxm of trv pmlrte and finance makes wMrb m eer preeeni to :n Canadian 10" t. wr InlMiMt m,, Nuar rtiaiwe jt the bank for your fc- ?k inNnwM. and one inm tn ttM " ft tt beaded, aM. brtrtt account. awl -erer for the days dalles. 1 ' smith writes i THE BANK OF MfPPOTHY'PvllLPliM I i"f. nr i,a-ad made a ' in at ( ar of at I pr BrilLsh Norlli America WWL-tt&HCKJal K n if' Hi the trratmeiti itx. BB f v 'I'Ur.rn., hat t;riii BHfl a H naa better betlm than jj Water of the Bath SBBjM.t'iv tviwi h i iirnw BmJB Irr.,r,. Mki the or the CM -leejia Wt a ad ran ilk tor A RepatrlaUd British BBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBKI 1 ft t i,m fittrM. raiminr Soldier. Uet out the LUA Ml pacnage pot in 3 or 4 tabte- BRANCH PRINCE RUPERT lb ia! aw a i-aadHan of the M, rm Tlie picture Kh.wa Private Jenkins, spoonfuls into the water and stir a little. The cat anvthmr-.ia toe MM of far aad 4nk who has rearhvd Hrit..l. nnd ERS.Miinnficr water immediately becomes soft, most SMITH a!) bo-n 1mm net uka creamy fM wba is in a hospital, along with Mc-Keruie. Jp wd. tut wllr does am eaaac on refreshing and very beneficial to the skin. Try it 8h w ng at Ilia Weilholtiie tonigbt prai an Australian, and Allan, to-night. You'll be pleased, well pleased. People i tw - i n l. cacead." . in nmi m- a Canadian. They had many tales where the water is unusually hard just revel in I"" ror iaal Biiwi, m beaar to tell of the brutality of their luiANliLo lib nAmh 10 4 German eaplors. Pie. Jenkins, . who losl an eye, had to walk len KM.ArK I Mr HKNAI'I V . M lW 4 MitJ kaU a I Aft fdf fo Duoikt, "Wby Mao af To miles before getting treatment LUX day la 'mtr a Prr cot. Cfflflrat." If from the enemy. Th Same Old the J? w.Mte u,tr- Cba. A. Tjrmll, SALE X 10S6, I TIMBER MchlneJ.Prolnc. ,tr,, Tvrrata, fa iam. Pari, TIMBER 3 ALE X10S4. Tails How It It Dona. TIMBER SALE X10T7. I for the bath, Especially where babies are con- glM KB mi utr Stld leaden will ba recelrad by tba cerned. svalrd udr will tm rrnnred by Um Miaiaiar ar Laadt no I later tbaa aoon on Caa ' ... hi dar fewfi Tin- fnannpr in whifli tbr lUn- MMMter of Uada nl latrr thaa anao o m Soib day of November, hit, far tb These silky-amooth little flakes of the purest . ,.- r r tlx , baM Ltm X !, arv alive pnrly la taking great IV Mill day of .1rrtnbr. 1SIT. far the Srnur of itota X fan. ba rat 79,000 essence of soap exercise a soothing and i irmca aod Jarbpto palna t ramoullage Uarlf In view aarrbar ml Uerow X IS77. to cat t,44 saw ad Jt'k Pin uea on an arra ad- cleansing effect on the skin that is very .. t oar Bama U. aor of the rmuig election la alaled TIES f Itraabxk, jatkpto. Sptac and UaiaHir Lot list on Eodaka Hirer near stimulating after a trying day. Mat W ' (dar aa arra allatd oo llardarraLbla afaa Uke. Kanr . Oaaat Dltirlrt. at ' "-oil m b a!Jofd for f- with great frankiirna in Hie Prov Crevk. Ska Wrr. Rann I. Cnait Dta- Oaa year 1H be aUevad for re-nwval i V' ince in the laat laaue to reach imt of umber. BHHth ut of tba Cbtr fomwr, here. In aome plaeea the party On (it kit will ba Ho4 for ra- rarther partiealars of tbe Chief roreater. r,.K ' DUtrWt rorwMr. rrtata tnaehlne would like to dlagulae moaal of Umbar. Victoria. B. c, or Dlitrtrt rorrater. Prince Lever Brothers Limited rartbrr partKaUr of Um Cblaf Fortattr. ntrt. B. C. 5t itaelf uwler the name of the "Win Utorta. B r . or Dlatrtft rorratcr, Prior Toronto a the War" party. In Vaneomcr,ifi, B. C T JtS ADVERTISE IN to be known they prefer as The Daily News delivered by WE !Jiikinll." Knowing that the .arrlcr, SO cents per month. The Daily News name Uonaenatlve would gel them nowhere. "Unionist" now nteana the same old crowd. TIMBER 3ALE X 1080. Tb I'rovlnee aaya: The Pfovtnetol cntaenative : 1 Xanoelatlon at Ita meeting here tia-s - t i tatr tbaa maim i yesterday deeided nt rail . n j - n 'awr. til, for Iba . f i .m. ntH, to cat strictly Gunscrvativa primaries tj - "- . im jtrbaaa mi aa a for tuHiilnaling otivenli..n. m the ui orai tab- bwia . Ctoaal pruvlnce Lul la deaatrihe them a- "liorih-n-Unioaiat" gathertnga and am a ait"d far r-toti r utter li invite all tutors in favor MEDICAL rr'Jr ,-iriirnUri ef ib aw romtcr. the new adminUUatUm l attend v.m 0 . IMiUUt raraawt. man and ikl in the aeieetUtn -f rand) dalns. It is aaymHl by the a BOARD p I auelaltoii. however, that as n- otlier etiHi fwrlng Premir-r llortlefl has a definite e)ectin organtxatiotv the elluslK H win remain in Wi band of the i:u- aerativea. now to be kimwn as Uutamiala. TIMBER SALE X 10S7. It ia auggelel by many iUn- seTvatlw leader here thai when hak :- b by lb the nomination are made in the tEStt - i (iora awl Uur kaprMt three Oramler Vatiuver aeala it (I day of Motraabrr. iii' aw ae of Ureor X ISST. will be found that the "t'niontat t: W 4 iarkMaa aad Sprare nnminrM will be men who fir the a tr i arar Baraa Uke. luaae jeade or so have been well- A known Conservatives. as hi U allowed far re caber- Houth Vancouver Conaervattves .Ura of tba Chief roreater hw a I re-Ail v- decided to hold an ? Diaimt roreater, rrtara and con ITS. upon unioniat primary venlkm and likely Ihe same course will be taken in llurrard and an eouver Centre. In other w..rd the old adage "a rose by any titer name would smell as sweet"' will atlll hold good. For convenience sake and in order lo solidify the .iMiieula aunnortlng Premier TIMBER SALE X1112. ILirden. 'Untonlst" will replar T.iBervali." hut the lt.irden CANADA. fcr i . . Uteri Camlklales in Ilrlllsh Columbia 'Mara Rurert, not a . aa ate, 3 tod day of Hatesnber, will in practically an cases ie baa of Urenee X lilt. nven who were formerly unserva ! a Ready J: i-w r.. i f Sprura Lor and It. live rather than men who were Medical Boards are li dar Mlea on aa area and who dropped Sir .H hlaoxt, lunta I, Coaal once Liberal Wilfrid Laurler who es to Aek physical all examine men 41 J KBvbf, will b allowed for re- South Vancouver Conservatives Medid Board, are now ready to applj r ribrf -hj, lara of tba Chief roreater, this week et an example which it flrfcrta, I . ' Dltlrtft roreater, frlnct la oxnected lhat most of the oilier organiiations of the party, on Ihe n - roast at least, will shortly follow fnm" MetoS 01" ttr court or atus vole over 'i.m AT rm.xeE nvrcnT. At a meeting this week by a a ailTH or LOUt BAflVlLUC of about nine to one of those in Attendance the association de- AID (.i...i in constitute itself a Union Tut v 'Eft or Tiir inuiiMTnv (iovernnient Association and vlr SSoAW ai lor .mPUon on .y rouni "! tunlly to drop its strict Oonstrvo Wr Ihr Ditb day of Septenibr. X. O. aliUialions. live adins the atndavlta or Jul ail Mi V! . ana ih. k rrl II la '1.n41 ' Httin bteMsllia, ointtal aiei M. Maaaoo. a..' . "" county of Atiia. u. m unniiu. e i. i M adotiQiatralor of all and alow- W . . i; . . .. ..-tM llMd WILLIAMS aa MAMSON Barristers, Solicitors. Etc " "I ba Dalle Nawttianer for two onaw to to Tki. Bxi k tK-r,.tin lutd uP"n IM conoiuoa ea nai ii in aaaeta aliail ixi aia Malteraun IU.I rtwe saien " wiS.ucc. Th MilUmry Sinte Owm. kr,,r,. if P'1 OurlBf the War W any Jsud by aiitr !p ''r,,,,0' who la a German, lukb-, tt,,r Munrarlaa. or TurkUb reeeeeeeeeeeee ta bu hcr' r raaidrnt. or to any oua THERE ARE MEDICAL BOARDS IN THIS DISTRICT AT krrm. Z. r to or oa behalf of any Harry A. Harvey hr . L Dl 10 Oarmany, Auitro iiua "u-aui or B'rla. of whatever (Lata Leaden, Kt Oeaeorvelalre M lht " W'thoui the aipraaa aanctlon af Muala) Prince Rupert Fort George Kamloops Vancouver rllu,',,, c,,n' "routb lbs Minuter roeit. or lansoovwhi oottkll ... ana Iff in. fllitMhiillAii nr New Westminster Victoria mw" I'udiIi Taken for Dawson City Hazclton ouotrary lo tbla conulUon a trmn. noun, riJuio. vioumccllo and tat rUu . I'rubau or lettera of adminla HARMONY. - " oa forlhwim revoked. 'B. T0IJNU, C.O.J. EXAM1KATI0.1S raalla rrard fee Snwlnailaat Saaealatad Board, Vaaaovtae, Cealer mas SUBSCRIBE FOR Waat Oollasa af Hwala, taaSoa, lit- LUT3amaaj The TER-MS - PHONE BLUE 278 Daily News