Wednesday Oi;,t,. , . , JTH 11 DAILf NKWA t HED CROSS NOTES Headaches Local News Notes aehrrtilly. mid nil Service Musi Precede Profil FOR S;ALE come mostly from disorders of h na.Vd on "Our l"""'-!. . , l"e '" fl r t l l in., the stomach, liver and bowels. fef gratified at ppienu. Regulate these organs and keep Pammlie stores display!" Ihe .. ....m inn unnvn i w..u Sawmill and Cold Storage Wo use the word "8ERVICE" in its liroadem . 218-50-52. the onjective. free from headaches by using t nlon Card. wand dollars was Men Attention I hut 11.275.88 was gauiereu hi -j inrnnlng Courtesy, Promptitude, Superior (loodt. Value r! First-class cottago and good BEECHAM'S Mr. K. Martin, of Anyoit, is pay-Iiir i.. Miioetnrs. who wero out early reived, ' ' " lot for snlo very cheap near a visit to Prince Hupert. and stayed out late on a very dls- That Is the sawmill. new llouso Is 20 X 30, one story, Mr. H. M. Haynes, of Victoria, ngrceable day. PILLS pile foundation, plastered, hns arrived in Prince Ilupert. The sum of 15.50 Is acknowledge! DOMESTIC BREAD hot and cold bath and a a Svatcr, tAwteet Sale el Any MWkUa la tie WafU llealtle, of the Queen with thanks from a friend I), O. electric light. Ilullt in 1913 SU everywhere, la Uim,IS. Mr. the local fund. "THE BREAD WITH THE LABEL" Charlotte Islands, is in the city. for at a cost of $1,000. . a A GREAT SNAP AT NOT! OK Mr. W. P. Lynch was among Mr. it. K. McMillan and Mra. $1,200 the arrivals on board the Prlnco (Jambie vktll have charge of the ia Casse Bakery To The Lad lea of Prim ltuprt. ituperl this afternoon. sale of home-cooking In Ihe lied For the (Hit time a vole on Clrle mil Cross tent on Friday. H. O. HELGER30N, LTD if rs I rirrn to ladiea who pay their noad Mrs. II. W. IHrch nrrlvcd lack m Tit. Anr ladr wtahtnt to eierclte thlt rirbt muit par the noad Tn, tt.oo, and in Prince Ituperl today after a The slnKing of the school make a decliratloa before n thlt momn. holiday trip to the south. children last Friday was enjoyed Udlet thould Uke it deep in Intern! In hr everyone. The pupils inarched cirie a dirt at mens therefore, eiereue Mrs D. It. Kennedy and family lamrffrrffr rour franchlie. down Third Avenue headed ry the tho nrrlvals from O. t0.7 FRED PETERS, City Clerk. were among nor Cadets and their bugle band "Hie Daily News" Victoria by the Prince nupert this Principal Ilrhdy marshalled them Your Range Should .-Save VOTERS, ATTtNTIONI afternoon. Into place and led them In singing CLASSIFIED ADS. patriotic airs. Miss Kasson, miss O'Reilly reraont, either male or femtle, entitled Mr. and Mrs. Martin to ote either at houaeholdert, thit It on and family returned to the city Klnir. Principals Ilrady ami nun a dependable oven, a good warming Hoid Ttx certiflcatea, or tt holders of this afternoon after a visit to Hie ler. as well as the other teachers closet, a durable nnd ample-sized llretirei. muil mtka and Ilia with ma thanked, and the WILL THE PARTY WHO TOOK THE PAIR decltratlon durlnt OCTOBER. lower coast cities. are heartily firebox, easy-working grates, simple demonstration r rentieroana riovea rrom ina ewt.. wholo affair was a Failure to eomMy will brerent reelilra room or tne si. Anarewi society lull atl.00 M Voter. I44-II Mr and Mrs. T. G. Heward nr- of patriotism that was good for draft control and a finish that requires in ntiui uauce n mm mui, i FRED PETERS. C1UT Clerk. rivf.l from the south today. Mrs. citizen and pupil alike. but little attention to keep clean. All kindly rtlurn to OCOce. lime Dally Maws October rd. 1917, Prince nupert. D. C Howard has been in the old coun these and many other desirable features WANTED. try on an eitended visit. The sale of home-Cooking last LAND ACT week realized the sum of 167.85. will be found in BREAD SALESMAN T Ail 1 Em kJ, AVr'J I a. rm a t a n MSTDIrT MSTtltrT nr Several more Hindus arrived Mi The articles presented, drawn for Caste' Bakery. to --" r:. the steamer this morning from and won were as follows: Airs WA.1TED Oeneral Servant, rood warea. the south to work In the Queett Prlng(Miresented flowering pTCIaryS Apply Mrs. M. P. McCafferjr. StI fifth Take notice thai Oranbr Contolldated Charlotte Island sawmills. 1 plant, which was won by Mra. II. Avenue. tii.I Mining, Smeltlnr Power Company, Ltd., Dunn; Mrs. D. II. McDonald a pin RANGE f Vancouver, occupation mininr and amelt Mrs H. Stevenson, of Terrace, KOOTENAY cushion by Mrs. 8. A. John WANTED Younr woman at kitcbenmald. I lnr. Intend! to apply for pennlttlon to and children arrived In Ihe city won PPl to Matron, Prince Rupert Oeneral I leaie tbe followlnr deterlbed landtr son; Mrs. Cornish a hand bag, won LOBDOX TntWO JJOrTWtU wTNITT-i- TAJtC T HotplltL tf.l Commenclnr at a pott planted at tbe last evening and left for Portland, by Mrs. Cornish: Jas. J. Walsh, SAtXAl t tbU' WTi .. oaibweti corner of Lot StJt, Cattiar Dlt Ore., where they will Join Mr WANTED Occupation by retired medical I trlct, thence north tt ebtint, followlnr Stevenson. box of cigars, won by Jas. Alex For Sale by E. A. Galland and Howe & McNuIly nan, clerical or commerclaL Qnallfled I blrb-water mark to tbe H.W. corner of Lot ander: Fritz Schultz. tobacco won aiperl in horticulture and poultry butllf; thence west three chaint to low The fled Cross Society have re by A. M. Davies: Mrs. llulger J sundry. Hlrbeat referencet. Martin I water marks tbenca touth and wit and by Mrs. M Kroerer, Prince Rupert, B. C. 170 I chaint followlnr low-water mark; thence ceiver! the sum of f 150 from the cream susar won eaai three chaint, to the place of bet-In Port Kssington branch as the re M. Stephens; Provincial Oovcrn- 1 MI.UflE.1T PERSON MIT Finn I nine and mnlllnlnr t I itrei. sult of collections made for "Our ment two sacks of potatoes, one t0 monthly corretpondinr for newt- lORANBT U ..soUDATED, SMELT Day" fund for the Uritish fled each won by Miss Morrissey and apart: l to 10 monthly in apart I ino at power com pant, ltd. Mary Morrow; J. u. Oavlgan, a time; experience unneceeearji no can-1 l. Fred Ritchie, Arent Cross. A HOT BATH THE vatainri aubjecu tuireited. Send for I Dale. Aurutt Ith, ISI7. Ocill basket of fruit won by Q. A. Mc- partlculirt. National Preaa Bureau Mr. T. A. Kelley, of the Kelley Nichol. room 1174, Buffalo, If. T. MINERAL ACT Logging Company, who are con MINUTE YOU WANT IT ducting logging operations at Atll Union Cards In a store mean You are sccuttt -nej to FOR SALE. NOTICE TO DELINQUENT PARTNER Inlet on the Queen Charlotte Islands, better wages and shorter hours getting cold wstcr la. arrived from the south on for employees. 218-50-52. A FOR SALE 8Uty-fle yarda Cork Lino slanlly. Thl:ik of theiat-isfaction To C. V. Calhoun t leum, Bra drettert. Ore wub-ttandt. Take notice, whereat I hart done and today's steamer. of gett $ I! t Barrain prlcet. Apply Emprett room. canted to be done attetiment work on the WANTED Water In th" an,- wsy u VMnfrht rnetlAn mineral ellfn lltnlted The O. T. P. steamer Prince 5 FOR BALE New Modern four-roomed ,,. .n,. -,. .k. ,.,,,. n.. ahundance. regifu.eti Hupert only arrived today nfter eotue. Ready early October. Applylrvn h. v,.. , ,' . ,h- Tie-makers. All winter's work. how much has been cel o'clock. She had been de P. W. Hart. one A "I mining dirttlon of Skeena dittrlet. alien- Apply Djbhavn Hanson, or before. layed account of the large ment work for 1011, Itll, and tl6, and on Hanson's tie camp, Sheraton. HOT WATER LIKE MAGIC MISCELLANEOUS Ibare paid for tald work and recordinr quantity of freight moving at I nine the turn Of 1107.10. I'nlett you pay present on the coast. flLD FALSE TEETH BOUOIIT Oa mlcaa-,Jm or ror your thart Harry Hanson .lie or metal platet. crown and I ' u M,d aitetament work, torether wl to The case of Wong How. the DENTISTRY biidrework hlrhetl prices paid, poit I the coat of thlt adrertltement. I thill, at H"t Water Service br&n Chinaman who was accused of without delay,, catb by return malL 1. um eipirii-on or ninety t aayt rrom you this convenic - Dunitone, 1411 Oeorna SL, Vancouver. tbe date hereof apply to tbe mlnlnr recorder tealing mbney from the trunk of CftOWN AMD SKI DM WOM ? Xtiahliined t7 yean. Oil. at Prince Rupert. B. C, to bare another Chinaman at Aliford Hay, A SPEOISLTV f i PHONE 449 P.O.BOX SIS your intereitt in tbe Mldnlrbt Fraction mineral claim vetted In me. In pursuance wns brought before Judge Young DR. J. S. BROWN LOST of the provisions of tbe mineral act this morning In the County court. ocRTtrr Dated at Prince P-r-ert, B. CL, thlt toth a Meat Bealth Meee. TOtr Ateaoi LOST Small dor, Jonr yellow hair, part ay of SepMnber, 1(17. Dll. Information reached town yes. Phet 4 French Poodle; hair cut abort on feeL II. C PIIILUPS. Antwers to name of "Dutch." Reward terday of the loss of one of the Advertise In The News tf. crew of the Lillooet. When at Daily Porch'er Island he went ashore, and on coming back, he failed to PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. reach the vessel. The worst fears Harry Atkins Stuart J.Martin are entertained of his having bene randy Uiitoliar, Prlnea Rupert. ASSAYEH drowned. General Teaming NOTED FOR The diver was expected to go DOMESTIC PRIME 8AU8AQE HAZELTON B. O. down at Shawallans passage to BLACKSMITH COAL day to locate the ends of the Tomato 8auaage a Specialty. broken water main. The sleeve Careful Attention to Piano The oldest established Assay casting which was made specially and Turnlture Removals. rtion ST4 . O. Box Office In the North. to Join the break Is in readiness Tin and it is hoped to have the broken PHONE S3. pipe fixed up bouii. The Worklnf, BUn'a liame. The Rev. Fathers Hart man, THE HUB Prince Rupert Feed Co. Deck, and Walge arrived from Vancouver on today's steamer J.L.HICKEY Bacona Av, batwaan Blith Bavanth PHONE SS They had been south for the consecration P. O. BOX 228 PRINCE RUPERT of Bishop nunoi. Ilishop CONTRA CTOil A BUILDER uunoi was at nrst expected I ' BOWLING ALLEYS arrive back today In Prince Ra Store and Ofllce HAY, GRAIN, FEED, SEEDS Fixtures, POOL and BILLIARDS pert, but he will not now arrii 8ash, Door and Moldings. LUNCH COUNTER and FERTILIZER until Saturday. I Oak and Hard Woods of all Give each of Your Repreaentlnri THE CRADLE kinds. Taylor Enrlneerlnr Company, Alice Chicken Feed Specialty We Children War Specialize In a Hard-wood Arm, B. C T. A. kelley Lorrlnr It Lumber Born to Mr and Mrs. James V Boat 1 Co., Ltd., Queen Charlotte I. Ribs, Sash, if WE CASH PAV CHECKS Collier, of Francois Lake, at the Doors, etc. Savings Certificate. Mat Tbe HUB your headquarter, Mall Ordart Promptly Attended la. Prince Rupert Oeneral Hosnllal Plate and w lavt your man addretted In our care. on October 23rd, a daughter.) Sheet Qlass and Olaxlng. TET them feel that they are Canada's Phene Black B10. H-E. NAVIOABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT. Roea, Prop. P. O. Bat 113. BOB Third Ave. Corner Fraser and 6th 8ta. partncni inai incy navo ciu R. S. C Chapter III. j definite share in the slern struffRle PHONE GREEN 209 the certain viclory and the free and floiious future. THE GRAHAM ISLAND HP BIT n CEDAR COMPANY LIMITED herewith P. O. BOX 448. Certificates flvt Encourage them to save and buy no ura win n oat under aeetion 7 nt th. themselves! You'll be their patrioliim, developing ttld Act denoalted with the vimiu. ,.i FRED STORK'S HARDWARE Public workt at Ottawa and in the offlce their thrift and their business sense for Canadian War or tne uutriet neriatrar of tbe Land Rcr-litry Savings Certificates offer absolute security and excellent omfe, bittrlci of Prince Hupert, at STEEN&L0NCW1LL Interest return. More important still, you will be FOR CANNERYMEN Prince Hupert, description of tbe tite tnd their future, (or every dollar We have added to our stock of valves and pipes a complete pian or tewioiu tlruclure and other worki it to Canada helps win the war. propoaea to tie bum in line of Rubber Helling at right Queeniiown liar- SANITARY AND HEATING prices. nor ai rorl Clemen ti. n r in f.. .. I V.I vi For each $21.50, $43 or $86 lent FOR FI8HERMEN iuh rive to ririeen mciuilve, ENQINEER8 eceoralir to A complete stock of the best goods that P'aq or me Townilta of tbe now, tho Government issues a Certificate, money can buy for Clly of Port Clement! rerlit.,.4 .... in thrco years, for $25, $50 or trolling Spring Hrass, Silver and lironze. afortiald Agents for Sayable Und Retlatry oroca as Plio No. Tills means that interest is added FOR THE WATERFRONT anu use nonce that arier McCLARY tbe x- FURNACES Certificates may at over 5f per annum. The celebrated Maple Leaf Paints and Varnishes Special boat plratlon of one month rrnm th. a... be purchased at Dank or Money tbe fin I ff any publication of II thlt paint "FLO O LA Z K" notice the Ml A. complete line of Ship Chandlery. Orabaju blind Spruce and Cedar Company PLUMBING mlsviccj Order Post Office. FOR EVERYONE Limited will under Section 7 of the A fine stock of Hardware, Qurney's Oxford Act tpf)y to the Mlnlltar or Piir.1l. nid and For the sake of Canada and your Stoves. at bit met In the clly of Oitama for approval SHEET METAL WORKS children, save and invert in War Savings We Sell Nothing But The Best. of the laid Bite and Plan and for Phone 5, 834 Certificates. leave U eonitruct tbe said workt Second Avenue. Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C. tblt N's-nl phones 57f) FRED STORK'S HARDWArI day THE of October.uRAIIAM A.ISLAND O. hit.BPRUCE AND nh tltk .. nl niue 270 Tho National Service Hoard of Canada.57 CEDAn ins rlaht .. CO, LTD. UI1AWA. 0 Nlckerton, Aent. " and at the right orlae.